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It gets better, apparently pictured outside a fertility clinic in Cyprus too!
Here we go…. 🙄🙄🙄
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She says on the pod that the Bankruptcy is going to be SUSPENDED/DISCHARGED, the trustees have given her a list of things she needs to do to do this, and is getting a legal letter from her consultants and signed by a lawyer outlining her MH issues!!😡😡😡😡
interesting how she says the trustees accepted her BS, doesn’t mean the judge will
She’s signed up for panto with katona
both playing ugly sisters 🤣
Going on another holiday with Harvey, he really wants to go away, might go back to Cyprus
So SHE says the bankruptcy will be suspended?

We need to remember just last week the barrister was speaking FOR the trustees, when he said the evidence was not good enough
, then the judge agreed the evidence was scanty and said she could be arrested next time . This is the opposite of the trustees discharging anything.

Also remember a forensic investigation has been going on since last November. Bankruptcies are suspended because of investigation and that is not a discharge.

I said recently I might have some info/ tea. I'm not saying where it's from but as of very recently. As in a few weeks before the bankruptcy hearing she was unable to produce evidence of her 'terrible' MH but was asking for special treatment. She couldn't provide the evidence even as extremely important stuff was taking place.
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Just going to bed, thought wonder if the podcast is out, it is, I just listened to the first 10 minutes, DC can update you later on the rest, I didn’t listen to anymore, sleepy now, but she is angrily attacking the media about her holiday, posting that photo of her, and saying she swerved the bankruptcy hearing. Added she can’t be at home as something has happened, that she had to go away….she doesn’t say it, but yes the kids have been taken from her, that is clear by that comment, and she is not happy about it.

Well then, here it is everyone, she has been signed off court 🤦🏽‍♀️ 🤷🏽‍♀️ It was agreed she didn’t have to attend, and she is NOT going to attend court next week, says the trustees have said she does not have to ( WTF is going on with them 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️) says she has been legally signed off appearing (what does that even mean) as her mental health is so bad she cant deal with it, media are trying to kill her, she is unable to appear in a public examination due to this, has been ‘signed off’, it ain’t happening Krusties 🤦🏽‍♀️

I think she’s done it everyone, she has dodged court and they’ve let her, unbelievable, I don’t think she’s lying, she’s thrown the kitchen sink at them with the mental health excuse and won by sounds of it. I don’t know what this means going forward, but she ain’t going to court next week, she‘s adamant, and I believe it 🤷🏽‍♀️

Everyone give up on the courts now, I already had, this is ridiculous, it’s looking like Madam Teflon Tits walks away unscathed again, I just don’t know what to say anymore. Her own hand will take her down, it’s the only way she’s going to be felled, ignore the courts, this bankruptcy is going round in circles, it’s going nowhere, nothing touches her. I’m not even angry, I expected this, just sad for all the people she has wronged, being failed so badly. Happy news for you all to wake up to later, FFS 🤦🏽‍♀️ I expect this thread to have a lot of chit chat today !
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So the COURT said her pa had sent an email last minute, but SHE claims she spoke to the trustees for an hour BEFORE she went on holiday to say she would not be attending.

Who is lying?

Why is her MH only affecting her BH and nothing else?
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Jeesus wept. I've seen some comments elsewhere someone was complaining that people are happy KP doesn't have her kids and saying it's mean because she's just crap but not abusive.

Right so drug abuse, sex in front of them, dressing them up and encouraging them to want to be a tit model at aged 8, repeated domestic abuse arguments in front of them where police are called, leaving them to talk to adults online ( for months), keeping them away from their dad for 2 years, leaving 9 year olds to boil pans and not have any meals whilst you're wasted .......
That's OK?
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Says she has had 4 days free in her diary so went away.
No one knew she was coming away apart from 'professionals around me' to just get a break from everything she is dealing with behind the scenes at home. Someone took a picture round the pool. Here we go...

As Kylie said, the court knew she wasn't going to her bankruptcy as mentally her consultant at the Priory, she has been signed off any kind of activity for court (So how come she could show up to the Residency hearings then?) She's mentally not strong enough at the moment, to stand in court, be cross examined in front of the media, in front of the public, for then the media to ridicule even more than they already do. The media is so cruel at the
minute, she is taking her bankruptcy so seriously , like I do everything else, it's a very serious situation she's in.
Her head needs a break.
Sophie then butts in to enable her by saying how the media has portrayed it, that she's not turned up but fucked off on holiday. That's how it looks to the general public. YES BUT THE JUDGE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT DID HE!!!!
Kp responds, the media write what they want to write and they do and the public are influenced by that, but she's not mentally able and stable to go into court, as she has a lot of things behind the scenes she is dealing with, hence she hasn't been on TT for months since December (BUT CAME BACK ON THERE YESTERDAY) can only do what her body and brain let her. Thinks the media are trying to kill her off. She's taking the BH seriously, but it's not like she jetted off on a 5 star holiday is it (BUT YOU DID GO ON HOLIDAY ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH) She wasn't in a £760 a night room either. Her friend (Lou) came to the hotel a week before she did and told them she was coming and to look after her, so when she went, they upgraded her for nothing. So it was actually a very cheap holiday. ME ME ME. There are reasons she doesn't want to be in her surroundings at the minute as she's having a difficult time. But she still has to work and do the things she can.
She's looking after herself. Confirms she won't be going to the next court hearing either, as she's had a letter (she wants everyone to know) from her trustees. Before she went on holiday she had an hours conversation on zoom with her trustees who deal with both her bankruptcies and explained fully her whole situation and what's going on, so they knew what's going on, also had a letter from court, her psychiatrists or consultants signed me off and they have given her a list to discharge her, suspend her from this at the moment which has to be signed off by a lawyer and trust be the truth and all that (??)
So she says she is back today and has appointments with her consultant, her therapist and everyone around her who WILL be signing her off legally (THOUGHT SHE SAID SHE WAS ALREADY SIGNED OFF?) as mentally she can't cope. Moaning about not getting any peace on holiday. Her little head is quite fragile at the moment, but she can only do what she can do (YEP, THAT SEEMS TO CONSIST OF PERFORMING IN FRONT OF CROWDS AND AN AUDIENCE IN THE LINED UP PODCAST TOUR, SUMMER SINGING EVENTS)
Moaning about the media writing about her being unstable if she was to turn up to court (SHE IS REALLY SHITTING HERSELF ABOUT BEING WRITTEN ABOUT) she just can't cope with it. She wanted to clear that up and she's not fooling anyone. She is engaging with everyone and with her past history always make sure you communicate. Mentally she can't do something she can't cope with, she is looking after herself, her head, because she doesn't want to go back down and have a breakdown. So she's only doing stuff SHE wants to do and looking after herself, in the gym, being healthy, being focused, being positive.
SFP asks if she feels better.
She's got 2 vapes.

Right need a quick vape before the rest!
Sorry to quote my own post, just realised I put I need to vape at the end. I meant I need a break, I don't vape LOL 😂
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Gee. even for her, this holiday is pathetic, it’s clear it’s a scam of a relationship, yet here we have the pair of them repeating her well worn, same old stories with a new man, honestly it‘s beyond a joke now, other than the likes of the Chardonnay types, her fans can’t be buying this 🤦🏽‍♀️😁 This guy is an absolute g*mp, it does look like he’ll do anything for fame, I can see an engagement ring appearing, he’ll go along with madam’s lies as he chases celebrity status. He really looks and acts as if he has a very low IQ, oh this guy is odd, he makes SB look like Einstein. I do think she’ll get bored of him soon though, she gets restless easily, nah she’ll be looking for a replacement when it finally sinks into her thick head this scam has no traction.

Really do hope this Skank is finally nailed in court next week and The Scum’s long wait to fully unleash on her happens. If as I believe, really bad stuff comes out about her, her new book promotion plans unravel, other than the army of braindead, no one will be interested in her lies, anyone who runs with her narrative interviewing her and ignoring what is to come, will be laughed at, heavily criticised online, I’m looking at you podcast people who platform her lies. It will also throw shadow over her podcast tour and pride appearances if she’s shown to be the c*nt we know she is, not gonna be a good look people supporting this Skank.

Finally my thoughts on the clan, the evidence against her for B & J to be removed must be really bad, Edna and the grifting matriarch must have known what was going on, yet they stood by and did nothing to help B & J, you are the worst. Edna particularly, you protect her, go along with lies on the podcast to fund your beige lifestyle, you let B & J suffer, you should have intervened, but no, coin is your God, you disgust me, I hope you read this, reflect on how you let down B & J so badly, and change, but you won’t do that will you, the clan gravy train is the priority, I hope coming events take you down as we, expose you all as the liars you all are.

Surely, I’ll play Kool and the Gang next week, surely 🤔 It’s time 👊🏾🙏🏾
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Barristers for the trustees of Ms Price’s first bankruptcy asked the judge to order her attendance at a future hearing and said she should be “on notice” that she could be arrested if she did not attend.

Darragh Connell, representing the trustees, told the court: “It is important that she is on notice of the fact that this is a possibility.”

Why would the trustees barrister say the above if the trustees had a one hour zoom call with her.

Just full of shit contradictions.
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Again, what about the mental health of her CREDITORS. No mention of them, no apology. Just ME ME ME as usual
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Stan Butler

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Bet that was why Edna's been visiting AFP on the I.O.W recently, can imagine the conversation between them.
Edna, "mum i've got some news"
AFP, "what's that"
Edna, "i'm pregnant"
AFP, "who's the dad, don't tell me it's fucking Arry"
Edna, "yes it's Arry"
AFP, "fuck me your stuck with the dopey cunt now. Have you told your sister yet"
Edna, "no not yet but I was thinking, will you invite her and kryten for a visit and tell her for me"
AFP, "you can fuck off with that idea, don't want those cunts here everyone already hates us because they know i'm her mother and because your cunt of a dad's tried poaching other fencers business"
Edna, "but mum"
AFP, "fuck off do your own dirty work, invite her round for a Sunday roast and tell her then" 🤣🤣🤣
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She's 46 for fucks sake, she already resembles a BT phone book. Sweet nicknames ... I've just nearly thrown up my coffee.

I suppose when the showmance ends "baby darling" is easier to get covered than a life sized portrait of Legoboy's head.

Just when you don't think she could get any more desperate. Skank comes out running.


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Says she has had 4 days free in her diary so went away.
No one knew she was coming away apart from 'professionals around me' to just get a break from everything she is dealing with behind the scenes at home. Someone took a picture round the pool. Here we go...

As Kylie said, the court knew she wasn't going to her bankruptcy as mentally her consultant at the Priory, she has been signed off any kind of activity for court (So how come she could show up to the Residency hearings then?) She's mentally not strong enough at the moment, to stand in court, be cross examined in front of the media, in front of the public, for then the media to ridicule even more than they already do. The media is so cruel at the
minute, she is taking her bankruptcy so seriously , like I do everything else, it's a very serious situation she's in.
Her head needs a break.
Sophie then butts in to enable her by saying how the media has portrayed it, that she's not turned up but fucked off on holiday. That's how it looks to the general public. YES BUT THE JUDGE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT DID HE!!!!
Kp responds, the media write what they want to write and they do and the public are influenced by that, but she's not mentally able and stable to go into court, as she has a lot of things behind the scenes she is dealing with, hence she hasn't been on TT for months since December (BUT CAME BACK ON THERE YESTERDAY) can only do what her body and brain let her. Thinks the media are trying to kill her off. She's taking the BH seriously, but it's not like she jetted off on a 5 star holiday is it (BUT YOU DID GO ON HOLIDAY ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH) She wasn't in a £760 a night room either. Her friend (Lou) came to the hotel a week before she did and told them she was coming and to look after her, so when she went, they upgraded her for nothing. So it was actually a very cheap holiday. ME ME ME. There are reasons she doesn't want to be in her surroundings at the minute as she's having a difficult time. But she still has to work and do the things she can.
She's looking after herself. Confirms she won't be going to the next court hearing either, as she's had a letter (she wants everyone to know) from her trustees. Before she went on holiday she had an hours conversation on zoom with her trustees who deal with both her bankruptcies and explained fully her whole situation and what's going on, so they knew what's going on, also had a letter from court, her psychiatrists or consultants signed me off and they have given her a list to discharge her, suspend her from this at the moment which has to be signed off by a lawyer and trust be the truth and all that (??)
So she says she is back today and has appointments with her consultant, her therapist and everyone around her who WILL be signing her off legally (THOUGHT SHE SAID SHE WAS ALREADY SIGNED OFF?) as mentally she can't cope. Moaning about not getting any peace on holiday. Her little head is quite fragile at the moment, but she can only do what she can do (YEP, THAT SEEMS TO CONSIST OF PERFORMING IN FRONT OF CROWDS AND AN AUDIENCE IN THE LINED UP PODCAST TOUR, SUMMER SINGING EVENTS)
Moaning about the media writing about her being unstable if she was to turn up to court (SHE IS REALLY SHITTING HERSELF ABOUT BEING WRITTEN ABOUT) she just can't cope with it. She wanted to clear that up and she's not fooling anyone. She is engaging with everyone and with her past history always make sure you communicate. Mentally she can't do something she can't cope with, she is looking after herself, her head, because she doesn't want to go back down and have a breakdown. So she's only doing stuff SHE wants to do and looking after herself, in the gym, being healthy, being focused, being positive.
SFP asks if she feels better.
She's got 2 vapes.

Right need a quick vape before the rest!
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Well she's not been gloating about her holiday the last couple of days :unsure: maybe it has sunk it how bad it looks.
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Although I am too angry right now to carry on listening, think I need a 4 day holiday in Cyprus to recover my MH, here goes...

Now on to her recording music for her tour.
In the studio next week in the evenings to record her tracks for the show. Blah blah blah :rolleyes:
God she's singing now.
She's seeing Adrian next week (Costume guy) she was supposed to see him last week, but he got a last minute thing (MAYBE A PAYING CUSTOMER?) SFP laughing how she is like Dame Edna.
SFP talking about potty training Albert. Albert had done a shit on the floor under the TV as she left him alone. SFP does nothing but moan about Albert, why is she bothering to have another one?
She hasn't really sunbathed, SFP has changed her hair.
KP has kept off the sunbeds, she took that rejuvenate with her on holiday, says her skin is glowing.
KP is going to the gym everyday, her body hurts, she's just training, training. She did a 5 min run the other day. She can't remember the year she broke her feet, was convinced it was 2021 or 2022 (NO LOVE IT WAS 5 MINUTES AFTER YOU GOT WITH CARL IN 2020) :rolleyes:
Trying to be healthy, it does help with her head.
She's not looking forward to getting home to face the communications and deal with stuff. If there's anyone out there in the same boat as her (YES KP WE ARE ALL IN A BANKRUPTCY) don't ever avoid, just communicate, it is such a good feeling dealing with it. (NO, YOU ARE NOT AS YOU ARE TRYING TO FUCKING GET SIGNED OFF) It's really shit. Wants any listeners who have dealt with their bankruptcy to message in to say how they dealt with theirs. KP has no one to talk to about it, hers just gets written in the media how the media want to write it, hers stemmed from when she had a breakdown and she ignored everything. The last 4/5 years has been really difficult with stuff happening in private. The bankruptcies are all different how they are, whatever (WTAF ARE YOU DROANING ON ABOUT WOMAN) she's trying to deal with her with dignity and in private, but that doesn't seem to happen (WHAT IS IT SHE DOESN'T GET? WHEN YOU GO BANKRUPT IT IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR A REASON, AS IT'S THE CREDITORS WHO HAVE BEEN AFFECTED BY HER NOT PAYING THEM) She can promise everyone she is stressed with it all, she is communicating and trying to deal with it.

Need another break! 😂
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God she is terrible at hiding her disgust with the Collajean. 😅 She tries to smile but you can tell she's trying to keep it down. She wipes her face then wipes both her hands on her JYY sack as if she's just serviced someone in an alley way and is utterly repulsed!

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I would hope not for now! The sheer level of manipulation and gas lighting she would use against them would be horrendous. They need to be left to settle for a while now, it's been a long drawn out ordeal for them hasn't it? I think she is running scared because she no longer has control of J, who she kept hidden away in case he told people about what was going on. I would imagine they are having therapy and a lot of truths will come out about what they have seen and endured.
I think they will have therapy & I hope so. I think they will reveal things that they have happened & been seen & heard going on in MM & other places, that may instigate serious investigations, if what I've been told is true. She never wanted to let go of those kids because she knew they could say things she didn't want out in the open. That's why she didn't want Kieran having contact with them. I'm sure those children must find peace, love, structure, proper meals & relaxing surroundings a world away from the life they had for at least 18 months😢 Especially Jett. Hopefully he'll be back to school soon, back to his football & seeing his friends. I do truly believe there will be repercussions & consequences for KFP for what has happened to those children & I think she already knows it. So all in all, 2024 in PriceyLand, is not a bed of roses, no matter what spin & lie's she want's to spout.
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