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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Hello my lovely 💜
Glad you feel a bit better, I totally sympathise with toothache, my blood disorder and having a subpar dentist last year, has meant numerous extractions in the last few weeks, I'm at the point of wondering where it will end. Add to that my CP side has decided to be in spasm the last few days. Rough time but I'll get through it. My husband is enjoying the silence 😂 He's been a superstar with my temper being shorter than an eyelash. I've been watching true crime documentaries and have been on tattle a lot

I hope you continue to get better. As you know your posts always make me laugh and smile

Sending my love back to you 😘💜😘
Thank you very much @JaneRev ❤❤❤🤗😊❤🥰💕😘💖 xxxx.
Sorry to hear on all the extractions you had to have, and how your health is, hope you start feeling a lot better soon 😘😘😘 xxxx.
Glad your enjoying the true crime documentaries and tattle. I've been on here over four years, originally only joining to enlarge any thumbnails pics.
Your husband sounds so lovely too and I'm glad his there for you too.
Thank you very much, got quite a few health problems but hopefully one day if I get even one of them better it be a bonus.
Loads of love and fluffy hugs to you from Pom 😊❤🥰💖🐶🐾😘😘 xxxx

Legohead loves his toy kitchen 😄 x ....

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I was on quite a long drive today...thought I'd listen to the podcast. I nearly choked when she came out with this towards the end......'Young kids don't need a phone unless it's to contact your parents or something. But if you're young you don't really leave your kids anyway do you....well I don't.' I hope someone's told Dim Lynne the bad news about her job now that stay at home Price is with the kids 24/7 🙄
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I transcribed loosely from the Alex Reid podcast.

Bits of this would support what F4J has said about abuse in KP's hands. KP was absolutely not bothered about her kids seeing videos of sex with partners and potentially their own dad as she had a collection of videos and images on the laptop they were playing with.
Alex claims she filmed him and her 'every time'. He's seen more than one piece of footage of himself. So it would seem she keeps
extensive footage and photos of ex-partners.
She wants to destroy people so badly and feels so entitled to do it she openly shows her illegally recorded revenge porn to people such as solicitors and judges in court. She is a voyeur / sex offender and doesn't care who knows it.

( About revenge porn) It was done purposefully to destroy me, financially, physically, mentally.
Went to court in 2017, KP said in court she had evidence of Alex’s depravity
They had court recess and had to watch the video, it was of her and Alex having sex.
She said ‘this is what you get if you mess with me’.
He couldn’t believe she’d what she’d just said, threatening him in front of lawyers and solicitors, asked if his lawyers if anything could be done and they said it cost money
Feels he has PTSD from the stress of the court cases and seeing headlines
Presenter How many years did the revenge porn gone on?
Alex - it still is, 12 years
I have 3 different police investigations going on Essex, Hampshire and Manchester police
I’ve had a considerable amount of threats, I’ve only had one this year, at the beginning of the year and we get phone calls, so we have traces on the phone calls, If someone’s calling you up and they’re talking intimate things, only people privy to the intimate things, that’s different. I mean I’ve had that a lot. I was blackmailed in 2013, around the time of that other case I was talking about when Katie shared that video with my lawyers. I was blackmailed at the same time with another case.
Presenter -Give me an example of that blackmail. Alex - They ahhh ( long pause) Kate’s laptop went missing, a week before this court-case. On that laptop was a sex dossier of lots of different people. Peter Andre, myself, and I remember seeing this, coming in one day and the kids were at the table and they were playing with the laptop and up pops these videos, What the? and I saw a video, an image of like…I ran over and I slammed it shut. I went, what you doing? I went absolutely crazy. Delete this at once! How come you took…and I saw it wasn’t just me it was other people on there and she promised me it was gone, deleted.
You know and that was a year, I was with her and so a couple of years later when I was in court I saw this video, it was a different video and she’d filmed us doing…she’d filmed us all the time and I wasn’t aware. I was not aware. As much as I’m an extrovert, I don’t want that stuff out there, especially not when I've got children….and literally being threatened on TV shows like This Morning, GMTV, Loose Women. Literally, directly threatening me, telling me I’d better shut up, all that is going to come out.
I’m like, hmm it was just before 2015 before the revenge porn laws came up. I’m not ashamed but I’m embarrassed.
Presenter- how did you deal with that
Alex - I was suicidal….I went to train, train like a demon, it’s escapism. Wanted to feel numb. I took some drugs.
( He felt he needed to take risky fights with complete killers to distract himself), had therapy, at times thought ‘I’d rather not be here right now’.

There’s a certain person, who’s managed to get off with everything, every time.
presenter- how many court cases have you had with Jordan Alex- I dunno, 10, 20, hearings. Revenge porn, that was the main one.
Presenter - How much have you spent?
Alex - Half a million, the sad thing is, it affects everyone around me.
Thanks for this ♥
Can I just draw attention to those quote ...
literally being threatened on TV shows like This Morning, GMTV, Loose Women. Literally, directly threatening me, telling me I’d better shut up, all that is going to come out.

Alex has proven to be a man of his word ... tick tock Kipper
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Pom Bear

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I'm on page 9 😀 x
@Facehugger. welcome back my friend, good to see you active again and on this thread. Love and fluffy hugs from Pom🧵😀❤🥰🐶🐾💕🤗❤💖😊😘 xxxx

I leave some older pics from my archives here and be back tomorrow 🤗❤💖😊😘 xxx...








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On his insta, KH is just back from a long day in London, wearing a shirt, appearing quite chipper :)🤞🤞🤞
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@Anna666 My Darling sending you Hugs 🤗 love and Healing ❤‍🩹
I had a shit childhood my brothers did similar to me and my Mum when she wasn’t in a Valium induced sleep wasn’t the best but she Loved me
I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for you to carry that, The Little Girl you were can Heal and Love regardless
Thinking of you 🕯🕯🕯🙏🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕
Thank you ... I didn't post for sympathy, just wanted to convey that real abuse happens to many children, by others who are meant to nurture, protect and love .... on a daily basis ...... with my mother .... in front of others, she was the perfect mother, she put on a good show, behind closed doors it was a living hell ... she would switch instantly, it was quite scary to witness, how she went from warm, affectionate mother of the year, to cold nasty beast who terrorised me ` we see this quite clearly with pwwiccee ` to the outside world, she fakes a completely different persona, my mother did the same, the guests coming to our home, were impressed by this lovely woman, who would grab, kiss us gently, while smiling warmly at us, hugging me the tightest .. I now look back at photos with her, and in every pic, she is smiling for the camera, and I'm thoroughly miserable in every photo, standing next to her, again we see this with pwiccees children ... I was quite quite a shy sensitive child, made even worse by her behaviour ... my father loved all his children equally, he never laid a finger on us, he also suffered at his father's hands as a child ... he provided a good life, we never went without, he worked a lot so was not at home as much .... which meant she had to deal with 4 children herself, which was common in those times, the mother stayed at home, while the father was the breadwinner, that aspect I can understand, even though she hurt me, taking care of 4 children, with a husband working all the time, is no easy task .... as Ive matured I have looked at things from her side, to try and understand her behaviour and why ... she was a young woman, who was sheltered back home in Cyprus, living in a small village, very loving parents, 5 brothers who adored her, by all accounts quite spoiled, even though there was much poverty at the time .... My father saw her fell in love, she was a stunning beauty, in her photos, she looked like a Hollywood star ..... he asked her father and brothers for her hand in marriage, they refused, he was quite a rogue, wild, walked his own path, not a good match in their eyes, he left Cyprus came to London to make a life, and she eventually followed, it was love .... my father loved all his children, but protected me more, because I was always the quiet one, we shared and still do quite a close bond .... my mother was very needy, wanted all his attention, wanted him to herself, often there were big fights because of this, she would throw these hysterical tantrums, psychotic behaviour off the scale, like a 3yr old toddler, it was horrible to witness .... he wouldn't bow to her though .... she thought I was the favourite, in her mind I was getting the love she deserved, couldn't control him, hence took her anger out on me, in her mind ... his golden child ..... which was bollocks, he loved all his children .... he became immune to her orchestrated hysterics, if he was not working so much, and at home, my mother wouldn't have got away with so much, also as an abused child, you keep the `secret ` I only told him at 17, what she put me through, children usually remain very loyal to their mothers, even if abuse is present ..... I've mentioned all the above, because I see quite a bit of behaviour that mirrors my mother in ` pwiccee ` ... the face they put on in public, is a farce .... pwiccee mentioned on James English podcast, that she can adapt to any given situation on the spot .... and they do, my mother was an expert in putting on the fake persona, in order for people to see this loving earth mother, it was an act .... those with strong narc traits, view life as a game, and sadly the children as pawns ... again like pwiccceee she would often try to get my sisters to turn on me, they wouldnt, so she gave them the silent treatment, and made them do extra chores as a punishment, often choosing one over the other to praise ` we see this with pwiccee ` they get great enjoyment, watching the children turn on each other ... finally .... with this type of person ` pwwiccee ` my mother ... living with them, day in, day out is exhausting, because its a constant MINDFUCK 24/7, this is how they live their lives, it really is all about ` SELF ` ME ... ME ... ME and fuck whoever gets hurt in the crossfire ... sorry for long post, just sharing on what her children must go through living with her .... I see A LOT of my mother with ` pwicceess ` behaviour and ultimately, it's always the children who pay in the end
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Trying to recover from illness and have too much time on my hands; so I thought I would post these shots together to highlight the inconsistencies and draw some implications (then I will move on). The fact the Alicia page tagged PollyannasKitchen and then tried to feign ignorance and shock at her being involved was particularly stupid. It makes zero sense for the Alicia account to reply on behalf of Pollyanna, she has already replied publicly elsewhere! I strongly suspect this was an error and I would now guess that Alicia and Pollyanna are the same person or Pollyanna is an admin on the Alicia page at the very least.
KP tagged Pollyanna In Jan 2023 and I think this is not the only mention of her. It is therefore not much of a stretch to say they must be on friendly terms. If this Pollyanna feels wronged by Kieran for whatever reason (maybe rejected by him) she could well be aligning herself with Skanky. Whether she was ever sent the video or is just claiming she was to fit a KP created narrative - we will probably never know. She/Alicia are certainly in the thick of it now. I think someone has deliberately antagonised F4J over the GFM and tried to rally anyone with a grudge against Kieran. It seems like a coordinated effort and has KP at the heart of it.
What astounds me is that all of these people seem completely unconcerned that innocent children are the collateral damage.
Now I am off to watch the Alex Reid podcast.


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The deluded idiot has just posted this, an AI representation of a hot young woman, all this new supposed gym and healthy living is gonna do this Skank is it 🤦🏽‍♀️ I think her brain has turned to mush, I do think she believes this is how she will look soon 🥴


Well I can play that game Skank, I just asked AI what you’d look like at 50, walking away from a plane….hmmmmm, I think this is closer to reality….

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That's probably why the GFM got mentioned by certain people, to try and get it shut down! F4J are fucking despicable for doing that! I think all the shenanigans that have gone on this week in relation to Kieran definitely points to the fact the he IS winning the custody battle and she is trying anything she can to stop him now. As always with her she thinks if she throws enough shit something will eventually stick. Absolutely appalled too to hear what Alex said about her having video files of all the men she has been with having sex with her and not bothering about the kids seeing it! That really is disgusting, to use her favorite word!
How she’s not being taken in for questioning by police after the latest revelations, amazes me. And surely, what Alex has revealed should mean he can bring more charges against her. But sounds like the poor bloke has already paid out loads & still never got the compensation & payment from the case he won😡 The fact he’s said she recorded him without his consent & Peter - jeez, she’s really a dangerous bitch. She’s much, much worse than ever imagined. This is much worse than that Bear bloke & I thought he was appalling. Her list of crimes, just gets longer & longer, yet she’s still got the enablers assisting her for some bizarre reason. I can’t get my head around it😡 is she actually due in court tomorrow & if so, what for? We’ll just have to wait & see if anything reported.
Loved our Kylie‘s post. Interesting & now can’t wait for her next instalment 🧐🤪. As the saying goes, ‘what a fucking year this week has been’🤮😡
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Has anyone else seen the leaked vid on tiktok of the infamous Pie incident?!
Came here to say exactly this.
yes, I've just seen it. I feel I've watched it against my will because I didn't immediately realise what it was.
As a long term KP hater, I know my take will appear bias, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be.
I saw no fear- I was chased and smacked as a child, would bolt to my room, and be still/cry/curl up...Jett flopped on his bed after entering the room and is animated and not seeming afraid. Annoyed, maybe, but not afraid.
Bunny chastising Jett is me and my brother! He'd wind Mum up and up and then we'd all be sent to our rooms and I'd blame him. Because to me, his big sister, it WAS his fault for behaving in a purposely antagonistic manner!
And as someone who grew up with being smacked by an angry mum, and then have had domestic violence situations occur, I don't feel any poison/toxicity/hatred in her flinging the pie.
It was just flung-not aimed or with intent to harm or scare.
Having watched it I'm actually even more impressed with Michelle- that room is teeny, she has 2 other children aswell, she works a hard job, she and the children are always well presented, she has friends, Kieron's an hunk lol...I can't compete!
I thought MP was fab before, I think she's incredible now🫶🏻
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It was always my theory that she encourages them to be quite open and probably indulges them in whatever fetish they like ( at least at the beginning). Then later she will use it against them or shame them with it. I think that's been pretty much proven by what Alex said.
I guessed Carl had some sort of 'doll' fetish.
Well woods suddenly shooting his Green stuff anywhere & everywhere 🤮. Decking, sinks etc. joined OF’s, unsuccessful. He must be reading what Alex has said & 💩💩💩his pants. Any bloke shes F’d needs to be worried. The Dane toe video appears to be mild compared to what else she may have🙀 Everything shouts, loads of illegal stuff she’s done/filmed. She’s always had cameras everywhere in the house, including kids bedrooms. Joanne the groom said KFP & AFP were going back on video’s to try & catch her out. Plus outside camera‘s to check when she arrived & left. In spite of the fact, the poor girl had Harvey dumped on her for days on end & KFP uncontactable🤮This was a very poorly child🤮😡. The way everyone has been treated is utterly appalling & shocking. Is the F’ing Karma bus in the garage? Hurry up.
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There is only one reason Bunny has had her phone taken off her and that's so she cant talk to her Dad. Any bullshit about taking it off her so she's not on social media etc is exactly that....bullshit!
KP hasn't cared for years, so why suddenly now.
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I’m staying schtum. But wish there was an 🙄 and a 💤 emoji for some people. But in the meantime - the ignore button is good. Honestly the pearl clutching is so boring now. I’d love to be as perfect as some people on here 😂 (not!)

Fingers crossed for some positive news soon.

Big ❤ to @DC16 too.
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Did I read on here they had just come back from their mothers and it was Kieran they were running from not Michelle. And the pie was in a bag? lol
If the date on the video is to be believed (and we have no way of verifying this as presumably it can be set to whatever the owner / user wishes) then it was filmed in the evening of 23rd June 2022.
20:16 is a timestamp on the recording.

The day before on 22nd June KP and children had been at the beige bison’s wedding in Sussex.

The 23rd is notable because KP attended an empty plaster class in the evening in London (an earlier thread contains a timestamped photo of KP at the event at 20:21 I believe). Kids were not with her then, so either dropped off earlier on 23rd or day before.

The 24th is the day of the court case for KP breaking the restraining order. Lots happening on those three days it would seem and a reason (not an excuse) for why MP may have been a wee bit stressed herself the evening of the 23rd.

Please correct me if I’m wrong on times / dates and sorry if this is old ground - I tried to catch up on the previous threads but they move so fast!
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