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I always feel slightly nervous posting here but.. fuck it I quite fancy Kryton. I fancied him on MAFs fuck it.
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Can anyone find the story that relates to this when they google?

'BITTER Katie Price is to lift the lid on her X-rated sex life with Peter Andre 2009''

I think it may have been archived on Digital Spy? I was reading it yesterday and now I can't find it?

She pretty much in 2009 threatened to reveal all Pete's sex would fit in with the dossier Alex mentioned.
She’s Stephen Bear x10 and I do not get why people aren’t seeing it. She’s a fucking predator and an abuser, has been for years and years.
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I don’t think she will now be going on holiday just yet. I know a lot of you were desperately looking forward to the Backgrid staged shots. 🤭
I’m also sure we will be hearing lots more on how she is changing.

No doubt she will be off to the hair salon to get those 28” extensions put in, in the next couple of days, the nails are already white, despite her claiming she is now more natural.
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Willow love all your posts, but don’t agree with saying ‘hope all of us who cared enough to contribute’.. I have been made homeless just yesterday, currently in a hotel with my dog (who I absolutely adore and would NEVER give up) until I can find a house. I am seriously not in a position to contribute, it’s bad enough trying to feed myself on a daily basis. But I certainly care about those kids.. some nights I can’t sleep thinking about them 😔
That wasn't a slur on those who didn't contribute. It was my way of saying thank you to Sam for setting up the GFM & for those who were in a position to put in some cash. I am sure many people still care, even though for some reason or other couldn't add any money to the fund. Sorry to read about your situation, truly heartbreaking. Hope you & your dog companion find a nice permanent place to live, very soon. Sorry if I offended you. Much love to you & your little dog. ❤ (y)
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Not reading anything into sink boy and Megan the trump being sat next to each other on the same sun bed under the same canopy by the same pool at the same resort until they go 'instsham official' and theres a picture of them frolicking in the sea with sink boy doing the lifty pose with megan the trump. 🤣
And she’s sitting in the sea eating sweetcorn , while he’s waiting to squeeze a zit on her face🤮🤣.
we’ve just been out for a bite to eat with a good friend. Interesting conversation. Is Dim Lynne as Dim as we think? OR, she’s ‘black mailing’ KFP. Got sacked and told her she needs a job paying X amount £££, to keep quiet about what she knows.🧐. She could sing like a canary about everything & just, maybe, KFP has met her match. Seems like a possible scenario. She’s got to pay her bills🤪
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What an absolute Shitshow all of this truly is .
So much poison , revenge, lies, abuse … and that of top of the usual drink , drugs, attention seeking , criminal actubitynarcissism etc.

I will say this - I’m not saying I think it proves anything one way or the other because if we’ve learned anything in the Life Of Price , absolutely nothing is what it seems.

BUT , I remember when I joined this thread & there was a common belief that she “ got away with stuff” because of sexual or drug taking evidence she’d kept on people throughout the years .

Well it seemed outlandish then , just as it does now typing it out .

But we HAVE learned today that she has a long history going back at least as far as Andre , of videotaping and keeping sexual footage of people taken without their knowledge.

And we all know she’s had a hell of a lot of cock since then.
It’s sickening .
But we are living in interesting times & seemingly every other day a new revelation painting her & those surrounding her in darker & darker hues .
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Thanks for this ♥
Can I just draw attention to those quote ...
literally being threatened on TV shows like This Morning, GMTV, Loose Women. Literally, directly threatening me, telling me I’d better shut up, all that is going to come out.

Alex has proven to be a man of his word ... tick tock Kipper
I think he's quite brave and it's right of him to speak up. Someone who keeps sex footage of all her former partners and doesn't give a shit if the kids see it needs some serious investigation.
He is a victim, a male victim who has been mocked and he's stood up again to speak out. I hope he will one day get some justice for what he and his family have been put through.
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And I’m sure 99.999999% of the population wouldn’t either. I never saw in those comments that were posted on here last night that it was for sex, but I’m always happy to be corrected and they did indicate a relationship, but was it just in a comfort way.
I suppose I just try to see the good in the majority people (but KP is the exception as she’s hurt and messed up far too many lives)
Hopefully those people who did share it, instead of dealing with through the correct channels will get their karma and be dealt with. Rolo’s death is how I found here in the first place.
Thanks for your update about the GFM DC. I hope it has done it's work and elicited a good result for KH in the family courts (if that is what all this latest crap is about and Kipper has been hammered finally) and that's thanks to Sam for helping, I hope they're ok & have shut it because no more funds are needed now as it's all sorted 🙏
Folks who have been on here a very long time have never doubted that you are a 'trusty' I've been here since about, oh I dunno, thread bloody 15 or something & had to ask 3 times for a Wiki 🤣 You've never done anything other than help the folks scammed by the Skank.
I hope something comes out soon that puts all this shit show to bed once and for all ❤
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Looks like Carl and his ‘trump’ as KP would call her, are in the Dominican Republic. (Punta Cana)
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From what I've seen in my time posting,but previously reading till Tattle reopened, the common denominator here is we all desperately want to see children back with their dad, pets rehomed and safe and Katie Price finally facing her reality.
Jail preferably 🙏and her creditors paid after MM sold, then she and her pathetic troop of family and enablers can continue their slide into ignominy and no one shall mourn their passing.
Sometimes that desperation for something to happen now can spill over into sparring with each other like cubs fighting over scraps. We need to remember who the actual enemy is, KFP. ♥
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Pom Bear

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@Pom Bear
Thank you for your message, it means a lot!😘
As you know with health problems you think you're on top of them then bang they all come along like buses 🙄🙄 I'm back at the dentist on Monday so taking it very easy until then. I'm looking forward to a break in London mid May with my husband for a joint birthday thing. It will be nice to have a break for a change

I'm fairly new to Tattle, however I read it a lot when membership wasn't available mainly for the skincare guru threads, then I fell down this thread but it took me a long time to post because I was so nervous. I shouldn't have been as everyone has been lovely here

My husband is great long story behind it but we met in 1997 went out for a year drifted apart and found each other on face ache six years ago.

I really hope that things start getting better for you too. Sending lots of love your way and thank you for the pic of Legoboy with his brand new toy xxxx
You're welcome 😀❤🥰🤗💖😘 xxxx
Yep that's true, it's very exhausting. My main health problems is my sleep apnea as even though I now have to use a machine when I go to sleep so I don't lose oxygen when I stop breathing. The trouble is I can still fall asleep by accident up to 30 to 60 times a day, that's why it's hard to keep up on this thread 🧵. It can take me 4 hours to go from page 9 to page 29, as I fall asleep little and often as it's part of my illness. When I fall asleep without my machine it can make me bad as I have the apneas without the pipe. I told I have 55 apneas an hour. An apnoea is when you stop breathing for 11 seconds. I had the home test and now have a machine.
Sorry that was long 😘 xxx.
Anyway good luck at the dentist on Monday and good to hear you off to London in May 😀👍 xxx
I'm happy you and your husband are back together again and also of course joining in on here, the first step to taking part is always scary but everyone is so lovely on this thread 🧵. Glad you enjoyed Legohead with his mini kitchen. 💖❤❤❤💖 xxxx.
Loads of love and best of luck for you 🤗🥰❤❤❤💖😊🐶🐾😘 xxxxx

Some older pics for you that you might have missed from my earlier tattle days. x....









Back later or tomorrow 😊💖🥰 x
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Comments are getting deleted on The mirror article.

This poster called the Alicia account Dan a couple of times that I have seen. It is all
so weird and utterly confusing!
It was suggested Daniel was the one controlling KP’s decisions towards her finances (the puppet master) despite Carl at the time encouraging her to engage and cooperate. It was said he does not have her best interest at heart. Sounds like he will be just as desperate as Skank to save his own skin so god knows what games he will also be playing.

I'm not sure exactly what makes sense.....people have had some good theories on who's who but i don't think 'Alicia' is Polyanna.
There seemed to be a difference in writing style, especially when 'Alicia' was typing quickly and made more mistakes. Not spelt well, multiple exclamation marks etc.
.......the post by Alicia that said something about 'The Priory awaits and Danny Boy'.... it actually sounded like the rantings of a lunatic......why would someone not linked to KP write about those two things?
Very, very weird.
It also reminded me of the 'Roots' poster around 2 years ago who sounded quite unhinged and posted screenshots of KP's mortgage arrears and made the same allegations as F4J..... as in Child sexual abuse ( but not in Kieran's house!)
We also have that disgusting, disgusting ploy to use a photo of a father and son on the Pricey fan page, It's horrific behaviour.....again similar themes to 'Roots' and what F4J claimed.
We then have Alex being abused for over 10 years? Harm wished on his baby ( like KP did to K&M). Alex also says KP's kids exposed to her disgusting revenge porn dossier.
The person who has done this ( especially if they're all linked) has a very disturbed mind, complete lack of boundaries with children and seems to become psychotic at times!

I think that all these revelations have been posted late at night someone off their face on ❄ at these times?

If this is the same person who has been abusing Alex. This should be treated with huge seriousness. It's been said so many times but what would police be doing if it was man with a sex dossier of ALL his former wives/ girlfriends? And 2 or more of those women were being harassed for 5 or 10 years?
This is huge and when Kieran went to police with a counterclaim of harassment in 2022 they should have bloody well done something!
There should also IMO be some cross-over investigation into what Alex has experienced, it seems obvious there are similar threats and a link here! No we are not police and we don't have all the story ( before someone somewhere points that out)
But for fucks sake. This criminal had a sex dossier on people , has been up in court liable for using it and has threatened people in the press quite openly over and over!
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Carl living his best life in the Caribbean with a hot new girl whilst all she has managed is skiing in Bulgaria with her pretend boyfriend (even though she can’t ski). why does this make me happy.
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A friend of mine had an absolute bitch of a mother. One week before she died she was nice to him and it destroyed him, it brought home to him all the years he had missed out on having a loving mother. When they're older, 30+ probably, B and J will look back on their childhood and realize the extent to which she's used them and what an appalling person she is/was in every way.
Yes when my mum was dying of cancer when I was 27 she was 48, she apologised but not for anything specific, she just said "sorry", obviously she had time for reflection, I just said its OK, then one tuesday afternoon the doctor came to see her, she was very ill and in bed and he came down the stairs and said to me and my mums fiancè she'll be gone by Thursday! I was in shock we thought about 3 years, we never knew because she didn't want to know and didn't want us to know, then I went upstairs to see her as she was crying as the doctor had told her, so I was crying a bit and she said"what you crying for" in a nasty voice, I just said"its because your Ill". Looking back now maybe the morphine made her say that, I don't know but to this day I have a lot of anger towards her for the way my brother and I were brought up, we never ever had a babysitter, we just got locked in the attic which was our bedroom, we used to climb out the bedroom window and run around the chimney plsying tiggy it, and peep over the rooftop and watch everybody come out of the pub, my aunt told me that when my brother was a few months old my mum and dad left him in his moses basket on the kitchen table while they went to some psychic thing! My aunt was only 15 at the time, my dad died when I was 2 so then it was just my mum and it wasn't great let's just say. But I wrestle with my feelings because I have a lot of anger then I feel bad for feeling like that because she died, I said to my Aunt, she was a good sister to you but a bad mum to us, my aunt was shocked when I told her things, I'm so thankful I had my grandma, Skanky will regret all this because B and J are left to their own devices always palmed off on somebody, getting zero attention from the Skank she is horrid, she is seriously damaging those poor children, I'm surprised I'm not mad lol.
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I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record commenting on the whole "I've got the worstest PTSD eva" storyline, but it absolutely sickens me 😒

When I was in Afghanistan my squadron would run clinics and (I guess you'd call them "Urgent Treatment Centres") for the local civillian population when we rotated off of frontline casualty evacuation duties.

At every single clinic we'd have women and girls from ages six to sixty, and even young boys, turning up and you just knew why they were there before they even spoke to the translator/local medic.
Unable to make eye contact, staring down at the floor or off into the distance, clutching at themselves, and some even struggled to walk or sit 💔
Some would even turn up with their male "chaperone" and you could see the absolute terror etched onto their faces.

But, we could not do a damn thing... No SARC facilities/staff, no witnesses (even family members) willing to come forward, no local police trained in investigating (or willing to investigate) serious sexual assault, no real punishment for sex offenders, especially considering the blame was often placed squarely at the feet of the victim.

We'd have female staff attend to their medical needs and try to get as much information as possible out of them via translation, but often they'd be too terrified to speak, or the talking would be done for them by a third party.

It was one of the many things which haunted me terribly when I demobbed. Knowing the extent of what was going on, yet being utterly powerless to intervene or provide the very best care and support the victims deserved 😔

My point being (sorry to rant) those poor victims never had a voice. They never will. So to hear this utter garbage being spewed so casually from her rotten gob just bewilders me. I know as a bloke I have no right to ever disbelieve an alleged victim, but let's be right, the majority of users on this Fred are women and even you ladies know she talks absolute bollocks. It all just seems so insincere and said for nothing more than to indulge her insatiable thirst for attention...

Anyway, sorry to take the Fred to a rather dark place, but I just wanted to get that off my chest. Time to put the kettle on... Yes, I know it's late lol x
Thank you for sharing your experience, I'm not able to fully share mine yet but thank you for sharing and understanding. Sharing experience and listening helps. I thank everyone for glimpses into their lives here.
One of the things I find helps regards Katie Price, I name her as herself.
In her endless goal for outer perfection she never touches on her inner self, so she will not change. She does not reach out to help others so therefore cannot be helped herself. Good night all, trust all OK x
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