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I do not believe she will willingly attend the next bankruptcy hearing to be questioned in court, there will be some excuse, most likely a pretend suicide attempt where she will be rushed to A&E.
I'm in two minds on if she will or not because I think even with all her bravado she does fear prison. The infamous 'suck my dick' comment seemed to be her rattled and possibly facing jail. She does seem to plead guilty too when she knows she's been caught red-handed.
I wonder if she has actually had a think now, or someone like Edna has told her she's in the shit and she will get a legal team for the next hearing because she's shitting bricks?
If Kipper pushes the MH thing too hard her diagnosis will become public record like Amber Heard ... a couple of personality disorders amd excessive substance misuse related to that ... no adhd, no ptsd, no more victim claiming bs ... go on Kipper, go for it
If she gets Beckered and there's a trial we might get some Amber Heard-level dramatic testimony and histrionics. Please God let Uk trials be televised by then 😁
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Pink Squirrel

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For anyone that doesn't know, Cole is her man.
Well fuck me up the arse with a spanner 😳 what in the name of all things holy is going on 😳 someone, anyone, PLEASE just stop her. She REALLY needs a lovely soft room with no windows & a special JWhyWhy jacket with long sleeves that does up at the back. She's lost the plot & then some! She is waaaaaaaaay beyond a hot mess 🙈 Surely now people are only watching her tiktacky to laugh at her? If she wasn't such a poisonous puss filled venomous old sIag I would feel seriously sorry for her. Her loving family need to do something & quick! Fucking hell, after seeing that AFP will need a heart transplant never mind bloody lungs 🥴

I am absolutely sickened, horrified & disgusted that nobody can remove those poor children from her. How the fuck can anyone with half a functioning brain cell think she's a fit parent??
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The hewj arse thread is mental and as for Barbara ....

Ps giving a crying child an ipad to shut them up makes you a tw$t
The same way she dealt with poor Harvey, instead of seeing whats wrong, helping him work through it, she gave him an IPad and Food lots of food to shut him up! Why Harvey is so unhealthy and doesn't know how to behave. She is doing the same with Jett, give him the IPad and junk food. Those kids don't stand a chance.
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Whatever she does to get out of the BH & is successful in doing so, the general public will not be happy. They've already had a gutful of it. She's certainly not popular on the media comments. She has no excuses left. It won't go away Cunt Bitch whatever you decide to throw at the BH. Your day is coming. Cunt hag!
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She knows she's filming a live to sell items but look at the state of her hair not an attempt to look presentable or professional, a shocking brand ambassador! If I owned this company I'd be furious. The ramblings of a disheveled mad woman!!
I just don’t think that brand is going anywhere ! I think they have a shed load of stock (from the illegal child labour sweatshops of SE Asia ) to get rid of and then JYY will disappear, and a new company set up for the next venture . There is no way any serious business would be marketing a brand in this amateur and tacky shoddy way if there was any long term plan in place for success ! Have you ever seen a promo for a clothing line advertised by a “model” bandaged up and hair got out of bed look !
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I've had the most wonderful 2 days getting my daughter sorted for prom.. I was beyond proud and excited seeing her off this evening, looking gorgeous.. Remind me again? Was skank anywhere near for Princess' prom?
Times like these make me burst with pure happiness, does skank feel these emotions for her kids special occasions or only when it's just come out the butchers shop in turkey? Urgh..
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Sunday Girl

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Why hasn’t she been cancelled in this mad world we live in by now, ppl get vilified and totally cancelled for less than what this mad bitch does on a daily basis.. I don’t get what ppl see or like about her. The number of times I’ve had this discussion with ppl (idiots clearly) in work.. when they’re telling me ‘oh but she’s good mum, she works hard, she’s a good business woman’ seriously WHAT?? WTAF? 🤦🏼‍♀️
please God 🙏 she gets a similar justice to the other twat Steven Bear.. this is what we’re waiting for
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Isn't it mad that she protests that CW is the love of her life and they're so happy bla bla bla but he's never there....
Like if u was doing work from home and the dogs ran in I'd be like 'husband' grab the dogs please
Or if I had the kids home while I was doing work he would be watching them in the garden or you know watching a film or something
Or he could be microwaving his ready meals for them all instead of having mc Donald's brought over by jayda.
It's just sooo weird I cannot for the life of me work out what is going on between the 2 but one thing I Do know for sure and that is they DO NOT love each other I don't think he even likes her, he won't even mention her on his instagram not even on stories that dissappear lol
Exactly, the Skank does tell some lies 🤦🏽‍♀️ There is no love there, a quick look at both their IG’s, neither features on the other ones anymore. Initially I think they did have a connection, I do think there was something between them at the start, #Slapgate changed everything. Reckon the relationship was already drifting, but after that it ended. She still needed him as a chauffeur though, and all the other jobs he does for her, his reasons are his quest for celeb status, he derives this through her, so together they gradually turned their relationship into this business arrangement. I also think there is some sort of very dodgy illegal dealings involved (his trip to Ireland again he was spotted on recently…hmmmmm 🤔) so they stay together pretending to the outside world they love each other, well she does, don’t think he ever says anything about her publicly anymore.

In a way it’s more of our karma, since she met Sad-Boy she has deteriorated in every area of her life, he cares nothing for her or her kids, just wants the lifestyle she brings him, the longer he stays the worse she is becoming, I don’t believe she’ll ever find another young new egg again, they have to be young with no baggage, and he’ll never go unless she ditches him, doesn’t seem she can. Long may he stay and continue enabling her decline 😈

Look at his IG….c’mon, nothing of her, just self promotion and love of himself, even the pic by the car is another woman 😁 hilarious Skank still pretends it’s love 🤦🏽‍♀️😂

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Calm down Kate, stop showing off - Jayda.

Kp Is screeching '9 pound!' at the top of her lungs.

Kp - I have severe ADHD , I'm not on meds, consultant says ( it won't work?) ? ' It will explain why I do the things I do it;s the way my brains errwired and explains the things I've done in the past'

What a load of shite!!!
What the fuck is severe ADHD, you either have ADHD, or you don’t have it, there are not levels of severity. The medication is pretty standard and it works, therefore you would be on it. Incidentally Skank people who have ADHD, do not behave the way you do, just a thought, maybe you should check out personality disorders before your next self diagnosis.
Seriously, what drugs would cause this? She's screaming, shouting, breaking into random songs.....
Wants to do a festival at the MM.

Skankfest !
She’s actually beginning to show signs of schizophrenic behaviour. The children should be not be in her care, for their own safety.
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Hello Krusties 👋

I have been lurking 👀 on the Mystery Presenter/Huw Edwards threads since the the weekend, but now I am back to see what the OG liar/Fraudster/pet killer/unfit mother has been up to.

Shout out to the Krusties who appeared on that thread, particularly @Jwren. I was always slightly behind on that thread and whatever I wanted to say and post, you already had, so it saved me a job 🤣🤣.
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I jumped on the end, wish I hadn’t, both kids still up at 1030, pretty sure J is getting zero or very little home-schooling, that kid is in big trouble going forward into his teens now, his education is so behind where it should be, and sadly no one will do anything about it. Skank just preening herself in the camera, pulling her hair constantly, obviously in pain (good 😈) Jedya seemed a bit off as well, then announced she was off driving now 😱 not staying over, as she had to be in London early tomorrow…..really, wow.

Both B & J now live feral lives, said many times now I’ve now parked my feelings about this, I can’t get angry about it anymore, yes SS are underfunded and the courts are fully booked up and also underfunded, but those kids have been failed. We can all see the Red Flags, they are numerous, she is clearly very unstable, they had Macdonalds for dinner (Jeyda dropped that in) basically live on unhealthy food, and I think that house is bloody dangerous, it’s falling down, water pouring in, but hey what do I know, it’s considered to be a safe heathy environment for them. Just find it very sad it has been allowed, she’s won that battle, somehow 🤷🏽‍♀️😔

Gotta be honest getting jaded with it all, she just does what she wants, I’m sure the H stuff tomorrow will be really annoying, there no consequences, but then again looking at her tonight, she is totally f*cked, her body will fail on her soon, she is a total mess physically and mentally, I guess that’s the consequence, that’s the karma. Roll on BH, can’t see how she walks from that, try as hard as she will with the MH card.

Also. Who the hell are these people buying this JYY crap, it’s horrible, a strange world I’m glad I have no part in 😁
Yip I'm with you, I've followed this car crash life of hers for years but she is beyond boring now and what is happening to B&J is an absolute disgrace, you are correct they have been failed.

As for Jeyda, she's an enabling scumbag, only interested in lining her own pocket.
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I totally agree with you tbh, she’s vile and brash and always screeching at something or someone.
I just felt it was a bit disjointed (like when someone tries to act a certain way) and exaggerated. These TT lives are used for selling stuff but they’re also like a weird version of everyone having their own personal version of Big Brother. You see ppl talking, singing, cooking, eating even sleeping, it’s weird, but it’s a vehicle for self promotion, whatever that might be. I thought she may have been advised to use it to show how manic she is.
Yes I see your point about the format of the videos..but who exactly would she be trying to convince she's manic? I think the main cause is because she's histrionic and narcissistic ( and probably off her face). Narcissism, histrionic and anti-social personality disorders are all linked.
I don't know if you watched it all last night ( I'm not sure why I did 😅 ) But she flashed her boob twice. She's said in the other lives 'I've got no underwear on and I might flash', so it's obviously something she thinks about quite a bit. She's on film doing it in the past, she was photographed in a hotel toilet doing it. That's a feature of histrionic pd. She craves the shock value and attention.
So I don't think that is part of an act. It's a long-seated issue. The tiredness at the end, that did seem like her drugs or booze had worn off.
Amber Heard was diagnosed as Histrionic / narcissistic. It seems like a nasty and very problematic combo, especially in how you treat others.
If she was honest she would come out and say she has severe mental health issues and go away for a bit to properly sort them but she never admits to a personality disorder probably because she can't play the victim then or claim all her problems are from 'men'.

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I do not believe she will willingly attend the next bankruptcy hearing to be questioned in court, there will be some excuse, most likely a pretend suicide attempt where she will be rushed to A&E.
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Cat Eyez

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I am not so sure about that .... Kipper is only favourite because of the lifestyle she has afforded Mummy Dearest - thats her value to AFP ... I think AFP is as big a narcissist as Kipper, its always been about number 1 where either of them are concerned ... AFP will put herself 1st and use the excuse of her 'final years and poor health' and hang onto her money
When you put it all together and look at it from that perspective, the biggest abuse of power for Katie, is her own mother. Thinking of all the awful situations she put her in and allowed her to do, it's where it all started.
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