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Brand new to Tattle, please forgive any errors I may make. I have been lurking on the outside for a while; so hopefully I am fairly clued up.
I hate KFP with a passion, I honestly think she is abhorrent. I do have some rather weak tea regarding a few aspects of her life. The most current tea relates to her OnlyFans and how it is managed. I have heard through friends in the photography industry that KFP’s account is actually managed by GloProject. They arrange shoots and gather a bank of content, then drip feed it to OF. It will be their admins making the posts and replying to messages etc. This will be why she references her “team” in her OF bio. For this service GloProject takes around 10% of the net income an account makes. They are very vague about what they do, because subscribers will most likely not be happy to know they are not actually interacting with the “model” the account appears to be run by. Another thing to mention is that GloP only works with non-nude models, any fans hoping for more will be disappointed. In a nutshell all KFP has to do is turn up for shoots or send over her own self shot stuff and let them deal with it. I can’t say for certain if she is still with them, I heard working with her was not nearly as lucrative as they had hoped. The likes her posts get are no indication of earnings, especially as GloProject use all the accounts they manage to like each others posts and therefore give an allusion of greater popularity.
Sorry for the long post, I hope it’s at least a little interesting. I will have to post the older tea when I recover from typing this one 🤣
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Sorry Krusties. Have been at my retirement job today - Registry Office Registrar. 8 weddings later - feet are killing me but slippers are on and just caught up. What a day! Didn’t like to hope that the hearing info would get out but there we have it. My understanding is that all of the previous hearings were public examinations that she’s not attended and I assume she has previously played the MH card and was given the benefit of the doubt as all courts do to start with. What I think has now happened is that the courts/trustee have given her the chance to supply all of the required information to avoid a court appearance but she still hasn’t done so despite lots of chances. Well the judge has now said enough is enough she can get her butt lifted bum down to Court on the first open date after 21st July which may still mean quite a few weeks away but the wheels are turning a bit faster. Non attendance of that next hearing for no good reason - the judge can issue a warrant. I read that it’s going to be a full days hearing. My god I’ve literally never heard of that - a whole day of questioning. She definitely won’t be able to use her usual bullshit/flannel/lie technique. As someone said it’s not Lorraine its a court of law and it won’t wash there. She had no representation it looks like today. Bankruptcy representation is very niche and very expensive. A bankruptcy lawyer would want to spend days and days with her to get up to speed to be able to represent her and she just hasn’t got that type of funds at her disposal. I can’t tell you Krusties how rare this case is. It’s off the charts. I can see the Trustee/court wiping the floor with her. She’s at last chance saloon with this although I still think she will attempt to delay/avoid further as that is her default technique The bailiff story is also interesting as they can only be chasing post bankruptcy debts. So she’s racking up debts whilst an undischarged bankrupt, she hasn’t really got a pot to piss nor has she got anything of worth as the articles say the bailiffs don’t want to take any of her shite as it’s not worth anything. If anyone has lived that life it’s not nice, knocks at the door, demand letters piling up. Don’t be fooled by the cavalier attitude. She’s just grifting and scamming from one thing to another now. Getting bits of money here and there. Well gone are the glory days when she could go to Toys R Us & pile cart loads of presents up/ shopping sprees etc. there was no big gesture for J, H or P on their birthdays. Here’s hoping a judge wipes that smug smile off her face. But don’t forget she has a “different” type of bankruptcy. Ha ha she thinks we were born yesterday.
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I really did not want to be the one to join tattle and start frenzied posting, but when it comes to surgery I have so much to say. The cosmetic industry is my area of expertise.
It looks like she has just had some cartilage shaving and soft tissue manipulation in the nose. If they had touched the bone structure you would expect visible bruising in the malar area.
I hope she has had the abdominal etching that was reported, chances are it will look terrible.
She thinks she can continuously turn to liposuction to solve her weight gain. However, lipo will not touch the visceral fat. At this point she is just accumulating extra scar tissue and deep abdominal fat, and getting bulkier and lumpier. We have all seen those people who get abdominal etching and yet they don’t exercise or address the deeper fat accumulations - they just look like a barrel with a six pack stuck on.
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The mention of Andrew Gould earlier in the thread and KFP’s silence has encouraged me to relate the other bit of tea I have. It is rather old stewed tea I am afraid, I shall impart it nonetheless.
A friend and ex colleague of mine used to work in the beauty industry and had the honour of performing some treatments for KFP in the run up to her wedding to Alex Reid.
My friend told me in much detail about one interesting encounter. On this occasion she and some other therapists were performing treatments for KFP and her friends, they were drinking champagne and getting increasingly inebriated. Kipper started loudly exclaiming that Pete was “the love of her life”. When one of the women there asked why they separated, KFP launched into the story of their split. Apparently she was at the stables with Andrew Gould and she was “feeling fruity” (her exact words apparently). She began getting flirty with Andrew and hanky panky ensued. They were discovered by AG’s wife Polly and she was extremely upset. She called PA and he arrived at some point. KFP was trying to calm Polly down and promised her all the revenue from her most successful company (at the time) for 5 years. She agreed to pull the last episode of the tv series they shot featuring her and AG travelling on a ferry and also suggested doing an exclusive story in the press and Polly would get the entire payment (I can only find the cover of this OK exclusive). All through this negotiation PA was silent, he didn’t shout, didn’t cry, didn’t speak. KFP kept waiting for his emotional reaction, he just stood there listening and then just silently left. She expected him to scream and shout later. However, she claims that after this PA never had a conversation with her again.
It seemed to my friend that it was the lack of emotion that PA displayed that really got to her the most. She kept repeating how he didn’t cry, didn’t shout etc.

Obviously I was not privy to this myself, but my friend is very trustworthy and not prone to embellishment. I know she worked for KFP for a fact, she had photos featuring Kipper in her old portfolio. Clearly KFP cannot be trusted to give an accurate account, the fact she was drunk does mean she was probably more candid though. She may have downplayed the extent of the affair, it seems quite unlucky to be caught the one time you stray. I saw the theories in the wiki about AG and a possible pregnancy. Not many will know the full story, but the affair is a definite and even AFP can’t bring herself to fully refute it.


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DCI Jack Logan

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So regulars to this thread will know I don’t post often but my best friend passed away yesterday she was the kindest most beautiful human ever and yet the skanky bitch is still here after more ridiculous surgery and jumping on the fake mental health bandwagon I’m glad I don’t live anywhere near her🤬🤬🤬
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We Krusties survive on tea, alcohol and the occasional pudding throwing. I am personally very partial to a lemon meringue pie....
Thank you for the welcoming messages! Haha, I followed puddingate quite avidly. It’s odd because I feel I know you all already due to reading as a non member for so long. I was so glad to find Tattle, I was always so frustrated by KFP’s such glaringly obvious lies being believed for years. I will never forget the way she embarrassed a sports masseuse the day before she and PA attempted the marathon. She was loudly proclaiming that she was going commando and then we are to believe she was in fact experiencing a miscarriage at this time!? She also gave completely conflicting stories about having her cervix dilated and being under anaesthesia in the US, but then claims to have had to wait for her body to miscarry naturally. I just remember thinking ‘why is nobody picking up on these massive inconsistencies’! That is where my deep dislike of her began.
I apologise for dropping my tea in the midst of the BH updates, I just couldn’t wait. The OF management is something that may well become apparent after a more in depth BH hearing, then it may become clear if her account is still managed by GloProject or whether they binned her.
Thank you all again for the welcome. Going to stare at the awful surgery pictures now 😮
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Whilst I am on a roll, I just want to mention one of her surgery lies that irritated me immensely. She claimed (via SFP) to think her bbl made her bum look too big and then quickly got it reversed. This is just utter rubbish and it is so easy to disprove. For starters why would someone who worried their bum looked too big then go and get obvious butt implants!?
I know exactly what occurred here.
She has had very extensive lipo across her body multiple times. This doesn’t mean she will be forever slim, because It is not possible or advisable to remove every single fat cell in an area and what is left behind can still expand. Also as I mentioned previously, it can’t touch visceral fat.
But you won’t have the density of healthy fat cells required for fat transfer, I found it hilarious that anyone would attempt a bbl fat transfer on her. Her fat is damaged and poor quality and did not survive the transfer procedure. Once her swelling went down and the unestablished fat was absorbed, she was left with no notable difference at all. Typical KFP lied to save face and had Sophie the source tell the press she had it reversed. You cannot just get a fat transfer procedure reversed!! You would have to wait a considerably long time to go back into the area, because further trauma can cause excessive bleeding and numerous complications. Plus from a cosmetic standpoint it’s highly likely to look lumpy, uneven and discoloured (especially the buttocks). She DID NOT get it reversed, it just failed due to her previous lipo. She was then forced to resort to implants to try and achieve the fashionable larger bottom.
The press just reported this as gospel, as they do with so many of KFP’s lies.
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I honestly think the karma bus might just arrive this year. I’m hopeful the house of Price will finally come tumbling down and not just because of the bankruptcy.
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You know what, I think we have all got Katie completely wrong. She really is the nation's sweetheart. I think it's about time she was recognised in the New Years Honour list for all the charity work she does 24/7. Patron and involved in a number of charities namely, The PWS, Anti-bullying, Domestic Violence, R4pe Crisis, The Samaritans, RSPCA, RSPCC, RoSPA, RNIB, Great Ormond Street Hospital, British Lung Foundation, Mental Health charities and Cancer Research.

Despite dating half the male population of the UK and being married 3 times, she is still on such good terms with every single one of her ex's and their respected partners/wives. She donates so much of her time and money to such good causes, even hours spent on TikTok selling stunning clothes as a favour to her bbf Jeyda, she is a top social media influencer with millions of followers.

Katie happily poses filter free with her many fans at events and wouldn't dream of charging them for the privilege.

She is never off mainstream TV, fronting many hard hitting programmes for her charities, especially for Mental Health and will soon be joining Martin Lewis to help give financial advice to the country. She is also currently filming a programme on the dangers of cosmetic surgery and writing her next best selling novel. A company director for her business empire, which have sold millions of products around the world and an employer to staff at her sprawling mansion, nestled in West Sussex.

Katie is also running again as a local MP and she is keen to help her local constituents and campaigning for the Police in her area to get the much needed funding. Her main aim is to be Prime Minister of the UK.

Never off the red carpet, constantly being invited a never ending stream of events, she has the world's top designers queuing up to dress her. She has the photographers eating out her hand when she gives them the shot first time. A model in her own right, who after 25 years in business knows the job inside out, Katie has the body and looks as if she was still just starting out. Katie practices healthy eating and regularly workis out, it wouldn't surprise me if she makes a guest appearance to the local schools to demonstrate her athleticism. She has also been known to frequent the recording studio and has topped the charts on a number of ocaissions, there truly is no limits to her achievements.

A selfless, law abiding, family orientated, hardworking legend, the media and public simply adore Princess Katie.

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The super fans aren't happy..they're coming for us! 🤣 fucking pricks!
I am so thrilled to have joined Tattle just in time to be labelled “dangerous”!

For any Katie Price fans snooping on this thread - I can assure you that I have tried to see your point of view. The thing is that every time I try to see the good you see in her, there are a few flies in the ointment. To highlight my sticking points, I will list some irrefutable facts about your idol:

- She has numerous convictions for driving under the influence, driving without a licence and without insurance. All of which poses a huge risk to other road users and could easily have resulted in the death of another motorist.
- She has been found guilty of revenge porn against Alex Reid in a civil court. She would have likely been jailed and added to the sex offenders register, had revenge porn been criminalised earlier. Trying to share intimate material gathered when you were trusted by your spouse is a disgusting breach of privacy. Revenge porn is a rising cause of suicide.
- A large number of her pets have had their precious lives cut extremely short by completely avoidable accidents. This is carelessness at best and just outright neglect and cruelty at worst.
- She is subject to a restraining order, after using vile expletives and displaying aggressive behaviour towards MP in a primary school playground.
- She has publicly stated on her own instagram account, that she used makeup to imitate bruising for a paid domestic violence story in the Sun. Thus showing complete disregard for genuine DV victims and the seriousness of subject.
- She is on camera telling a journalist that KH is disgusting, right in front of his own children. It is very damaging for young children to be put in this position and their feelings should be paramount. Whatever you think of an ex partner - you should never lay that weight on your children, it’s like tearing them in two.
- Finally and perhaps most damning of all - her bath bombs are very overpriced!

These are some of the issues I just can’t seem to move past and there are plenty more on the wiki! Ultimately if having morals, not being deluded, having concerns for children, concerns over animal welfare and not being blinkered to obviously awful behaviour, makes me “dangerous” - then so be it!!
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I’m loving finding all this out about her surgery! Very interesting. Do you know anything about the awful lip lift she had? It looks disgusting. She said it would mean she didn’t need fillers and yet she still gets them. Is this procedure irreversible and she is stuck like this 🙏
A lip lift involves removing a portion of skin from the base of the nose, pulling the remaining skin up and stitching it. Once the skin is gone that is it, irreversible. I was intrigued by the recent claims that she is having a second lip lift! Perhaps she is hoping for scar revision, but it would be a disaster. If the scar is larger than anticipated, it will be because she went and had a load of fillers and the weight of them has pulled & stretched the scar. You are not meant to have fillers after a recent lip lift.
I promise I don’t generally judge or comment on people’s appearance or surgery choices. Often the poor surgical outcomes are the fault of the industry, poor regulation, unscrupulous practices and greed (this is a whole other story though). However, if someone is a compulsive liar, abuser, animal and child neglector, revenge porn culprit who is flaunting their spending whilst owning millions - they are fair game!!
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Oh no!! No wonder the clan are so quiet, looks like they’ve kidnapped our very own DC!!! 😂 😂
I know!!! But, I've escaped their clutches, thankfully KP left the gate open again :rolleyes: they were trying to hook me up to a makeshift electric chair, luckily KP hadn't paid the leccy bill 😅 at one point I thought I was being waterboarded, but it was just the leak in the kitchen ceiling. The smell from the dog doodoos and the sewage on the land was quite disgusting, along with all the dirty takeaway dishes.
On my escape I almost skidded on all her unopened mail, but luckily 3, no 6, I meant 4 South Afrikans came to my rescue, we tried a couple of pink cars outside to escape in, but they wouldn't start and I wasn't going to drive the Hummer in my JYYYYY sliders, so Wallace kindly bolted me out of there, although I did have to search through a pile of her KPM dirty knickers in a container for a saddle for him. (Think I found the corpse of Dream Boy Al in there too) 😬
SB started chasing me on the ride on lawnmower, but the lack of maintenance meant he started going round in circles, the fields around the MM now have a series of crop circles which KP can investigate.

Sorry, I'll stop now!!! 🤦‍♀️
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Don’t hold back!
Thank you! I could honestly bore you all to death though.
I will just add my thoughts on a couple of things. Firstly I saw @tracey3871 mention scalp micropigmentation and I am fairly certain that KFP has already had at least one round of this already. She may well have had a top up. She had a rather extreme version of a brow lift with Dr Plovier previously. They made an incision all the way along the hairline, lifted up the forehead skin, cut off the excess and then stitched it up. This would normally lead to some expected hair loss in the area and I think micropigmentation was carried out early on. This adds delightfully to her wiggy hairline!
Her little shrunken eye could be the result of numerous things. Damage/irritation to the surrounding muscles caused by thread lifting and surgery trauma, leading to a change in the eye shape as the muscles contract/relax differently. This could then be compounded by bulky scarring from the eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) and the upward pull of the fox eye lift on the lower skin. Basically the muscles are not opening the eye as wide, scar tissue is accumulating around it and skin is being stretched from beneath and making it look ever smaller.
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Finally published my review, only took them 4 days! I did not buy the book in any form
Screenshot_20230709-191334_Amazon Shopping.jpg
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Skanky has encouraged every partner she’s had to be Harvey’s ‘dad’
She really pushed the narrative that DY wasn’t interested in him.
Harvey and Pete were close, but she was so furious when he left her that she made sure their relationship couldn’t continue.
I still remember her talking about Pete’s parents, saying they loved Harvey very much but would never see him again. Vindictive bitch.
Alex, Leo, Kieran, Kris, SB have all been called ‘the best ever with Harvey’.
She has also put Harvey on camera saying ‘I love you Daddy Dwight’
She has constantly used and abused Harvey’s special needs, and this is one of the main things I hate her for.
I would love this bankruptcy examination to uncover proof of her using Harvey’s money for herself, I think that would finally end her getting any media work. And surely even her most deluded fans couldn’t defend her then.
Poor Harvey, she has totally failed him :mad:
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Sorry Krusties. Have been at my retirement job today - Registry Office Registrar. 8 weddings later - feet are killing me but slippers are on and just caught up. What a day! Didn’t like to hope that the hearing info would get out but there we have it. My understanding is that all of the previous hearings were public examinations that she’s not attended and I assume she has previously played the MH card and was given the benefit of the doubt as all courts do to start with. What I think has now happened is that the courts/trustee have given her the chance to supply all of the required information to avoid a court appearance but she still hasn’t done so despite lots of chances. Well the judge has now said enough is enough she can get her butt lifted bum down to Court on the first open date after 21st July which may still mean quite a few weeks away but the wheels are turning a bit faster. Non attendance of that next hearing for no good reason - the judge can issue a warrant. I read that it’s going to be a full days hearing. My god I’ve literally never heard of that - a whole day of questioning. She definitely won’t be able to use her usual bullshit/flannel/lie technique. As someone said it’s not Lorraine its a court of law and it won’t wash there. She had no representation it looks like today. Bankruptcy representation is very niche and very expensive. A bankruptcy lawyer would want to spend days and days with her to get up to speed to be able to represent her and she just hasn’t got that type of funds at her disposal. I can’t tell you Krusties how rare this case is. It’s off the charts. I can see the Trustee/court wiping the floor with her. She’s at last chance saloon with this although I still think she will attempt to delay/avoid further as that is her default technique The bailiff story is also interesting as they can only be chasing post bankruptcy debts. So she’s racking up debts whilst an undischarged bankrupt, she hasn’t really got a pot to piss nor has she got anything of worth as the articles say the bailiffs don’t want to take any of her shite as it’s not worth anything. If anyone has lived that life it’s not nice, knocks at the door, demand letters piling up. Don’t be fooled by the cavalier attitude. She’s just grifting and scamming from one thing to another now. Getting bits of money here and there. Well gone are the glory days when she could go to Toys R Us & pile cart loads of presents up/ shopping sprees etc. there was no big gesture for J, H or P on their birthdays. Here’s hoping a judge wipes that smug smile off her face. But don’t forget she has a “different” type of bankruptcy. Ha ha she thinks we were born yesterday.

" I read that it’s going to be a full days hearing. My god I’ve literally never heard of that - a whole day of questioning. She definitely won’t be able to use her usual bullshit/flannel/lie technique. As someone said it’s not Lorraine its a court of law and it won’t wash there. "

So for anyone who thinks she is getting away with the bankruptcy - she isnt - it is getting serious now!

Thank you @Schmooze and @DC16 for keeping us updated.

The wheels are turning achingly slow - but they are still turning!
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Thanks for the info schmooze, how do you think it compares to the Becker case?
All of KFPs stuff to date are civil proceedings in the Insolvency court by the Trustee for non compliance. Beckers were criminal as the Trustee found assets he hadn’t disclosed which is a bankruptcy offence so went down the criminal route. Of course the Trustee may have discovered the same with KFP and criminal investigations could be taking place as we speak which could move her into the criminal courts.
@Schmooze the bailiffs story is puzzling us, not sure about court orders being granted until after the bankruptcy has taken place. No one is aware of any such orders. Could she just be trying to make out she has nothing of value 🤷🏻‍♀️
The bailiffs can only be coming round for debts that she has incurred after her bankruptcy. She has alluded in the articles to parking fines although what car has she had in her name? but it could be any debts like council tax etc as she is liable for anything she has incurred post bankruptcy and not paid. I think it’s true she has nothing of real value unless she’s hidden stuff from the Trustee. You only need to watch MM to see that. Everything is wrecked or covered in dog shit.
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Daisy Uncle

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I was in Turkey a few months ago, delayed check in queue to return was like halloween, Mr uncle was trying to guess the procedures, one woman could barely walk. There were obvious face lifts, nose jobs etc. Jaw dropping stuff but the air crew didn't bat an eyelid at the walking dead shuffling into the plane.
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