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No mention of the lung transplant. Bet it's not even mentioned in the book. It was just a pre recorded message, flogging the book & serialisation in the Scum. AFP had told everyone the book was about HER life & upbringing, NOT about KFP. There will be some small things mentioned no doubt, like AFP's mother posed as a mermaid to promote/advertise something, but got sacked for nipping off for sneaky cigarettes. Her father was stationed here in UK during the war & said he was a driver for Eisenhower! AFP was lined up to represent England for swimming in Olympics. Wonder what she'll say about her 1st husband, father to KFP & Danny, the fact Mr PP worked for him when she was married to Ray. Bet this book will be a total pack of lies. I will be interested to read what come's out of the book, via Tattlers(y)
I have to ask.. who the hell gives a flying turd about Amy fuckin Price, the queen B of bitches who just so happened to spawn an even worse bitch. I wouldn't even clean up my cats shit with it. Such an ego, does she thinks anyone actually gives a toss about her, her life or her iron lung, fuck off
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Wake up, get my cutie daughter sorted for school, blearily eyed think let’s have a look at what that Skank has been up to overnight……oh my f*ckity f*cky f*ck, what now 😱 Kylie sits back aghast, oh my f*cking my 😱🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

Edited as I just noticed I thanked one Tattler for grabbing the IG post, just checked back and saw a few of you grabbed it at the same time, so a big thank you to all Tattlers on the ball last night, OMG I’m praying the Red Tops reading here and run with it. Yay to the overnight team on here 🥳❤

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Still feeling grubby after watching the live, like peering in someone's window and seeing something you wish you hadn't seen. The Price clan need to stage an intervention and fast, this is someone in serious decline now. No wonder B hides away in her room making videos if this is a regular occurrence , poor kids 😢
I feel the same. I couldn’t go to sleep for ages thinking about it all. I hope Peter gets Princess out of there - she didn’t seem too fazed by it all and probably has no idea her live allowed us all to see it unfold right in front of us.
I heard Skank say let’s share what we are up to, something to do with a month of filming, something for PLT? Unless I was hearing things but Princess didn’t seem too keen to go into any detail.
As for the police and Jett thing - this gives us proof she’s bribing him with ££- who spends £100 on Roblox - that kid should be outside having fun and with his dad instead of being cooped up on his iPad all day 😞
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so here’s a question for the red tops …. This is her normal speech in the daytime….. _ but at night she’s slurring her words and all over the place - she says it’s the ADHD meds … the ADHD meds would cause her to slur no matter what time of the day! when are they going to stop supporting her rubbish and do some proper reporting that would earn themselves the title of “Journalist’ instead of the tripe they are printing out right now!
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Someone on Daily Fail posted he's gone off to Spain with her (Ibiza possibly). WHO has the kids & is feeding the animals. WHY can't Kieran get those kids back as she's never with them. They're always with the young Lackie or other people. Should be with Kieran who loves & cares about them. Now is when authorities should be knocking on the doors of MM.
If I was kieron that would have been the finla straw and if she has fucked off with carl I would drive round pick my kids up and tell Kp ill see her in court
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The dog's doodah

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We know she's been brainwashing the children (Jett in particular) against their father. She's now basically admitted that she bribed/rewarded Jett for speaking to the police. If it's true that Jett did speak to them, I guess someone from SS would have sat in on the interview with him. Also, I'm sure the police have people trained specifically for interviewing children and would know when a child has been coerced into making allegations and telling lies.
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Pink Squirrel

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Royalty!? WTAF.... Jeez Aisleyne must take as ❄ as KFP allegedly does....

Women supporting women my ass, have they forgotten that KP already cheated on Cole, maybe (if this is true, which I don't believe it is) Cole is just getting his own back!! A free pass

Royalty, that's absolutely hilarious 🤢
But she is royalty.... Queen Bitch, Queen Skanky sIut, Queen pet murder, Queen liar, Queen of bad surgery, Queen no nipples, Queen shittiest mother, Queen deluded mental bitch, Queen washed up talentless tramp, Queen bankrupt & on & on & on
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I said in that make-up video, it looked like P and the boyfriend were taking the piss out of her. I don't think she's OK with her being as she is but I also think it's way out of her depth to try and be responsible. KP needs sectioning.....or proper care.
She needs checking in to a facility now. She has been off the rails before but seems in a spiral this time. The kids shouldn’t be witnessing it.
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pepe le pew

VIP Member
If you watched the video clip of Price, along with Princess, trying to physically break into Kris Boyson house. Trying to climb through a window with him expressly telling her to leave. Then you will understand that nutty inappropriate behaviour in front of her children is normal in Katie Prices house. They’ve seen it all before.
A woman grown woman discussing her boyfriend or ex partners with a child is inappropriate.
The god awful toxic talk she must be dropping in Jetts ears will be troubling. But he is a small child, what else can he do except believe and accept what his mother who loves him, tells him.
We shouldn’t know, or see, anything that happens in that house, or, more importantly, in those kids lives. But we do. Because Katie Price films everything and posts it, and what she doesn’t post she reveals in interviews, on Instagram and various other outlets. Why don’t those children have a protected childhood, or even a modicum of privacy?
Yes we discuss her children. And why? Because she posts photos, videos and posts that make us frightened for the safety and well-being of those kids. prearranged pap shots taken of a child revealing a contact centre was morally reprehensible
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Oh I was expecting a serialisation, so The Scum who are tearing her apart these days have taken it…interesting 🤔 Also agree about money going to charity, it will be minimal, this is not a family who do anything for others, this is one last money-spinner from the matriarch.

I’m also expecting a media blitz from Skank and Edna in the next couple of weeks. I’m actually quite fascinated how this will pan out, Skank’s IG and even her FB is a cesspit these days, yes the thick-heads are still there but I’ve seen many previous fans turn on her of late. There’s a swirl of negativity around her, let’s see how this goes, and is the transplant card going to finally be played, surely it must be in the book, how can they ignore it, and also why have they all this time. Really thought Skank would have used it for sympathy but all we’ve had is silence. Guess AFP said no, didn’t want the publicity but then we have this book. Willow was the transplant mentioned on this radio thing ? It’s odd Skank has been stoped from saying anything, there was coin in that transplant story.
No mention of the lung transplant. Bet it's not even mentioned in the book. It was just a pre recorded message, flogging the book & serialisation in the Scum. AFP had told everyone the book was about HER life & upbringing, NOT about KFP. There will be some small things mentioned no doubt, like AFP's mother posed as a mermaid to promote/advertise something, but got sacked for nipping off for sneaky cigarettes. Her father was stationed here in UK during the war & said he was a driver for Eisenhower! AFP was lined up to represent England for swimming in Olympics. Wonder what she'll say about her 1st husband, father to KFP & Danny, the fact Mr PP worked for him when she was married to Ray. Bet this book will be a total pack of lies. I will be interested to read what come's out of the book, via Tattlers(y)
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Why is P 'managed' by anyone? Shouldn't she be focusing on her education?
That is not our decision to make, however, as P seems to want to do some mowdellin and tv stuff - at least she has an experienced manager in Clare to guide her ... Clare is nothing like Chad or Rhymi. Anyway, I don't like the tone of your posts on this forum, you are quite aggressive so dont bother replying I have decided to ignore you
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Sorry everyone, never deployed the ‘GIF’ at 8am before, but it’s time, I cannot stop laughing….what a start to the day….

I have to play it, reckon it’s a liquid lunch in my fav pub today, the pair of them are such Twats and her mind has totally gone now, it’s time to…..

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SB is at home, not with her, wherever she is!
I love you DC, curiouser and curiouser 🤔😁 Today has been a good day for following the fall of Madam, I have laughed with a passion all day long 😂

Skank could be trying out for her new potential WAG status, here she is trying to push her way into the current England generation of WAGS….sadly the girls aren’t happy with Mum turning up, they are looking like they want to distance themselves from her here…..

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Junior has likes her latest instagram post. She never once mentioned him the whole time he was in Ibiza, not even the fact he was performing there. You’d think she’d be really proud but because PA and CAN representatives are heavily involved she’s such a bitch she’d rather ignore it. I really feel sorry for him as she so obviously doesn’t give a shit. Prinny on the other hand……well I can only imagine the shite she’s going to be posting on her birthday. She’s honestly just vile.
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