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Let’s face it, Thailand is known for sex tourism. You’d have to be naive to think these people weren’t around. All of KPs antics on this holiday have been deeply troubling. I hope she’s quizzed by SS on her return.

When exactly IS this bint coming home?
I find it quite worrying that some still dont believe, that this goes on ... Thailand has this rep for a reason ... I'm sure there are good decent people who are just there to enjoy the rich culture, sadly its quite a poor country, and many cant feed their children, that's where these ` deviant tourists ` take advantage ... you only have to go on youtube to see documentaries on this seedy side of the country ... some do ` sell ` their children, in order to get money ` the destruction of Daisy ` is one of the worst things I've seen in a while, I wont repeat what its about ( its truly heart breaking, please be warned, quite a hard hitting true story ) .... on what goes on in these countries, where a child's life is cheap and for sale .... pwiccee is going to Thailand for a reason, what that is ... is anyone's guess ... one things for sure, it is not anything for the benefit of the children ... she has just dragged them along to score points against their father, hence putting them in danger
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I think this is his only option.Although I do understand why a lot of us on here feel he should do something immediately.
And I hope that when there is something legally concrete in place, KH gets something sorted out about who holds the passports.
Yes it's no good him doing something dramatic and getting arrested again. Then there'd be two parents with criminal records, the kids could end up in care if neither parent is suitable. Why would he risk that....he won't and he will have been advised not to do anything rash.
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Wanted to reply to this comment on last thread ... I think Kipper is chasing a free correction, she either can't afford to pay or won't because she thinks she can get if done for free based on her zelebrity ... more macarbre is that I believe Slymi wants her to carry on looking more and more fkd up, he makes money off messed up past it desperate zlebs like Westcrack ... he is a ring master for freaks


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At a rough guess, with flights, hotels, more inflation of boobs & bum, food, shopping etc, this so called 'holiday' must have cost over £20K, not bad for a bankrupt :mad: I have to question WHY there's the fascination with Thailand? Those poor kids, having to watch this mutant posing for pictures, is no 'holiday' for them. OK, she couldn't go to Disneyland in States, with her drug & RO crimes, but something much more child friendly would have been better for the little one's, IF she really wanted them to have fun. But NO, it's NOT for those kids, it's for HER only. I am sick & disgusted that a 'random' bloke, who she may well know, is taking pictures with Bunny. Who is looking after them now & WHY was Crawl allowed to be near those kids? IF something else has kicked off with Crawl & the mutant (same as SlapGate), once again, the kids have seen it. I'm rarely posting regularly now, because I am sad & sick that nothing will be done to address her disgusting behaviour. The authorities seem to not care. Those poor kids have been literally 'snatched' from their daddy, with concocted lie's she made about him. I truly believe she only wants to keep the kids as a way, in her mind. to keep MM. BUT 11 bedroom home, still isn't needed. 3 month Jett not in school. We don't know how often Bunny goes to school & certainly taking them out for this 'holiday' is unacceptable. But Katona did the same, went to court twice about kids not attending and NOTHING happened. I am worried about Jett & Bunny's welfare now, all of us are. NOBODY seem's to be able to help Kieran get the kids back. I pray the authorities will act quickly to remove the little one's from the mutant, but I suspect nothing is going to happen. Her family are disturbing me too. SFP has a young son now and should be well aware, that her mutant sister's behaviour is erratic & unhealthy. But still enabling her & posting lovely 'fluffy' comments. Shame on her & the rest of the Price clan. I would have loved KFP to be arrested as soon as she stepped back into UK but sadly playing MH card is going to forfeit anyone touching her, I suspect & she knows it. Seem's SHE come;s BEFORE the kids welfare. Very, very worrying & sad. Rant over - sorry.:cry::cry::mad:
as she is still bankrupt and as not been discharged from it she should not even have any money spare to even have a week end in Blackpool never mind 2 to 3 weeks in Thailand(every spare money after living expenses should be paid back to her creditors)
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pepe le pew

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So her youngest is 9. So Kieran has probably another 8 years of harassment to put up with because when the kid link expires, these children will probably cut themselves out of her life. Princess and junior seem to keep her at arms length. Both these kids will probably have media driven careers. And when they don’t cut their mum in on their shows or earnings she will probably turn on them too. My fear is she pulls Harvey out of college and that structure where he has flourished. Or, god forbid she becomes pregnant again.
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You would think after KFP alleged sexual assault as a youngster and all the other alleged assaults that she would be more vigilant than most regarding her young daughter

Her actions dont speak of a caring parent who suffered sexual assaults and the trauma they cause

How many times has she been sexually assaulted now,FFS

blimey i used the sexual assault rather alot,apologies
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How about a very late sing-a-long thread title suggestion? To the original theme tune.

Katie Price #254 Minger Minger Minger Minger, Minger Minger Minger Minger, Batnan !
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Sadly not true ... these pervs blend in, look like everyone else ... of course there wont be a queue, waiting to take pics, that's a ridiculous thing to say, a pedalo will never bring attention to themselves ... its done discreetly, while taking photos/videos of the pool, palm trees, the sea, and they get the child in shot as well, that's how its done .... Ive worked with child protection, been some years ago now, where these scumbags use every trick in the book to perv over children ... those with an unhealthy interest in children, are more careful, and sneaky than people realise, a deviant doesn't come with horns, and claws, they dont advertise ... they look just like an everyday joe public, on a sun lounger enjoying the pool/beach ... which is why, so many get away with it ... believe what you want, Im speaking from what I know and have seen over the years on how a deviants mind works ... actually quite a few will tell you, being discreet, and getting away with it, gives them a rush, Ive worked with enough of them, on the inside to know how they operate, which is why I moved far away from that line of work ... one day I point blank refused to listen and try to understand, support someone who takes pleasure in hurting children, couldnt do it anymore ... they deserve to hang, not have sympathy
Let’s face it, Thailand is known for sex tourism. You’d have to be naive to think these people weren’t around. All of KPs antics on this holiday have been deeply troubling. I hope she’s quizzed by SS on her return.

When exactly IS this bint coming home?
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Chatty Member
What’s the point though they would have to be removed this week as back at school next week ! Oh wait a minute,nahh she won’t send her back I can see that happening.😡
They'll need removed anyway because 1. She's too young to be able to care for a hair style like that (washing it can be difficult, it causes abrasions and cuts from the hair being pulled at the root, I'm not making judgment on whether a child of that age should have braids, just that care is difficult) 2. They can hurt like heck on fine hair, which Bunny has because if the extra weight, and that also causes neck pain, difficulty sleeping until you get used to it. They can also cause sores on the scalp which an adult would just suck it up and accept in most cases, but for a kid it would be difficult. I've had them a couple of times myself when I was young and they take a lot of care.

(I'm a trained hairstylist qualified in fitting most types of hair extensions, but have particular experience in these kinds of extensions/braids, I was trained by an African woman about 25 years ago when I was 18 and they were very popular with n the 90s. I haven't done them for many years for reasons relating to the fact I don't want to be accused of cultural appropriation as this style/cornrows in general have a lot of historic significance which I didn't know about when I was young.)
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Chatty Member
If this to be believed she is still there - god knows what the kids are doing 🥵🥵🥵

Oh Kylie - I have just said exactly the same - almost word for word 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
I'm wondering if she's taken someone from home to look after the kids?
Housekeeper/new nanny one of Kalelahs friends/sister,one of Lou's cling ons?

We all know she hasn't been looking after them all this time,she isn't capable 😡🤬😠
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Maybe! Emily is a great dresser, maybe people read to get fashion tips. I was about to go out in a see through shirt with tape over my nipples but Ems has shown me the way!
Well, each to their own.I’m cutting one of Mr BMH’s vests and doing a Tesco shop with major underboob.( just on the one side).
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Was it Angela something?

If it had been serious they would have the two kids,they would have been taken as well.
Amanda Kelly? My memory is abysmal!

There's a lot more to this alleged "abuse" story than we are privy to, i'm sure. But, knowing Kipper's past history, i'd put money on her blowing it waaaaay out of proportion for her own gain.
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Oh God. Here she is on the phone to Harvey. 'Hi Harvvvv, mummy's havin a tattoo so can't see you, it's down near my muff, do you luv it Harrrrv?'.....'Yes mummy, fucks sake!' 'Harve! don't swear.....cacckle'.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.48.00.png
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So, I was in the shop this morning and someone bumped into me. Nobody's fault but I said sorry, as the English do. I picked up a couple of bits and it happened again. I said sorry, said OMG I'm really getting in your way, aren't I? Looked up and it was Daddy Woods. Now I don't think Carl's bad looking (in the filtered pics!) but his Dad looks really old and scrawny and I would be worried about ageing if I was Carl.
And then I was kicking myself after for not just blurting it out.... "So are they together or not?!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Did he say anything back?
I mean, the unspoken rule is that you are gracious or witty in return.
“ Dun worry abaht it darlin, no ones fault......I can tell that you’re a lovely little lady, unlike the slag my boy is stuck with”
Ps I get my examples of speech patterns from reruns of the Sweeny....sorted.
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Is that him sending his ex a picture of the new hideous tattoo. Please Dolly , I know I was a bad boy , I promise you I wont do it again, I'll stay in the cupboard, wont upload anything to SM, unless you tell me to. I will drive you anywhere you want to go, even if it's to meet a new man. I'll watch the kids and clean up all the piss and poo. Just please tell everyone you're not single .
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Claire Powell from CAN has posted lots of pics of Peter Andre and a few of him and Emily on her story today. It must be his 50th birthday today. KP will be raging.
And this on Junior’s Insta.
And this on Junior’s Insta.
When is it her birthday? I’d like to see if/what gets posted. I think Junior says so much by not saying anything at all where his birth-giver is concerned. I hope the others follow in his footsteps eventually.
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