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She was advertising slimming pants on insta last night 🤣 not a pick on her, pregnant my ass
Maybe Colons get upset with people calling him a Jaffa 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Could you imagine if she did get pregnant. Christ who would look after the baby, the woman has no fucking morals at all .
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I didnt think id be on here again,been reading,But I am so frustrated,and do miss the people on here,Why am I frustrated? and you are the only people who will understand this,ok shes a liar,biggest on gods earth,But Ive known many Liars, Ok her Boyfriend,(Personally I am convinced its a business arrangement) is a dickhead,But everybody knows someone who goes out with a dickhead,and if they want to act like second class steptoes selling their old tat, up to them.
The thing that really grieves me is her kids.Duck and dive all you like,But even the Biggest arsehole protects their kids,
all you parents know that. Harvey is very vunerable,highly suggestive,he should be cherished and looked after,
Do you know when he swore on tv alot of people think,oh thats harvey a mental case,then when she uses him to promote them crap meals,he swears,she thinks its a laughing matter,He is not disabled he's special,So that thing is looking around for residential colleges and she says he smashed up 6 TV's and a projector,were was the parental supervision, if he was that violent,youd get the boy help,if you loved him, after one TV youd be wary.So if shes lying about the 6 Tvs shes using her own son for column inches,which is despicable, and how is any college going to take him after that? also,the boy is a mental case as she as made out and she puts him in his own home?
Every article you read(all planted by their pet journalists) about cole states how ocd he is,house proud,got a HUGE tv,
But then hes made a gym in his garage for harvey,There is NO way somebody like that will let a violent kid who smashes up the place within ten miles of his home.
Breaking News " Whos going to look after Harvey if I die?" Well you dickhead,it will be cole your husband who you are going to have a kid with,who the papers tell us has a special bond.
Anyway sorry about the rant,All parents will get the gist of my ramblings,
Here's some of the signs/symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder lifted from Google:
  • Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
  • Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerate achievements and talents
  • Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
  • Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
  • Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Be envious of others and believe others envy them
  • Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
Do those not describe KP down to a T?

An inability or unwillingness to recognise the needs and feelings of others - she doesn't care about Harvey. To her, Harvey is something that can be commoditised to make her more money and boost her profile.
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Top comment:

"Out Damned Spot, Lunatic Asylum, Vatican, 1 hour ago

He's going to run off with Bianca Gascoigne - They have been seeing each other, and texting for a while in secret. Watch this pace."

Katie Price shares a passionate kiss with boyfriend Carl Woods | Daily Mail Online

As an aside, hope the Blue Badge Team are watching as she seems to be doing just fine getting around without any aid :mad:
Comments on the DM article are brutal, hardly a single positive word about her.

Except that is for the ever reliable BunnyCuddles:

BunnysCuddles, Brighton, United Kingdom, 27 minutes ago
Lots of brave keyboard warriors on here. They wouldn't say it beautiful Katie Prices face. She would rip them a "New One" LOL LOL
Tell you what BunnyCuddles, I'd get right up in Pricey's ugly grill, and say it to her face, then if she tried to rip me a "new one" I'd fucking chin her!

Then I'd knock Cole out too, just for the bantz!
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Cloud Chaser

Well-known member
Seen this?

Is this for real? I thought it was weird that Autism wasn’t mentioned on Harvey’s clothing story or that Anna Kennedy lady that helped with the documentary about Harvey. So as the Sun has pointed out Katie was found guilty of revenge porn.She was found guilty of revenge porn against an AUTISTIC person!😡 I’m literally so angry! I went on Katie’s twitter and she hasn’t even retweeted Anna’s post about Harvey’s clothes, instead she’s tweeted about a Cancer Victim.
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That is the most embarrassingly obvious pap setup that I’ve ever seen. Highly doubt his man bag was full.
Who would carry something like a pregnancy kit on full view like that? You just wouldn’t. If you didn’t have a bag, you’d carry it behind that bag he has in his hand. Especially if you’re in the public eye. This is ABSOLUTELY 100% staged with a photographer waiting. Why can’t people see how obviously desperate for ANY publicity she is?
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The skanky flapped tramp shouldn't have Funghi Fern anywhere near Harvey full bloody stop. She couldn't give a flying fuck if he gets Covid. As was said in the last thread, he's been failed so badly by all relevant services. Why the fuck has he not been removed from her care? Absolutely zero need for the clip of him swearing about a plate of mayo ccovered slop Bolognese. How can the stupid bitch caption it that's he's "loosing" weight?? I honestly think the poor lad is still gaining. And I assume the younger kids are also used to hearing his colourful language. All as a result of Skanky Flaps 😡
Years back about 08 there was a thread on another forum about pwicy and andre teaching Harvey to swear,that was Harvey’s party piece done for a laugh 😂.she’s never been a good mother at any stage of their life’s.
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Now using a glittery crutch FFS
DC16, crutch looks suspiciously like the one Bunny was playing with whilst Skankyflaps was packing before she went to Turkey for her 'fall'.

Plus (I'm on a roll now), what the fuck is she feeding Harvey? Looks like a double serving of Prep Kitchen spag bol covered in mayo? He's not losing weight, poor lad. She is killing him. Why doesn't someone take him out of her clutches? His language as well. We can sadly guess who he's heard that from.

Don't even get me started on Bunny (believe 5 or 6) with straightened hair and caked in make up. Princess I sadly feel is a lost cause. Both posted on social media for any peodo to see. She is by far the worst mother who walked Gods earth.

Clearly Pete and Kerian love their daughters. I don't understand why they don't do something? NDA, money, who knows?🤷‍♂️
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Chatty Member
@Cloud Chaser just sent u an inbox. Nothing interesting guys, something that I’m not putting on here incase nosey non tattlers snoop, if u get me *WINK WINK*🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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So she’s selling these yellow Bershka shorts for £12 yet to buy them new they were £10 Typically with her it’s yet more evidence of dishonesty and ripping her fans off
I guess you’re paying for the added vag smell and stains 😳
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Can’t believe that she would be so irresponsible to let Jett sit on her lap while driving. Then again, unfortunately, it is Katie after all. Nothing surprises me with her anymore.
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Could you imagine if she did get pregnant. Christ who would look after the baby, the woman has no fucking morals at all .
It really rankled and sickened me when she taught Harvey to repeat 'I LOVE YOU DADDY DWIGHT-YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!' and video'd it for the world....x
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Pink Squirrel

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I bet you love reading all this don't you Katie & Carl? 👋👋. Does it make you mad that you can't delete the TRUTH here? We're getting a lot of new members because you're both soooooo popular 😂. Trot off back to The Scum & carry on deleting. Katie, we haven't had an Amy story for a while. Has she had her Covid jab? That would be good for a bit of sympathy 😊
Another business suggestion for you. Katie & Carl toilet paper. It would be a great seller. Many, many people would love to wipe their arses with your faces 😊
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Pink Squirrel

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No it is still there and she has done a video message on her stories about how all the people affected where silenced and threatened and she’s not going to let it drop, also this was the first guy to speak out.
I hope more speak out now these 2 have!
I haven't had a reply from Channel 4 yet. I'm thinking about sending them another email highlighting her foul mouthed tirade on this woman.
The bullshit Harvey non story in The Fail is just an ad for the clothing range. She daren't directly plug it because of all the backlash she'd get.
I'm also thinking of emailing Anna Kennedy. As a parent myself of autistic children I am disgusted with all of Skanky Flaps behaviour. Born Anxious does not need to be associated with her. She's publicly bullied an autistic adult to the point of suicidal thoughts & needing years of therapy FACT

Will Crawl post a stomach turning tribute to his "Dolly" today on international women's day? After all she is a strong, independent, hard working, selfless, giving, caring, role model & amazing mum.....oh wait 🙄
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Especially when she said a while back she outlives him.
Be careful what you wish for Katrina ~ the way you've always overfed Harvey means that, sadly but inevitably, his heart could pack in soon. There you go, problem solved. Because let's be honest, you don't REALLY want responsibility for him now, do you? Meanwhile, I'm reluctant to post my thoughts on Harveys' ongoing care because I too have a 22yr old boy with autism. Every parent worries sick about how our kids will manage in the event of our demise, but who knows what the government will be doing in 20 years time? (Probably making more cuts to fund this diabolical Covid deficit) So one mustn't assume they will take care of our loved ones as anything can, and does change. Harvey has four siblings who will need to come to some mutual agreement regarding his future. Myself, I have stipulated in my will that I hope my son would like to remain in our house with perhaps a room rented out to carers/buddies to ensure his safety and gentle reminders to take his meds. Other than that there is always semi-independent living and the council, I think, have a duty of care to protect the vulnerable. Sadly, Harvey has complex needs and anger issues, so if the rest of KPs brood can't or won't help, he will end up in an institution heavily medicated.

Ron Class normally spouts off excuses and his love of all things katie, attacks others for supposedly trolling her, so what does he call this on another article. Is Ron Class trolling another effluencer.

Is Ron Class Katie/Carl or her brother or Chris, who knows but common theme with Lord welly, Sir Coddywallops and the other pseudo names they use to defend Katie from tattlers exposing her lies. Just like bunnysnuggles or whatever it calls itself now, they attack everyone but Katie. Who are the trolls...Skanky's minions.
Yup ~ definitely trolls. I read them but don't comment. Thank God for Flawless and Stan, Palace Tone et al for upping the ante on those threads!
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How the fuck does she keep getting away with shit! What the fuck is she made of Tefal?Total ugly cunt she is inside and out.
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I saw the pregnancy test pic, I remember when my wife woke me up with a positive test telling me she was pregnant,
It was a wonderful thing,some things are so exciting,and personal,Now I dont know how many fellas are on this site,But this is Totally from a Blokes perspective. I understand why people hate that trailer trash ,But why hate Cole?
Well , in my circle he would be a laughing stock, He would definitely not be considered as a Man.ill ask you Girls, is that a thing you would want to spend the rest of your life with? There are more things in life worth more than money,
and between the two of them i havent seen one loving, caring, honest thing that doesnt involve money,even with her kids everything is an advert, EVERYTHING,
If he was a geezer who earnt his own living and let her do her own thing,perhaps I would respect him,But with these
two nothing is not for sale, Trust me these two are souless,because they have sold them,i have know celebrities,you have a public persona and a private persona, But at least these two are consistant,what you see is what you get two selfish sh*tbags,
and dont ever be convinced about engagement,pregnancy etc etc, the only thing thses two love more than themselves isva bloody mirror
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My neighbour posted this on FB. I think it is apt for skanky and cole
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Was it is with ‘man bags’ they look so fucking tasteless,blokes in my days would tell you to Fick off if you got them one of them..They back then stuck fags,lighter in pocket.Mind you no phones then,oh i remember the brick phones when mobiles first came out,never see guy with one in a ‘bag’ though.🤣
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