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It is pathetic on so many levels - he looks a complete hen-pecked tool - which he is. One day he may say 'no - get it yourself' - if he manages to grow a pair that is.
What a slitty eyes cunt he is,that’s on display FFS,does he think Joe public is fucking stupid like him the slitty eyed cunt.My fucking blood pressure is going up just looking at slitty with his stupid trackies on.Once a cunt always a cunt.fuck orf to never ever land.💩
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I think Cole must either have 0 self awareness or he's really stupid to not see how much of a laughing stock this relationship is making him. He's a nobody now and in the future he will just be known as one of Katie Price's exes. Great career move hun.
The fact that he doesn't care about all of this, just proves what a shitty person he really is, doing anything for 'fame'. He's already shown himself to be a bully, a control freak and someone who has anger issues. I would love to know more about his past relationships and the mysterious person who is insistent that he has a 4-month-old daughter. Remember when he was popping pills in the TGI upload on YouTube? I now believe he was involved in Katie's 'accident' and that is why they were so hush hush about it all, and why he was so keen to show us that he was looking after her.
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Oh dear
Pricey calling her a fucking Whore,is this not bullying or what?
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Maybe the great minded tattlers could come in with an informative narrative that could be directed at the plastic dolly obviously including all her driving bans, night in the cells ,not bringing Harvey up, revenge porn, restraining orders etc etc, cheating, lying oh the list goes on. Then maybe get a chance to unleash in the chat all her shortcomings, wow how long would I be in the chat before I was silenced 😂😂😂
Don't forget to tell her before you get gagged that the last time she messed about with candles was in the mucky mansion, where she lit one in Juniors bedroom to cover up the stench of cat piss and it set fire to his curtains 😔 best she keeps away from them buggers 👍
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liar liar

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Girls night in with Katie Price £30 a ticket apparently she’s going to chat to everyone so my fine followed tattlers who’s going to take one for the team and call out the horrid bitch for what she is 👍
Oh I thought she was selling loungewear silly me. I don't want to be in the same county as her let alone listen to her and pay for the displeasure.
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i am sorry for going into one, But we have all known couples we have disliked,Hated but there is always one moment where you think at least they love each other,and your heart melts, just have never seen nothing there,sorry,But that geezer is becoming the one person I cant stand,please correct me But I cannot for the life of me see one redeeming feature,winds me up big time,knobhead,had my rant now ill go x
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She 'll want the bankruptcy discharged because all debts wiped off and you start with a bloody clean slate... I looked it up... Thats she s not used any of her earnings to pay any of any her creditors even the small ones.... That's why I m praying the judge won't do that and extend it and enforce stiffer repayment monthly schedule she has to stick to it or the judge 'll haul her swanky arse back to court. We can but pray 🙏
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@freda19 totally agree with her getting them infected BUT the scars are in the wrong place for bunions. I watched that utube vid and something just isn’t right tho.
She sounded drunk when they were bandaging her up but I suppose it could’ve been meds. Y was she upright and moaning at them? Surely she would’ve been out cold if it was an op or were they acting a little bit for her? Plus as we all know, where are these pictures? Was her ‘camera man’ with them on this trip if so surely that would’ve been GREAT FOOTage 🤣 plus if she can film her own son on a stretcher for ratings, she would surely use herself for a few quid and a headline. Was she high as a kite and they watched it back but it was too obvious 🤔. Again, as another tattler said, there wasn’t a scrape on her from hitting anywhere else so she either landed like a cat (I’m sure if she did, she would’ve had more than smashed to bit hairlines 🙊) would the 1st thing be to go and sun bathe? Where did the flowers come from? Was that all from carl? That wouldn’t even cross my mind to give flowers the nxt day, unless someone was in hospital but that was so fast so he must’ve arranged it somehow 🤔 Would they of bandaged her straight away with breaks? Or was none of it done there and she had it done over here? What was the big fallout for the others to be sent home like naughty school children, and for them to not see much of each other anymore? None of it makes sense 🤷🏼‍♀️.
All a bit strange not adding up... but like Lauren Goodgers pregnancy 😂
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lol! And BACKGRID just happened to be there! So SET UP!!!
Oh fuck off what a load of shit,he could have fitted it in his man bag, all for show and shitty crap

And his Instagram post saying "when you know ,you know 🎉"
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He actually looks knackered & stressed out. It's such a shame serves him right. Did he ever think how low he'd have to sink in his quest for fame? @Fifthavenue how do you actually take staged pics like this without wetting yourself laughing? Do you get days when you just think "why am I doing this".
LOOOOOL love the new photo choice! Yes I would love to know that too @Fifthavenue .
I've recovered from my dizziness this morning and just have an aching arm too, hope that is the worst over.
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Pink Squirrel

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WOW, a lot has happened in the past 3 days, I've been lurking just keeping to speed but too bloody knackered to post.

I take it the Divorce is official and she wasn't blowing smoke up our arses.
Morning grumpy bear. It's definitely all been happening in the lives of the country's most hated couple 🙄. Divorce, driving with child on knee, embarrassing staged pics, exploiting everything for own gain, a million wigs & tracksuits, piss poor cooking, ton of takeaway & general cuntish behaviour 👍
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Pink Squirrel

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She’s due in court for a three hour public examination on May 19th. She has to attend in person unless Covid says otherwise.
No creditors are expected, except for her old Solicitors who are owed a mighty sum.
She has run the bill up for Hudson Weir to nearly £100,000... so far with her tactics and non compliance.
I *think* she is paying HMRC back an amount monthly but I may be wrong.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I said on here earlier she’s going to have to be very careful with remembering what she has claimed is work etc and suddenly a homeless, crutch using persona has been shown in the Sun.
I can’t guarantee it, but with all the help from the Tattlers, and the public, we have numerous examples of Katie giving several reasons for 1 event and for each of her claims there will be evidence of at least 2 other versions.
Looking forward to seeing which versions she uses in court.
If nothing else it will publicly expose her as a liar with few morals.

They’ll extend the bankruptcy for 2 years till 2022/23

Was it actually that Cinderella surgery that she went for and there was no accident?
@Cloud Chaser we will continue to do our best to pick up on any tiny little thing that may get her caught out some how 🕵🔎
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That box of stuff seriously turned my stomach I enjoy a treat as much as anyone but it was just gross, horribly presented and just a load of shit thrown together looked like someone had tipped a bin out from a school tuck shop
The biscuits are loose, not even wrapped. That's a bit unhygenic to say the least Has she not heard of covid and being careful? Silly cunt.
Gawd, how many people handled thos loose biscuits before they were put in the box.:sick:
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We have to do our best to screenshot his vile comments as soon as we see them. Because he does remove them.
When he was on YouTube threatening 1 of our lovely Tattlers I watched it once & was utterly horrified. I quickly tried to download it but it had already been removed 😡
He really is one nasty bit of work, i cant wait until things are back to normal and lets see if someone says something to him to his face how he reacts.
I hope he flips and ends up getting arrested for assault ,he definitely has got a violent streak in him, and gets a kick out of bullying woman .
He needs a swift punch to his 2 chins to knock him down a step or too im telling you 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

We have to do our best to screenshot his vile comments as soon as we see them. Because he does remove them.
When he was on YouTube threatening 1 of our lovely Tattlers I watched it once & was utterly horrified. I quickly tried to download it but it had already been removed 😡

I think the pic of the stupid cow today with a crutch is old. She's wearing the same outfit as she was when she uploaded pics of her selling Crawls furniture. The crutch isn't even set to the right height for her, silly cow 😝
Oh well spotted "love, Paris jumper"
She's not even using the bloody crutch to bear weight either
The pictures of the story in The Daily Fail are making me chuckle her face looks like she's more constipated than in pain 🤣🤣
Full of shit is the right word hahaa
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🤣🤣 Oh dear
A snapshot of what she posted



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