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VIP Member
i really don’t think the world can cope with another few years of this Toxic duo. I guess though he has only got certain charges at the moment.. could other ones be added though if she decided to switch on him and start spilling?
I suppose so, if she backtracks yet again and starts blaming him for the DV.However,they have so much dirt on each other, and keep changing the narrative( lying), it would take the wisdom of Solomon to work out who to charge, and with what.
I think they both will get away lightly, and that really irks me.Perhaps( if found guilty), he will have a criminal record but I don’t think he’ll be all that bothered.Unless it affects his Las Vegas visits that is.
They will have to keep the drama going to keep the public interested for the next few years.How, I don’t know as everything under the sun has been covered.Burton and Taylor they are not.
What I can foresee ( borrowing sausage rolled crystal ball for this one), is a future of cheapo low grade influencing.Where they advertise Del Boy type products for a couple of grand. I know they are already doing some of this, but I hope this the limit of their “ power couple “ collaboration.
Email sent. Excuse grammar and spellin, so bloody angry.

Katie Price
I cannot believe that you are pandering to Katie Price by allowing her on your show.
This woman is a convicted drunk driver without insurance and is now selling stories about domestic violence to the media and then claiming that it is a completely made up story, complete with make up applied to show bruising.
It makes a complete mockery of other people's suffering of domestic violence where already it is difficult to report and be believed when you have someone in the public eye making up accusations for money, press coverage and sympathy purely to promote themselves.
Your programme has in the past claimed to support victims and some of the charities who act on their behalf so it seems somewhat at odds that you now are allowing Katie Price to appear to no doubt spread more lies and make further false accusations against other people.
There is no remorse from this vile woman for anything she has done, she does not and will not accept any responsibility for anything but is allowed to appear on programmes such as your to continue with the fabrications that are used as explanations for what she has and continues to do.
Only recently she launched a series of vile accusations against her ex's and the new partners and wives, despite one of them having a restraining order against her!
And these are the women who are caring for four of her children due to Ms Price seemingly having restricted access due to her chaotic lifestyle!
Does your programme actually do any investigative work on the people your are so willing to give a platform?
If so you should not be allowing this to go ahead.
I respectively suggest that someone at ITV do this rather quickly before allowing for this transmission to go ahead.
Another excellent post.
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Tempted to join and ask "Do you really think its appropriate to spend so much money on wallpaper whilst your daughter hasn't paid her creditors?"
Or ask AFP if she ever paid tax on the £35k per year Dwight paid her.
But then again, we’re jealous vile trolls.
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Doesn’t Katona’s daughter take her Only Fans ‘content’ too? That’s tantamount to child abuse!
No morals whatsoever any of them.
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Chatty Member
Nah there’s something a miss with those two, he has publicly slated and berated her for lying, I’m sure they are together because it benefits them both in different ways , she has a chauffeur and he gets the publicity he craves, and they both intend to hang on until they can’t no more, both will sell their stories to the highest bidder when this ends he will probably end up on I’m a celebrity, she will play The woe is me card and remind us how her mothers dying and she has a disabled son, As for Carl calling her disgusting for lying well yes too right she is but he’s equally as disgusting staying with her,he can’t claim he was blind to how bad she was and stayed out of stupidity he knows what’s she’s done is wrong (that’s if she has lied) they both know exactly what they doing and how to play the media and public she has a face like a melted welly and he is as thick as a whole omelette for thinking he is the one,they do my blood pressure no good.
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"Things happen to me"!! And she wasn't doing 'a stint' in the Priory for drugs or alcohol it was for "PSTD" :ROFLMAO:
Getting married this year, having IVF blah, blah, blah :sleep:
I caught the tail end. She looked and sounded like her 'normal' self, i.e. full of the usual bullshit, massive wig and enough make up to sink the titanic again. She claims to be real, she's the biggest fake as long as she keeps lying to herself.

Oh and Lorraine? Vomit inducing.
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Kieran looked extremely happy on holiday. He must know that her accusation is not going anywhere at the very least. Fingers crossed she finally
gets prison for it.
The lie's KP told & involving someone else unreliable, slipped them up. Liars have to have good memories and it's difficult to hoodwink the police.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
The lie's KP told & involving someone else unreliable, slipped them up. Liars have to have good memories and it's difficult to hoodwink the police.
Surely the female she involved in this will also be in big doodoo? How on earth has she managed to talk someone into getting involved in this? And you can guarantee she'll do everything she can to pin the blame on the unknown accuser.
False accusations of sexual assault & domestic abuse are truly disgusting. SHE is truly disgusting. I do hope the next room the do up at the MM has padded walls, no windows & comes with a special tracksuit that does up at the back 🙄
Is she stooping this low on her own or is he encouraging her increasingly alarming behaviour?
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🙄they obvs have yet another OK mag deal coming up.. no amount of Botox or eyebrow plucking is gonna fix Cole’s bracket🤣 there’s no hiding that flathead and jaw 🤢 makes me shudder🤢

serious question folks, if Cole hadn’t/wasn’t with the Skank, would any of you find him remotely attractive..? (ducks for cover, may pop back next week..🤣)
Nope the man makes me feel nauseous. Said from the start when she got with him, he don’t look wired normal. It’s not just his looks, although I do find him unattractive, but he has an aura about him that actually scares me somewhat.

He’s one of those type of men who used to walk into a bar I was in, hit on me, I’d politely tell them not interested, and they’d then often throw shade at me in a passive aggressive way and walk off with a horrible look in their eyes. He has that look, that way about him. I have vibes about these men, as many women do, he screams wrong’un.

Think having seen all his actions with her, has proved me right.
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Ok krusties I took some time, I went for a walk, smashed a cup I hate and feel much better. Mini Tattler 3 is very angry too by the way it’s booting me as I rage to myself.

I haven’t gone back to read updates but I will add my opinion… SHES STILL A C**t
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Edna and AFP going live on Instagram tomorrow... What the fuck for? Do these people really have nothing better to do? They decorated a room they haven't cured cancer.

Chop chop Edna you've got some crummy clothes to upload to Depop.
Can anyone join? Can we ask them why their daughter/sister is such a bare-faced lying thunder c*nt ?
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VIP Member
Her eyebrows didn't move once! Eyes like a fucking shark, lying through her massively oversized dentures, bad roots, played the victim as per.. Lorraine couldn't kiss her arse any more if she tried...brb off to complain to offcom 👍🏼
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I’m 28 weeks pregnant and I’m so fucking cross (can you tell) that I’m in tears about her behaviour.

Back later guys.
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