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Guyzzz if I wana make out I care about the less fortunate and pop down to a food bank when the heat is on me every 6 months for a photo Op....but then brag about my extravagant lockdown parties.... I can I'm THM.

If I wana complain about how Covid restrictions effect my seeing my Nan and my business.... but then throw my 4th lockdown event of the Pandemic.... I can I'm THM.

I'm currently working with the government and the police against the trolls so I'm allowed 60 in my Bubble instead of 6 !

The Trolls are the issue here not me ! #BEKIND

This 1000 times over! Absolute Meff
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Chatty Member
Imagine putting an adult sized apron on a 7 month old baby and pretending you’re baking together. These babies are very advanced these days, baking like Mary Berry and troffing down steak for dinner. My kid shit in the bath last night and the instantly tried to eat one of the floating bits of sweet corn as I frantically scooped her out🙃🤢
Howling- 😂😂😂
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@Foodaholic The insta page is @skinrevival it’s only new but her salon page is @skinrevivalaesthetics I’ve been going to her for about 2 yrs her treatments are a bit expensive but she knows her stuff & her skin is amazing she looks about 30!! The moisturiser she is launching is unreal the best I’ve ever used, she used it in the salon but can’t sell it yet as it’s been tested by a lab. But she sells a balm which I buy and that’s amazing too. She’s a lovely women and deserves all the recognition not like truffle.

I tell you what she’s a feeder, how much food does a 7 month old baby need?! That’s way too much food for olive she’ll end up a little chubster like her ma
Sounds fab. I will go and have a nosey now. The knowledge that aesthetic salons have is amazing. I love the fresh face co, she is amazing too ❤

Sunglasses? U OK hun?


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😂 well just popping on here for a quick scan hasn’t disappointed!

7 month old baby eating steak has literally finished me off and I’m dead- just picturing my 4 month old when she gets a bit bigger sat there with a glass of red wine and enjoying a nice fillet with me and my piece of gammon!

And Kate, nice of you to drop by. I’m indeed very jealous of gym fit mat... like it must be pure joy having a fella who needs a step up to use the bog. Nah seriously, I wouldn’t touch your bloke with a barge pole, dipped his bread stick in too much hummus that one. You’re safe, my foof lit declares itself out of business at the thought of him.

You absolute Fanny wipe
🤣🤣🤣🤣 femme fresh 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Soz if this has been raised, not been following for a few days. No sign of boss babe ceo KHM on the no excuse for abuse insta now, and theyve posted info on the first 4 podcasts. Im sure she was on one of the gridposts and one point?!
She’s on the 5th one but they delayed the 4th one by a week
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Can I have some screenshots of the tights, please. I binned IG a month ago. Thank you x
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👋 I’m back, Hoppy Easter everyone..

Just to put this out there, I’ve been on nights this week and needed to get off here as I was absolutely gutted last week being called Kate or people thinking I was anything to do with her or I’m up to no good.

With regards to her, I rest my case. I see fuck all has changed since last week. I don’t need IG to see what a Twat she is, it’s all here. What the fuck is she doing, she is an absolute disgrace and that poor Kid will be ragged around like a rag doll all day today while she yet again breaks Covid rules.

I can feel my blood boiling already she gets to me that much.

But, please don’t have a go at me, don’t assume or even label me like I was last week. I have told you all numerous times it’s her attitude, her showing off. her being a Twat: the way she treats that Baby. Just everything to do with her. I also have an O’Level in English so it’s definitely me writing this as she can’t spell her Daughter’s name properly never mind anything else and poor English like hers is another pet hate..

With regards to the GDPR, I have it down to two people. It’s not the people that were suggested last week. They have 28 days to reply to the e-mail. We all know it isn’t going to happen so they will be prosecuted and I will have great delight in sharing them all over the Internet see how they like it. I have given you both the chance to explain or say sorry but you have chosen to ignore me so I will be prosecuting you both as well as her.. Plus Dog’s Breath, you’ve got my e-mail address, your so fucking hard, I’ve been waiting for an e-mail off you asking me why I can’t stand you. You’re not so hard are you?

So Kate, when you thought you had got away with it, you haven’t. I am still here, I will carry on and I will make sure everyone knows the real Kate Hayes. I will do it for the people that have and are abiding by the rules. The people that suffer and are still suffering, the Families that have to watch you behave like you’re exempt to the rules and all the 127K people that have passed away and their Families.

Enjoy your day and don’t forget that you have breached serious GDPR Rules that won’t be taken lightly. I will take you to the cleaners and no i’m not a Troll and no I won’t inbox you, you are unapproachable, and I don’t fucking trust you as far as I can throw you as you have proven you can’t be trusted or approached as you’re excuse is everyone’s a Troll. Your the Troll because you’re about to fuck someone’s hard work up..
Ahh Hoppy, I’ve missed you! Welcome back x
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