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Active member
They’re all at it. A couple of Kates mates in Chester are the same. Both have successful businesses and both have a huge following on insta so that obviously makes them exempt from any Government rules. I honestly hope that one of them gets stopped by the Police. Let’s see what they think then, fuckin vile creatures the lot of them. And don’t even get me started on Kate’s poor Nan, it’s heartbreaking how she’s using her for content during this.

It’s just disgraceful. The one I mentioned above annoyed me so much because she’s a registered nurse. This whole pandemic and she as a health professional can’t even stay home 🤬🤬🤬 she’s not working as she’s in aesthetics so just STAY HOME
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I cant believe she is so naive to think that this isn’t going to affect her and she can just ignore government advice. Unless someone she knows gets the virus, I don’t think it will get through to her (I would not wish this on her at all but it’s true). If she thinks she’s going to be back in ‘Oh Darlin’ in another couple of weeks and this will have all blown over then she’s got another thing coming!
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Chatty Member
Her attitude is VILE just follow the rules Kate like everyone else does and there would be no ‘dickheads’ commenting about you! How does she knows though as she doesn’t read here 👀
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Her skin looks awful 🙈

Also I'm confused, she said this was a review after a week but some of those products were brand new!

And again.... hasn't worn mascara for 7 years? Yet I watched a video of her last year, putting it on over her semi permanent lashes!!!
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Anyone else cringe over how WIDE her nose looks with her glasses on.....I know that’s really bitchy but fuck it, she winds me up. We all write shipping lists but, wait, let me guess....yours are soooo extra truffle shuffle off
Prob wouldn’t even notice it if she didn’t edit her pics so much to make it look narrow. It’s a shock to see it how it actually is compared to the edited version 🙈

Matts getting a nappy changing bag? Fuck right off 🙈
What a whopper
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She’s going to be in for one hell of a shock. She honestly thinks that she’s going to be back to work in a couple of weeks! If she bothered to read / watch the news she would know that this is going to carry on until at least May in which, if possible, a gradual lifting of social measures will be put into place. The word to concentrate on here is GRADUAL. The beauty industry will be the last to get back to normal. She needs to understand that she is most definitely in this for the long haul
This is exactly what I said a few days ago when she was banging on about her babymoon, she’s honestly deluded! I’d be surprised if she back at work by June
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VIP Member
Fuckin hell drove about for 3 hours today. And has a new brush cleaning gadget. All of a sudden. Hasn’t seen a soul for days but saw her mum etc yesterday and her niece/family on Sunday. She needs to learn the days of the week, the vircus must have gone to her head
Seen half the staff of the care home less than 24 hours ago?
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Well-known member
I actually like some of the table designs she does, even though it’s very obvious she’s copied from other Instagram pages. however I do not understand this one?? Why is an egg wrapped in some cheap fabric just looks awful
Just why. Full stop. Why?
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KHM’s ex looks like a more normal fella, the gf is really pretty too. He seems more down to earth than my one, who you can tell with one glance loves himself and getting on the sniff
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Chez’s partner apparently takes cash in hand building work to avoid paying the VAT/ tax on it. Looks like all those tax dodgers will finally get their comeuppance
Let’s hope so, dirty little tax dodgers. Makes you wonder why they built that house considering the selfish bitch is always going on about it not being her forever home. She’s something else that one
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I know I made some bad comments towards her weight when she lashed out at me on insta, which I have held my hands up and said they came from a place of anger and were out of order. (Obvs my other points still stand about her flouting social distancing laws and her being the dickhead not us) but what kind of message is she promoting here to her young impressionable followers?! This screams that anything over a size 8 is unhealthy and ugly 😫 that caption would have been so much better if she was promoting that this was her at her healthiest mentally and physically & starting a healthy lifestyle as opposed to crash/yo-yo dieting purely to get in those size 8 jeans. In all fairness the post is pretty pointless as we, and 100k other people don’t need to see her in a thong full stop.

Anyway what is the obsession with her weight lately? I feel like we’ve had weeks of being bombarded with throwback “pics, which are all edited of course so pretty pointless as it’s never going to be a true reflection.

She’s posting healthy meals on her instagram and then moaning about having horrendous heartburn after 5pm....then on snapchat she’s posting Chicago town pizzas chips waffles etc...I know obviously it’s a part of being pregnant but putting away all this greasy food and junk really doesn’t help either.

She really is heading towards a breakdown & could do with a couple of weeks away from social media. She’s trying more and more to convince everyone she’s so happy and has the perfect life but its obvious she’s in a bad place right now. clearly Instagram is more important than the health and well-being of her & her unborn baby girl, I actually feel deeply sorry for her.
I do too. Imagine living your entire life for Instagram. And it’s true about the throwback pics being pointless, when they are edited to death.
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Those lashes are hanging on for dear life, just like she is for her size 8 figure!!! Calls herself a top MUA but can’t apply strip lashes.

Mind. Blown.
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I’m conused about the slippers, they’re just white fluffy slippers?! Can’t people use google? Or just go to Next like a fuckin normal person 🤣 I don’t understand what’s so special, are people really just sheep??
She should of got black can you imagineeeee the colour of them 😷 she’s a grubby ming
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New member
I’m so confused at her timing. I’m due end of July and I still have 18 weeks left.
She says she had her 20 week scan 5 days ago?! I’m about a week ahead of her, don’t understand how she can now be due in June by her maths of only having 3 months 2 weeks left.
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New member
She has 2 with her ex and one with her fella now. The other 2 are her fellas with his ex. Hardly ever see his 2 with all them though. Unless she gets a once a year picture just for the gram of the ‘blended family’ she apparently loves. Massive
She has 2 with her ex and one with her fella now. The other 2 are her fellas with his ex. Hardly ever see his 2 with all them though. Unless she gets a once a year picture just for the gram of the ‘blended family’ she apparently loves. Massive fake wannabe 🙄

Pretty much everything she does is copied. She’s becoming old news but is clinging on for dear life by the looks of it oh and she needs a bloody good bath 🤢

not sure if I’ve done the reply right as new to commenting !! Wow really I thought they were all hers n marks. Shows how much shit u see her post I thought it was weird only ever see the lad older girl n molly. So am guessing marks mollys dad n that’s it?
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