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Can’t look away

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Her London doctor friend is not registered in Australia so couldn’t have referred for the scan. She could of course be sent a copy of the report but the referrer would be the main recipient. I would assume that is the oncologist so surely she would go back to him for the most accurate interpretation of her results.
Actually my apologies I got that wrong. She does look to be registered her
Her London doctor friend is not registered in Australia so couldn’t have referred for the scan. She could of course be sent a copy of the report but the referrer would be the main recipient. I would assume that is the oncologist so surely she would go back to him for the most accurate interpretation of her results.
my apologies I got that wrong. She does look to be registered in NSW. I was looking under Queensland but yes not as a specialist.
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I agree, I think she looks unwell also.
Whether it’s because she is making herself sick(er) with these unregulated substances she’s putting into her body that she has brought back with her from Mexico, or the cancer is taking a toll on her, or her mental illness is getting the better of her (she’s got to be dedicating every waking hour to these therapies/very manic), she looks bad to me. Despite the fading tan. Her hair is either thinning very badly (possibly a side effect of her therapies) or she’s simply not bathing anymore and it’s filthy. Either way, not a great sign.
and if she has bought some of these substances back from mexico, how does she really know whats in them.. it could be any concoction. She is not taking a break inbetween, its one hit of something after the other. Her hair is probably falling out from the over stimulation of all the stuff going though her. Shes shaking a lot more, her speech is a mess and if you look shes constantly got a dry mouth. She is really fucking her body up and her mental state.
I truly hope something is in fact a little off about this situation and that she is around for a very long time. All of this money she is spending daily, all her super and life insurance that she has used, I worry for her daughter once she is gone. This money would have been better put aside for her rather than wasted on all of these woo woo treatments. Especially as the father is an addict and I believe not involved. I still can’t believe she agreed to do ice once with her ex to try and save the relationship. That blows my mind.
That is fucking insane. No one is worth going down that path to save a relationship .. No one !!! She has blown so much of her money and the GF money and if she doesnt survive surely the money will be needed for he little girl and whoever has to care for her and her education.
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She just posted 'clear scan'. So, no markers no traces, nothing. Perfectly clear. Its not adding up!
Remind me, why is it not adding up (not the whole thing lol, but this MRI result)? I haven’t checked in on her for a while- did they just shrink in previous scans? Didn’t she say they were clear last time?
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Alectinib is the treatment for her particular type of cancer, ALK positive non-small cell lung cancer. It kills off those particular cancer cells sometimes all *that can be seen* sometimes just shrinks the tumor.
She will continue to take it for as long as it keeps those cancer cells at bay or until her side effects from the drug are worse than not being on it (benefit/risk ratio).
Patients on Alectinib have a potential survival period of nearly 7 years, compared to other drugs that are used to treat this cancer.
She thinks she's invincible drinking sour sop and having tumeric shoved up her asshole but come next year she might not be so lucky. If I see her still floating around in 2028 then I dont believe she ever had cancer and did an actual Belle Gibson.
thank you for taking the time to explain this, I really appreciate it.
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So she shows the boxes for her blood pressure medication and the anti-depressant that she is taking but not the Alectinib. Showing a shit-tonne of medications that she claims are keeping her alive, because cancer-free warrior! supposedly, but leaves out the anti-cancer prescription.
I wonder why, if she thinks it’s so inconsequential, she doesn’t just go off of it altogether? How about you try that, Kate? She’s always downplaying it so why bother taking it at all if she truly believes that’s not what is keeping her alive?
Do we know for sure that she's still taking it? I mean, I've assumed she's still taking it because she's still alive ...
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Oh I haven’t seen that! Going to watch now!! I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard anything about her until the podcast.
I had no clue until I saw the show advertised and was shocked I had never heard of her, I did some googling.
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I started the Magic poddy yesterday! And have binged it! SO good (but fucked up) onto the next recommended today.

Thanks Tattlers for the recommendations! Anymore?! Keep them coming please :)
I must have missed this podcast recommendation? What’s the magic one please? 🙂
Definitely listen to finding Samantha next! I think it’s only on Spotify, it’s such an unusual case and the fact that the girl is in Australia and was actually from WA (if my memory serves me right) made it even more interesting for me being from WA myself haha!
I’m listening to this right now! Yep WA.
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Is this not the one that claimed numerous pregnancies with a football player?!
Wasnt she involved with Ricky Nelson , the much much older football manager? Is that the one?
Yep thats her! Ricky wrote a tell all in 2015 bc he got permission from the supreme court to write about her BUT she wasnt allowed to until her NDA expired in 2021. But god knows what happened since then, a bunch of articles saying she had a book coming out in 2021 but it never did come out. Just her faux cancer diagnosis
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Definitely, that’s when people are NED (no evidence of disease). I think there are holes in a lot of her story for sure. Or questions I have, maybe. But I think she’s said for ages she’s cancer free, since magical Mexico. She’s consistent with her claims.
Generally that much cancer doesn't just go away quickly. The drugs may halt the growth, but it's very rare that metastic lung cancer that is all through your body vanishes that quickly. This is a scientific fact. Its also rare to get complete results from scans the same day.
I guess my non medico brain can comprehend if there is surgery and tumours removed and then further treatment, it could give NED results. But with just treatment, where does the remnants of the tumour go after treatment has killed it? Does it get absorbed by the body or something? Or is it still there, just dormant?
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Chatty Member
It’s surprisingly not that much of a red flag in itself to be given subcutaneous injections without extensive training - they are incredibly easy to give and quite difficult to screw up. I’m prescribed several different ones through the NHS and never received formal training for it. I think a nurse showed my mum one time? And my mum showed my partner, if I’m remembering right. But anyway, definitely not like other injections / procedures where you are trained.

That said, it doesn’t count for much against the incredibly copious evidence of grifting and quackery in other respects.
Subcutaneous yeah, but you should have education on it
Intramuscular you NEED education what she was doing with that sized needle wasstupid
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Wow. Just did a mini deep dive. Seems she's active on YouTube without realising. Looks like her son keeps posting shorts on there.
Her miss_valetta account on insta is dead but there is photos that have tagged her in her wedding dresss and thats the same pic on her YouTube channel.
She was also giving advice on what Crypto to buy - kinda started a business giving advice. She definitely said she had stage 4 cancer. Then she seemed to have broken up with the father of her boy- he looked like he was about 50. It was all kinda messy and then she disappeared again
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So she has metastatic alk positive lung cancer. It is terminal/incurable but the average survival of someone diagnosed with this type of lung cancer is around 7 years.
It is not the quackery that is helping- it is the Alectinib.
how long ago was she diagnosed
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Yeah, those are probably the forms she needed to claim TPD (total permanent disablement) or a Terminal illness version of the DSP.
It's crazy but they are often completed as handwritten paper versions (and certainly would have been a few years ago), easier for everyone who needs to complete it and then have it signed off by the right specialist... She would have kept copies for her own records, that's quite normal.
Not white knighting at all, I think she's dodgy AF, but this bit makes sense to me, this was a field I worked in for a long time.
Oh, ok. So the patient can complete the form and get a signature and mail it in? No test results or other proof needs to be attached, no communication required directly from the physician to ensure authenticity? That process seems like it would be ripe for forgery and scamming the system.
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