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VIP Member
God what a joke!

The comments saying 'call 111' 'call 999'... all need to get a grip.

She's an attention seeking twit.

She is absolutely fine, sitting there with a heavy period accepting battles on TikTok in the evenings after having slept all day.

She feels like shit because she lives like shit... shovels shit down her throat on the few hours she's awake, and lives in a dive with no prospects 🤷‍♀️ what do you expect to feel like?

Leave the house and use your legs woman! Eat a vegetable. Shower.


shes stormed off live now I think it’s because people just kept telling her to go A&E
shell have a sleep and come back later saying the pains are back hoping people still don’t cotton on
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Active member
It's what you call fallen off the cliff, she become a nobody, but she creates drama posts, just to try and draw attention to herself. But nobody interested in her now. She done it to herself.

Ps I blocked from her accounts now. If it wasn't for this thread, I would have forgotten about her as well
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Chatty Member
She’s on live talking about it now, she’s just had Matt on live trying to help her? And she’s apparently told her dad 🥴
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VIP Member
One of her mods
Judiza or something like that
Basically said she didn’t feel safe in the shared house and her housemates sold her Alexa
She moved in about a week ago and has done nothing but box battle on her bedroom floor
Taking the absolute piss
She's gonna get well pissed off with her soon, the lazy oaf just snores her head off or is battling. I bet the room absolutely stinks!
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No way! Did he say that? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you can just tell she stinks. If she's got support workers, why aren't they making sure she's showered and got clean clothes on?
Did you watch her on live with touchy Tony the other day? Absolutely disgusting the way he enables her, he talks to her like she's a toddler. I can't believe he got approved to adopt children, the guy gives me the creeps.
He's definitely should be on a register
100% an odd ball! He speaks to his 'wife' the same way... weird, weird, weird!
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VIP Member
She was saying last night that she has been contacted by an agency….
Might’ve been a lie, we’ll see.
And if it’s true, then it certainly won’t last long!
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