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[I UOTE="cobette, post: 11372905, member: 11731"]
Yes, we know. You've been eyeing up Flipper.

I thought I was the lost cause.

I am having a hormonal rush post period. Would say yes to anyone rn.
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Bae has shrunk, I see… it’s all the sun, it’s dried him out. You cannot say that about his ears, though, poor boy is sensitive. 😅

We don’t have to isolate either, anymore, when someone were living with is positive, unless we have symptoms ourselves. If we do have symptoms, but are negative in the antigen/PCR tests, there’s no isolation. If we test negative, it’s 5 days isolation minimum and up to 2 weeks, depending on the symptoms.

Same, lovely. Chapter 8 might be my downfall. John and Sophia aren’t very compliant right now. 🤨
Like a raisin 🤣🤣

so we’re 5 days and have to have 2 negative tests to return to work. Once it gets to 10 days though we go back no matter what.

I know you did lovely, just teasing.

Johncat is talking to the cleaner, I don't know what is happening to the world.
Sorry, all over the place and not concentrating 🤣🤣

i have received my gift of match day programmes and he offered to sign them for me… cock

Although I’m now the talk of the office because a boy came to see me at work wearing an FA uniform
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Well done! Love that your boss who seems so invested in your every move couldn't manage!

He can't shag Beth, (latest excuse) the cats freaked him out.

Not ideal. I take it you'll be in every day this week then trying to make most of consultancy guys still being there?

You can do this.

Baby will try and help you but I'm not sure how much his pretty head can take in.

View attachment 1521557
I love that part of the video 🥰
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I have accumulated so many McDs reward points that I am now eating a free breakfast, even got a cheesy bacon flatbread on the side.
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We'll keep you updated if bae plays/does anything sexy.
You lot are too good to me x

I read this too quickly and thought you and RLF are attending a rave in Ibiza but it’s the actual Ibiza Classics. (y)
That is the aim for the end of September 🤣

These news make me so happy! I might hold off on updating for a bit

Hi girls, I just caught up with the past pages I've missed... how are you all doing?
Heyyyy are you ok?

i missed @cobette saying she’s been writing
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It's potentially in the 'too good' box. Will get back to you after my retreat.

We don't need your tax babe, you are enough.

We were shopping for first toys for @2busyshopping34 and I had FOMO. I may also have been influenced by the threesome fic having previously written bullets off because mine was crap.

John is having a heart attack right now, this type of thing usually stays in the JG thread.
Too good? Cripes. I'm tempted for the sake of £20 even though my current bullet is very good.

Baby doesn't know where to look

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I’ve locked myself out of my app and it’s my nhs email one where I get discount, I’m livid as I had so many points! I feel sick now though and wish I didn’t have my brekkie….

the doc I’m working with his just come back with 2 slices of Victoria sponge, they’re going to have to roll me out of here at 2pm
I don't think you saw I tagged you in this in the JG thread.

If you did, that's good, we'll look at the stroppy fucker again.

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Things like this infuriate me.

It's SO selfish.
He always does shit like that and it just... look, I get that going home on time is nice, I love it, too, but you can't just ignore exams and patients for your own gain. That's not on.

Love you 😍 Wish you were my doc ❤

Feel like I need to point out I know there's no such thing as negative sleep 😂

I'm off work next week so will see if I can get in then. I always get so nervous about seeing the doctor but I will try to do it.

Just feel like I'm leaking sleep, like the less I sleep the harder it is to get more sleep even though I'm so tired. I basically don't go to sleep, I stay awake until I pass out and then I wake up as soon as I've cleared just enough tiredness to stop me from immediately passing out again. Like being a badly cared-for Sim.

I will be OK though. Am obvs indestructible.
Aw, you're so sweet. ❤❤❤

I realise you know, but there's so much crap out there online that I thought I'd just point it out.

If it helps any - I'm not anxious person, but whenever I need to go to a doctor's appointment I end up a bundle of nerves, which is ridiculous, since I am one, and I work with a lot of them. Still, it's just the thought that they might find anything that all but gives me hives some days.

Let's hope that your body bounces back and balances itself out with the sleep you need. The less you sleep, the more your body goes into stress mode, which means alertness, which means less sleep. It's a ridiculous, vicious cycle, but we're flight more than flight animals, after all, so alertness is part of our normal subconscious.

Fingers crossed your week off will help. ❤
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Hi lovely! My morning is going well, thank you. ❤ I had two cups of coffee and Cheerios. This is the last quiet-ish week for me before all my meetings start up next week with “my” (quotation marks because I manage them) faculty researchers. Sigh. How was your day? How’s Ruben-lookalike resident duckling?
Meetings, ugh. It's people-y out there, girl, don't do it. 😂

Busy for the most part, and one of my techs screwed up one exam so royally, I still don't know how to salvage it, or whether to call and have the patient come in again. 😩 Rúbs-Duckling is doing well - he came to discuss a case he was working on, he needed another opinion. He's adorable.
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Just as terrifying as I had imagined. Poor bae.

This is not a good start to the day. I do hope you get some relief soon.
Imagine the breeze he’d create if he started windmilling

wonder if he took it down because they were all winding him up.

gutted you’re having a shite day again @mimimithis
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Feel better, hun. ❤❤❤
Sorry I didn’t get to write anything last night. I fell asleep.

I’m about to kill a bitch aka lazy registrar. 🤬

It’s solar flares or the moon or the tide not having come in as it should, like always. 😒
I’ll let you off for not writing

How many days since symptoms started now @LurkingAnnie ? I'm convinced you have it. The work place attitude towards COVID has changed so much, it's laughable.
Saturday afternoon they started.
I’m trying to wear a mask at work, just in case, but I’ve got a clinic today with 15 patients, and a lot of them don’t like it when you wear masks…
I’ll just be spreading it round if I’ve got it

bestie has also asked if I can pop in tonight, he’s got a present for me 😱
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