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A UK relationship is a little like Lewis Carroll;'s Humpty Dumpty's observation about numbers : it means whatever it means to the couple involved. There are few statutory rules yet, ( unless and until UK adopts the Australian de facto law). Given that Joe is 28 in September and Dianne has now reached 30, I think they are quite capable of deciding when and if by how much, they want to exploit the commercial side of their relationship. For example, I see they are headlines today in the Mail Online, in an article about the Chelsea Flower Show. Good luck to them..

Sorry, but i don't follow your reasoning here. You wrote:

What is disturbing you about superficial mainstream media publicity? :D It is what mainstream media entertainers do. If you are saying that Joe and/or Dianne should not be mainstream media personalities, what is your rationale?

You have not defined who you mean, but If, for instance, you mean outstanding actors or rock musicians, they are in a different league. Put bluntly: Joe has been a successful youtuber with a large online following.Now he has to convert his reserve, If I understand what is written on here correctly, his online followers may be diminishing, and were before he started SCD. it is pretty vital that he transitions while his youtube stock is relatively high. Any positive publicity which spreads his face and name to the nation can only be beneficial. IMO, Joe is in a particularly hard section of the media: He is neither an actor, nor a singer/dancer/ comedian. He says he wants voice-over work, but here are plenty of trained young actors who also want that work for gaming etc I would guess his best bet is to get hired for something like Blue Peter while he has an online following, then work up from there. And in the meantime, if the press take favourable shots of Dianne and him, it will not damage them .

I can only finish this with the comment to which you responded: Joe is not Peter Pan
LMAOOOOOOOOOO at this attempt of a dissection

I dont give a fuck how old Joe and Dianne are. If I believe they exploit their relationship too much, then that’s my opinion. Am I supposed to change my opinion now because they’re 30? I’m not seeing your point.

I literally said there’s plenty of mainstream media celebrities who worked hard and did not and do not exploit their relationships, due to Joe’s past opinions and stances I figured he would be one of those people.

And for an explanation (shocking that it’s needed), I mean they used their TALENT and established connections with their talent to get where they are. I don’t fuck with exploiting relationships in the media and I never will. They aren’t just taking some photos. They’re a joint brand at this point. Let’s keep it real.

To sum it all up, your point of him not being Peter Pan doesn’t make any sense or go with the point I’m trying to make. This has nothing to do with him growing up, this is about him using unappealing ways (in my eyes) to get ahead. For me I respect hard work not exploitation. You Joanne stans can try to flip it as you wish, but I’m good.
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Felt like a lot of the time joe was even cringing. I watched toms vlog and joe was basically trying to get him out the door and he just kept banging on about more shit even though his Uber was waiting. His girlfriend is lovely, wonder if she’d be with him if he wasn’t loaded.
I never watch Tom’s videos, so I never see the other perspective. Tom just doesn’t seem to have anything going for him except money, his personality is terrible and he isn’t exactly great looking.
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Help! :LOL::LOL::LOL:


Joe Sugg: Control Freak


Joe Sugg: All mouth and no dancer?

Joe Sugg: Jack of all trades, master of none?

Joe Sugg: is he really the successor to Bruce Forsythe?

Not strictly correct (sic).;) Fasye Tozer's husband came down each weekend, apparently.
Yeah but she was a contestant not a pro, I can completely understand the celebrities family etc coming every week but not the family of the pro dancers
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To be honest why does he continue to get away with getting deals with companies through shout-outs without disclosing it?
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Chatty Member
She's a friend, I've met Jess and seen photos. Jess has also told me bits about how Joe treated her, which wasn't nice but also not really terrible and the daft cow kept going back even though she knew nothing long term would come of it.
Some interesting gossip, do spill what sort of things did golden boy sugg that weren't very nice?

Not taking the piss btw, I'm actually interested.
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Active member
Brexit isn't going to affect Dianne's visa. Australia is a member of the common wealth, so Brexit will only affect the Europe Strictly Dancer's, like Giovanni, Gorka, Alijaz etc.

On current legislation, I agree with you.

The current government has, however,indicated that new immigration laws may be required, if it survives that long. If we exited on 'No Deal' (even by accident) the one thing we do know is that Mrs May apparently has an obsession about immigration.

Also, Australians can apply for permanent residency/citizenship if they have a grandparent that is originally from the UK.
Thank you for clarifying. :)

As Dianne claims to be half Italian, I guess that leaves her with a chance that at least one of her other 2 grandparents may have emigrated from UK. Last name: Buswell
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I definitely did not mean to paint Joe in an abusive light. I guess I meant that he may not realize that his jokes might feed some insecurities. I'm probably not giving Dianne enough credit. She isn't some delicate flower. I also agree that we don't see their more intimate moments and Joe is probably playing up to the camera when he is joking around. I am very sorry to hear of your fertility issues. I also agree that people should not expect women to have children once they reach a certain age.
Yeah true, I do feel like he may lack some self awareness at times regarding his jokes. Dianne is very self sufficient but the minions on Twitter and Instagram make out like Joe is her carer and she can't do anything for her self. They really do treat her like she is some dumb ass child which I can't help but roll my eyes at. She may be a bit dim but she has more life experience than these daft minions that are babying her. I wonder if she will ever address her dyslexia or if she even has it in the first place? Some people just aren't intelligent and that's that lol.

I only ever appear to ask questions it seems. I’m guessing the buttercream are Joe’s friends but why are they called that? Is there any meaning behind the name?
Just going by memory but I think I recall joe saying that Connor came up with it and it's from some old movie. I may be waaay off though but for some reason I feel as if I remember hearing that somewhere and I don't know where.😅
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First time writing anything on here but I need a safe space to get this off my chest .... I really dont like Dianne Buswell , I used to but then the total over exposure of her all over Joes channel started my dislike then her nasal child like put on voice she does when she acts thick started to grate on me, her dress sense is truly shocking and her insta stories make me cringe plus the forehead botox is now way OTT ... Should prob stop now but could go on 😳
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Joe has always said he would like to live in a hot country, and has named Australia as one of his dream places (although, has he ever been there? lol) At the same time, I’ve always thought in reality that’s not something he would do because he seems pretty close with his small family and has also said the English countryside is the most beautiful place on earth to him. I wonder if they’re still together after next season of Strictly and Dianne is forced to go back home, would he move in with her there? Maybe they’re not too worried about visa issues because if she had to go back, he’s down to go with her.

I do think this is more of a fantasy for him, and he’d never live somewhere else for more than 2 months or maybe a summer. But maybe Dianne will change that
Yeah he has been quite a few times😂 well dianne said she’d love to stay on strictly for a good few years yet so I don’t see them uping sticks and moving to oz any time soon.

As much as joe is a country boy I’ve always thought he thrives when living in a ‘hot country’ ie when he’s in LA South Africa etc and that lifestyle suits him well but whether or not he’d move remains to be seen and I guess we’ll just have to wait and see😂
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Well-known member
I cannot watch these two anymore too cringeworthy, were cute and funny on strictly but not anymore I had to unsubscribe
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Chatty Member
Joe isn’t really doing anything that far off from Zoe imo. Main thing separating what they do seems to be interests.


Her style will always confuse me...
This is the first time I’ve seen them looking like a couple that makes sense.
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Active member
I know this is a bit odd, with this conversation about Jess just being Joe's fuck buddy. I do wonder how good Joe is in bed, like he was a fuck boy so got a lot of practice in and he is currently got one of the Strictly dancers warming his bed and they are known for their being demons between the sheets.

Or is it just the money that keeps girls coming back for more.
That is a horrible mental image, his little twig arms and legs trying to hold him up in bed :sick: I doubt he has any game in the bedroom, a lot of people chase 'celebrities' and want to be with them regardless of how they really are and maybe she felt that if she gave him what he wanted (friends with benefits) he would eventually want something more. Joe has never come across as someone who is romantic or good with the ladies, if he hadn't of gotten big with Youtube then I doubt he would of had any of the women he does. For someone who has a lot of money he is very tight with it, the gifts he got Dianne where shocking, a cheaply printed t-shirt, some mugs, a bicycle? and a cake that was gifted and a boring night at his sisters house. I think he still has a lot of maturing and learning to do, it makes me feel like this is his first 'serious' relationship and he hasn't fully shifted out of selfish bachelor life.
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Well-known member
I really hope at some point soon the strictly content eases off a bit in at the very least Joes vlogs it's getting seriously overkill now, on some level Joe should of just stuck to what he used to say about if he ever got a serious girlfriend he'd try and keep work and personal relationships separate imagine if they did actually bring out joint merch it would beggar belief for him to brand and make money from what should be his private life, I look at Joe and Dianne now and just think why are you selling out your relationship 🙁
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Iconic Member
Watched yesterday’s vlog from joe.
Still not buying it, they’re like brother and sister, there is zero sexual chemistry there.
I don’t care how intelligent either of them are but she acts the dumb blonde. And it’s with silly things, she’s trying to appeal to a teenage audience but she’s a 30 year old woman who travels, lives in a different country alone, is quite successful in what she does and now has 2 youtube channels.
While she’s trying to act innocent and dumb Zoe is trying to throw “fuck” into her content to make herself look older 🤣
I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out Dianne is actually under joe’s management for her social media content.
Not so much his bedsheets 😬

Joe needs a haircut!
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I am useless at quoting previous comments (I am one of the aforementioned middle aged fans) but I think the reason there are so many of us is that as jaded as we are, this relationship does look like it happened organically and without any thought of pound signs or ripping off young girls as so many here suggest.
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VIP Member
Yeah, that is the sort of video I enjoy from Joe on his main channel. Okay, not all the impressions quite worked, but the majority were very good. And the video overall was very good. It’s what I want to watch from him.

Side note, I also quite enjoyed his vlog from Dumfries House, that was in spite of top class twat Tom Syndicate being there who surprisingly didn’t annoy me as much as I expected him to.
Syndicate ruined it. Trying to put on a fake Scottish accent and being loud and obnoxious the whole time. I watch him but through boredom. Without money he would just be an absolute chav
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Call me an idiot or whatever, I agree with Joe. If it is from his sister (her company) it's really stupid imo to disclose it (we can see it's a present so obviously gifted. Why the hell the hashtag then?) And let's be honest here, who is gonna buy this shit?! Noone.

When I see all those #gifted posts/stories from people from the UK I find it so fucking weird/funny that the influencers have to disclose every thing. I've never ever bought anything an influencer recomended because they were the ones using it and saying how much they loved it. I mean it's a buisness of course 99,99% of things they are using is gifted. It's common knowledge so why the hell put that hashtag on everything. When there's a commercial on the tv you don't see a #commercial do you? I can't believe people in the UK are so gullible and think that when a youtuber/instagramer shows a product it's because they love it. Maybe it was like that in 2011/2012 but not today's day and age. As I said before call me fucking stupid but that's just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️
I thought you might be interested to read this Article from the Huffington Post

In Joe's vlog you can see Alfie push her and laugh :ROFLMAO:
Alfie also derived a lot of amusement when urging Dianne to walk into the waves just before Xmas UK's Desperate Dan. :rolleyes:

In Dianne's birthday vlog Joe said they left most of the cake at Zalfies it was too much hassle to take it back since it was just falling apart,I’m still questioning if it was gifted or not
Joe is allegedly as tight as a duck's arse. I don't see him buying two cakes at that expense within the space of 9 months. It would not surprise me if the cake was worth more than the bike.
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Mikey's done a few insta's where you can hear Dianne chatting in the background and him and Archie both went to her tour, she also seems to get on really well with Producer Josh. The poor girl has had one full week off this year maybe she's just knackered, I know she has missed some strictly get togethers although she does her best to support the other pro's.

I don't know what Evie does as a job to get so much time off and Ambar is the most bizarre final year uni student I've seen, Jan exam time she was in South Africa, now it's finals month and she's in Africa again, even if her exams are closer to the end of term she surely should be studying. Maybe it's changed but when I was at uni no one spent more than 5 days off at Easter, especially in our final year.

Does Joe really not trust his friends, he doesn't have a problem with the strictly dancers and the majority are way hotter than Joe's mates.
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