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He’s in the clear anyway 🙄
Of course he is!🙄
You know it's been clear for absolutely ages that Biden is in severe cognitive decline. In fact, if anything, his decline is accelerating at pace. Most of the time, we just read the stories of his 'gaffes', but when you see him in action, as in the videos posted on here from the past couple of days, it's really stark. You can see him literally struggling, and failing, to form coherent sentences.

It's shocking that this is being allowed to happen. Apparently there's been a hastily arranged arranged press conference from the White House yesterday (Friday), where Biden was reacting angrily to the comments from the Special Counsel regarding his poor memory. He came out swinging as you'd expect, refuting the suggestions that he has difficulty with his memory. Unfortunately for him, he then proceeded to refer to the President of Egypt as being from Mexico......Whoops.:rolleyes:

I can only repeat that it's staggering that this is being allowed to happen. If his family can't, or won't talk sense into him, the Democratic Party should.
It has been happening for ages but we have a corrupt media who let it slide and until now have tried to cover it up with every excuse in the book. Typical where the democrats are concerned.
America what is going on?
Your current president is clearly unfit for office and the Republicans are trying to get the divisive Trump re-elected.
It's unbelievable that these 2 could be running against each other in the next election.

This begs the question who is really running America?
Not could would. Well Trump will anyway he blew the other candidates out of the water and Nicki Hailey hasn’t a hope ☺ The Republican Party will back him now because it’s what the Republican voters want.
Did anyone see Nancy Pelosi clash with the Palestine protesters 🤣 apparently down to Russian influence and she said to a Chinese man or women to go back to China where you came from! It is on video.
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Someone's updated his election campaign branding, to replace the three red lines that made up the "E" ...

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I'm not sure what's worse. A morally bankrupt president, or one that does nothing. I'm shocked at Bidens handling of the Maui fires.

At least trump does what he says, Biden may as well not be there. I can't believe they aren't forcing him out for the next election. A criminal president vs a not there president. God I thought we had bad choices to make.
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Churchill's Ghost

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Besides three peace deals in the Middle East and historic low unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, and women? And the economy was anemic at best under Obama - the slowest post recession recovery. Cutting regulations alone made a huge difference to businesses. He funded HBCUs.

I don’t have to like him, but at least he like “we the people” and put America first.

Biden (and this around him) are not benign. They are sending the FBI after parents dissenting at school board meetings. That is chilling

He took no salary and he did not become a multimillionaire while supposedly a public servant. And no Presidential child in history rises (or will ever rise) to the actual disgusting, corrupt, perverted mess that is Hunter Biden. He is actual human scum
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This thread is my hero. I'm American and I'm glad to have a place to discuss him where I won't be chewed out- although most Americans are starting to feel the same way, they just won't admit it.

What I'm finding so crazy is that ALLLLL the celebs that were pushing us to vote for him and who were in parades basically when he won are naught to be found. They definitely don't ever post about either one of them any more. I think it's not so much his merit or that they were that happy about him, they just hated Trump that much.

To me it was the lesser of 2 evils, and Trump is... something else... to say the least. But I was at least proud he prioritized our soldiers' safety and he wouldn't have ever made this kind of SNAFU re the military. I feel he also cared about our allies and would have done the right thing. I also felt safe here as far as terrorist activity, but now I'm scared shitless.

Meanwhile, over here they literally treat Kamala like she can walk on water, and the woman is so snarky and basically laughs to hide her hate and it shows. She has no answers for anything. I'm truly gobsmacked she hasn't already taken over as President because he can't even address reporters without having to bow his head to recollect himself.

I don't get in the least why, out of all the democratic candidates, he was chosen. Elizabeth Warren conducted herself really well I thought and then you had... Biden.

He's definitely very very creepy with women and young/ teen girls. He doesn't need to corral them and be so handsy and keep his hands so close to their chests or sides. Add to that his comment about little kids " brushing the hair on his legs up and then watching it go back down again" and it's just too much for me to believe he's just a nice old man with dementia.
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So people are now actively chanting "Let's Go Brandon" in places where "Fuck Joe Biden" would be frowned upon because of the expletive 😂

It comes after a TV reporter tried to cover up chants of FJB by claiming the crowd were saying "Let's Go Brandon".
As mentioned by @leigh213 in post 44 above.
So now its gone full circle. Brilliant.

LOLOL I know!! people are making shirts and everything now with "Let's Go Brandon". It's taking the country by storm haha.

One of my personal favorites of his gaffes is the " poor kids are just as smart and bright as white kids".

I love how everyone obsessed with turning things into a race issue are usually Biden supporters and there he is making one of the most racist comments of all.
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Somebody’s got too much time on their hands 😂
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I keep reading that the reason they are keeping Joe is because he’s the only one who can win against Trump? Which makes no sense because even Democrats must be waking up to the fact he’s too ill to lead
I think the problem isn't so much that the Democrats think that Biden is the only one who can win against Trump, but rather it's the presidential system itself. Even though Biden is a Democrat, there isn't a party structure that he is the head of. He's running under his own steam essentially although of course he represents them. That's why Trump became president representing the Republicans, even though he'd never actually held any political office. So there isn't the equivalent of the 'men in grey suits'. in say the Conservative Party, who can step in.

The problem for the Democrats is/was that it's very hard for another Democrat to go against a sitting president. Someone like Gavin Newsom, who is talked about as a potential president, would have known that he was unlikely to get the Democratic nomination if he ran against Biden. Among other reasons, he wouldn't have been able to finance his campaign as the main donors are behind Biden. He would also have been seen as disloyal and when he inevitably lost, that would damage any future campaigns.

Ordinarily Harris would be the automatic pick for the next election, but I expect people like Newson will challenge her as she has proved to be such a poor VP and is really unpopular. And her unpopularity is another problem for the Democrats, because that's another line of attack for Trump; vote for Sleepy Joe and likely get Harris at some point.

The Democrats really have got themselves into a pickle now over Biden's mental fitness, or rather lack of. The only way out is for Biden himself to decide to step down. Unfortunately, the person whose mental faculties are declining, for whatever reason, is always the last to recognise and accept this. There's no excuse for Jill Biden though. Even on a human level, I find it hard to understand how anyone could let their loved one endure such pressure knowing that they're not well. Has she tried and failed to get him to stand down so is now just trying to manage the situation? Or is she too hooked on the trappings of power to do the right thing? I expect it's the latter.
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This whole thing has been a terrible mess. I know the decision to withdraw was taken by Obama and then Trump, but the actual mechanics of the withdrawal (Biden) have been a disaster. And it’s really exposed him. I’m beginning to think it’s true that he’s not in control of his faculties - what sort of President, in a situation like this, doesn’t take questions at a press conference and turns his back on journalists?

“Where are the people in our academic medicine that were out there calling for President Trump to have a cognitive test? Where are these people?” Former White House physician Ronny Jackson, who served in the role under both Presidents Obama and Trump.

Probably to be found the same place as the folks here that showed so much passionate concern in the Trump threads, which seems to have deserted them now it's Biden 🤷‍♀️
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For the fellow golden oldies here, remember when Ronald Regan was the subject of headlines about his declining health, and it turned out he did have Alzheimers? I must go back and watch some clips of him, but was he as bad as this? How did he compare? Because clips such as these are so sad to watch. As others have said, it's actually cruel to let him remain in the job.
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Churchill's Ghost

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No matter what side of the aisle you are on, you should be disgusted by this travesty. There was no crime articulated- both the DOJ and the FEC - declined. An NDA is not illegal nor is paying "hush money" and that has absolutely nothing to do with election interference- if it was, then Bill and Hillary and every single politician should be charged. The judge would not allow the former head of the FEC testify that no law was broken and his instructions guaranteed a guilty verdict. Disgusting all around and a sad day for America.
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Oh but I thought Joe Biden was going to be the answer to the problems of everything everywhere! What on earth went wrong? :rolleyes:

Good summary there by Andrew Neil. I agree that Biden's speech was repulsive and deeply shameful.

It's very odd watching what's happening in the US. It really is like watching an empire in decline in real time as horrendous foreign policy decisions are coupled with an internal culture war and a movement that's determined to undermine American values under the guise of open borders, antiracism and "equity". The fact that Twitter banned Trump but didn't manage to ban the Taliban says it all really. China and Russia are just as powerful as the US and much more focused on acting purely out of their own national interests. I really do wonder if the West has seen its day, and we're all now on a downward decline towards a very different kind of future.

This is a very good discussion on the current and future state of the US that correlates with my own deep concern about the US (I am a US / UK citizen who spent many years in the US, mainly in the glorious 90s when the US really was THE global superpower). The summary of this discussion is that the future is not lost, but the media, big tech, education and politics has to be completely overhauled, which is no mean feat. Honestly I'm usually quite optimistic but today my heart is sinking about the future. I just don't know who will protect and uphold US values if the President doesn't and at the same time so many Americans feel let down but their failure to achieve the American dream that it makes sense why so many particularly younger people are so easily ideologically brainwashed by the socialist / EDI agenda.

All that aside, I'm guessing Biden's ability to stay in the White House now depends on whether the operation to get Americans out as fast as possible succeeds. Even so his "brand" feels pretty toxic at this point, especially with increasing inflation and the decision to hobble US oil production in favour of OPEC.
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Caught checking his watch when he was supposed to be showing respect to the dead soldiers now?

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It's impossible to compare as in the 80s there was no social media, nobody had a camera readily to hand. Press and publicity was far more controlled. It was also a more deferential time and people would believe things more easily, especially about their president
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Reading from the script and still can’t get it right 🙄
View attachment 2790216
Honestly, even before he makes the mistake, he's reading as if he's never seen the words before. He's not using the cards as cue cards, but is reading from them completely. I know we keep saying this, but honestly, if he gets elected, how on earth is he going to be in a year's time let alone four?
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Honestly, even before he makes the mistake, he's reading as if he's never seen the words before. He's not using the cards as cue cards, but is reading from them completely. I know we keep saying this, but honestly, if he gets elected, how on earth is he going to be in a year's time let alone four?
It really doesn't matter, he's obviously nothing but just a puppet, they used him to keep Trump out, if he wins again I'm pretty sure any decisions made about anything his input will have zero influence.
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Scotch Mist

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If the Democrats don't come up with a better candidate soon they are handing the next presidency to Trump. What a strange state of affairs this is.
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