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Really the only way to settle this is to have Jodie and The Villagers do a competition about who has the flattest brownest stomach. They all take their tops off and when the council have finished wanking over Jodie and heaving over The Villagers they can issue the licence.
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Mrs Brill

She was always planning to keep them, I’m so glad her attempts to make them house pets failed.

Then expects her dumb followers to fund these poor creatures when they should have been released in the wild rather than trapped in a cage for life - I wonder what Second Chance Fox Rescue think of this behaviour?

She’s a net contributor to the rescue problem; she adds no value to this planet whatsoever.

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sorry for the caps - i have made some changes to the wiki page . Hope this is ok. During putting this together i have dicscovered some interesting information. This is regards to the CIC ( and fundraising - info on wiki) and an outright lie from Oliver Reece ( in his statement ) and Jodies DWA application ( also noted in the wiki update).

I have contacted the Environmental Health Panel Committee & the Environmental Health Team at Uttlesford and have asked for clarification . This is the email I sent ( attached).

I will be carrying on with the wiki ( and adding in more about other animals - clover etc)


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Steph is just as thick as Jodie attempting to get Kaos out of the stable straight away instead of standing back and just letting him leave when he felt safe to do so. Jodie blocked the door filming no wonder he wouldn’t leave. They traumatised him before leaving him alone to do it himself. Steph you’re a clueless horse owner!! What was the rush? Absolutely no need to try to push him out the door when he’s unhandled and doesn’t understand what you’re asking him to do and frightened that his mother has gone. It just shows they’ve never even been for a walk in 3 weeks. You should both be ashamed of yourselves 😡 The state of that poor mare!
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New thread. Congratulations @GeraldsRevenge on the winning thread title. There were many excellent suggestions so apologies to everyone else for not choosing theirs. Link to the site with the video of Jodie's Fripps Farm hellsite below.

Quick recap:
-Jodie's kitchen was filled with mouse shit
-Jodie was so special that she was invited to Buckingham Palace but it turned out she was just a plus one for one of the Kaotic Nomad twats
-Grabbing geese by the neck and throwing them around is apparantly a regular thing at Fripps
-Nicky Johnston is Photoshopping Jodie's animal delusions
-A video regarding the DWA application has been posted. It needs to be seen to be believed...

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Sharron Needles

Chatty Member
shes proven time & time again she’s a boldfaced liar. her dogs don’t bark, never had an animal escape, Max “accounts may differ” Beesley, Frank “I never had sex with you” Lampard. I genuinely believe she has a mental disability of some sort & believes her own lies
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Dear The council

Jodie has rescued over eleventy thirteen animals. How many animals have you even rescued? I bet you're not even vegans.

From Steph A happy villager
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Gets one fat tit out while her mate screams fuck the neighbours 🤷🏼‍♀️

All jokes aside she really is one despicable human and i hope she gets shut down.
All the neighbours are actually showing compassion for the animals unlike the bloater who acquires these animals and then couldn’t care less, looking for more, cuter, newer and more exotic pets and feeding her persecution complex

Claire is so obviously a necrophile, peodophile, has a small dick and a boiled head, stole a watch etc etc
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Just back from a visit to a propah wildlife rescue picking up a pregnant hedgehog. They prefer them to give birth in a natural environment.
They said "You are the best rehabber evah. In fact you are so fecking wonderful you could teach others!" "Thank you for doing this we appreciate all of the release and support team." I had a tour and did loads of videos and selfies waking all of the nocturnal animals up and shoved cameras in their faces! I switched my phone off and we talked very softly on the tour.
I loaded her into the car and ramped up Elvis on the journey home. drove home in silence.
I placed her house in dense undergrowth & shrubs and banged on the sides to try and wake her up so I could film the release and put it on social mediah for clicks! and placed food and water outside along with trail cameras, topped up the other feeding stations and left quietly.
She's marked with nail varnish, so if I see her out in the day I can identify her as a nursing female.

That's how it's done Jodie. Do the right thing and hand your healthy captive hedgehogs over to a wildlife rescue who will have experienced rehabbers on hand.
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Miss Villanelle

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Keeping my fingers firmly crossed that it's refused 🤞
For the neighbours, (we are all behind you) for the poor animals which she will get bored of very quickly.
Here's to an ig rant from a heavily filtered Jodes crying, bully, stalker etc and of course the police will be informed 😂
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Brian Butterfield

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It’s my understanding that the family next door live on the same plot together but have separate houses? Even if they did live together that doesn’t take away from their integrity & complaint against her. She has nothing to say other than childish bullying comments! The fact she’s keeping the link of the legal case away from her followers shows her dishonesty & manipulation, she should have nothing to hide!!
I’m 45, happily married with kids and considering buying with my parents so I can help care for them. There are many reasons why generations of families may choose to live together.

With every rant, Jodie simply shows everyone how nasty and narrow minded she is. And the only “bully” in this scenario is you, Jodie Marsh. You are a selfish, immature, unprofessional narcissist.
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Marmalade Atkins

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Oh if she's one of those it is absolutely cruel to lock her up - I learned about them the other day, they literally imprint on the animals they are protecting. That's her family and she's not allowed to be near them, that's made me feel sad. Poor thing.

And now she's stuck in a cage.
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I’ve been talking to a fox rescue that is absolutely disgusted by her behaviour and was already aware before I brought it to their attention so they definitely are talking about her within the animal rescue community and none of it is positive!!
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Either those comments will be deleted or she’ll reply with a snarky response asking how many animals they have rescued. And do you know what, it doesn’t matter how many fucking animals she’s rescued if she’s doing it wrong.
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