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Sharron Needles

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I'm just off the phone from an old pap mate in Colchester who has spilt some serious tea! Go brew up, your Lyons, Tetley or Yorkshire and sit comfortably and I'll begin.......

Jodes turns up with her solicitor who was male, not female as she said in the video when she was calling the head of UDC and other coucillors corrupt.

I did ask what she was wearing which my mate thought was random, but when pushed he confirmed it was NOT the chicken outfit. Those of us who have been up all night wanking had wasted wanks!

Jodie says she wasn't expecting this sort of meeting the head of UDC, she named him, had told her she was there for coffee with her neighbours!!! Yeah Jodes we all take our solicitor with us for a coffee with our neighbours, I don't go anywhere without mine.

Jodie starts gobbing off about devoting the last 10 years to rescuing animals and is shut down and told that has absolutely relevance to the licence application.

Jodie also said she had no idea about any objections until the night before the committee hearing. If she had known she would have asked people to do support comments for her. Some bloke stands up and says how ridiculous that is as she named and slandered peole who wrote objection comments two weeks earler on her social media.

Everyone is told to leave the room for the legals to have a conflab. When they come back in it's declared that there will be an adjournment to be rearranged before the 4th of July.

So I guess her marmoset videos from this morning "they eat better than I do" (not chips & beefy crisps) will be trying to get her sheeple followers to think she is the best monkey mum evah!
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To any Fripps fans coming over we suggest you watch this. The first is existing noise. The next one down "DWA Licence video" highlights what's happening. Before you try to throw us under a bus please bear in mind that Fripps is not a farm it's a house with a small paddock. It's in a residential area with close neighbours both sides. Jodie has applied to keep dangerous wild animals in her back garden. Would you want to live next door to this? Would you want dangerous wild animals in close proximity to your children or grand children? People in the village are concerned as would you be hence the objections. It's not a legal case at all it's an application for a licence through the district council and just like a planning application people can support or object. Please remove your blinkers and accept that the narrative you are being fed may not be reality.
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Miss Villanelle

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Psml the fucking irony of saying all we do is sit on our arses bullying Jodes whilst sat on YOUR fat arse defending her!
If you can't see how overcrowded that shit hole excuse of a rescue is I suggest a trip to specsavers and some wipes for you to clean yourself when you manage to extract yourself from up Jodes arse!
We have a lot of different, knowledge about land and animals combined here as it goes.
And we can see the truth.
Those animals are in utter hell.
They have no room, no grazing and unless cute I'd say ignored.
Dead emu not noticed, genets horrific injury, goat losing a horn.
She hoards animals and doesn't give a shit about their wellbeing. 3 acres is NOT ENOUGH to sustain that amount of animals.
So hush your little gums and look fucking closer.
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She‘s already justifying keeping them
Fifteen years of a shit life in a filthy enclosure or two or three years of a natural life in the wild.
We have rescue hens and they are free range. We have lost three in twelve years to foxes. The hens have come from commercial farms and we prefer them to be free range as they have spent long enough in barns and cages. A short happy life is better than one behind bars!
Those foxes will never cope in the wild now. She has issued them with a death sentence through over handling.
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Dear council

Jodie is the BEST EVAH!!!!! My favourite things are when she took her meerkat down the pub and wanked off that Alpaca.
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Every single wild animal without exception she treats like a pet and imprints humans on them. If they ever get released into the wild it is a certain death sentence. She hasn't a fucking clue how to treat wild animals. She is kissing animals with possible parasites, viruses, diseases etc - she is showing no disease controls whatsoever. Every wild animal is ending up tame and can never be released forever a prisoner at Auschfripps. Any real animal rescue and rehabilitation centre would have a screaming fit on how wrong she is getting everything. There is no excuse as a simple internet search will find literally hundreds of guides on how to do things correctly - she can only be doing this deliberately as I refuse to believe she can act this ignorantly and irresponsibly.

Found this RSPCA protocol that covers crows.

8.1.1 Imprinting This group of birds is known to imprint on humans easily. This often results in unwelcome behaviours towards people such as attacking them and generally being seen as menacing. At best, such behaviour means an unwelcome press for the species, at worse the death of the individual. Keeping human contact to a minimum while in care and providing a range of good environmental enrichment will significantly reduce any potential to become imprinted or “tame”.

Found this RSPCA wildlife protocols for foxes - 2.3 A TAME FOX IS A DEAD FOX - minimal contact with humans, particularly with cubs.

I would recommend taking some time to read these protocols and then look at how she is treating the wild animals in her care.
The wildlife rescue and rehab communities are talking about this and are increasingly concerned. What she is doing is morally and ethically wrong and not at all it the best interest of the animals, but there is no law against it. I am in contact with many wildlife organisations and we all believe we have successfully raised or rehabbed a wild animal when it is released. Jodie not only fails herself, but the animals too. They are destined to a miserable life in captivity just another trophy to add to Jodie's animal hoarding personality disorder.
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I've stayed off this thread FOREVAH because the animal abuse was too much and was frying my brain, had to take a break from Jodie as I have a few times before as a long standing and proud anti fan. #Musher4lyf

Not read anything since after the P Money debacle and I've spent the last week catching up.

Holy fucking shit that video the VJB neighbours put together about the shenanigans at Auschfripps made me cheer out loud and startle my dogs, I shit you not! Her calling them all interbred and Amish and then they turn out to be rather tech savvy, adept at gathering and documenting video evidence and pretty fucking slick with the editing software too.

Particularly nice touches were them showing her laughing about zoonotic diseases and admitting she'd never heard that term before. Bellowing like a bull at Mark trying to catch the meerkat. Ahahahahahha. Take that ya fat cunt Jodie Exotic.

Can't wait to hear the outcome of this licence hearing. I do wonder if Parge is a Freemason. The bellend bikers are certainly affiliated with Freemasons as I've posted evidence of on this thread before. If she gets granted this licence and faces no other action on the noise complaints, planning and land covenant breaches, animal abuse allegations and indecent exposure in a public place, then I'd bet my house on it that Parge is indeed doing some peculiar handshakes. Bear in mind he's in his seventies, if he is a freemason then he would have progressed to a high and therefore extremely influential level by now.
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The thing is she’s looking at these foxes with a human lense. Yes 1 in 5 don’t make it to one year but that’s what life is for wild animals. They’re not humans! They don’t have hopes and dreams getting cut short in the wild they’re doing what wild animals do. Keeping something alive years beyond natural whilst it’s bored in squalor is not the flex she thinks it is
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For fans reading here...
Shes saying the case is "to stop her rescuing animals" but its not that AT ALL, its to stop her getting a DWA license and purchasing pet lemurs. Not rescuing. PURCHASING. With your donations/money.
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Jodie the fact you are mentioning lots of things we bring up just shows you're reading here. So HELLO. Re: Clover. You've had her for months. You could have easily built up trust in that time in order to sort her tail and feet so that she doesn't look like a walking neglect case MONTHS after being in your "care." Now Clover and foal have been released from their prison, I BEG you to sort out their stable with an adequate straw bed because that is truly the most sorry looking stable I've ever seen in my life. You say her feet "aren't bothering her" but she is effectively walking on the equivalent of "tip toes" PERMANENTLY and all of her tendons will be over stretching. If you didn't have the time to build any trust in the time that you've had her, stop being a brat and REHOME her to somebody who has the time.
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Miss Villanelle

Chatty Member
If any of her poor persecuted neighbors are here, we support you fully. Any of her followers/arse lickers snooping. Open your fucking eyes! Save your compassion for the poor animals at Aushfripps and the neighbours being intimidated and bullied by your friend /hero.
That's right SHE is the bully that is WHY she claims to be an expert.
I'm certainly not jealous, vile or a bully and I have a great life. I will ALWAYS call out animal abuse and welfare concerns and quite frankly you are all complicit and gullible.
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Clover looked in much better condition before she arrived at Fripps. I hope they are giving her more food and supplements since the foal arrived instead of being ignorant and continuing to say she’s not skinny 😢

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I haven't even finished reading through the objections or the last thread but wanted to say even though we have known what has been going on since the inception of Fripps, to see the neighbours and communities words in black and white and that video is just absolutely 💔

How the fuck is she getting away with this? I pray a red top run a story or someone with a large following draws attention to it. What the fuck are the council playing at? I do not understand how this is being allowed to continue. I really don't.
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