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"Can finally let this bump out"???

WTAF? Does the think she's Kim K or something with paparazzi hiding out in the wilds of west cork waiting on exclusive pics of the next breastfed prodigy of the famous MUA/breastfeeding sometimes vegan depending on the day Earth Mother/Interior design specialist/rave maestro?

NOONE outside her little bubble gives a fuck if she has a whole football squad of kids- it'll be an excuse to never 'have' to lose weight for this not likely to happen wedding. It was only mentioned here cause she was seen in the hospital, and even then it wasn't a huge deal?
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Nice of "someone" to ask about last year's birthday cake 🙄 conveniently giving her the chance to tag the same girl just a few short weeks before she needs another cake. These instahuns are shameless.
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I'd just like it on record that I think breastfeeding is great and I think Larbo is a cunt.
Now, that feels much better.
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Chatty Member
Sure no wonder River is composing sonnets and his first scripts, it's all down to the breast milk. Did anyone know she’s breastfeeding?
I can fact check these properly with the links from a desktop, but just here to say that the large majority of articles on breastfeeding and “cognitive outcomes” have to do with breastfeeding for 3-6 months, and not the total duration. These studies report on development at 2-3 years of age, so not altogether how your child will turn out in the long run.
There is a major confounding psychosocial variable - that it is a position of PRIVILEGE to choose and be physically able to BF - and that those who are of higher socioeconomic status are more likely to BF. For example, if both parents return to work or Mat leave is not an option, being in a job that supports pumping and having access to the pump, refrigerators, and an area to the clean the device is still a big deal. Yes, formula is expensive, but time is the most expensive/valuable thing out there which not everyone has access to.
These cherry picked “studies” without any critical analysis drive me absolutely bonkers.
yes, BF/BM has lots of benefits. But formula does not make a child stupid, like that post seems to be insinuating.
The best food for the baby is the one that works best for a family.
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Sorry now what? If anyone makes mothers feel like shit it’s this lunatic so she needs to wind her elongated neck in & stop with the sanctimonious posts & 2 friends going through IVF! A miracle for a woman who doesn’t even have 1 friend you absolute joke of a woman.
Her identity is clearly very closely linked to her appearance and weight, and most of all to her online persona. She’s posted over and over again about “balancing” work and “emails” and working through her “mat leave” etc.
Her engagement on socials is atrocious, and has been since before her child. She got the most interaction from her pregnancy announcement/birth announcement. And these have become her new social media focus.
she’s tried to rebrand a few times, from dropping the makeupfairy persona after the drama, to dropping the gym bunny/bikini competitor phase (I recall she didn’t end up competing?), dropping the London life era, dropping the boss babe era (star shaped makeup bag anyone?), dropping the fitness line (larby fit which never saw the light of day), dropping the “high life” Dublin flat/small space decor era, dropping the “travel insta hun” era (remember she would post how many flights in a year?), dropping the non-started “other side of perfect”, and now a non-starter home page and interior design course (did shestart or finish it?). So all that’s left to display online is motherhood, and by extension, her child and her experience of and with him (without his consent of course, that’s my bone to pick with all mom-fluencers).
Losing herself isn’t new. She’s shed her skin so many times, I wonder if she knows who she really is behind the filter and outside of her relationships to others.
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Agree another baby on the way. Get ready for some totally original “best present ever” scan pics or “coming in 2024” announcement over Christmas/ NY. Yawn.
That dress is waaay too short. I love that “a night out with the girls” appears to have been a tragic photo shoot with her employer.
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Holiday perfume?! What the?? Seriously- does this woman think she lives in the pages of Vanity Fair or something? Her whole life is a carefully (tragically) curated advertisement. That's disturbing, and very sad.
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What this craic? "Making core memories" .....kicking a ball around.

And that breastfeeding turns you into some amazing and intelligent ma breastfed us sibling was nearly jailed as a teenager, the rest of us are just your normal run of the mill people, no doctors or professors sadly for me ma!!
West Cork is beautiful if you get the weather but the lord jaysus if I see another fecken field of gorse or hedges she'd put you off the place.
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She’s back talking to herself again lads. Does she even realise how obvious it is ?! She writes and phrases her questions exactly the same way every time, a question followed by a statement (always a compliment 😭) and an x like :
“Does River eat organic only avocados? You’re an amazing Mom x” or
“Did you buy another Gucci handbag? You’re the most authentic influencer ever x”
Anyway - reading through this description of her “career” and isn’t it the most erratic , nonsensical thing you’ve ever heard. So you “studied” to be an MUA, then a MODEL then Montessori “teacher” (very loose use of the word) then an advertising, boss bitch/insta and collab (remember the hideous GlamSquad glitter lip glosses that flopped?😂) guru then AUTHOR (best selling no doubt - Booker Prize nomination prob) now podcaster and now MAMA and FT EBF-er and oh also interior designer. But the full time mum in the back arse of nowhere having nothing to do with anything she’s ever done or tried before is ALWAYS what she wanted all along guys.
Is that not the definition of a person who has absolutely no bleedin idea who she is or what she’s at at all?! Or else a person who’s built their life entirely based around others and their perception of her. Not to mention the amount of exaggerating there - it’s delusional how much she believes her bullshit to be true.
Hopefully she’ll read it back herself and realise how absolutely off the wall it is. Prob not.
She's leaving out the photoshopping herself into oblivion, falling out with literally every friend she's ever had, losing brand deals because she was such a lying liar who lies, accusing an ex of being abusive, flaunting her "high rise penthouse" apartment & becoming a first time mama to her fur baba Storm. Oh and being an absolute mad lad of a raver. She's such a multi layered complex but super well rounded individual!
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Inspector Gadget

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Seen this under her most recent pic. So she’s home a few days 🤥 she’s liked everyone else’s comments on her post bar this one. Bet she’s raging someone blew her cover and spotted her in the wild 😂

sorry screenshot on my previous post deleted by accident**


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Remember in her last place she used to describe the open plan area as loads of different rooms? The famous boot room was actually just a coat stand in the corner and the office was a tiny desk by the window.
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I believe she did the aerial hoop once. ONCE! She's laughable.

I feel for anyone reading her updates and thinking it's an accurate description of post section recovery. She's hell bent on scaremongering others and milking her trauma for attention on Instagram.
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She’d still be in Portugal according to her only she was called out!
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Spot on. She never had an identity. She’s an amorphous entity filling whatever space she thinks is trendy. Her lack of authenticity shines through regardless of the latest lifestyle trend she’s peddling.
She’s trying to make “homesteading” happen now since that’s having a moment. It doesn’t seem to occur to her that a simple self-sufficient life is deeply at odds with her constant sharing of tons of over-packaged cosmetics. Nor does she seem to realise that the rejections of over consumption and consumerism would not really be compatible with endless fast fashion tat and naff shots of designer bags. You’d have to make your own cake too jojo, maybe a charmingly imperfect sponge with homemade lemon curd rather than begging for a fondant iced extravaganza. Everthing is like a paper thin veneer to cover her lack of any true values or character.
Also surely she just told her 2 IVF friends how she manifested a pregnancy. Can’t believe they’re still not pregnant. Maybe they forgot to put it on their mood board.
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Chatty Member
She’s just shared the julia Robert’s post about people commenting online.
Since you’re here, Ms Larby, what we have to say is that it is cruel of you to use your son to create content as your source of income or as your source of social media engagement. Particularly without his consent as he is only a child. And particularly with all of his personal information splashed online (his birthdate and due date were just posted again today).

are some people rude about your looks? yes. But mostly what people here have to comment on is your ongoing deception - advertising products you don’t or barely use. Preaching about things that you have no qualifications to educate others about. Photo-shopping awkwardly and obviously. Not to mention all the lies you were caughtup in previously without any real consequences.

it’s your platform so use it as you will. But you project yourself as an insecure woman who is desperately searching for her identity in relation to others (partner, mother) as opposed to searching for herself. As long as you are continuing to preach and be condescending and deceptive, the comments here will continue. We don’t care what size you are. We don’t really care how you take your eggs at breakfast. We really really don’t care how many “designer” bags you have.
I think your “content” is deceptive and dangerous to your son, and frankly to anyone who struggles with their self-image or their weight. I followed you way back because I enjoyed the “chats” and makeup looks. And I became horrified when you showed who you really were. Now your social media is a train wreck I can’t peel my eyes off of when I happen to stop by.
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I got up at 5am

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When do we think she will announce the pregnancy? 6 months…..9 months…..after the baby is born (we’ve been keeping a little secret)!

A reel of River holding scan pics, jumper saying I’m gona be a big brother or him holding the baby???
A reel of river delivering the baby. He is so advanced he is more than capable of it
I predict either a “hard launch” once the baby is born, or a third trimester bump (for the future 9months in/9 months out post).
Or maybe she’s had a change of heart and will protect this one from social media (unlikely given her continued posts of River…).
Any name predictions? Stream? Stone? Sky(e)? Cloud?
Meadow for a girl, Phoenix for a boy
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I got up at 5am

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She’s still blaming BU for her being found out 😂😂😂 move on knobhead. Most of us were calling you out long before BU got involved. We were all blocked for it 😂😂😂 massive LOL at her dated a few PT’s, you dated one, moved into a box room in a different country for him & drove him away & claimed abuse 😂 she will never learn
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someone asked her if she had set a date and she said herself and Adam are so chill and exciting project next year and want to concentrate on the house and getting, hold on for it, "their ducks in a row" 😂😂😂 so basically there's no wedding booked and it's not on their list of priorities, yet she was wedding planning today, and the way she even added with a toddler thrown in sounded like they were down to their final few months and the small details had to be arranged even though the toddler was taking up the time. why does she talk such absolute rot? her date hasn't been set, no venue booked and is showing dress styles, it's like her imaginary days when she dated Paul and moved to London after 5 minutes and was wearing happy wife sweatshirts while choosing her wedding dress. she's barking.
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