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VIP Member
Notice she hasn’t packed formula 🙃
She doesn't need to; it will be pushed on her in the hospital. It is miraculous that any new mum succeeds at breastfeeding in Ireland. Our stats are horrendous. I hope she can breastfeed if that's what she wants to do. She'll have to be relentlessly dogged as all hell to do it though, thinking about someone other than herself 24/7 (which I'd imagine for her will be a major shock) coupled with sudden severe sleep deprivation and post birth blues and mess and all the rest. I did LOL at her recent story or reel (can't remember which) saying she was all ready for parenthood. She has zero idea what's hurtling towards her (I usually hate when people say stuff like that to first time expectant mothers but if they're dumb and smug enough to suggest they have any idea what's coming, let alone blast on social media that they're all set, then they deserve it!)
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Probably one of the most brutal unself aware headlines I've ever read.

Think it, but maybe don't say it...? I'm sure that must be quite hurtful to her when she sits in a moment of solitude and thinks about the comment.
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VIP Member
How unflattering is this pic? So unusual for Jess
Great to see Rob taking another quick pic with a fan 🤣

The reason behind the skintight dresses and the absolute FLAUNTING of the bump is because she's trying to remind and reinforce to EVERYONE (Rob and herself included)that she is carrying his child, he is her husband, no matter who he is riding on the QT, he is her husband and the father of her unborn child - and she needs the reassurance from SM because she ain't getting it at home. This is a weird juvenile power play from Jess - Hey World, HE IS MINE !
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VIP Member
Just replies to other instahuns and anyone complimenting her - doing a lidl ad and a pr stay in Ashford Castle the same day 🤣
The bloody irony as if she stoops so low as to shop in LIDL like regular Joes. She’ll stoop if she’s getting paid €€€€€ for an ad. Trying to appeal to the upper middle class Jess?
The free trip to Ashford castle really sickened my hole. Cong is one of my favourite places but I’d have to win the lotto to go to ashford castle!
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Well-known member
What a disgusting prick & those girls are no better. Nobody deserves that treatment
Absolutely, re: the girls, and I know I'm sounding like a nun but it's nothing new, nor' exclusive to rugby and has been going on for as long as I remember. So many women with zero morals, decency and self respect and respect for player's partners. Happened a housemate of mine around 1999 who briefly dating a county GAA player, girls shamelessly throwing themselves at him right in front of her 😂 Remember Holly Carpenter spoke about similar experiences while she dated Cian Healy.
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Well she’s not lifting these weights that’s for sure. The weights + the bar bell = 75kg. No gym would allow her do that for safety reasons but most importantly insurance reasons. I’d say the most she does is what she shows in the video clips. Cannot wait to see her keep up the facade post baby.
Have you seen Siobhán O Hagans gym workouts? Some gyms don't give a fuck. She defo only does what she shows though. The state of what she was wearing today. Tiny little shorts and half the belly hanging out. No money to buy clothes that fit luv? 🙄
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VIP Member
Has she been offline since car seat gate?
Yes I think so, she'll almost certainly be back with a poor me/you do you post about the MaGiCaL jOuRnEy 🤮 Then she'll receive "so many lovely DMs" from her followers, followed by a gifted baby post and a sly baby beg post finished with a toxic positivity quote ✨ She's so predictable 😑
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Well-known member
Sorry just edited my post as it was unclear!!

You might want to revisit your own comments on new mum Lauren Arthurs or are we only allowed to bitch about the people you don’t like?
Not just Lauren Arthur’s, she’s a serial mom shamer! Loves to give her opinion on many others, absolute hypocrite… LOL
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Chatty Member
Is there actually any need for that comment? Sorry but I’m just thinking of other expectant mothers reading here. Vagina ripped to shreds..?! Eh that doesn’t happen. Vaginas don’t rip. Perineums can tear when the head is crowning. This is ok. They can No.1. Not need sutures and heal on their own. Or No. 2. Need sutures and heal with time, approx 6 weeks. Let’s not scare monger.
I am not a fan of Jess’s toxic positivity. But I commend her for going into labour & birth relatively fear free.
I think the comment is probably too graphic. But I have to correct you there, your vagina can tear. And it Doesn’t just tear toward the perineum. You can tear upwards into your vulva right up your front and not tear to your perineum at all. And you will need some stitches. Forget about all this “normalising breastfeeding” people were saying here earlier. Women should be talking about tearing during birth. It happens and it’s rarely talked about. There’s no scare mongering on here 🤷🏼‍♀️
Redden has said she is scared on some herdotie article today which most woman are coming up to their due date. Remember we only ever see the positives in this persons and other “influencers” instagrams. They choose what to show. By that logic of “expectant mothers reading on here” it’s actually just as damaging to be following Redden and feeling completely inadequate about themselves and their Pregnancy.
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It was front page news at the time!
So? She doesnt have to put a disclaimer on any references to her wedding.

I know loads of people who got covid at weddings. Hell i even know of sone one dying it one - i think the couples involved shouldnt have to reference that either
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VIP Member
The fact that she’s showing him all over her page already puts her into the dickhead box for me. She knows she gets criticism here and still made a conscious decision to share her baby, when all the evidence clearly states it’s isn’t in the child’s interest to do this. They’re two bolloxes of parents.
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It would appear we are back to normal programming, overpriced shit, also she's trying so very very hard to make "B" happen 😶 Its quite cringe, please stop ! Again drilling home the fact shes breastfeeding cause she's so mAgIcAL ✨ Also sharing false information regarding the birth certificate- Ladies; YOU DO NOT NEED BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER PPS IF THE FATHER ISN'T AROUND/UNKNOWN/WHATEVER 🤬
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