Jasmine Lipska #4 Visa's expired, right wing admired, shady biz is bound to backfire

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Guys Jasmine's eventually planning on quitting social media!!! We won!!!

I haven't looked at her stuff in detail for ages but the podcast title with the word "quit" piqued my interest. Still seems like she hasn't got any friends to talk to so she's using the podcast as a way to voice her stream of consciousness.

Summary (typing as I listen so sorry if it's not coherent, I'm trying to cut through her projection and translating it into what she's actually saying about herself lol)

She's apparently in a season where she doesn't want to put her face out there as much anymore and doesn't want to be addicted to the ego massage and dopamine kick SM brings. She generally seems very disillusioned and finally admitting that a lot of what she posts is a lie. The lines are blurred between her life and business.

She as usual, comes across very high horse and condescending with no self awareness when talking about much she hates when people overshare on the internet and how people should keep things sacred with their partners not realising her entire sex life, pornographic photoshoots, birth control methods, domestic fights are plastered on these forums. I genuinely laughed out loud when she talked about how she hates "fake vulnerability for likes and attention" but admits she's played into it in the past.

Seems she really regrets sharing so much of her life as it lives "all over the internet" (aka on the forums). She worries about her children seeing what she has posted.

Talks about having increased engagement recently and how she's gone viral with certain reels. Sounds like she's upset that people with opposing views are now finding her rather than her insanity being confined to her right wing wacko bubble. Felt pressure to post everyday to capitalise off this newfound virality.

How real life connections are more important than social media connections because what would happen if you lost all your followings? (Sounds like a worry for her lol) Seems like she's feeling like she doesn't matter on social media. Says she doesn't get her phone out with friends and doesn't need to prove she's got friends (ok that one really made me genuinely laugh!)

She says she doesn't share anything unless she has processed it fully because she doesn't want to be upset if people judge it or scrutinize her. (Like wtf how about just keep shit to yourself in the first place like surely that's the main solution here?!)

Starts talking about hateful and abusive comments and how she blocks. Ok this one made me really laugh. She starts talking about "people" (note reader, she means herself) naively post something on reels and it goes viral and then you get mean comments so you need to be ok with whatever you post getting judgements.

her and Josh have had conversations about sharing couples stuff. They have strict boundaries and that they'll never sell out () talks about how people make their whole personality their relationship and film themselves doing everything together. Her belief is that your relationship is better when it isn't monetised (in the same sentence she says they have a YouTube channel and podcast but stresses that they aren't active on it as if that doesn't make it worse. All I can say it WTFFFF

She says other streams of income outside of social media now sounds "luxurious" to her and that she doesn't want to depend on using her life for money.

Now thinking about motherhood and doesn't want her kids seeing her being self obsessed (lol) and being in front of a camera. Wants to focus on skills and what she can contribute to the world.

My notes

I'm taking it all with a pinch of salt and wondering if someone/something has scared her off? She's a massive narc and her "breaks" have only ever lasted 2-3 weeks at most".

I just hate how she tries to turn it into a lesson for all about how "everyone" should practice "sacred privacy" like no dumbass, most sane minded people keep their shit private. it's YOU who is such a narcissist you have no self preservation and now trapped in your own actions of whoring yourself online.

Sounds like she has SERIOUS social media addictions. Like the problems she describes having are unfathomable to me. For example she would get anxiety about wanting to show everyone where she's going, what she's doing etc...

Idk it feels like this is all tied into her wanting to please Josh and become a proper submissive trad wife for him.

I'd be VERY interested if she manages to find a job outside of social media given she has no skills, no education, no personality or people skills. her hateful, homophobic, right wing racist views are plastered on the internet alongside her scamming, porn photoshoots, sex life etc.

I guess time will tell what she does but hopefully we'll be saying goodbye and good riddance to this scamming bozo soon
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We've been telling her this for ages...it's always later in hindsight she realizes how greedy and narcissistic she was being.

Also I don't believe her one bit that she has solid girlfriends IRL to lean on. And that's because she hasn't been there for friends in the past. Remember Courtney? Mariana? She abandoned all of them. She even said it herself...she doesn't feel the need to show on socials when she's struggling with something. And that can very mean she's still struggling with trying to sustain friendships with women, hence why she never shows them. Because they don't exist.

She is a case study of someone who is addicted to getting validation from people online because her real life is not as exciting. So she escapes to being online. It's like a dopamine hit for her. It's truly sad.

When is she going to apologize to all the young girls and women she scammed with her business and spreading hurtful misinformation?
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You had me thinking that it may be possible for her to find jobs without employers knowing her history if she uses her other names “Jasmine Campbell”, “Jasmine Mary Campbell”, “Jasmine Mary”, “Mary Lipska”, “Mary Lipski”, “Mary Campbell” or some other variation of that. Because if you do a Google search with all of those name variations nothing about her social online life comes up.

Is there a way to link those names to these forums to show up on search sites?
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You're right because Lipski is her official surname i.e. what's on her passport and official documents. I think Lipska is just her online persona because that's the more authentic Polish variation of her name i.e. females have the ending "a" in names.
Unfortunately for her, any normal variation of her name means the forum comes up. I think she'll formally change her name to Jasmine Campbell as it's a more common name and less easy to trace her past. Although it's nothing a little spamming and trail leaving on the forum can't solve lol


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So I was thinking about the recent spike and trend of the spirituality to right wing to evangelical Christian pipeline and I realise Jasmine is well in stage 2. All signs seem to point to her joining religion again and formally denouncing her spirituality and astrology.

Who wants to place bets on when our enlightened queen will "find God" before her and Josh "go forth and multiply" by inevitably taking their 6 biracial perfect blonde kids to live in a commune where they can finally live their true dream of being absolute wacko nutjobs offline and in peace?
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She’s no longer advertising she’s a coach now and pandering to the domestic housewives on social media.

Anyone think that Jasmine occilates from extremes? Like before she was step on anyone and everything to reach 6 figures to now innocent, docile wife? Lol she is so weird.
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Was just about to post this. She's definitely dialing back on the coaching and backtracking the past 3-4 years. I think she's attempting to do damage control now she's realised her social media days are numbered. So weird that she's changed her occupation from coach to writer. The bar is very low if copying and pasting with chatgpt is considered being a writer

I think she's going through a transition phase trying to figure out how she will manoeuvre herself out of the scam hole she's spent 3 years digging. Right now she's a writer and podcaster but I bet she's begging Josh for kids so mommy blogging can be her new grift. Her desperation for kids is sickening and Josh's hold up and silence is LOUD

Also she's completely stopped all mention of six figures so I think as suspected, that number was pulled from her ass.

Plus imagine being such a boring pathetic human being that the only personality trait you have is being someone's wife. No hobbies, no friends, no family, no interests, no job, nothing. People normally put *insert job*, insert hobby* *insert witty joke* in their bios but not Jasmine. She is just a wife to a shit bag.

I think that bio is perfect for her actually because it goes to show what a shallow, superficial person she is. Her only worth and point of interest is leeching off someone else. Proper weirdo fr.
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Hey guys, I've got this idea for the wiki! So, you know how she's all sneaky with those different names? Well, I was thinking, why not add this image of her to the wiki? That way, when people stumble upon it, they'll be like, "Oh yeah, that's totally her!" Check it out:
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Remember last time I posted this?

Well, puts on a sarcastic voice, on September 28th, she thought it would be the best idea ever to bless us with another one of her mind-blowing 24-hour stories. And what do we get? shameless ad for her ridiculously expensive life coaching services, $1111. Give me a break! Who in their right mind falls for that stuff? She must think she's some kind of divine being, using those fancy angel numbers to make her scams seem legit. Hey, newsflash, sweetheart, you're just a con artist!

But wait, it gets even more exciting. At the end of September, she declares that she's taking a "mini Instagram sabbatical." How noble, right? Well, guess what? This so-called sabbatical involves her bombarding us with Instagram stories for two whole weeks straight! And let's not forget her undying love for changing her Instagram bio every few weeks. I guess she believes that updating her bio frequently will magically transform her into a whole new person. Good luck trying to quit social media, sweetheart. It looks like you and Instagram, or social media, for that matter, are inseparable for life!
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Random thought: does anyone remember their joint podcast with the really stupid name? You , me , loving we? they acted like this joint project would be the the second coming of Christ! They then proceeded to only post 5-6 episodes and the last one was months ago.

Seems to be a common trait with both of them. Just really poor work ethic, no resilience. The path they leave behind them is littered with flopped projects and failures.

Speaking of poor work ethic, Jas has been gone for about a month now. I bet 573848% she has a burner account she uses for scrolling when her main account is on "hiatus". I wonder if she also takes clients and works during this time too? Their income situation is so weird and confusing. I really want to know how they stay afloat lol
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It seems you might have missed my previous message. Apologies if I wasn't clear. I just wanted to bring to your attention that she has actually been active on her Instagram stories recently. Additionally, if you check Social Blade, you'll see that she has been following and unfollowing people. On Tuesday, October 24, or Wednesday, October 25, she even posted two Instagram posts but later deleted them. Social Blade is a pretty reliable source. I was wondering if anyone managed to catch what she posted before it got deleted. Interestingly, her follower count seems to be decreasing consistently.
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backtracking the past 3-4 years. I think she's attempting to do damage control
As far as I could tell, the damage control started when reporting was mentioned again on the forum (they read here). Thankfully, reporting is now included on the Jasmine Lipska wiki. It’s never too late to report. When people report her and play it smart, law enforcement can recover deleted files and trace her online activities.

There is a Reddit feed where some evidence and proof of her actions exist. She’s attempting to delete this information from other sources.
I found it yesterday after reading a post on r/LifeCoachSnark. To access the feed, search for "r/LifeCoachSnark Jasmine Lipska" and click on her name tag in that post. This will take you to the feed, where you can find more posts and screenshots. It's great to see people speaking out against her.
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Apologies. I use anon viewer whenever I want to see her posts and stories but haven't seen anything for ages so I assumed she's still on her hiatus!
It's so funny how she's found about about digital footprints when it's too little too late
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Ermygerd guys! The day we have all been waiting for... Jasie is finally pregnant!
Congrats to the new parents. I wonder what their next few years will look like... will they continue to float around SE Asia with a new baby in tow? They must really be financially stable now
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Oh wow, now she's forever blessed with the joy of having a Nazi enthusiast as her life partner. It's beyond obvious that someone here is either them or a direct relative. How utterly amusing!

Seriously, I highly question it. Jasmine and Josh shamelessly pretend to have countless customers while desperately begging for clients. I've been to some of the poorest corners of the globe, and let me tell you, financial stability is definitely not a requirement for popping out kids. So absurd!
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Oh God...she's gonna milk that to death for content
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Hey Campbell kid(s), your parents lie soOoOo easily. I saw this in a post by Josh about Jasmine. 20 October 2023: “She keeps her body sacred and doesn’t seek validation for it outside of your relationship. It doesn’t mean she can’t dress up or look beautiful, but it means she has healthy boundaries with the way that she displays her body out of respect for your relationship”.

We all know that isn’t true! I found this within minutes online:

They really are losers having to lie and scam for a living.
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Funny how Jasmine Lipska failed social media 101 by outwardly showing free feet pics too. Who knows how many creepos saw or saved this pic . She really did sell out.

But I guess her bragging about being able to work while naked was worth it and live forever on the internet. So dumb. Also she probably lied about this just to appear ~edgy~

It’s clear she was dangling all of her body online for validation. I think it’s so weird that she took the time to take this pic, write a caption and share publically online. True narcissistic behavior. She is such a bad role model.

Hopefully people learn from her to not do this shit. Lol.

Also remember she was anti vax during the pandemic and said she would never vax her children? I hope she grew out of being a prideful idiot and follows her doctor’s advice to have her child take all the essential vaccines. For example, having your child get measles, mumps and rubella all for not taking the vaccine is dumb.

Did anyone notice that they strategically went to Europe for the baby’s checkup? Love how they shit talk in living outside of the affordable Southeast Asian countries. But travelled far just for the healthcare in Europe.

Also tip for everyone, if you use her full name in a post it’ll help search engine optimization to appear on Google and search sites. Helps bring awareness on the scamming she’s done and continues to do.
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