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But… you’re a 14? It says so on the website? You’re still a 14?
Am sooooooo happy someone has pulled her up on this it’s made my bloody day it had to be said can you imagine how many peoples mind it’s running through but they won’t say anything
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she also mentioned mum life and how she calls everything mum something.
James was annoying in pregnancy and immediately after Amber was born, but there’s definitely been a switch and I don’t mind him as much now. She’s really annoying, all the fake body positivity stuff and making out Amber is advanced is just boring.
Yeah James seems like such a sweet and devoted dad! I think Carys is struggling a lot with her body image and being a first time mum. I gave birth to twins 3 weeks ago and also struggle being a mum - love them to death and would do anything for them but it is exhausting, which is okay to admit - I would appreciate Carys a lot more if she was honest.
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The pure fact that she can post a story on Instagram so often. Everytime I go on insta she has a story up shows how much free time she acc has. If you can sit n talk to you phone for like 30 minutes about a dress or a bra or how Amber hasn’t slept you have time to work out or be active. I’ve never met someone complain that they don’t have enough free time while spending their free time saying they don’t have free time lol. Yes it’s her job but she’s been overly active on socials surely there’s more important things than telling us your breasts haven’t stopped leaking
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She's said numerous times before how she was so restrictive and would track everything, and every macro and was obsessive over it. I've watched numerous of her old vlogs over the years when she was into fitness and this never came across as true. She ate good food and plenty of snacks, yeah she might have calorie counted and tracked macros but that is a legit way to lose or gain. If she was so restrictive and borderline showing disordered behaviours why not delete all of those videos? Why in your ads for whatever food subscription box they are getting does she bang on about how you can't forget about the macros 🥴 why does she keep showing her old body in so many posts recently. Never seen someone do so many throwbacks to their previous body in such a short amount of time. Just admit you want to lose weight. All the people saying she looks happier now on that photo, when all I see is an uncomfortable fake smile while trying to suck in your belly fat to look a bit slimmer, and popping your leg still🤣
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Her latest stories infuriated so much I sent her a DM message that i’m sure she’ll never see. But it scares me her attitude in all of this.
I work in education and I have seen some horrendous lifestyles that children are being brought up in. Gosh Cary’s for once in your life be grateful for your life, love your little girl and let her see the world because it’a beautiful out there.
I had my vaccine today and my 2 month old screamed the house down. Is it going to stop
me from going out of the house and enjoy my life. Nope.
Gosh if they have anymore kids she is going to have the shock of her life.
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She's said numerous times before how she was so restrictive and would track everything, and every macro and was obsessive over it. I've watched numerous of her old vlogs over the years when she was into fitness and this never came across as true. She ate good food and plenty of snacks, yeah she might have calorie counted and tracked macros but that is a legit way to lose or gain. If she was so restrictive and borderline showing disordered behaviours why not delete all of those videos? Why in your ads for whatever food subscription box they are getting does she bang on about how you can't forget about the macros 🥴 why does she keep showing her old body in so many posts recently. Never seen someone do so many throwbacks to their previous body in such a short amount of time. Just admit you want to lose weight. All the people saying she looks happier now on that photo, when all I see is an uncomfortable fake smile while trying to suck in your belly fat to look a bit slimmer, and popping your leg still🤣
She’s putting out there to young girls that when she used to obsess and calorie/macro count it was unhealthy - yet she doesn’t take the videos down because they still bring in Adsense 💰
Yeah. Seems legit.

I know!! I can’t believe this is only 2 years ago! She looked so good then! Not that there is anything wrong with how she looks now and she has just had a baby etc but……she was so different back then, seemed happier, more confident, had some actual dress sense! Which is why I started watching her as her sense of style was similar to mine and I like the sort of clothes she put together….now she seems so lost and doesn’t seem to make much of any effort with anything! I just don’t see what the issue is these days in saying that you miss being the size you were and looking a certain way and that you want to get back to that? It seems these days if you admit you want to lose weight or were happier when you were a smaller size then you aren’t body positive or are against larger people and god knows what other crap but I just don’t get it! I’ve put on a good stone in the last year, I don’t like it, I want to lose it! Doesn’t mean I hate myself, I don’t see the issue with admitting you were happier and felt better when you were smaller etc? :/ why lie about it?
I agree. Just admit it. I would watch her videos if she said, I loved how I was before, I had so much confidence and I loved killing it at the gym. I’m going to do a series of videos over the next 3 months of a fitness journey to recover the definition and strength I had before. I’d be like HELL YEAH I’ll watch that let’s go. But instead it’s just I’m so positive, here’s my stretch marks, I love myself and I’m lying blah blah blaaahhhh.
Also *bingo* - it’s happening now.
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No I’m sorry but I don’t believe her crap for one second, you can’t tell me anyone who looked like that is now happy with their body like hers! Absolutely no shade on her body now, mine is very similar 9 weeks post baby! But god I’d be even more gutted if I ever looked like her before photo! Also Carys 👏🏼 Stop 👏🏼 Using 👏🏼 A 👏🏼 Filter 👏🏼 On 👏🏼 Amber!!
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James and Carys #12 Body positive as hard as she tries, says she's a 12 but that's not her size
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With you on this I had a toddler and I still go to the same baby groups just moved up classes etc, at first I was bloody petrified taking him by myself at 2 months old and meeting strangers and what if everyone judger my parenting but it's not like that at all, it's such a good experience and got me out the house and socialising! I've met some really good friends from it and so has my little boy
Maybe she’s scared of going to classes as she will realise Ambs is just like other babies her age and not advanced 🙈😂
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Chatty Member
How many home updates can you possibly have

“Week in a life with a newborn who is 16 months old. HOUSE UPDATE - we cleaned the toilet”
*James cleaned the toilet

Queen Carys is too busy being out of breath and counting down the minutes of awake time
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I can’t cope with how thick this pair are?

isn’t it a bit obvious that if you leave a tomato based sauced on a hob with no lid on that it is going to spit tomato sauce everywhere?

dolmio is full of sugar and shit anyway, but clearly neither of these two have any brains to be able to cook because they live off shite anyway most of the time! Clearly they don’t know how to make a meal without resorting to a jar…🙄

I’m the same age as Carys and I feel like I’m a world apart in my mentality…
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I watched a bit of the McDonald's Q&A today and think it was really interesting that she said YouTube feels 'more risky than Instagram long-term' and less stable. I know it's been about 3 days since they've had a rant but it fills me with rage that people like Carys & James rely on people seeing them on insta/YouTube to earn a living, they sell us shit for a living, they make us feel like we need whatever they've been sent (free) to flog for THEIR living. And we're out of order for critiquing them? Get fucked. You chose this to be your only job. Don't like it, why not set yourselves to private?

Oh and also Carys if you find it awkward to say 'sex' on video it's probably because it is awkward and only weirdos want to know about your copulation 🤢 #skipthatbit
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I used to really love their videos a few years ago. They appeared a lot more care free and were open to feedback. Now it's like you can't say anything that doesn't align with their views or you must be really miserable with your life cause you're trying to put others down.. I think she fails to recognise it was her following that got her to where she is in the first place. It's that entitlement I don't agree with. People are just trying to help her and advise her on what would make better content because she has really lost her way. People who go out to work and live pretty busy and active lives don't have time to waste on an hour vlog that's just purely rambling about pointless purchases and house updates. It's boring, its mundane. She could do so much with her time and content. I've seen the elderly live a more exciting life I just can't imagine how bored they must get which is so sad considering their age. I remember when I used to enjoy watching them and sort of wished I could have their life and was pretty jealous. How times have changed I'd rather do a normal working day as half the stuff they own and the money they have doesn't seem to bring them a great deal of happiness. Especially when you consider how much she latches on to any constructive criticism online as a negative thing. I respect that she's a full time mum but she has time to be making a life style change, I think her anxiety would be a good place to start and why she needs so much validation online from strangers.
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I have to agree with you absolutely ridiculous she must be dripping bless her. Also I don’t understand why she feels the need to post that she’s wearing ripped gym leggings why I do I feel so what offended when she has a whole room full of clothes as if we’re meant to feel soo ty for her. Like poor me I can’t even have the time to we’re a nice outfit but amber can I just don’t have any time any more to look nice. Just so she can look relatable to others mums who genuinely cannot and don’t have the time to get ready. We all know if carys wanted to put on a nice outfit and do abit of makeup amber would allow her to if she’s that amazing baby she bangs on to be and if not James would happily look after her so she can have a showers and get dressed. I feel really insulted as a parent who sometimes do find it hard when am with the kids to go and take a shower put on something nice. And the only thing didn’t add the picture was mum life just admit carys that you just don’t give a F***k about you appearance because you don’t live yourself enough please do not degrade mothers who genuinely don’t have time to shower and eat in peace and when it happens it takes forever. She is so insensitive and really disrespectful to mothers who don’t live that luxurious life
100% agree and also feel offended. I'm a first time mum to twins born only a few weeks ago. Most days I don't have time to get dressed, shower or eat a proper meal. And my babies aren't easy - they stay awake for hours, cry a lot, don't want to sleep in their crib, hate swaddles, etc. I love them to death, sometimes I cry because I am so happy with them, but damn it is harder than I thought and I admit that I'm struggling! So no Carys... you are not relatable.
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I agree I thought she would be such a natrual Mum but she is so cold! James is loving it and a lot less frantic than Carys.

I have anxiety and I'm still working on methods on how to deal with it as I have always had this fear of being a anxious mum and passing that on to my child... well this is exactly what Carys is doing! She clearly lives in a nice area get out the house carys! Go and take Amber out and grab a drink! I find the whole sleep obsession with her beyond odd!
Shes going to regret this wasted time so much, shes got loads of fields around her a city centre full of lovely shops and cafes, so many walks to go on from the brecon beacons to the bay. she has all the time in the world and a little baby to explore with yet she goes next and mamas and papas IF amber is asleep..
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That mummy blogger she keeps referencing. Just a woman cuddling her baby to a different song and saying some sappy bollocks every single post. Fuck these insta mums have got some time on their hands!
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I’d love to see a sit down (edited) video of Carys on her own, talking about motherhood expectations vs reality.

would be a nice chance for her to explain what hasn’t been easy for her but also could mention things that are easier than expected (maybe changing nappies idk)..
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“Me time” - oh fuck off Carys! Trying so hard to be relatable with a messy kitchen table but gets the time to build a radiator cover and workout every day
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