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Thread suggestion (inspired by Paul Smith)

Jake Quickenden #108 Presenter? Singer? Influencer? Actor? Nah just some cunt off X Factor
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Philimena cunk

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The life of a Z list who wishes he could influence instead heā€™s both a liability to any business but also insincere - it comes across that everything he does is for fame.

I still donā€™t know how & why this is on my phone.
but tattle never forgets ā€¦.
And there, folks, is the real Jake Quickenden.
Shallow, manic, vicious, foul mouthed, talentless, money grabbing,no loyalty, ...
Coming to a dodgy sea side shit hole near you, next year.
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VIP Member
The life of a Z list who wishes he could influence instead heā€™s both a liability to any business but also insincere - it comes across that everything he does is for fame.

I still donā€™t know how & why this is on my phone.
but tattle never forgets ā€¦.


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Chatty Member
Guys I went to see Paul smith last night and he actually opens his show talking about fighting 'some cunt of xfactor' he says he had never heard of him before so knew nothing about him and then he gets there that night and jakes video starts rhyming off how he was a boxer and a footballer and can do cardio for days and can apparently sprint for 3 miles or 3 hours without stopping, can't remember which one. He goes on to liken him to the bfg cause of his size šŸ¤£ and says once he seen and heard that he knew it was game over so he thought ill just smash this walkout and have fun with it so he said he was fist bumping everyone and the crowd really lapped it up and once he got in the ring the crowd started to boo jake. He says it really got to jake, he was absolutely fuming with the boos and then paul hoped he could get in his head to win that way.
I actually felt a bit sorry for him cause he did talk about how much of his life during that year he had dedicated to that fight and how hard he trained while also working and he really thought he could win but he said with jake having so much previous sporting experience plus the height difference it was just never gona be a fair fight but he's glad that he is able to walk away saying he done it all for charity.

I was telling my partner about the tattoo jake got because he won and he was like that's the most pathetic thing I've heard, didnt sound like a fight to brag about.
Funny how he's never took Aaron from Geordie Shore up on his offer of fight despite the amount of.times he's been begging that boxing company for another fight šŸ¤£
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Tyrique looks genuinely pissed off with him, that 'bantz' about saying Fakey's slider/sandal combo was "shit" wasn't said in jest. Chris Hughes probably gave him a heads up and told him to beware.

I had a look at Tyrique, Lucie and Amber Turner's insta accounts and they've not mentioned, featured or tagged Fakey and Flapz once. Not once.

They have no shame but I'm embarrassed for them.
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So many questions.
Why isn't he wearing an official charity tshirt?
Why is he dressed like a gay man at a 1980's aerobics class?
Did he just gatecrash this event at the last minute?
Did he actually do the abseil?
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Why is the bony foot one putting ad on all her stories.She is a tag along at the best dressed in pep and co.Embarrassing pair of idiots who look so out of place with the others on this trip.Did she visit the mosque and dress appropriately as I very much doubt it with this tacky arse bitch.
I think they were all told to wear - and provided with - appropriate clothing but Flapz hasn't posted any photos of her in an abaya and hijab. I cringed when I saw Amber Turner and that surfer chick Lucie wearing all the appropriate clothing but they'd left huge chunks of their hair hanging out the front, Meghan Markle style. I'm not very clued up on all the muslim dress codes but I thought the whole point of a hijab was to cover a woman's hair?

I'm not muslim and would never wear these items in the UK but if I visited a muslim country I wouldn't be walking around in pyjamas or hotpants, even within a tourist resort. I think it's disrespectful.

That said, I personally wouldn't visit Abu Dhabi in the first place, not with the way they treat women and their appalling record on human rights generally. But these influencer twats have no integrity.

As Ricky Gervais said to the audience in that jaw-dropping intro at the Golden Globes a few years back - "You say you're woke but if Isis had a streaming service you lot would be on the phones to your agents straight away."
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Philimena cunk

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Can't wait for him to end up on one of those "where are they now" shows on C5. He'll be out of the closet, working as a gym instructor, and shacked up with a male hairdresser who looks like David Potts ...
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These two are just embarrassing! They really think theyā€™re super important folk when in fact theyā€™re both unemployed and uneducated!
FUCK, they are the worst kind of ā€œinfluencerā€ because they arenā€™t influencer, they influence SHIT ALL.

The term would better be described as DIGITAL BEGGARS/GRIFTERS or FREEBIE FUCKERS.

These two are both selfish CUNTS who want the trappings of a celebrity lifestyle but without doing ANYTHING worthy which entitles them to this life. Their happiness comes before their kids, their needs come before their own kids - I mean, FREDDIE doesnā€™t even live with these FUCKARDS full time.

So šŸ‘‹ to any of you on the trip with these CUNTS, have a look at the WIKI and maybe learn how NOT TO BE A CUNT ā€¦.
And there, folks, is the real Jake Quickenden.
Shallow, manic, vicious, foul mouthed, talentless, money grabbing,no loyalty, ...
Coming to a dodgy sea side shit hole near you, next year.

(ps I am one of the most foul mouthed people you will ever meet - but my manners are impeccable)
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If she is pregnant wonā€™t be by what freak has in his pantsšŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢He really is a walking ick and sheā€™s just a enabler like his stupid mother.Her clothes are just tacky and like Jeanie said everything is fake including her jewellery.
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Afternoon everyone,

Itā€™s just gets more evident by the day, these two are FUCKING SKINT & selfish - which we all knew, but itā€™s becoming more evident by the day. I donā€™t know why these people were chosen but I would never stay at any of the places these people stay. EVER.

When a brand or company use these CUNTS as their shill, it completely turns me off. Itā€™s evident and apparent itā€™s a freebie & they wonā€™t be honest with their POV (a term which drives me insane as it seems a generation are unable to understand POV properly).

As for PANTO BOY and his new ā€œFriendā€ - itā€™s painful. Itā€™s a novelty, usually the people would escape him after a day or two (please refer back to his ā€œFriendsā€ FUCKING off after a night on his stag do - his FUCKING STAG DO) but this lad is trapped with him, so heā€™s kind of in a hostage situation - once heā€™s free, heā€™ll be blocking PANTO BOY & telling his friends about what the crazy creep from X factor (who he didnā€™t know who he was, until PANTO BOY told him about it & Lorraine) who never left him alone ā€¦..

Too harsh ?
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How embarrassing, leaving your kids at home to tag along on a pr trip. Currently at Warner bros taking videos of the characters to show the kids what they missed out on, whilst mum & dad left them at home yet again.
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Unbelievable they have left the kids at home to go away for 6 days to showcase a family holiday. Pair of them utter cunts, they will be back next week, feeding the kids beans on toast because that is all they can afford, stuck in the house filming spud in the hobbit, because they canā€™t afford a day out.
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Philimena cunk

VIP Member
Does this cunt not realise how fucking embarrassing he is ..
The creepy uncle you avoid at Christmas..
Bet flaps is dying inside at his "hilarious antics and banter"....
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Surely Dad of the year should be getting ā€œinfluencerā€ work which includes family! Why on earth is he on this young people trip (with his tag along misery cow wife)? Heā€™s definitely got on it last minute. I just canā€™t work out why sheā€™s there? I wonder if a young couple like Tasha and Andrew dropped out or something and the only bloke who hasnā€™t got any work on is our wonderful Fakey.

Heā€™s 35, only two years older than me but he just comes across like heā€™s almost 50. He looks creepy whenever heā€™s hanging around with this lot. Heā€™s a proper sad bastard and needs to get some help for his attention seeking ways, heā€™s embarrassing.

If being an influencer and going on free holidays make you as miserable as flaps is I will pass.
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