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Well-known member
Sorry but I think a lot of her stans just enjoy the drama. I'm not a Jack fan but if I was genuinely concerned about Jack, I would call Essex Police and let them know there was reason to be concerned about her welfare. I wouldn't Tweet fucking Nigella Lawson or Roger De Courcey and Nookie Bear.

Secondly if I'd said something that gave people the impression that I was suicidal when I wasn't I'd back on Twitter correcting that in record time explaining that I was fine/getting help and there was no need at all to panic because I wouldn't want anyone being distressed.
🦉 at the clarification that you arent a Jack fan there Jenny, we were all unsure for a while!
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You’re a good 🥚, well all of you are actually 💜

Cancer is a sensitive topic for me, I had preventative double mastectomy when I was 26 because of my family history. I lost my mum when she was 40 to it.

She can bloody well sod off with the bread crumbing 😡
I’m so sorry about your family’s horrific experiences. But you are right about the good eggs; there is so much compassion and kindness on these threads, Jack could never. I was wary of Tattle because of the rep it has for bullying, and I don’t dip into the other threads mostly because they aren’t of interest, but there is more concern for Jack’s family here than she has for them.
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Can I suggest that there might have been a massive bomb dropped on her yesterday and I think its the official non sales figures of GK. I think the little visit she had yesterday was the agent and management team explaining what that meant, in person and at her house cos she's a sad vulnerable little pixie with an ouchie heart and they probably wanted a few witnesses just in case.

I'm hoping she has been told she has to pay some of the advance back too :LOL:.

Could explain the narc rage today
i can’t find the listing for her memoir on Amazon any more (but it’s still on Book Depository)

I’m also wondering if the whole TT thing has fallen through - they won’t distribute TK without an addendum from the publisher and PanMac won’t want to spend any more money on a book that’s tanked.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
My sis is dying of ovarian cancer. Her cancer cosplaying when she is on the ropes makes me literally sick to my stomach. She needs to be cancelled once and for all, she's an absolute ghoul.
It's horrible isn't it?
And shows up her lack of contact with people who are going through/have gone it.
She lovingly dwells on details and emotive language that people just don't, who have actually been there. Either themselves or loved ones.
She seems to be in robust health in every way - why she constantly seems to wish for the opposite is baffling and insulting.
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So hypothetically if she runs out of time to put in the libel case and we get to May, does that mean Lee could say the same thing again without any impact? Or would that be a new issue?
It would be a new issue BUT almost impossible to win a libel case against (or even get the case heard) if he said the exact same thing a year prior and Jack took no action.

He could tweet ‘Jack Monroe got sh*tfaced on whisky & 40 tramadol a day not long ago and spent donated money on furniture she didn’t want or need’ and since she said it in a newspaper interview she was happy with, he’d get off Scott free.

He could tweet ‘Jack Monroe’s latest book is full of dangerous tips and she didn’t even bother to give top tier patreons a discount code for it’ and that’s pure fact.

With ‘former prostitute Jack Monroe has had 7 books out but still has CCJs. Would you go To her for money saving tips?‘ he’d again be a-ok as even thought the sex worker bit is irrelevant and BTL it’s true and he’s only inviting opinion.

The point is there is a lot more Lee could say which doesn’t defame Jack as she’s defamed herself repeatedly. It’s a silly game to play given her latest PR disasters. F around and find out I suppose. He’d laugh at a lawsuit, it would ruin her financially if (when) she lost.
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Just a thought (probably off topic), but this was the most liked post in the last 24 hours. For a canal of vile mithering ninnies/vicious trolls we seem to have a soft centre. Our thoughts are with you @TheDragonWithAFlagon
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The bottom line with Jack’s chaotic nature is the repeat CCJs. They’re tiny amounts in the scheme of things - she should have been able to pay them. This means it’s not that she can’t, it’s that she won’t.
She won’t be organised to avoid it happening 4 times in the past few years! Even though the CCJs absolutely ruin her credit.
She’s been blathering on about being the best Friend of Bill who ever friended and Stepping the Steps yet she hasn’t paid another debt - which is less than a month’s patreon- hence a new CCJ this month. So accountable.
She is absolutely bold as brass and will have no issue doing more U-turns than MPs during the Brexit ref campaign, casually ignoring Patreon rewards, dropping the Sue 30p Lee and the VBI pretending that of course she never meant to actually do the whole thing.
Anyone else would cringe with shame. She doesn’t have any.
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Sorry I wasn't able to get the date stamps, but I don't think we got these

View attachment 1900493
View attachment 1900494
I wonder if this is the same very close friend who gave Jack permission to share their WhatsApp message last year within a minute of it being received. Remember Jack said she had, between receiving the message and sharing it on Twitter, sought permission.
<sure Jan>

Every time you think she's reached a new low, she somehow manages to go even lower.
She’s racing herself to the bottom, dear heart.
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The carlin

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that she can make out she’s having a full mental breakdown on Twitter but IRL she’s just going about her normal life (whatever that is).
I think its even worse than that. She'll have been sat under that stinking duvet on her sweaty couch watching all of the worried Squigs and loving it. She'll be so buoyed by it she'll be high as a kite. Absolutely delerious on the attention. I bet you've read every post on here too Jack, seeing what kind of attention you've got on here. It must put a real dampener on her seeing we don't fall for her shit.
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My breast cancer became noticeable to me due to a SEVERE pain in my shoulder*. I got diagnosed after a mammogram and a biopsy both carried out on the same day. I was referred for a scan because the consultant at the breast clinic was pretty certain I had secondary cancer even before the results were known and wanted to know how far it had spread. Once my diagnosis was through I had another scan and some further tests to assess my fitness for treatment and the type of cancer I had. None of the tests with the possible exception of the biopsy was invasive and no one mentioned a dark mass, all the chat was tumours. My experience of diagnosis doesn't seem to be atypical so I expect Jack required extra tests because she is precious and does so much for people.

*It really was total agony. I am not Jack.
When you say had, does that mean the treatment was successful? Hope so as that's a nice thing for others to read if they are concerned.

I've had a couple of things I've been worried about over the years. A period that lasted months without stopping so had to have various tests. Intestinal scans to see if there were lumps there. All were non cancerous issues. I wouldn't have even thought to describe them as scares. They are just health issues until they have a name. Don't get me wrong I was concerned.
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Just popping in to say that today is my birthday 🍉🧀📐 and I'm honoured to discover that I share it with the very real and tangible Violet Biryani Index. I might have a read of it later as a birthday treat if anyone has a handy link. Can't seem to find it on Jack's website. A rare oversight, I'm sure.

(My birthday wish is that she goes through with suing Lee Anderson and has to make all her income and financial dealings public)
Happy birthday tenderstem, here is your pressie as requested - The Vimes Boots Intdex in all its glory. Please note the uploading of Jack's media appearances and also the link to buy her books at the end. Yourewelcome 🥰
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
If you put both their handles intro Twitter search, it looks like she’s deleted most of her Tweets to Jack.
It must be such a relief to cut that toxicity out of your life.
As @Veronicaaa said you can bet Jack DMs loads of people. Make them feel special, only *they* understand her. Some fall for it obviously. 🦋
Must dent her ego massively when they won't be controlled any more. There was a squig a few months ago who told her they were blocking her so she couldn't keep DMing them wasn't there?
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It's all happening tonight!

Jack's locked her account and Molly has deleted her Twitter account.

I archived the original Lee Anderson thread and the one Jack posted today. I think Clinton Baptiste saw into the future and realised there would be a chaos tonight.
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