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You are 100% right! It doesn’t feed well into her expectant attitude. It’s very MC and spoiled, and something I’ve seen a lot. People don’t feel they should have to scrabble for things like night classes/adult learning because they think they’re better than that, and should be handed everything on a plate because they’re just SO wonderful
Yes, a very good point. She's had a lot of opportunities. She didn't do well in school - ok, many people don't. Possibly because she has ADHD or some other condition. JO has often talked about how cooking kept him on the straight and narrow, as he was rubbish at school (I think he was undiagnosed dyslexic?). Like others have pointed out, he went to college, learned how to cook, washed pots, etc. and worked his way up. And then got discovered for TV by chance. So, as with most successful people, he had opportunities, worked hard and had a very hefty dose of luck. Big difference is, he doesn't come across as entitled and he very quickly used his status to bring others up. Remember 15? You could tell it was real passion project (and I believe it's still going), as he could see himself in those teens and had enough self-awareness to know that EVEN THOUGH he had difficulties at school, because of his family, skin- colour, sex, etc. he was given certain opportunities. 3 on the other hand has 'lived experience' of all the worst types of abuses and injustices. And despite owning 394 sideboards, has never helped anyone.

I guess they were so honoured to have been approached they didn’t read what it was they were asked to sign. Idiots!
I think it's more likely they agreed with the message, but then disagreed with the views of some other signees and hence couldn't agree with the message anymore, because that would be wrongthink.
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I love this Tattle book club! I've been making notes. My eldest is quite advanced for her age and has just finished the 4 Hunger Games books. I've had a few raised eyebrows over it (she's 8) but I can't exactly force her to read Rainbow Magic or whatever. Anyway, I read whatever I wanted when I was a kid and it's not like I'm going around lusting after old politicians and almost shagging comedians round by the bins ffs.
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You’ve just reminded me, are the pistachios still sweating in the smeg? Now that’s a sentence I never thought i’d write.
Next thread title..

#Jack Monroe - Are the pistachios still sweating in the Smeg?

Seeing as you were deprived of your thread title this time around I think you should automatically be granted the next.
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The amount of time she spends screaming all over twitter she could have completed endless online courses.

I know a girl with two degrees and a master's and is working in a job not related to any of these things because when she dipped her toe into the career she hated it. It's ok to realise the job, you think you wanted Isn't for you. Retrain and look for something else.
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Need distraction. Eldest having an operation today. Youngest feeding every 2 minutes. Any more drama llama? Or has everyone just accepted Jack is a dick?
Thinking of you & eldest, please let us know how you get on? ❤❤❤

JM has transitioned to working class spokesperson yet again - not sure how long it’ll last. We haven’t had any sexy thot shots to distract you with, sadly (?). Kitten allegedly been “looked over” by a vet. Putin still funding the coven, some of us are buying fancy vacuums but no one’s reached the dizzying heights of Cotswold Co yet x
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1. Turn up 5 mins late
2. Forget at least 2 ingredients and 1 utensil
4. Talk over the guests
5. Talk about how crap you are

I've loved reading your triangulation coordinates Dear Hearts. I for one rinsed Davidoff Cool Water as a junior frau and have a big nose, thin hair (almost as thin as the Rat Tale), but really nice cheekbones if I say so myself.

Absolutely creased at the Ian Bishop comments. I loved Neighbours growing up. Susan and Karl are my adopted parents (in my head).
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Looking at all of these lovely messages of support really makes me realise what a lovely cabal of fraus we are here, rather than the hideous trolls people like JM and SH make us out to be. I do hope you get the situation resolved soon @choccydigestive. ❤
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If she stopped being so vague about the kitten and just said, ‘I have taken her to the vet, we have this care plan / course of treatment in place. Please be assured, I have her care as priority.’ Everyone would think ok, she’s taken her. And stop asking her. And we’d stop wondering.
The vagueness invites questions = attention.
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Slightly off topic, but this is an interesting development regarding cancel culture.
The last few paragraphs confirm this whole 'guilty by association' angle. Someone signed an open letter against cancel culture and then withdrew their name because JK Rowling had also signed it. I honestly despair. Whatever happened to reasoned debate? Or defending freedom of speech even if you don't agree with the message?
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I personally couldn’t care less if she crashes after the full blown shit show of the last few days. You would think she would learn after that Jamie Oliver pile on.

If she feels shit on the come down from all that she absolutely deserves to. You dish all that spite out then you take the consequences. Her responses to some people yesterday were just full blown nasty. Worse than rude. Just nasty.

Next month it will be someone else if she can keep her mouth shut that long.

As for her comments last night about how everyone is trying to spoil things re her cat. Grow up. You aren’t 8. People are genuinely concerned about the kitten. And I suspect your other cat as well. If he’s shat all over your house he’s trying to tell you something. He’s not happy. It’s a big adjustment for him having a new kitten introduced to the house. I’d have done that gradually. Jack of course plonks them in the same room and immediately calls them besties.
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I used to get that a lot. My mum and dad were planning on travelling after my sisters had left home. They are 15 and 16 years older than me. And then I came along. Add that in with the fact that my dad pinned his hopes on finally getting the son he wanted and then out popped another girl, I definitely felt like a disappointment at times when I was younger ☹
Same. I was the only child in my parents marriage, (my dad had my much older half brother in his previous) and it took them quite a while and a struggle to conceive me. My dad made no secret of the fact he wished I was a boy and my mum had post natal depression which then turned into a general disinterest/resentment so I was saddled with short hair (my dad refused to let me grow it as a child and right through my teens) and also a sense that the fact I'm a girl caused endless disappointment. My dad and I ended up being really close in adulthood ironically, but that feeling of being a disappointment has never really left me I don't think.
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It's amazing that so many libraries, schools, bookshops and literary experts have been able to find the time to call on Jack's impeccable eye for details in the midst of a pandemic. I would have thought they'd be too busy preparing for post-lockdown operation but hey, I'm just someone with critical thinking skills and a healthy dose of cynicism.
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View attachment 176399All of the jokes were made literally 10 hours ago. urgh she’s annoying me tonight.
Sympathy waning. I wrote a really long post about how angry I was about this. Read it to Mrs Tunnel, who at, 5.30am was not best pleased with me and told me to delete it.
She cannot make fun of a campaign to help an industry off its knees if she is a poverty campaigner, regardless of whether she is an “out lesbian” or not. Being gay in this regard does not give you carte Blanche to make crude jokes at the expense of someone’s livelihood and that upsets me ( disclaimer, I too am an out lesbian, please do not try to triangulate me).
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Jack Monroe is working class in the same way I'm BAME.

Although, hang on... my hair goes frizzy in the rain and I have an unusual surname.. maybe I am?
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I think it's genuinely really sad how little *proper* joy she takes in anything. It's no way to live.

And sad that in recent times the thing we've seen her take the most energy from was attempting an assassination of someone else's work/character. That's not a good look. Whether or not DW's books are good or whether or not he is a good human being, I don't know, but there shouldn't be so much glee about it either way.
This. One of the things I - and I'm sure many others - have enjoyed during lockdown is going on walks instead of, you know, going to a pub or shopping or whatever. Now OBVIOUSLY Jack is afflicted with arthritis but she took great pains to point out our error in thinking she was immuno-compromised so there's no reason why she couldn't take a leisurely stroll by the sea every day. It's a really nice walk along the Southend coast if you head east. I'm not one of those folks who think ~nature~ fixes MH issues, but it certainly does a lot of good - all she seems to do is rattle around her shitty bungalow draping herself on sideboards and raging on twitter. How terribly sad.
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She said she has cctv all over the bungalow to protect her against her stalker, yet slept in a tent in the garden.
Massive hugs and love to all of you who are victims of stalking. I'm still battling on here (getting a case together to make it stop) and it's getting me down so much.
Chin up. It’s awful.

Some stuff happened to me that I won’t speak publicly about. Yet.

But the last 9 months have been awful. I ended up on sleeping medication. I had to give up work for a bit. It affects your whole life. As you know.

The gang I crossed tend to pick on single women. I live alone.

The hardest part for me has been keeping it secret from my brother. We are close and he would worry.

I didn’t go out once last year socially apart from with my mum. I couldn’t. Work. Gym. Sleep. That’s all I could cope with.

But before lockdown I went on a few nights out with people who know nothing about it.

It’s been good to feel like me and not me who has been stalked.

I don’t know if I will ever feel like me again but one day I hope to.
Sometimes I forget how far I’ve come because 9 months ago was horrific

Keep battling. You will get there. I’m a big believer in the truth always coming out in the end.
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