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Anyone else getting weird adverts at the moment? I googled “tekning” and have discovered that it is Swedish for faceoff, like in ice hockey, but am still none the wiser. I was getting adverts for mature ladies earlier so not sure if this is an improvement, and what sort of aura I’m giving off to have attracted these? Maybe Novak is into this stuff?

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My feeling, after watching Jack's behaviour the past few weeks, is that she's a bit of a sociopath. A while back there was a trans Labour activist called Lily Madigan. Their name had been Liam.

Madigan stood as a Woman's Officer in Kent and then got involved in student politics, then was in Labour. They had caused loads of trouble at their school and were absolutely toxic. Then they disappeared. They studied at Goldsmith's and there was a nasty episode where a female friend quit the Uni and took an overdose or something, because Madigan organised a hate campaign.

Anyway, when I read Jack's tweets it is exactly the same language/style as Madigan's. Carbon copy. When Madigan was on TV they couldn't speak, voice shaking, nervous. But online, a complete bully and aggressive and sarcastic and vicious.

Just like Jack.

So I think Jack has some kind of personality disorder. A narcissist, yes - but also a sociopath. She never leaves her house, she exists solely online, she talks to people and treats people online like dirt, while saying "Be kind", and she seems to have no friendships or real human relationships.

It just reminded me yesterday of what that Madigan person did a while back. It used to be on Mumsnet and it really is carbon copy. Anyway, rambling over!!
what happened to lily? Has she disappeared?! She won the first Jo Cox award for women in politics didn’t she, it was like a mentorship opportunity so I’m surprised she’d have let that disappear.

I remember there was huge uproar on twitter as she had a paypal beg button too, but it was in her “dead name” which people were really suspicious of.
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Mine changes depending on who im with. The usual 'work' voice change but when im around people i grew up with, and from the area i was from, itll revert back to that. OH would always laugh at how it changed, but he was the same when he got round his scottish family
I’m one of these people whose accent never changes.

Even if I emigrated I don’t think I would lose it.

In fact anytime I’ve been out of Scotland for a short time my accent gets stronger.

I am ridiculously Scottish but to be fair I’ve never lived away from Scotland

My pal went to live in Canada when she was in her late 20s and she came home with this Canadian accent.

My wee brother went to uni in Dundee and he actually acquired a Dundee twang.

To his pals up there he was a weegie and me and my mum were like, what’s happened to your accent

He lost it as soon as he came home though but it was funny.

I used to date a guy from the east end of Glasgow which is about 17 Miles from me.

The accents are like night and day. Nothing like mine.
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@choccydigestive I hope you get it sorted. We are going through slightly similar here, with one boy being a wee shite to my son. We’ve had a chat and I’ve explained he’s using him as he knows my son won’t answer/fight back. He’s also doing it to elevate his social standing in the group. Luckily the other boys are not noticing. It’s awful when you might need to speak to another parent. Hugs ❤

Does anyone on the planet know themselves better than Jack? No! She’s always bloody telling us what she’s good at ...being a pharmacist, thinking up things with her maverick brain, sorting out child poverty, calling out “ist”authors. Honestly, if she says once more “I’m very good at.......”, I swear I’ll hunt her down and kick her in the shins!
This may be happening outside of school, but it's still a powerful response to let school know...and not generally, but keep a short record of dates/times/circumstances/what was said. It doesn't need to seem a big deal/interrogation of your son each day. Simply a chat. But.... School can support your son in many ways, despite a lot of bullying taking place off-site. X
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Found the hit piece. Took a while. It didn't come up in a news search. Anyway, it's shit but bits of it made me laugh.

Oh, Uncle Vlad!
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Jelly Bean

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Morning Hausfrauen. An earlier comment got me thinking, has JM ever apologised without bringing in one of her many ailments as an excuse? "I apologised, I was an alcoholic/ADHD/ouchymouth etc"?
Don't think so. It means people have to be sorry for her. Again. If anyone has the sense to reply 'so what - you were a dick' - her followers can pounce on them and tell them how mean they are and that Jack is TRYING, ALRIGHT?
It is the perfect way for her never really to accept responsibility for her actions.
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Being on this thread has made me wonder if I myself need therapy. There's things I haven't addressed, that
I went to Majorca about 5 years ago on my own. A group of drunk men got on the plane. I swapped seats to let them sit together.

One asked me if I was a lesbian as clearly going on holiday on your own means you are.

Then despite me telling him not to. He lit up a cigarette in the toilet. Which almost got him arrested at Palma. He had to sign a disclaimer that he would not drink alcohol on the flight home.

Then he asked me to meet up with him

I politely declined. No way Pedro. They were around 50. Old enough to know better.

The only other funny airline story is that I handed my cash card over to pay for something on the plane and the girl went. That’s my name!

I don’t have a very common first name but my surname is less common and I had never met anyone with the same name as me. Weird finding someone else with the same name as you.
My reaction was at the creep, just to let you know.
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I buy basil and coriander a lot for my mums rabbits. I actually really like the smell of basil but I don’t cook with it.

Tom Cruise is a bit clean cut looking.

(Not dirty like Dave Gahan)

Oddly enough the band crush I had growing up was Roger Taylor from Duran Duran

(And he’s still got it).
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That ain't no Estuary twang...
Whereas I can definitely hear it. It's a middle class grammar school Essex accent to me, similar to my mother's Black Country accent, popping out in vowels and the occasional word. It's not a public school RP accent which you hear around London and Edinburgh - in addition to the Scottish public/private/educated Scots accents. You can definitely hear the difference, for example, when she was on television with Rachel Johnson.

[I'm always asked where I'm from, not having any Scots accent at all thanks to being sent away to school in England, despite having all the vocabulary and understanding Doric fluently! My father could pop between the two but I can't do accents other than my own. I was once told at a class reunion that the only time I sounded Scots was when I said Scotland!]
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Babe, similar. At uni they said I was either So Solid Crew or the railway children. Nothing in between.
Haha. Yes, that's very familiar. I do it mid-sentence sometimes, because apparently some words/phrases need to be said in certain way according to my subconscious. I cringe inwardly every time I catch myself doing that particular trick.
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@choccydigestive I'm so sorry to hear about the horrible time your son is having. I can really empathise as our SB had to change schools recently due to bullying (physical and mental) and it was just horrific. Seeing your child suffering and in tears, eugh, honestly the worst. I really hope things get better for him and you soon xxxx
Your poor boy and you too , bullying is so traumatic and at times feels never ending . Hope all’s getting better now .

For all you Hislop fans, there’s a programme of his on BBC4 at 9pm

I love a Lego wink 😂
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Chatty Member
Can anyone help with my oven problem?
Sixteen years is a fair age for an oven if it's been used a standard amount. From experience I've found when they start cooking unevenly they are usually on their way out, but if it's a particularly expensive one it might be worth getting someone to look at or service it.
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To be fair I sound a lot posher than my background would suggest (given that I think I’m common as muck). As does my mum. People would probably be able to place my accent if they met me but there are people in my area who talk through their nose like they are a character from chewing the fat. Accents can vary dramatically even in a few miles.

My gran grew up in a very working class family and she was always very well spoken

I honestly would not be able to tell how posh someone was from their accent

Unless it’s Prince William

Ps. I’m not criticising anyone with a different accent to mine. Just saying that people can sound posh when they aren’t and less posh when they actually are. I wouldn’t judge Jacks class from how she speaks.
I must admit I often been mistaken for being from a posh background because of the way I talk. This always makes me laugh because I am from northern Ireland and to me there is nothing posh about that accent. I just speak correctly and rarely use slang( as I hate it) 🤣
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