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It's becoming so obvious that she's not committed to a career in food. It was only ever a vehicle. Her skills and knowledge have deteriorated. She's astoundingly poorly read, she's uninterested in the work of her peers, and she's unable to develop. It's pitiful.
She's not committed to working. That simple. She wants a free ride in life, and oh my, the squigs are providing.
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I would prefer to call it Biscuit Day as we don't all hoover up the crumbs from the table of Georgia Church Suppers.
However, she has done Cookie Day 2 weeks in a row so as well as being a completed it completed it MATE 👏 she will henceforth be the font of all biscuity data. 🎓
BIB - you've just inspired me to create the Vimes Biscuit Index, which will not only track biscuit prices but ensure quality control standards are met at all times. Naturally I will have to do a lot of taste testing research for this vitally important project and I'm assembling a crack team of biscuit brainiacs. I can't do it alone, so please send cashos (no actual biscuits) to 1 Celery Street, Celerytown. Thankyou.
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When's the first of SB's dream trips away? Did we get an update on where she's chosen? Somewhere out of the way enough that can take some wild campers with a dog, but close enough to public transport and accessible to someone who has fuck all wrong with them uses a walking stick?

Note: all of those requirements were hers. Not a single one was listed as something which might interest SB or meet his needs.
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I've been browsing her blog. In her sponsored sleep outside post she whines on and on about how awful if was for her because she used to be so afraid of losing her flat. She's never slept rough (obvs). There's also a great poem that some ninnies might not have seen yet, so tuck in! Note her "middle class" voice, clearly before she got too working class for the beeb. Why was even she on the radio?!

I think of the legendary romantic lovers - Romeo and Juliet, Anthony and Cleopatra, Dido and Aeneas - and reflect that none of them adored each other as much as Jack Monroe loves Jack Monroe.
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It is @Django that is why the next thread will be consecrated. I'm going to put on ceremonial robes and perform an ancient Greek Pythagorean triangulation ritual to open the gates to the 344th dimension.
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Years ago, I got called to a lady who had lost her bottom set of dentures. She was in bed and very distressed, bless her. So I crawled around her bedroom and found a bottom set of teef! Yay! Except they weren't hers 😂. Her bottom set were never found 😂.
My fathers uncle used to borrow dentures from neighbours/friends/family when he wanted to look smart for weddings and the like. Top that with your poor fishing, Jack.
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Chatty Member
Ninnies, I have just heard ‘Not my circus, not my monkeys’ IN REAL LIFE, IN POLISH!!!! It took all of my power not to say where I had heard it 🦉🍾 My only release is writing it here. Go well, pals.
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I am another frau who fucked up her GCSEs. I went to grammar school too, and they advised me to drop one so I could concentrate on the rest. Whether it was to do with league tables or not, it was good advice. Even getting Ds in 2 at my v academic school didn’t stop me doing A-Levels and then an undergrad & postgrad degree

I remember having a row about it with my parents when I was 16 and shouting “I am going to move out and get a job and a flat and then you’ll miss me!” Then promptly bursting into tears (Reader; I did not move out!)

A lot of jacks pronouncements are like she’s still stuck in her teenage years. Everything’s always the best ever or the worst ever or “I suppose you want me to DROP DOWN DEAD!” V emotionally immature
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Mr Krabs

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I think she is eager to impress and gets carried away, so if the journalist didn't appear that moved by The Poverty she'd think nothing of chucking in a new detail like sleeping rough to spice the story up.
True. She’s absolutely addicted to attention, good or bad. The journalist who interviewed her seems to be a seasoned pro who has done a lot of international reporting, so probably didn’t give the big emotional response Jack is used to (because journalists are supposed to be neutral). Jack then took this as - she’s not impressed by my story, must escalate.
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Apologies for being a.... Scottish dick... but her spelling of whiskey makes it American, like Jack Daniels. So she's not bingeing on sainsbos own brand Scotch Whisky. Nob
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She claims the dog is named after Laurie Penny, which is hilarious if I'm wrong and the SB truthers are right:

"What do you want to call her, pal?"

"Gosh, Mamapapa, let's name her after that nice lady on Twitter who defaced a war memorial, then Katie Hopkins mistook you for her, and that led to your landmark libel trial and after that we bought the sofa!"

It's all a bit made up. I am off the same age and I have dyspraxia. I went too see pediatrician and and educational phycologist. They told my mum my issues and along with the school my family helped me get support and the help I needed to get through. There's no way in hell she was reading her parents books because A at four she would not understand the subject matter despite knowing the words, plus they would I assume also be unsuitable subject matter as what parent would want a four year old reading about sexualencounters and or other more adult themes, which many books describe in vivid detail, even I find the books that do not have that has their subject matter.
Maybe Big Dave just liked reading old Beano annuals?
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I work an actual 37.5 hours per week, which ends up being more like 45 really. I don’t have a child but I do have pets. Between work and caring for myself by ensuring I cook, exercise and wash daily (my nails are clean) and give myself downtime to read, watch telly and sleep, oh and socialising once or twice a week with friends - between all of that I can barely keep up with these threads.
Now we are meant to believe she works 100 hours a week, attends over 10 hours of AA meetings and cares for her kid?
She just lives a sad, meaningless existence on Twitter. There are physically not enough hours in the day for her to be as productive as she claims and then to tweet constantly. Put your phone down Jack and go have a wash, pay special attention to your nails. A long soak in the bath should do it!
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