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That Man still living rent-free in her head, I see.
“Resentment is the number one offender” is often heard at meetings but of course you can’t hear everything when you’re rustling chip paper.

The hypocrisy of her astounds me. She needles folk, she implies things, she steps back while her faithful subjects pile on people, she jumps into things that don’t concern her but the minute the tables are turned…shes shouting “victim” quicker than you can say “12 steps”. She’s a vile bully, a professional victim and it’ll never not irk me that she’s made herself a poster girl for AA when her behaviour is atrocious.
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... but we’re the only ones that can see through the bullshit. It’s really demoralising 😔
Don't think like that. I know that there are many, many non tattlers that dislike her. Only yesterday I mentioned her to a friend (senior management in a housing association) and the response I got was "Oh her, I can't stand her. She needs stopping"

We are the visible face of a mostly silent majority. In fact the majority outside of Twitter have no idea who she is. She may appear from time to time on TV, but once she is off screen she is quickly forgotten.
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I feel so sorry for the Macmillan campaigner. Actually doing valuable work out in the community supporting those who need it most and this narcissistic liar gets the award for something that doesn’t even exist.
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Screenshot 2022-05-19 22.14.24.png

So you know Katie Hopkins, right? Well I sued her and now we're a hideously decaying pair of copulating butterflies joined together on a rotten corkboard in a moment in time. It wreaks havoc with my lumbago and don't even start me on my piles- I'm a martyr to my bumhole. Honestly, I'm a car crash from the waist down.
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Amanda Lin

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“Then I had to sell my hair and teeth for money”

“Isn’t that the plot of Les Mis?”

“No, don’t be libellous. I will leave you with this; what would you do if your son was at home, crying on the bed because he’s hungry? And the only way to feed him is…”

“Isn’t that the lyrics of a R&B song?”

“ look pal, you will be hearing from my lawyer “
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Have been trying to articulate why I think those awards are leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I have utmost respect for everyone working across welfare and anti-poverty and fee they deserve recognition, however there is (and 🔺 because I work in this field) there’s still such an ‘us and them’ feel and backslapping amongst people who aren’t truly experienced.

I don’t know about that particular awards ceremony - and correct me if I’m wrong - but guessing it wasn’t held in a community facility that would really appreciate the income for hire, wasn’t catered by a community or non-profit kitchen and wasn’t organised by someone who’s used to doing events within local communities. All of that would be valuable income, however guessing it was done via well meaning but ultimatelysocially distant organisations.

ive been to so many of this type of event where I’ve spoken to affluent young people who are using the ‘third sector’ as a stepping stone or way to build altruism into their CV to offset against those qualifications gained in fee paying Schools and good universities. The people actually doing the grunt areeither sidelined or wheeled out as the token pov story (which Jack jumps at with glee) amongst all the hand wringing “so what are we going to do for them” discussions which have the unspoken “which make us feel and look good” attached.

however if I say this kind of thing IRL as part of feedback I always come off as having a chip on my shoulder, hence myfrustration in trying to get my point across on here!!

TLDR: stop putting your pus out there Jack and give the space to people who actually need a platform.
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Sorry - and this is only my opinion - you can tell these awards were a big thing for some of the people turning up. Nicely dressed, posh outfits, all excited. What I'm trying to say is these awards were honoured by people dressing up in their smarts. She turns up in a denim shirt and docs everyday wear. To me, that is her saying she doesn't have to try hard, almost a back handed insult cos 'I'm the celeb big blue ticker' innit... The 'not try' attitude.
I hope you get what I mean and I haven't offended anyone...
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Ok, just going to have a massive moan about dear JMs constant and repeated claim of 100+ hr weeks.

Husband is away, he is currently, genuinely, doing 100+ hrs per week.

He’s on a 6 week stretch.

He gets up at 5.30am

Showers, drinks coffee and leaves at 6.05.

Walks to work, arrives at 6.30am

Works a 15hr shift

This brings us to 9.30pm

He walks home.

Eats pre made sandwiches and salad as he’s too tired to cook.

Does his laundry etc, sorts out anything he needs for the next day. Showers.

Falls into bed at around 11pm.

Rinse and repeat 7 days a week.

He is truly EXHAUSTED.

Now he only does this in 6 weeks stretches, not years like Jack. (He can do 4-5 weeks fine, last week or 2 really do him in) although he is a lot older than jack

He certainly doesn’t have time to snipe at people on twitter, nor scream libel, nor go to ceremonies for undeserved awards.

I’m lucky if I get a 10minute phone call a day, some days it’s a brief text exchange.

Now, jack also has a kid, if she is genuinely works that many hours, where does she find the time to look after and nurture said child?

Makes me wonder what Jack classes as work? Is she counting the hours on twitter arguing with people as work? Does she count carefully slicing biscuits in half as work?

Arrgghhhhh. Such bullshit.

Sorry, as you were.

*edit* Im now reading page 19 and see others are also raging over her 100+hr week claims 😂
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Five hundred dogs

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When I was a child I was told not to say I was starving when I was hungry because it was both incorrect and disrespectful because there were people in the world starving. If Jack was starving (which she wasn’t, hungry maybe) then it was entirely her own choice. Imagine explaining to someone who lived through a famine that you’d been ‘literally starving’ too, simply because you were too proud or stubborn to ask your loving family for food.
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Why hate Jamie?
He not pay me.

What a nasty, bitter individual Monroe is. Whine whine whine, she’s like a mosquito. You don’t own the term Eton Mess, you fool-and if you gave a genuine shit about the things you claim to, you wouldn’t see it as a competition either.
Time and again you prove what your real motivation is, selfish charlatan.
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