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well I for one would like to know why the make up artists on ITV aren’t doubling highlighting and taking other make up tips from Jack when her casual at home selfie pisses all over the sandwhiches of their professionally applied make up and lighting techs
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I'm still not over the Maya Angelou poem from the last thread. 😮 What's going on in her brain if she honestly thinks its message can be applied to a Twitter strop?

And still I rise
like some yeasty bread
stuffed with gammon
and gifted salmon.
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Jack responding to JRM this way (like so manny on Twitter right now) is the same mechanism of blue ticks retweeting Jack when she's trending. A quick train to hop on and off when suited.

I also think they are both hypocritical assholes, so they deserve each other in this interaction.
There won't be any interaction, though. JRM will completely ignore her, meanwhile she's there jumping up and down in his notifications absolutely dying for an argument. Still, at least all her idiotic squigs will be like JACK'S A HERO, TELLING TRUTH TO POWER. It's all nonsense.
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Apologies if this isn’t a suitable term, but wasn’t her grandads property a doss-house as opposed to the idyllic b&b she’s suggesting??
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Why is the meat so... Purple?
It’s artisan. Sometimes in the pack of cheap bacon you can come across some strips of dead pig that are normally artisan but as they’re off an end piece they Chuck them in the cheap pack.
the man who’s next door neighbour takes the smart price spaghetti out of its packs and puts it in the fancy ones at the factory told her.
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Jelly Bean

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I know it is a fool's errand pointing out her lies. But she said not long ago SB was taller than her. Now he isn't. Sigh. Shrinkage due to malnutrition?

And her overwrought meanderings down memory lane, usually involving some grandparent or other, make me feel quite queasy.
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The pal and sweetheart and mate stuff is cos she’s trying to be all tough and street innit. Pal Jack always makes me think she’s trying on a Glaswegian persona 😱

I do think OH is a man, and I get the sense that she’s feeling a bit coy and embarrassed about that fact, which she shouldn’t, of course. Anyone that makes her happy and helps her get her head screwed on a bit better is a Good Thing. It’s like when she stopped being vegan, that wasn’t the problem in itself, I have massive respect for vegans because I think it must be quite a challenging choice in many ways and you’d need to have really strong principles to pull it off. The problem was that she became vegan, was suddenly the Most Veganliest Vegan in All the World for about two weeks, and then stopped but tried to hide it. It’s the constant reverse ferrets and extreme defensiveness that make me roll my eyes because it’s just so teenage.
That pal stuff really grates and I agree it reminds me of someone trying to be Glaswegian, like when she started in her recovery groups she put on a trainspotting persona, full Begbie, kicking chairs over, wearing her spiked biker jacket and pigskin cap 🤣. I can imagine when she's around non gay people she tries out a bitch persona as well to try and intimidate.
Oh and going into therapy and doing that thing that people only do on the telly turn the chair back to front and sit on it with the back at the front. Hard to describe but I'm sure you know what I mean, thinking of David Brent when he did the paid training gig and took in a ghetto blaster and also think partridge might have done it too, maybe when he met a group of teenagers and belied his true inner Tory by calling them a bunch of bloody chavs (chavs chavs ...echo...)
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during the Allegra years, I bet she brought jack down a peg or twenty
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Chatty Member

I like the jumper, I've got a bunch of OB jumpers (all bought on sale, they do a great sale). But what is that face tuning? I can't even get my head round it it's like an alien!

ETA what a gross and performative waste of money, clothes and dye the one day black clothes experiment was, huh? And to be so fortunate to never need to wear any of said clothes. People on low incomes could never have that option. Good for the environment too. God she's really tinfoling my mini eggs today.
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Omg fraus, I am here in real time for the first time in months but I've read everything.

Fuck me sideways. What a cunt.

You lot on the other hand, are amazing!
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I really hope that this thread can return to gently mocking her shit food, rather than watching aghast as she instigates a pile on a pensioner or reels off her many, many excuses for dreadful online behaviour.

Off course this is all down to Jackie.
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Coming from the past (grunking and it’s Wednesday, Jack’s been irrational and shouty about a Tory lady’s dinner) but here’s a piece about liars that’s in the Sunday Times…


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I used to dread going to other peoples houses for dinner. Still do, if they're cooking. It's a terrible failing on my part but I can easily wolf down stuff I think is a bit meh but I really can't eat anything I think is disgusting which is a fair few things.
I dread people serving fish as I cannot stand it. Went on a first date once and he asked if there was anything I didn’t eat- anything but fish! I replied happily, thinking he could cook up literally anything else.

Friends, he served salmon, and told me I would love it. I did not love it.

It was a last date too, just FYI. If I say I don’t like something, I don’t like something. I’m a big girl with my own mind.

Surprisingly I wasn’t the most fussy child I knew. My childhood best friend cried because my mum put Parmesan (the dried powdery stuff that was all the rage in the 90s) on her spag Bol one day. She called it puke.
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She's going to have to sacrifice one of her sock accounts to ask who the OH is. She will then round on them. It's the only way.

BTW doesn't Lynn look lovely in her Easter hat? 🥰
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I went to stay at my sister’s last weekend. She is a literal millionaire and we ordered takeaway. She goes “by the way, it’s hoose rice all the way in here just so you know” 😪
Let me tell you, I ordered a noodle dish instead.
I like to think of myself as a fairly decent cook and I’ll do a big load of food for after the pub kind of thing when it’s someones birthday or something . Anyway my son asked me to do various Chinese dishes one time for his birthday and wouldn’t believe that my fried rice was actually hoose rice and not takeaway . Went so far as to look in the bin for tinfoil cartons.I’m fully aware this might sound like and then everyone stood up and clapped but it’s the gods honest truth . I’m not jack 😛
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