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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
If it's not for public consumption, why share it? There is absolutely no need to broadcast this unless you want sympathy and to emotionally manipulate people to feel sorry for you (again).

If that makes me a bitch then so be it.

My dad had a heart attack recently, has just been diagnosed with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's and I haven't felt the need to shout about it on social media. I discuss it with my family and close friends in private.
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In January, when it was all kicking off at Linda McCartney, Jack posted a video to prove how happy Dash is:


...but despite the date, it was her Comic Kitchen video from last summer, minus the filter.


a) He lives in that run (unless she has been relaying the floor since last summer).

b) I think I may now be a Dash Truther. I want a picture of him with today's newspaper, or I will continue to be highly skeptical about him.
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I think most people who joined had time for her before something pushed them over the edge and they start googling. I know it was certainly the case for me (eyeshadow bruise).

That brought me here and I lurked for ages. At first I thought people were way too harsh and sort of conspiracy theoryish about everything but I kept reading because honestly people here are very witty (grunka'ing the DKL threads was a true joy). Broadly I still thought she'd gone through horrible poverty and had really just gotten lucky to get out of it and sure who would really begrudge her the odd splurge because her money management skills after exiting poverty would understandably not be the best.

But then as you keep up, and because receipts are always here instead of being deleted on a whim you end up being like, wait, actually, this is actually all a total house of cards. She had family living close by the whole time? Her child's father was involved the whole time? She has how many sideboards now and she can't afford butter?

That's not even getting to the really outlandish stuff that I would never have come across without reading here because I only just knew her as a vaguely benign presence on twitter (Did she sleep rough as per the article in the US? Was she forced out of her job or did she quit? How many times did she actually go to a food bank?)

To rise above getting annoyed these days I try to focus on the most hilarious lies. She doesn't own a toaster because taking the time to grill it makes her think harder about making toast or she'd eat it all day. Whoops! Photo of kitchen has a big toaster in the background. She doesn't drink coffee? Or does she? Also the thread that got the biggest laugh out of me ever was the jackshacks thread with the "frugal suggestions". For literal days afterwards I would randomly think of @Petelgeuse post and start laughing
That post by @Petelgeuse is an instant classic.

Question, cabal. I've been thinking about the wiki (I know, I know, I never shut up about it.) It's written by lots of different people and copied and pasted from posts here. Because of it, it includes repetition and quite a lot of tattle-speak. Would it be useful to edit it to make it more streamlined and remove tattle-language like grunkaing, doing a chaos, etc. to make it easier to read for new members? Obvs wouldn't touch the glossary, the Jack for dummies or the to do list.

😡 = leave it alone, you demanding prune
🤢= get on with it, you mithering ninny
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I don't think this is going to be a popular opinion but is anyone else uncomfortable with the increased Tattle/Twitter crossover?

I see lots of talk of the squiggles uprising but I would say 99% of them are quite clearly here. There's nothing to be gained from doing it, tweets tagging loads of people in from accounts with no followers, it is just trolling. It substantiates everything people say about here.

I don't know. It makes me really sad, I used to like reading here but it's making me really uncomfortable.
I have said this before, these threads are public and as such the public can do whatever they want with the information they read here. We can not police non members. It is why I only ever write things I am happy for anyone to read and repeat. It is akin to sending in a letter to a newspaper. By allowing your letter to become public you lose control of what people who read your letter do with that information. The public nature of Tattle was something that Sali complained about in the video posted earlier.

It is naïve to expect people who are not Tattle members to abide by our rules, why should they? I think that many new readers here are from the Viggles saga. They may be disgusted by what they read and take it upon themselves to take the action they see fit. If anyone is not comfortable with that, maybe they shouldn't contribute.

If people are unhappy with the public being able to read here and using the information as they see fit, then the only solution is a members only, closed forum.

ETA, It isn't me on Twitter, Tattle is the only SM I have, no Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, nothing. Never felt the need.
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Congratulations to @Emmapism for the thread title! 🎉 Had to shorten it to fit. Your prize: your choice of one of Jack’s garden chairs, plus a slice of the lemon drizzle. Zesty.

Recap of last thread

  1. Round two for David Walliams. Dave, just grey rock.
  2. Will you be free on 21 March? Join Jack in Digging In. Three brilliant food writers.
  3. All those who voted ‘Yes she can, but it will be shite’, give yourselves a little pat on the back. The book seems to be nearing / at completion?
  4. She’s allowed to chat shit about David Walliams because he’s a ‘literal millionaire’ and she’s just a lowly working-class urchin with eight bouncing rent payments.
  5. Look how many garden chairs she has. Is she hosting the next Greenbelt? Peace, pray peace for her. Her chairs are from Aldi. Just let her have nice things, Christ.
  6. She made a lemon drizzle cake. Solid effort. Solid.
  7. In her own words, she was ‘ONCE poor’.
  8. [*]
    Please use the words ‘thread title’ when making a bid for one as it makes it easier to search. Swears are not allowed.

    New to Jack? Have a look at the wiki.
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Sorry always on the grunka!! I've been here from day one hardly ever post because I am quite paranoid and worry I will say something that will get me in trouble or upset someone. Just to say that I love it here and you lot really have cheered me up in these strange times, you are all so lovely you bunch of bullying ninnies. Thanks for sharing the Sali Hughes video Brian that is what brought me to Tattle and I think Jack and Sali are cut from the same cloth. Anyway off for a piss and a sandwich now so fuck off.
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
@Brian Butterfield please don't go back to lurking, your posts are always spot on and you have a great sense of humour. I mean, if you feel bad don't post but I'd miss your input.
I'm a bit embarrassed now. Reading back my last message and I sound like a sad fishing Monroe.

Please ignore me, I am just a tired, premenstrual, over-sensitive frau today and was worried people thought I'd been trolling her on Twitter and then sharing it here xxx
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Has anybody seen this? I hadn’t

It's amazing that her son decided to chat to her about climate change, just as she was about to be offered money for an infomercial about a renewable energy company. It gave her a perfect anecdote to relay to all those readers. Almost unbelievable really. 🤔
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How about a pic of Mister Thor looking unimpressed at the latest Cooking on a Catstrap recipe? He's 100% Maine Coon.
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Jack is claiming Furlough for someone. The usual apologies if this has already been posted...


Information directly from HMRC

You're not wrong.
The 'Caroline is Furloughed' is what will do me in...

She is NOT on furlough Jack, so stop saying she is. Neither are you entitled to SEISS.
Those two things are for people who cannot work because Covid has impeded on your business or job role.
Caroline can work from home. She does admin ffs. She can easily fit her eork 8n around homeschooling, just like millions of others have done. If you have applied for a furlough payment, that is benefit fraud.
Same with SEISS. It was for self employed people who ceased trading because of Covid lockdown.
You have NOT ceased trading under lockdown. You have actually benefited under Covid because it opened up different work opportunities.
Again, if you apply for it this is fraud.
Stop fucking going on about how you are one of the 'forgotten'. You earned a fuck tonne of money last year so you are not entitled to the benefits.
And it had absolutely cock all to do with handing your tax returns in late, although you are an idiot for doing so.
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If it's not for public consumption, why share it?
And why include in that post that she is doing it because there are "mendacious strangers insistent on tearing" her down. If she is having a Twitter break because of personal reasons, leave it at that. But she has to get in that we are in some way to blame and are involved when we are nothing of the sort.

I truly hope that everything is OK with Jack and her family. I just want her to stop profiting from her lies, especially when it is at the expense of people poorer than her.

I think the "you'll not be happy until I am dead" comment is particularly untrue and nasty. Nobody on these pages has ever wished she was dead, if they did everyone here would tear them to shreds. Nobody wished her dead, not even through the awful kitten times.
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The floor is completely clear NOW.

But it was filled with 17 chairs THEN.


So he doesn’t have free space does he you absolute moron.

Poor Dash.
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Chatty Member
Lurking since Jack was a bit of a cow to me on Twitter. First, she deployed the "very clearly" defence (it wasn't very clear, otherwise I wouldn't have asked...).

Then she promptly deleted her both her original tweet and her tweets to me, but left her monkeys to crap all over me. #bekind

Still think my query was reasonable!

Actually joined in July, because it just looked too much fun here.
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She is not paying her admin furlough! Furlough is a government scheme that pays a percentage of staff wages when they cannot work from home/ there is no work. Neither of these apply to Caroline of the hands. There is work, she can work from home.

If mackie chooses to pay someone for doing nothing that is her choice, the fact that it is actually her patrons that are paying, is and always has been wrong. Do not claim you are paying furlough, you are not. You are also not one of the excluded, you may not have noticed, but DM, LM FSM, podcasts, express, vogue etc etc are paid work you have been working, and earning unlike others. Total prune, not a clue. *********idiot., yet again pretending to be hard done by whilst shaking that bottomless tip jar 😡
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I'm here because I have no friends. The cats aren't even mine, I just wanted to feel included and I have no redeeming qualities.

I do have a Patreon though...
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You won’t be happy till I’m dead is a terrible thing to say. No one wants that. We also want the bun to have a nice life.
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Sometimes I feel like I live in a different world from these squiggles. Do most houses REALLY have "dozens of seats"? Really? Including the sofa I could seat 11 in my (rented) flat, but 2 of them would be sitting on toilets and probably quite unimpressed by my hospitality.
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