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VIP Member
Am I alone in thinking he looks thinner here?
I don't think he looks particularly thinner in that. There's a bit of distortion from the low camera angle and the weird lighting from the back right making it look like the right side of his head is gone!
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My side-eye with Ioan is he would have seen her at her worst attacking other people but still married her. Some ppl enjoy being in a narcs inner circle because it empowers them, they feel like it means they’re special and they get a buzz from it. The ‘official’ fan lady strikes me as like that, she felt elevated and she was giddy from it. It’s weird because the role they get is so yes-man and servant-like, it’s demeaning. Think of teenagers that suck up to the school bully.

It’s possible Ioan didn’t see it much and confused her arrogance for confidence, and her nastiness for over assertiveness. Then the rose tinted glasses fell off .. 🤔
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I don’t see how this is a threat
No normal person would but this is Alice aka "Tone". She thinks cheese strings are a threat, not to mention parked cars that are clearly surveilling her. I could go on but you get the drift... She is also desperate to prove she is some kind of victim, so any old thing on Tattle will do.

How the hell did I get diagnosed with CPTSD by a highly qualified trauma therapist
What I quoted didn't say that CPTSD didn't exist, just that the DSM doesn't recognise it but the WHO does. I agree the DSM is dubious with what it recognises and what it doesn't.
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I’m truly sorry you experienced sustained domestic violence, and also there isn’t a one-sized-fits-all response to trauma. Remember, She is also dealing with a quite debilitating physical disability at a young age in addition to media spotlight and bullying. Not to mention all of the other things we don’t know about her. I’m not sure that because you don’t have that diagnosis or would make such an announcement publicly, means that her diagnosis is part of a societal trend rather than a genuine condition requiring treatment. There’s that saying — “we do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.” (I might be paraphrasing, but your reaction to her post made me think of this.)
Thank you. I'm not trying to diss her ( I'm a bit smashed tonight and posted an immediate reaction) and it's not like I'm completely OK or like I think it's something you just get over. And yeah, I don't have MS or a chronic disability (I do have other fairly serious stuff going on, as I'm sure most of us here do.)

I think I was trying to say something along the lines of... I am old enough to have seen 'fashionable' diagnoses come and go, and also to have seen the usefulness of those diagnoses diminished as they are applied more and more widely.

I'm also really massively sceptical about a sort of public competition of "who is the most fucked up". I don't think it helps anyone, and I think where there are children involved,all the adults in the situation should try not to play that game (I know it's easier said than done).
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View attachment 2663100

I'm sorry Bianca has cptsd, but girl is still working it. 🔥🔥

She's posting the name of her outfit on Instagram and she could be so much worse (or antagonizing) to Alice. She posted a very tasteful selfie for new year but this is what she was rocking.

A romper. Ahem. 😉
OK, I’m gonna go against the grain here. That outfit is fucking hideous cheap trash with the kind of bow you’d all be howling about if Alice adorned it.

Bianca has lovely bronzed slim legs, but Carine Rotfield she ain’t in terms of dress. In a way it’s kind of refreshing that she’s not blowing $$$ on Rodeo Drive frocks to be worn once - but let’s not pretend that outfit radiates style.

I admire the way she’s happy to wear regular priced stuff - especially if it’s true that her family are old skool money - but yeh, that is bloody awful. Like I say, if Alice turned up n gingham with a big bow on you’d be laughing. In fact I seem to recall pink gingham with bows at some photo op she had.
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VIP Member
Very! I wonder what their mum and dad are like? Surely they must be normal?
I am now going to call Alice Evans - Alice Fucking Evans as per the Death Pool thread - AFE for short. :)

AFE's mum died at 59 of a heart attack. Her dad is still going but he went NC on her. I can imagine the scene she will make at his funeral, just like she did at the poor step-sister's who she didn't know. [She was also asked not to attend, for all the newbies here.]
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their previous guess (Dusseldorf) was actually less than 50 miles off 🤣

tbh i skimmed through that thread and I've read thinks like "unfortunately he/she wont die"

I mean I get this for murderers, but for anyone else i think that's a bit extreme.
I was going to suggest we play Where's Welp on Tattle and my guess was going to be Dusseldorf (just cause I like the name. I'm not stalking you. Promise. 👀) 😂
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Im so curious, and I guess we will never know for certain, but what made her shut up for so long?! Yes there are little squeaks here and there, but mostly - 🤐
She was not afraid of court summons or TROs of fines, so what did it? Is she drinking less perhaps and her mind cleared a bit and she realised threat of jail is real? Has she been forced into therapy and that somehow made her a bit adequate? I would love to know
…also she has Dupee ‘evaluating’ her.
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Not seen this one before! Seriously, they look so AWKWARD as a couple, I just can’t…!!!
I wonder if she threatened self-harm (she has form for this), or if she guilt-tripped him “I’ve wasted my last childbearing years waiting for you etc etc”. She could have bullied him into it.

I think he was hoping that she’d do to him what she did to Olivier, meet someone else and leave him, so he didn’t have to be the bad guy. Eventually he just had to accept his fate. Poor sod.
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Ive looked at the youtube version JoJo posted. For 5 minutes. Jesus she is terrible!!! Not at the point where I meed welfare check, but turds who are watching it - please be kind to yourselves
Have some wine and take some time to recover. We're here if you need us.

Due to being slightly bored (very windy and wet day here, not a walking weather) and wanting to produce 4 remaining posts to reach my VIPness, I went to peruse the wiki. Stumbled upon live journal post on all the ioan online saga (didnt read it before as summary by others was more than enough) and my first reaction? WHAT-A-STORM-IN-A-TEACUP
No offence to fans on that site, but all that internal power struggle etc is like a local village hall fighting over who is going to present their lord of the manor with a card signed by all the villagers… its all understandable and all but why oh why he even got involved! How brainwashed by her he must have been! And that letter - this is the cringiest creation imaginable!!! Very similar in style to the "I love her with all my baby heart" "schoolwork" from E ..
I will never cease to get amazed at how screwed up mAlice is
P.s. three to go 😉
Due to being slightly bored (very windy and wet day here, not a walking weather)
I thought you were talking about yourself at first and thought that's a bold choice, describing yourself as very windy and wet. 😂
This is what happens when you check on Tattle after waking up but before that first coffee.
Congratulations on the title thread 🤣🥂
@Hiraeth I hope Mr H is doing much better.
My cat is still unwell, I thought I was going to have to take him to an emergency vets on Xmas Day (I slept on the floor next to him in the front room Xmas eve, that's how worried I was), but he has been eating little bits of food and I've been giving him paste and this fluid that @JoJo76 recommended via syringe, which has been akin to wrestling a mountain lion (my cat is huge, 6.8kg). Going in for tests on Friday.

Anyway, back to the fuckwit! Am surprised we didn't have a "woe me" or "everything is fantastic' post. I reckon she's had a telling off about her SM by Dr D, saying its having a negative effect on this kids, or even better a lovely letter for Xmas confirming she is in breach of the orders set forth by Judge J!
I hope everyone had a good Xmas, mine was a write off as I was too worried about my cat. I've been cat sitting two gorgeous kittens over Xmas, 7mths old. They were rescues, and the couples got them at 4mths old. So here is a lovely photo of them, to brighten you day 😍

Don't worry I've never had a title thread, and I've been on here for 3 years (I think) 🤣🤣
I've given up, I came a very close 2nd once and that was good enough for me 🤣

Yes I noticed she started following her again, she has also started following some real randoms, and Kate B - how very dare she 😉
I hope you and kitty are feeling better today and that you managed to get some rest. Christmas is a bugger of a time for any sort of emergency. ❤
The whole movie is (from the five mins I watched).

the ‘meet cute’ is when she starts eating his food at a diner because it was unattended and her usual order.


You can probably tell I wouldn’t react well if this happened me.
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Old Soak

VIP Member
I have a question. I know that Dr Dupee has the ability to recommend or order things like psych evals, anger management or domestic abuse courses. Would that be before the trial or following the results of the trial? If one hopes to retain some custody and the dr orders one or all of the above, it would make sense to do it before trial…..but Alice.
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VIP Member
Did this come up before now?
I think we all discussed it when she was doing those videos/cameos and we could all see her bloated, yellow-coated tongue, plus the IG post where she says she greeted Ioan in a dirty nightie and uncleaned teeth. Barf.

I think the commenter about Dresden is of course the amazingly well-travelled American 'pal' who has been to two (2) European countries, so is of course an expert, lol. She certainly seems to be in a mighty tizz about something. Surprised she's still around tbh.
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