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I didn’t realize it before, but this up close image makes it clearer...the drawstring waist with the Dior belt. I CANNNNNNOOOOTTTT.
The way she thinks shoehorning as many branded products into one outfit = fashun kills me.

I was always taught that if you were going to wear anything branded/easily identifiable you could only have one at a time. Then in walks Vic looking like the returns desk at Selfridges.
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As much as I dislike Vic, I can see that this is a lose lose for influencers. If they do speak up, it gets called performative. If they don’t they are called ignorant.

In reality, could Vic’s voice add anything worthwhile to the discussion?
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Guys I don’t want to turn this political but I’m so infuriated by this message she posted. She’s literally washing her hands clean by saying “not my monkey not my circus” and it’s repulsive. What a vile human being. I suppose she was an expert on BLM when she posted about that? NOPE but it was popular and came with no repurcussions for her to speak up about it - so she did. So bloody selfish and self driven it makes me sick. Children are dying and because it might jeopardise her PR image she’d rather not use her voice to speak about it because she’s “not an expert”. Good God.
I posted this comment on her last, vapid post but she’ll likely delete it. Duh.

“I just think your last story about not speaking up on the genocide and human rights catastrophe that’s happening is so hypocritical because “you’re not an expert” - you’re not an expect on American politics or BAME and BLM minority politics either but when it was popular or expected you jumped on the band wagon to talk about it. But God forbid you should post about this atrocity and ruin some of your relationships within the PR and Media world which is highly controlled by people of Israeli heritage (I won’t say Jewish because this is nothing to do with Judaism as Jews do not represent the Zionist agenda currently causing this genocide). You won’t speak up because you don’t want to offend people and communities who benefit you here in the U.K., not because “you don’t know enough” - this isn’t an attack. It’s not a rude message. You’re entitled to do what you do or don’t want to do. But I am speaking up against it being dressed up as some bambi-esque excuse rather than it being you washing your hands clean of the moral conscience we all should have to speak up against this, even if it means we lose some relationships or contacts or popularity. It wasn’t popular to speak up during the Holocaust either; but some heroes still did because it was an atrocity and a genocide and the right thing to do. Peace ✌🏽
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Oh shut the fuck up Alex! You can’t drive! You don’t work! If you were any less present you’d be a leaf.🤷‍♀️
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As much as I dislike Vic, I can see that this is a lose lose for influencers. If they do speak up, it gets called performative. If they don’t they are called ignorant.

In reality, could Vic’s voice add anything worthwhile to the discussion?
Guys. It’s Decades long genocide.
We’re not asking her for a thesis. A simple “I am learning about the happenings and so whilst I do not have much to contribute to the dialogue, I stand up for human rights of all, and that includes the human rights of the Palestinians in Gaza” would he sufficient and received with gratitude. Her virtue signaling of telling us monkeys - go read the news if you want to learn, I have no view and I see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing, in the face of genocide and war crimes, is, I’m sorry, but a repetition of all the people who stood quietly throughout history during similar atrocities. There is no equality of arms between the worlds 3rd strongest nuclear super power, and a small “open-air prison” that they call this embargoed piece of land (Gaza) which doesn’t even have an army. The latter is being combatted by the former, so you can appreciate that there is no symmetry or equality in their defence here.

Her post was worded in a way I have experienced people skirting confrontation and accountability of this atrocity for tens of years so please allow me to explain what was particularly thoughtless in her approach:
It refused to even say the word “Palestine” or “Palestinians” because she doesn’t want to affiliate herself with a “side” because she is scared, like most silenced people, of demonstrating that she is choosing one. This demonstrates that she is silent because she fears the repercussion of choosing “the wrong one”
This is the fear mongering that the alt. right has instilled which makes people wrongly believe that this is a Jew vs. Arab problem (it’s not, I’m a Christian and I am against the Israeli occupation), that standing up to the Israeli state sanctioned violence is anti-Semitic (it is absolutely not. Jewish people themselves are in scores condemning the Israeli government and calling to a halt to the apartheid and genocide and what is happening does NOT represent Judaism as a faith or Jewish people as practicers of that faith).

I won’t even touch on the self victimisation, and self centralising she *yet again* employed in her dialogue with a pre-amble on not wishing to state that state sanctioned ethnic cleansing is not a nice thing, because she has been taking steps to protect her mental health ? ? (make it make sense please).

And finally, if someone is more worried about being called “performative” than standing up to an atrocity happening to equal human beings during our time, then that is even worse than anything I can imagine for the state of our society.
During South African Apartheid, during the Holocaust, even during the Suffragettes people risked their lives to stand up for the rights of others - and here we are too scared to use a mobile phone to safely and simply write down an expression of our solidarity and use the same platforms and reach we use to gain commissions, and secure paid-for holidays, meals and clothes, even if with a simple few words saying: “I stand against all forms of genocide, apartheid, and oppression?”
This is not a lose-lose situation. This is an integrity and moral compass situation. And we must all call on our collective conscience to say something, even if we are challenged, because that is how we learn, that is how we teach one another, and that is how we stand up before it’s too late.
Governments get away with murder only through collective apathy, silence, and willful mutedness/blindness.
To your question - “could Vics voice add anything to the discussion?” Whilst Noam Chomsky she is not, for some reason unbeknownst to me, thousands of people who will truly know nothing about this, can be “influenced” by her setting an example the way she so carefully and successfully did when it suited her image and self-virtue for BLM, to say “hey guys we need to stand up for what is right; and it doesn’t take a PHD to know that we need to condemn what is happening in Gaza and to the Palestinian people. If you have any resources let’s all share and learn together.”
- Imagine how many people might be inspired by a message like that to actually LISTEN. instead of the one she posted whinging and complaining and self centralising, and not even humanising the oppressed by calling them by their name? Followed by a swift deletion of any respectful comments on her post on the matter. I’m sorry but just take a moment to think about what it would look like had she posted the exact same thing and deleted the exact same comments during BLM. Let’s not join the hypocrisy then by excusing it now.

I know it’s exhausting - but standing up for human rights is exhausting. It’s not fashion, fun and lifestyle. It’s life or death. It’s not a pleasant conversation but as members of privileged and free and safe and democratic(ish) societies it is our human duty to do the work.

Thank you for reading if you made it this far
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last time I checked every fashion clothing retailer website was empowering black women ( not sure about your white girl comment ) maybe look at some fashion lines you will see black and Asian now more than white ... besides that white s. Ideology is now officially over ... it’s boring to obsess over skinnnnnnnnnn
Sorry but putting one black model on the website in a performative way for BLM is NOT empowering black women 🥴 and are you seriously implying black and asian models are used more than white? You know that’s a lie lol. It’s so easy to say that it’s BoRiNg to obsess over skin when you’re not the one affected, which, judging from your comment I would say you’re white 😉
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She looks like 45, on a 15 year old body, but her tits screams 55.
I have small boobs and every time I lose weight they sag, just like hers.
I don't think we should shame her for that, it's something that's quite out of her control and comes naturally with weight loss, it's not something she's willingly inflicting on herself (as opposed to say, Lydia, with her horrid boob job).

She could, however, choose more flattering and supportive swimwear, that's for sure.
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I’ve never heard of Stephanie Lange before but a different video of hers came up in my recommended section on YouTube tonight.

After subscribing I was looking at her other videos and came across this one. She makes a lot of great points on why this flex culture influencers perpetuate is not good. Thought I’d share!

I'm in my early 20s (Lower than 25), and I personally admit that I grew and saw myself wanting to be that "boss babe" mindset that they keep pushing.

I still wish that I had everything: a career, a boyfriend, and money to blow. To see people around my age flaunting Chanel, Dior and all those luxury stuff. At this point, I feel like missing out on life, because I don't have anything interesting.

But then, I applied to a Master's degree in one of the most prestigious universities in my country and now I am a student, met a boy online and now we are dating, and found an internship at a field of interest.

I realized that I don't need influencers to dictate what should I have, and I really do hope I'm in the right track.
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As much as I dislike Vic, I can see that this is a lose lose for influencers. If they do speak up, it gets called performative. If they don’t they are called ignorant.

In reality, could Vic’s voice add anything worthwhile to the discussion?
I have to agree with this. I’ve seen the question asked on many threads about why the influencer isn’t talking about the conflict but I can’t help but think why do people want their opinion? I don’t know what rich white women based in England would really have to say or add to what’s already out there?

Actually vic admitting she’s not informed is the most honest thing she can do despite her hypocrisy of wading in on American politics and BLM.

But to me, that shows she doesn’t know much about world issues at all even on the subjects she has waded in on. She gets her American views from her mate that lives there (so shes not well read) and the rest she just copies Caroline Hirons (I remember her ranting about something and she was corrected and admitted she had just seen Caroline Hirons stories and ranted off the basis of that). Shes completely untrustworthy and I wouldn’t take anything she says with any credibility
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I came here just to drop my jaw at the ‘starby’s’ part in the video. Seriously???? And she said ‘oh people look at me strange when I’m being nice, I wonder if they’re not used to it’ - No, Vic, they’re looking at you because you’re being so OTT fake and obnoxious with it, they’re wondering what they hell is happening!!!

People can be nice, sweet and polite without putting on that stomach churning, sick inducing performance like that. I love nice, happy people, but if I spoke to someone who carried on like that, I would actually think they were taking the piss with me!! Why, why would you act like that and leave it in??!!
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Inthefrow, if you are reading this.. you need to finish the garden, sell the house, get the absolute hell away from Lydia Millen! Either buy in London or buy a fabulous place near Manchester. Ground yourself with people who care about you and own who you are. You will gain authenticity again and THRIVE.
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Before saying this I wanna be honest that I could be missing something and I apologize if I am.

Last week, I saw so many people raging over Eugenia Cooney flashing her panties in YouTube video as being totally inappropriate and that she should be demonetized. But people like Lydia and Victoria clearly do it to follow the sex sells/show some skin angle because they have nothing else of interest going on.

I’m confused. I totally understand Eugenia is controversial because of promoting an unhealthy body image but what’s the consensus on flaunting panties online? Genuinely curious to know what all the lovely ladies here think on the subject. Is it empowering and okay? Or is it explicit content like everyone was complaining about Eugenia
I’m not aware of the Eugenia Cooney controversy but in general, I hate the rhetoric pushed by influencers like the Kardashians that showing your naked body to a million of strangers online is somehow “empowering”to women. I think women who have an urge to get confirmation from strangers about how good their body looks should just admit they love the attention and are doing it out of vanity and not for the empowerment of others. On the other hand I do consider myself a true feminist and hate when these women are targeted and slutshamed.

In Vic’s case: I just think she’s very unhappy in her marriage and personal life and truly needs the confirmation that she’s hot and skinny. I also genuinely think that comparison is the root of all evil and that all these influencers must be so negatively impacted by the heavily filtered and perfect images they see of their peers every day. I also wouldn’t be happy with myself if I would open my instagram every day and ONLY see stick-thin, blonde, fish-lipped women every day. Luckily I live in the real world and all my friends are beautiful women who all look different, sure we also get beauty treatments and love fashion but when we get together we talk about much more interesting things and we all have careers that do NOT revolve around our appearance. I think Vic needs to leave her closet and get out in the real world and realise that people might value her for things other than her looks.
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Oh she is so out of touch. Oh poor Vic having to wear a mask to go to appointments, her PR brows/nails/lashes, lunches, picking out this weeks ‘dream bag’. I’ve been working 12 hour shifts in a hospital for the past year wearing a mask ALL DAY, EVERY DAY to do my job.

She should try wearing an FFP3 mask for hours on end and then she if she’s still complaining that no one can see her lipstick that she didn’t pay for…


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Totally agree! I think the "boss babe" terminology is like being a Barbie boss. I'm a boss/brand director in a corporate setting and have many friends who are bosses as well in various industries. I don't think boss babe is a term any one of us would use and I definitely wouldn't wear the chintzy "power suits" Vicky wears to a presentation.

Yes, she's accumulated success for herself but honestly -- your husband and two best friends working for you doesn't make you a "boss babe". Neither does prancing in your panties for validation you're clearly not getting from your husband.
I agree - literally the last thing I want to be perceived at work is a "babe". I don't want people to think of me as a babe, EVER, unless it's my bf.

last time I checked every fashion clothing retailer website was empowering black women ( not sure about your white girl comment ) maybe look at some fashion lines you will see black and Asian now more than white ... besides that white s. Ideology is now officially over ... it’s boring to obsess over skinnnnnnnnnn
I'm sorry, what?! Do you shop online ever? Fashion brands are still flooded with white models. If they ever use Asian or Black models, they are still stick-skinny and light-skinned Asians/Blacks with white-washed hair and makeup. I was looking to buy swimsuits and have been getting a bunch of instagram ads for swimsuit brands and I was not surprised to see brands like Triangl only having 90% super skinny white women on their ads. I want to see how the bikini looks on an average body on everyone's skin tone, not just size 2 white women.
Also what do you mean it's "boring to obsess over skin"? No the fuck it is not - how is it fair that the world we live in is so diverse and multicultural but brands aren't reflecting that in 2021? People with different skin tones want to see how clothes look in their own skin before purchasing it. You have absolutely no right to be dismissing the fight for fair representation of skin colour in fashion ads, as it's not only related to fashion but is related to the entire reflection of society and how they view people of other skin colours. You pretty much showed it in your comment that you don't care as long as it has nothing to do with you and push the idea that it's "boring". Maybe you're a white girl who got offended because of someone's white girl comment but this is literally something people have dealt with since the beginning of ads. Maybe read up on what racism is and how it exists in every aspect of life before naively commenting about your own privilege.
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It’s the “I’m not qualified to speak on it” for me.

You don’t need a PhD on the subject to speak out against genocide. Good grief. What a lazy and privileged position 🙈
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