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Describing a death as a family (health) emergency just doesn't make sense. Generally you would just say "a loved one/family member passed away so we will take a few days off".

Not say "everythings ok now so I'm getting on instagram to ask for some juicy questions whilst Chris posts videos of him doing his skating trick".

Then use a picture of Chris for the thumbnail that has been heavily edited. Because when you lose a loved one the first thought of every 40 year old man is "must make sure I smooth out this skin first foo, don't want the ifam to see all those lines!"
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Ahh yes I remember there was something about him on twitter but I didn't know exactly what had been said/done on his part. It just all seems a little too convenient at how they didn't like the fact izzy went to see her dad's family with doting IFAM comments saying how much they missed her and then suddenly they've gone to court and she doesn't see him anymore. Also feel like it was such a bad age to make Izzy choose between families, 11/12/13 year olds are so impressionable, and there was no way Sarah would have ever been neutral about him.
Just think back to being 12, your family is becoming rapidly well known, you get invited to premieres, VIP events, you are becoming the face of Lego Friends, your parents class Zoe and Alfie as 'friends', every weekend is filled with luxury, exclusive memorable experiences but you miss some or your family miss some because you go to your father. You hear your stepdad complain about missing something, your mum crying she misses you so much, Granny tells you Stepdad was upset and hurt when you go. Slowly you think everyone is sad with you because you "leave them alone to spend time with bio dad".
In time you begin to resent the other parent, they're to blame for making your family upset, they stop them enjoying these amazing experiences.
Fast forward a couple of months, stepdad gets caught up in a grooming, cheating scandal. Biodad voices concerns and questions the lifestyle a bit more causing you to get upset with him and boom, your mum has said biodad is jealous, is difficult, is angry and now in your mind it's all true so to please your micro celebrity parents you decide to stop seeing biodad because he showed some concern that fits with the narrative mum and stepdad have created so they look innocent and loving leaving him the bad guy.

I know there was a rumour of a 10k payoff but from Twitter source I've been told this was fabricated by another youtuber to get close to the Inghams to build their own channel.

It's sad this is a childs life, out in public, being discussed by strangers because a Mum and Stepdad use it for 'entertainment' purposes.
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What’s the deal with the odd music in the background- sounds like something you’d hear in a cheap Italian restaurant in Gran Canaria
Only speculation, but I personally believe Creepy deliberately inserts this shit bed music under these videos in order to make parody videos more difficult to create. After he uploaded his “The reason for my silence” video (with no bed music), many YouTube videos popped up with mash-up versions, making him look ridiculous. If he has bed music underneath these videos, then “clean” piss-takes are harder (but not impossible) to achieve. They’ll sound clunky and badly edited with awkward cuts in the music. He’s making it harder to cut a parody video together to make him appear stupid, overlooking the fact that he does an excellent job of that on his own, with zero assistance.
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Proof, finally, that Boris is on speed dial to Creepy - first allowing him special dispensation to travel during a pandemic, now for style tips.

Screenshot 2021-01-17 at 23.16.09.png
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Sarah dear please stop lying, on a previous vlog you stated that Isla is getting a new bed because hers is scratched and chipped yet tonight when Esme and Chris wanted to take a hammer to them to take the them down you said no because they are pristiiiiine 🙄
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I’m mutual friends with a school mum, notice creepy has been liking all the bikini shots of her and none of the others ewwwwww
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Sorry did I hear Big Sarah right

In the vlog 11yr old gets revenge she just said " Isla doesn't like getting chased but the other 2 girls love Chris chasing them about the house " WTF !!!

A 15yr old likes getting chased around the house by her creepy stepdad and Esme a near 12yr old .. This blows my mind
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Chatty Member
This whole “stalker/kids are petrified of house” needs to stop...not because of how stingy it makes them look with lying to grab views (nothing out of the ordinary there) but with how vulnerable their fans and the kids are, they’re asking for trouble and that includes the law being involved. I’ve seen many cases of YouTubers/Influencers getting into trouble with lying about certain things such as stalkers and whatnot. It’s always ended badly. They surely can’t be this inept to realise if one of their fans knew their address and was absolutely worried about Isla (like they disclaim in their vlogs) then that said fan could contact the police and there’s a higher chance someone will be charged with wasting police’s time. There may be a huge chance the children know that this is lie and they’re going along with it but what I’m saying is, if they keep lying about this, one of the kids’ may develop some actual paranoia or fears over this supposed “stalker” incident and honestly, these situations never really go well and that is what’s worrying me, they might know it’s a lie but you can’t keep being vocal about this, especially when there isn’t a situation of their safety being at risk. I’m sorry if this upsets anyone but it’s becoming a concern with me. I’ve been through a certain situation and it’s mentally scarred me for life. I don’t want any of their fans or kids becoming scarred over a lie that could’ve been nothing if they wasn’t so greedy for a few measly quid. I might sound over dramatic but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
My ex told my daughter there were snakes under her bed at home meaning my house her permanently residence. Long story short traumatised for years and only now after counselling is she able to go to bed without me checking even though we told her that her dad was making it up still was embedded. Isla is obviously now feeling the effects poor kid that with not knowing if she's coming or going with the lies constant holidays and having her friends taken away now homeschooling . I bet school was her only release . I can see this not ending well for her mental health and its very sad 😞. All joking aside I am fearful for all 4 kids and just wish dumb and dumber would wake up and smell the coffee xxx
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Active member
This whole “stalker/kids are petrified of house” needs to stop...not because of how stingy it makes them look with lying to grab views (nothing out of the ordinary there) but with how vulnerable their fans and the kids are, they’re asking for trouble and that includes the law being involved. I’ve seen many cases of YouTubers/Influencers getting into trouble with lying about certain things such as stalkers and whatnot. It’s always ended badly. They surely can’t be this inept to realise if one of their fans knew their address and was absolutely worried about Isla (like they disclaim in their vlogs) then that said fan could contact the police and there’s a higher chance someone will be charged with wasting police’s time. There may be a huge chance the children know that this is lie and they’re going along with it but what I’m saying is, if they keep lying about this, one of the kids’ may develop some actual paranoia or fears over this supposed “stalker” incident and honestly, these situations never really go well and that is what’s worrying me, they might know it’s a lie but you can’t keep being vocal about this, especially when there isn’t a situation of their safety being at risk. I’m sorry if this upsets anyone but it’s becoming a concern with me. I’ve been through a certain situation and it’s mentally scarred me for life. I don’t want any of their fans or kids becoming scarred over a lie that could’ve been nothing if they wasn’t so greedy for a few measly quid. I might sound over dramatic but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
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How is Isla's room finished when none of her stuff is in it? I'm looking forward to watching them fit the entire B&M toy aisle, 8000 fidget toys, half a Flying Tiger and a beautiful Mary Shortle reborn pram on a small Kallax.
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VIP Member
My ex told my daughter there were snakes under her bed at home meaning my house her permanently residence. Long story short traumatised for years and only now after counselling is she able to go to bed without me checking even though we told her that her dad was making it up still was embedded. Isla is obviously now feeling the effects poor kid that with not knowing if she's coming or going with the lies constant holidays and having her friends taken away now homeschooling . I bet school was her only release . I can see this not ending well for her mental health and its very sad 😞. All joking aside I am fearful for all 4 kids and just wish dumb and dumber would wake up and smell the coffee xxx
Couldn't agree more with you. From March of last year, this family have been so isolated. Sarah said on a vlog a few days ago about Izzy spending so much time in her room and Esme looking for privacy. These parents have spent at least 4 months with their kids living in a bloody tin can with absolutely NO privacy. Do they not realise those girls need their own space, Izzy is a young woman and Esme following suit.

They used to have school, dance lessons, swimming lessons and FRIENDS. Now all they have are each other and their 4 walls.

I know COVID has left a lot of families with the same problems BUT, the Inghams have totally ISOLATED their children. They see and speak to no one, not even their grandparents.
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I have never heard so much bullshit from Lazy Sarah Ingham in 4 years of watching this bitch.
Often she eye rolled, moaned about Izzy being away. They made a big thing about missing her, not being happy with her away and how it restricted them. She sat her bed in the old house filmed herself with a drawn on black eye, said about her ex when she's often said she has only had 2 boyfriends. (I guess Dave was just a fuck buddy.)
There was another video called "Where Isabelle goes sometimes" on that she couldn't have made it more obvious of her disgust at her daughter seeing her biological father.
No matter what she says she pushed her disgust, her opinions and annoyance about him on to her child.

The rest of the vlog was same old repeated shite, money, woe is me, we are moving, we are going to travel, lots of facial expressions but limited eye contact and the grease muppet next to her nodding along like a Chav Churchill dog oh yeah yeah man while eye fucking himself in the viewfinder. Twat.


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Izzy's Q and A was worrying to me. When asked if she has a boyfriend, her answer was no, but that she's "getting to know someone" so presumably online. You on top of that creepy and lazy?

Her mental health has improved during the pandemic because she's made more friends online on TikTok. Again, how we doing ingham parents?

The secret sibling she mentions, she starts by saying she can't (see them) but then cuts in an edit with saying it's not her parents choice. Been watching many Canadian YouTube vids recently perchance? 🤔

Asked where she sees herself in 5 years, she likes to live in the now, because she might not be alive tomorrow. Sure they're your words Izzy? or the rationale your parents come to when deciding on multiple holidays during a pandemic and their general views on responsibilities? I wouldn't expect a 15 year old to ever think about that. At that age, you're invincible.
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Neck lace

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In the 'where Isabelle goes sometimes' vlog, Lazy said that Isabelle loved going to her biological dad's (Isabelle was 11 when that video was made). She said that Isabelle loved spending time there and saw herself as 'lucky'. She felt lucky that she got to go there and she felt lucky that she had lots of people in her life her whom she could turn to. She went to her dad's every other weekend from being 3 years old and must have adored being with her little brother and grandparents from the other side of the family.

What a terrible shame. We will never know the ins and outs but what a dreadful shame that Isabelle was so happy going to stay there all those years and then it suddenly stopped. Whatever went on between those three adults stopped an apparently very positive thing in Isabelle's life. How terribly sad for Isabelle and the extended family on her dad's side.
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A family emergency to me is an accident or something going wrong in the house. Nothing about a death is an emergency when they can’t go and visit or anything like that. Maybe that’s just me...but having to clickbait and even mention when it’s no one close seems a bit far fetched to me?
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