Imogenation #61 unhinged, unwashed, exploits her kids just for the dosh

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We all know RenaultClio is the double of HugoBoss anyway I'd be more worried about that than anything else if I was Imo!

My kids look like their dad but I love that because he's a handsome chap so I feel like I've got good looking kids I'm not gonna be mad they've inherited his beautiful genes clearly Imo doesn't think Spennys babypup genes are worthy of passing onto the Mitchell brothers
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Why is she screaming in Orvilles face while she's eating? She is actually horrendous. I don't like the kids either but Orville seems a nicer kid than that evil heartburn tablet Rennie. Dunno what it is about Rennie but she gives me bad vibes. I wouldn't trust her alone with Orville or animals though she lives with 2 animals so guess she's used to it
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I can wholeheartedly picture Fartyeggysmella knocking ten blocks straight out for the count. Sweet child and all but good lord, the chap's a force to be reckoned with.
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Just popped by because I just had the displeasure of seeing her sing twice in two separate stories and couldn't just let it go, she has to be the most insufferable, deluded, unhinged person on the Internet. Wtf is she doing? Why all the theatrics lately? I know she's always been 'me me me' but bloody hell, whole new level. Are her fucked up fans encouraging it? Is she getting an ego trip? Is she having a breakdown?
I get secondhand embarrassment for her. I genuinely don't get it. She's not funny or entertaining and she can't sing or dance. I think I preferred her when she was in her hypochondriac phase.
Sorry, needed that rant.
Also, how is she not 45? She looks it.
My face every time one of her stories pops up.
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I'm the female version of my dad, but maybe I should sit my mother down and let her process her feelings that I don't look 1% like her. I can't imagine the agony she's been keeping inside for 30 years and I've simply never acknowledged it.. in fact none of her 4 kids look like her. I'm sure she's been fighting back the tears for her whole child rearing life. Imogen, get a grip ya drip.
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She is honestly fucking deranged. Orville makes an excited squeal and she MUST want big gob. She’s so manipulative with how she says things to them. Oreo is perfectly fine with HER dad, you don’t have to stick your fucking big nose in at every waking moment. I’ve been MIA from this thread / avoided her for a few days, she’s psychopathic

Also their dinner… corn on the cob, a homemade lamb burger the size of a chicken nugget and some couscous… looks like it should have been for the girls not 2 full grown adults

Genuinely creasing at this video this is their full time job… the music is so loud you can hear fuck all of what he’s saying! And the fact he didn’t delete / re-edit it and upload again. Just thought “fuck it”


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I couldn’t imagine how draining it must be to be around her

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Triathlon? He couldnt run a bath never mind a triathlon. He looks as if hes on his last legs.
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Once her kids reach their preteen years and want to distant from her and not be attached to her she’s going to have an actual break down.
she just needs to run the narrative her children need her 24/7. I actually think she’ll end up with about 4 kids tbh because of it and they’ll all end up disowning her.
Now I love being a mum & it’s genuinely made me so much more happier, relaxed, fulfilled… but if my little one says “NO DADAAA DO “ cus he wants him to to bath and bedtime I’m sure as fuck grabbing that remote and sitting back on the sofa . I wouldn’t run up everytime I heard him do a slight moan / whinge ffs.
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That’s the strange thing, Imogen is the image of her dad, it’s just pure narcissistic behaviour
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I know 99% of us hate Spencer (can’t blame us, he’s a massive wet wipe) but I genuinely worry about their whole situation. Anyone with an outsider’s perspective could see how fucked their relationship is, and how toxic Imogen is in general. I know we laugh a lot (as well as voicing genuine concern) at the before and after pics of Spencer before and after marrying Gobshite, but I hate that he will probably never see how psychotic she is and how damaged he’s become as a result of that. He is literally a shell of who is was in the 2017-18 pics we’ve seen. Any kind of controlling and coercive relationship is horrific (growing up in a police family this has been drilled into me) but it’s so much worse when you think their babies will never know any different. The likelihood is they’ll grow up as spineless as Spencer who’s been completely isolated and is Imogen’s doormat, or they’ll be as narcissistic and dangerous as their mum. Either way the entire family is fucked and Imogen needs serious help and time away from her girls to think seriously about what is best for her, them and Spencer too. I might be overthinking but my brother (with two kids) has just left his highly abusive and deluded wife and seeing how fucked up things have become for him and my niece and nephew makes me see the parallels between his relationship with his ex wife and Spencer and Imogen’s relationship. The way she parents and actively excludes Spencer from O and R’s lives when this time is so key developmentally for them both is so damaging and it genuinely makes me sad. Just dumping my thoughts but as much as I think Spencer’s a wet lettuce I hope one day he sees how toxic and dangerous she is and takes the girls before Imogen does too much damage to them. I know we keep things lighthearted on here (sorry lol) but then I think of those poor girls, they’re literally babies that can’t help themselves and are reliant on Spencer to remove them from the situation. I hope someone who can see how damaged they all are/are becoming intervenes, regardless of who that is.
Oh she’s fucking unbearable
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I agree. If this was the other way round we’d all say she has to leave/ he’s abusive. I think she love bombed him at the beginning, she had completely isolated him. She is off the scale with so many red flags.
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You’ve literally said in words what I thought but could never articulate it as well as you have! I have a feeling the girls will grow up resenting their mother. Imogen will want all the attention on her at any of her daughters milestones. Weddings, graduations, job promotions, childbirth etc. It will never be about them, it’s sad really.
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So after a few recent posts my view on his has actually changed (in terms of his relationship with O & R not her being a controlling narc)

I actually think a lot of it’s for camera so Imo can get attention and sympathy for being “A bReaStFEEdIng WoRkiiNg Mum” who never gets break. She likes to make out she’s practically a single mother and Spencer can’t really help as the girls JUST want Imo,..
When in reality we can see how much nicer Spencer is with them, how much calmer they are, how they actually interact with him and don’t just sit there completely over stimulated. They’ve both made posts recently that highlight how Spencer does most of the childcare. Imo is just there with her camera on tripod ready to film those “mAgIcAl mOmEnTs”
Tbh I think Spencer spends more time with them then Imo does. Idk I find everything Imo does with the kids so performative nothing just seems natural.

i think as well if Spencer turned around and said fuck this I want to actually provide for my family and went and got a fuckin job it would solve so many of their problems. I do think imo is a controlling twat don’t get me wrong and I feel so so sorry for those poor girls. But I also think Spencer has an easy ride in terms of he has a big house in Brighton his wife pays for, nice holidays his wife pays for (or are gifted), travels / goes to events his wife gets invited too, his “work” is just standing there while Imo sets up her camera and dances like stick insect around him… he just has to be a stay at home dad which is probably what every single one of us (with kids) here do on top of working an actual job.
I think a lot of him looking like a corpse is because he has issues with food. I’ve said it previously but I think it’s part of the reason Imo stays so skinny because he prefers it. The portion sizes he eats for a guy who does a lot
of exercise is ridiculous. Imagine going for a 5k run and playing football and your dinner is a small cereal bowl of pasta. But I think that side comes from him as he does all the cooking etc.

unfortunately, I don’t think Spencer will help the girls as he’s started using them as cashcows also and has no care for their privacy.. but heyyy, at least you get another free holiday hey Spence?

I completely understand the worry but also look at Imo.. she used to be normal, full of life, really pretty… now she’s this absolute unhinged weirdo who looks like a walking corpse most of the time. They’ve both absolutely drained the life from each other.
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It's also the way she's drummed things into him, like in videos where she admits he does all the cooking, he's seen cleaning and doing the lions share, he will still, given any opportunity, say that Imogen is super woman, she works really hard, juggling work and the girls and if she goes anywhere he always says 'his wife' deserves some time for herself because she always puts others first and it's not selfish because she deserves it.
Very rarely hear her say anything like this about him. He is so brainwashed that it definitely borders on abuse. Absolute shell of a man. I actually think he has Stockholm Syndrome.
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Her mouth is half her face.

Also I wonder if she’ll be posting on YouTube today, it’s been 5 weeks and she literally hasn’t said anything about why she’s not uploaded, but yet is such a hardworking mum?
She seems to be getting her attention and encouragement from Stories and shorts theses days. The least effort for the same gratification it seems.
But yes, she spends her evenings editing and she's run off her feet. She's Super Woman and is all things to all people, didn't you know.
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It’s the fact that she’s set her phone up to record herself. She hasn’t even got anyone there to hold the phone for her
Also, did you know she doesn’t drink? Shocking revelation


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It’s the fact that she’s set her phone up to record herself. She hasn’t even got anyone there to hold the phone for her
Also, did you know she doesn’t drink? Shocking revelation
If I hear / read “everyone used to ask me what have you taken” or “POV I’m a mum and don’t drink” I will have a psychotic episode like Imo does 24/7. Like no one gives a fuck? How pathetic that you’re at an event and you’re more concerned with setting up your phone and embarrassing yourself than actually socialising?
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