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Well-known member
Makes me wonder cos I remember when they were at the garden centre, he had to blur some people he walked past out. Same with the pool on holiday in Greece. So I'm guessing they said they didn't want to be in it. Shame they can't just do that to everyone in the background.
I actually think it was around the time they were getting a lot of complaints about not blurring people out. They seem to only do it when the focus is on them. It's like they did start to blur out the girls' uniforms, but then they left Izzy's on show that time. I've lost count of the amount of times i've seen Isla's dance uniform recently. They don't care unless the heat is on them
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It's me

Iconic Member
Surely they would get turned away straight away if they tried to take Prinny to see the seals with them it’s dangerous for dogs as the seals can carry viruses and obviously will get stressed ?
Depends whose about. Would think there would be volunteers there helping as it's half term. Have been mid week not on half term and it's just people. Been at the weekend and people are turned away as it's busy so they have volunteers.

There are signs lots of about no bloody dogs though. Doesn't matter how well trained a dog is, and let's be fair Prinny is an accident waiting to happen as they have knocked the growl out of her so she's got no warning. I forgotten which trainer said it, but a great trainer said taking a growl away from a dog is like taking the batteries out of a smoke alarm...makes them both a liability.

Sickening if they have taken Prinny to Donna Nook!
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VIP Member
Well after doing some digging tonight, husband has YouTube and some more insights other than social blade. They are for sure buying subs. The view count has gone down crazily but subs peaked on random days but seem to have a theme to them (generally the same number of subs over a few days) you need to be a bit more clever creepy! I have some screenshots but saying file is too big to upload so will re-try tomorrow. But tags on the video tonight..worried,baby not moving, can’t feel the baby then go on to family,happy,funny..all in one are absolutely off your heads if you think this is an acceptable way of living.
Ugh just had a look at the tags myself. Vile.

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VIP Member
So they say it 'wouldn't be right' to film Esme's school thing cos there's lots of other kids there...that hasn't stopped them from filming in other kid-orientated places though. :unsure:

Chris takes Prinny least she's getting a walk I guess. He also lets her off near a canal which doesn't seem safe as I doubt they've trained her.
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VIP Member
I think that she was putting us on a wild goose chase so to speak with the photo of the bridge. Sat bored in the car in reality she should be going through her husbands phone with a fine tooth comb ..ah but she can’t can she as he’s deleted the evidence! I hope to goodness the NSPCC can get on board and take some action!
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Not wanting to tempt fate but it would appear that the click bait has had very little effect on the views to this point.

78K after 16 hours is NOT showing a significant increase on the last few days.
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VIP Member
With all the speculation of them going on holiday, there's load of places they could go that their rivals (FF) haven't been to. They don't need to repeat places. New Zealand and Tasmania. Isabelle keeps mentioning the Maldives. There's also Spain (Barcelona is beautiful), Paris, Amsterdam, Portugal, Turkey, Indonesia, Japan, India, Southern America. As long as there's no Zika virus they have the whole world to chose from. They could take the girls somewhere educations, heaven knows they need it. It's a bit too much much for Isla probably (it was a bit much for me when i was about to turn 8) but I really enjoyed Auschwitz and found it very factual when I was around 10. There's the UK too. If they really wanted to appeal to viewers they could show them what there is to do at home or within their local area. I got much more out of going to my local Zoo or history museum than I did when i went to Tenerife.
That's true but I don't think they're as into travelling as they make out. Their idea of travelling is just doing stuff that they could do in the UK - eating the same food, going to a beach or the hotel pool and lazing around.
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Yuck, Chris’s insta stories last night going skating at 1am. There was a shifty weird desperation in his face... gave me the heebyjeebies!
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VIP Member
Sarah was saying she was out of breath as she had just been at her next door neighbour's house and gets scared when out in the dark, so she ran home. She was asking her cult followers if they get scared too. She must be paranoid and thinking there will be people hiding in bushes and behind fences with pitchforks at the ready to rid their street of a certain predator. You chose to remain with him Sarah, imagine having so little self respect to stay with a guy who behaves like that with young vulnerable girls.
Hmm ,i`d love to know what the majority of their neighbours really think of them.
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Chatty Member
Who gives their kids all that junk before bed? Forget the diabetes...Load me up with sugar and crap so I get a good nite sleep for school tomorrow... Honestly, I love kids as I'm a teacher but I think there is something not right with poor Esme...Also she is crying out for attention. She doesn't even want to stay home from school while on break. Hmm....
I don’t watch the vlogs anymore but from the recaps on here I just get the impression that Esme won’t play along anymore. It surprises me that they leave comments from her like that in the vlogs, but from their weird perspective on life they probably think that the ‘haters’ will see how much Esme loves school and that we should all stop our ‘witch hunt’ against them, so they can carry on getting money for doing fuck all to carry on sending her to the school.
All I get from that though is that she’s fed up of their shit and loves the routine and normality of school.
That’s just my opinion of it though, I’ve only ever briefly worked with teenagers so other than my own kids and their friends I can’t comment much on her behaviour in that way.
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Chatty Member
I live in hope of someone doing this. Because it seems to me he’s gotten away with it.
Imagine the views that video would get ???? the Adsense money could be shared between all the girls he pestered, charities and the person who confronted them should keep some also, just in case they need it for future health care after being that close to the vermin themselves!
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It's me

Iconic Member
I’m not sure why they have gone at all.
They obviously can’t afford what they are use to or go where they want. So why not stay at home? Must simply be for vlog content. Which (hint here Sarah), CAN be done at home.
It took effort for Sarah to cook at home with the children. Opening a box and adding an egg then actually turning on the oven ( Chris must have left her instructions for the oven to be fair)....then she claimed to be mum of the year or century, think she was edging for century to be honest.

Now she can't keep that up for a whole week a day was hard enough!
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Well-known member
A week at home with a couple of day trips as has been mentioned here would have made more interesting footage especially if they went to some attractions, children love watching those sort of things, or something spooky, or that might just be my kids right now... x
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Well-known member
Looks like it’s time to get those creative minds into action for the next thread....(EMOTIONAL THREAD TITLE REVEAL, THERE WILL BE TEARS) Bonus points for anyone who finds something to rhyme with Mablethorpe!
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It's me

Iconic Member
What's Sarah bleating on about on her Instagram..some twaddle about saying things in anger?

I think this is light hearted place to be!

Guess Chris is begging for more skates on Instagram...he's hoping considering teens tend to skate. Surely no one with any credibility will offer him freebies as he skates to the shops like the child he is!
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VIP Member
Wow I'm shocked that its Mablethorpe, I really thought it'd be Disneyland Paris again. :ROFLMAO: Guess they can't afford it anymore.
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