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VIP Member
I have UC and always have positive FIT test when flaring. It shows blood in poo. Do you have IBD or you showing symptoms? Did they do a calprotectin test too? I know it's easy to say but try not to stress too much there are many reasons why it could be positive.
I don’t have an ibd diagnosis as yet, I’m waiting on a gastro appointment have been for 3 years I do have psoriatic arthritis and crohns and colitis run in that family. I have been having on and off bad sulphur burps, wind constipation but also a felling of not having completed when going to the loo


VIP Member
Has anyone with IBS ever suffered from nocturnal attacks? I've been getting them randomly for the last couple of years. I get woken up by severe stomach pain and then I'm back and forth to the toilet for an hour or more. But it's only at night.

Consultant has me on the waiting list for a colonoscopy (which I really don't want) but he said if it doesn't show anything then it's just something I have to deal with.


Well-known member
Are you bleeding? I had a fistula and it felt like that.
I’m a bit concerned it’s a fistula
I’ve never had one and good old google doesn’t help.
Sorry this is gross but I’ve now noticed a horrible smell. I’m in quite a bit of pain/uncomfortable
Not sure if there is blood as I’m on my period.
Sorry for tmi
Any thoughts on what I should do?

oh no! fellow endo girl here too (bowel impacted). vaseline is a good shout and to be honest i used nappy cream sometimes too! if it gets worse speak to your doctor to see if there is something that they can give you. i sometimes use my daughters timodene cream (steroid prescription cream)
I feel like bowel endo goes under the radar and no one really understands the impact it has on our lives 🙁


Chatty Member
Back with another update or should I say no update. 😓
I wrote on her about my OH and the problems he was having. Unfortunately we are no further forward. His bloods came back clear so gastroenterologist couldn’t do anything more.
massive flare up this week and back to dr. More bloods/samples required. Passing mucus/blood.
another dr appointment this afternoon.
Sorry I was trying to look back but couldn't find your original post. Has your partner had a colonoscopy or pill cam?


VIP Member
Wondering if anyone can help me. For the last maybe two weeks, I’ve had awful indigestion pain not only after I eat but all the time, this pain (more of a pressure and tenderness than a pain) then radiates down to my lower left and then to my lower right. It also radiates to my left boob and sometimes my back. I went to my GP and she sent me to to the ER just to rule out anything cardiac related, had an ECG and all was fine, bloods also I’m told were perfect. So back to GP a few days ago to give a stool sample and have it tested for H Pylori, results I haven’t got yet but I don’t think it’s that as I’m not vomiting nor is the pain *that* bad, it’s just, there, always, and more like I need someone to pop me I feel that full and bloated all. the. time. Google has me freaked out that it could be anything from MS to cancer and I just can’t Google anymore. But I do know I just don’t feel right. Can indigestion be this persistent and last this long? My stools are relatively normal looking too, maybe a bit stickier looking than normal (gross) but nothing wild looking. Anyone experience anything like this?


VIP Member
How much do you have a day? I tried the mango one, that's really nice actually!
At first they gave me the lemon and lime ones which i just couldn't stomach. Currently got strawberry, chocolate and banana.

Oh no, so sorry!! I usually go for fortisip when I’m flaring but that’s short term til steroids kick in rather than long term like modulen, you poor thing!
I miss food! 😂


VIP Member
I've had IBS for about ten years now, and I'm being sent for an urgent colonoscopy in the next couple of weeks due to stomach pain waking me up at night. I've never had one before and I'm terrified. 🫣


VIP Member
Massive massive respect to those of you on this thread who have had more than one endoscopy. They are awful. One of the worst experiences of my life (probably the worst experience). I only have throat spray in the end as they wouldn’t give me the option to have both. I just hope that this is the end of it now.
Oh god. I didn't want to say too much but yeah they are horrific. It feels like some sort of medieval torture. I have to have them twice a year. Give me a colonoscopy any day.


Well-known member
Morning! I was wondering wether anyone had looked into Gut Health and what to eat/take to help with Gut health - wether it had worked or could point me in the right direction for information? There is lots on TT - but mostly American and I want some UK advice! 😂 Thankyou and hope your all doing okay!


VIP Member
So I found mine is triggered by hormones so the best way mine is controlled is the mini pill but i take a double dose. I used to be on the depo injection but the week before due I had flare up and week after I was still bad. Now I barely have any problems. This is probably the longest I've gone (8 months) without any real flare ups. I tried every diet, medication etc around. Had endoscopy, colonoscopy, surgery etc and nothing. I'm coeliac so don't have gluten anyway, but even on low fodmap food I was still ill but now I can eat a normal diet and be fine. Might be worth those who have tried everything and still struggling looking into.
How did you know it was triggered by hormones please?

I have the worst spasms, need to give Mebeverine a go again but I don’t really have much pain just annoying spasms.
Are you sure it’s something you ate and not the water or maybe even an infection/parasite? You may need to go to a doctor. Sometimes severe cases require antibiotics.

I’m so sorry you’re going through all this and your holiday has been ruined. I hear you on the anxiety front too. It’s so hard to tackle physical and mental health all at once but they’re all so connected it’s impossible to separate.

I know my doc hates immodium - like you, always advises you let the bad stuff out if it wants out! Please make sure you’re hydrating and maybe take something like Dioralyte too.
I wish I could be more help.
It could be a parasite I suppose, hard to know. We think it came from an undercooked burger and is food poisoning of some sort, as my own stomach problems started a few hours after eating in a burger restaurant (that looked, at least, to be clean and reputable but you just never know!). We were on bottled water only when we were there (including for teeth cleaning), lots of hand washing/sanitiser etc. I think my stomach is a little delicate as a result of having a ‘nervous stomach’, but my husband generally has a strong constitution. Despite also suffering from anxiety, his stomach/bowels are never affected by his moods in the way mine are!

We were still able to enjoy the holiday, we were just a little hampered by dodgy bellies! It’s not the worst I’ve ever felt or anything, it’s just been quite prolonged and doesn’t seem to be getting any better which is weird.

Thanks so much for replying!


VIP Member
Ah I’m so sorry. That must be so disappointing. Have you ever met with a dietician about it?
Thanks. No, I haven't. I mean I eat wholegrain bread and cereals, fresh vegetable soup daily, loads of fruit, nuts, seeds (incl flax and chia), herbal teas, 2L water per day. I think I have mostly all the "good poop" foods. A combination of soluable and insoluble fibre. I go for a 30-40 min walk most days, do yoga, etc.

I would find it hard to imagine it's food or lifestyle related, but don't know 🤷🏻‍♀️


VIP Member
Have you all actually been diagnosed by a doctor with IBS? If so, which tests were done? What are your symptoms? My health anxiety is through the roof which is no good for my bowels either (are they related/aren't they related?) glad to have found this thread after weeks of googling.
Simply because I didn’t like doing it! I don’t mind needles at all but I couldn’t stand it 🙈
Ah no!

My hospital is reducing the days they do Infusions for IBD, which means if I can't get an appointment first think (to get a parking space), I end up being out of work for half a day!!