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Chatty Member
I have a colonoscopy this week (lucky me) and I’m wondering if this will show whether or not I have IBD? I do experience flare ups with all the classic symptoms.
They will be able to give a diagnosis from a colonoscopy, they will probably take biopsies as well.

Good luck with it 👍
Ah but if you’re using milk then at least you’ll get the protein and calcium, rice has carbs and b vitamins, so its comforting and still providing nutrients. Are you feeling any better?
I’m feeling exhausted, but I had about 3 hours sleep last night! I didn’t eat all day and then Mr DragName made us a nice, bland (in a good way) chicken noodle soup. I’ve had one or two stomach cramps but nothing like last night. Toilet trips are still not nice for either of us, though (me less nice than him). Whatever we did/ate on holiday that caused this, we really did a number on ourselves!


VIP Member
I’m a bit concerned it’s a fistula
I’ve never had one and good old google doesn’t help.
Sorry this is gross but I’ve now noticed a horrible smell. I’m in quite a bit of pain/uncomfortable
Not sure if there is blood as I’m on my period.
Sorry for tmi
Any thoughts on what I should do?

I feel like bowel endo goes under the radar and no one really understands the impact it has on our lives 🙁
So sorry I thought I had replied. Do you have an IBD nurse? I rang them and they organised a colonscopy to confirm. I then had to have surgery but it was a quick in and out job. Unfortunately they do tend to come back. You need to make sure it doesn't get infected so make sure you see someone about it ASAP.


Active member
I don't really get pain, it's more discomfort. I do think a lot of it is triggered by anxiety, which I suffer massively from. My inflammatory markers are slighty raised apparently (but this was explained loosely over the phone by a doctor I unfortunately couldn't understand), could this be a sign? I am so anxious, it's all I've thought about. I do really appreciate everyone's time.
Maybe ask your gp to send off a stool sample to check your calprotectin level. Its a more reliable test to check for inflammation in your digestive tract. A normal level is around 20 - 50 ... my worst was over 6000 when i was in an active flare. If your levels are higher than the norm, they should refer you to a gastro. Although ibs can have similar symptoms of ibd, they are also very different and treatments are different aswell. Ibs can be helped with diet, buscopan, mild laxatives if constipated. Heat can help with stomach cramping, a warm bath. When im flaring my electric heat pad is a god send!


VIP Member
Is this widely available on the NHS? They have prescribed Alverine citrate capsules but pain still frequent
I have crohns disease and have had an endoscopy/colonoscopy and a capsule endoscopy all through the NHS. I think they offer capsule as a last resort if they can't find inflammation when using the other 2. Capsule goes through your entire digestive tract taking thousands of photos but I think it's quite expensive so not used as frequently as the other 2.


VIP Member
Wondering if anyone can help me. For the last maybe two weeks, I’ve had awful indigestion pain not only after I eat but all the time, this pain (more of a pressure and tenderness than a pain) then radiates down to my lower left and then to my lower right. It also radiates to my left boob and sometimes my back. I went to my GP and she sent me to to the ER just to rule out anything cardiac related, had an ECG and all was fine, bloods also I’m told were perfect. So back to GP a few days ago to give a stool sample and have it tested for H Pylori, results I haven’t got yet but I don’t think it’s that as I’m not vomiting nor is the pain *that* bad, it’s just, there, always, and more like I need someone to pop me I feel that full and bloated all. the. time. Google has me freaked out that it could be anything from MS to cancer and I just can’t Google anymore. But I do know I just don’t feel right. Can indigestion be this persistent and last this long? My stools are relatively normal looking too, maybe a bit stickier looking than normal (gross) but nothing wild looking. Anyone experience anything like this?
Have they checked for Coeliac disease?


Chatty Member
Just putting this out there.
I am a long-term IBS sufferer, whose condition is largely quiescent lately, which I attribute to taking a probiotic supplement .
I recently read about the possibilty of parasitic infection either causing IBS, of causing IBS-type symptoms wherein the sufferer gets incorrectly diagnosed. . It was interesting, if a tad stomach-churning.


VIP Member
I think I’m having a Diverticular flare up as my upper left abdomen is sore again (probably acid too which was suspected when I originally got diagnosed). It feels like so long ago since I had one so I’m racking my brains as to what has caused it. The only real change I can think of is I could just be flaring with tomato again, or it’s pineapple. So odd cause I’m usually fine with it. The worst thing is I always get zero advice from my doctor and I’ll just be told to go nil by mouth baring water for up to 72hrs. Absolutely no good to anyone.


Well-known member
How did people get the capsule? Was it offered or did you have to ask your consultant? Is it available on the NHS or private only (I’d pay if it’s private only)
I was actually seeing my consultant privately and he put me on the nhs for it as it isn’t available (at least where I am) privately

he said to me that there must be a strong case to do it (i didn’t ask why or the criteria to be honest)

they’ve seen things in my small bowel from three images so they want a closer look

for those who have had it - would you say you are able to work from home with it etc (im told I go initially to the hospital first thing then go home and come back) - just trying to plan out my day


Well-known member
New Reader Here... I've just been sent home from work this afternoon, as I have had sickness and diarrhoea - whilst this is happening I'm sweating profously and feel like as if I'm going to pass out... i have excruciating pain in my stomach just below my ribs... once the sickness and diarrhoea has stopped I need to lay on a cold floor to calm down... after a few hours I feel pretty normal - this has happened 4/5 times now - and Drs always put it down to Gastroenteritis!? Helppp!!! 😪
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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
I find they definitely get to me on time. If it’s because the prescription isn’t getting to them on time then that’s down to your IBD nurses not sending it on time. I have never been able to book through the app though, but that’s a minor inconvenience.
My IBD nurses are usually on time with the prescriptions but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️. I much preferred when it was Healthcare at Home, the service was so much better.


VIP Member
Hey - has everyone had a confirmed diagnosis of IBD? I went to my GP over a month ago and they did some bloods and I’ve not heard anything back since. I suffer from really bad bloating when I eat, to the point I don’t really want to eat anymore, and stomach pains. I’m a size 6-8 and look a good 4/5 months pregnant after eating! I’ve cancelled most food groups out of my diet to try and pinpoint it but not having an answer from my GP is frustrating. I’ve bought some SenoCalm today and hoping they help relieve some symptoms.


VIP Member
Maybe ask your gp to send off a stool sample to check your calprotectin level. Its a more reliable test to check for inflammation in your digestive tract. A normal level is around 20 - 50 ... my worst was over 6000 when i was in an active flare. If your levels are higher than the norm, they should refer you to a gastro. Although ibs can have similar symptoms of ibd, they are also very different and treatments are different aswell. Ibs can be helped with diet, buscopan, mild laxatives if constipated. Heat can help with stomach cramping, a warm bath. When im flaring my electric heat pad is a god send!
I'm still waiting for results of the blood tests that I had a while back. I'm hoping it's nothing sinister.


I have issues with the muscles being triggered to go, so have to use a medication for that. I have had GP's and such argue over the years to use movical but that just ended up with emergency visits to the loo. More and more food has bothered me and I'm at a loss, anyone else with this issue vs the runs? It's frustrating too when the muscles are finally triggered, by the med, I am in horrible pain!