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If he were in an NHS facility then he certainly would have been deemed "fit for discharge" as soon as credibly possible (or as soon as the bed was needed)
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Doesn't surprise me at all..I'm sure Huw and his wife have an arrangement which worked for them up to the point where he got exposed.
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Thing is if Huw ever makes a come back all I’m ever going to think when I see him is that photo of his naked arse, and for obvious reasons at the cenotaph that wouldn’t be very appropriate.
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He didn't choose to keep his private life private though..He chose to portray himself as a Christian and a family man but was quite prepared to take risks online until he was caught out by unforeseen circumstances beyond his control for once.
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For anyone that is interested the lad and the parents are still estranged 😢 it’s sad they gained nothing only to ruin a man’s career.
Don’t come at me that HE bought it on himself he didn’t break the law. The parent’s should have kept it ‘in house’
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Honestly the Suns story whiffs of homophobia and trying to publicly out a gay man and to shame him. I would have hoped that as a society we were past that.
the sun didn’t even reference the teen being male. Please explain to me how it “whiffs of homophobia” when they didn’t reference the gender or sex of the teen in question?

which parts of the article read as being homophobic to you…?
I don’t particularly care that someone who reads an autocue for a living broke lockdown laws. It’s completely different to Downing Street workers, who were literally setting laws and forcing everyone to stay in their houses, having parties. He reads the news, he doesn’t make laws and I do not hold him to the same standards that I hold the Prime Minister. Do I think he should have broken the lockdown rules? Of course I dont. But it’s not comparable to Boris and co in my opinion.
what have politicians and their conduct got to do with this situation though…? That’s a total whataboutism, straw man argument. It’s irrelevant. We aren’t discussing Boris and co. We are discussing Huw and his conduct. How huw conducted himself has *nothing* to do with Boris Johnson.

does someone have to be in the highest office in the country and making laws before you think they should be held to any sort of ethical standard? What a baffling stance to have.

teachers, doctors, paramedics, police officers, barristers… none of them make laws but they are all professions with code of ethics and an expectation of integrity. Journalism is in the same vein. They have a higher expectation in their conduct because of the unique position/responsibilities they have within society.

Also worth nothing that Huw hasn’t been criticised solely for breaking lockdown rules. He currently has multiple allegations levied against him,
1. Communication of a sexual nature with a vulnerable teen
2. Inappropriate behaviour at work towards junior staff
3. Breaking lockdown
This is an important point. Remember that a group of Sky News journalists/reporters/anchors were caught breaking lockdown rules. They were suspended and are now back at work.
yes I remember that well.

Beth Rigby was a very brusque journalist during the press events being held daily during the first covid lockdown. She asked probative and robust questions - which was her job. To hold the political class accountable and seek answers on behalf of the general public, that’s why she was there. And during a unique crisis, that job was more important than ever to establish what the hell was going on.

she was caught out breaking lockdown rules when she attended Kay Burley’s 60th birthday party and it completely changed the tone of her questioning. After she was allowed to return - she couldn’t be as probing. After all, she’d done the same thing. Her line of questioning completely changed after that. Her tail was firmly between her legs. She wasn’t as effective at her job and to me, I’m surprised she was allowed to return to it at all.

the scandal about Matt Hancock’s affair broke and Beth was covering elements of it. She probed him about breaking lockdown and of course, he subtlety pointed out the hypocrisy, “you’re a fan of parties, right Beth?” Or something to that effect, was mentioned by Matt Hancock and it instantly stopped Beth in her tracks. She should have demanded answers from him, held him accountable for what he’d done. Made him answer to the general public. But she couldn’t - because he could simply point out she’d done the exact same thing.

And this illustrates *exactly* why journalists need to have integrity. especially high profile ones. Beth couldn’t effectively question or probe politicians - a crucial part of her job - because she was guilty of doing something she shouldn’t have and they were able to turn it around and use it against it.

it removes the ability of a journalist to be impartial. It means they can’t probe to the full extent that they need to. It opens them to blackmail and coercion.

Beth Rigby and breaking lockdown is a perfect example of why integrity is necessary.
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Ya know, that just cements my belief the Sun are scum. The reason this story got traction is because they essentially accused him of being a nonce. By all accounts it sounds like he’s actually gay, has come out to his wife who is supportive but was too scared to come out publicly.

The Sun trying to out him in the way they did sits incredibly uncomfortably with me, especially considering the young person st there heart of their story didn’t want the story to be told.
The parents are also at fault by thinking they could resolve any issues by going to the Sun!
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Chatty Member
If he were in an NHS facility then he certainly would have been deemed "fit for discharge" as soon as credibly possible (or as soon as the bed was needed)
There no way he's in an NHS facility - but you're totally correct. In fact he probably wouldn't have been admitted at all, they'd have sent him crisis team visits at the very utmost.
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I do think comparing Edwards with Brand is sorta unfair. There still isn’t evidence that he did anything illegal, whereas with Brand the examples just keep racking up.
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I’ve been watching a documentary on channel 5 about the day the Queen died and the think that sticks out to me is that Huw really is the best at what he does. Even Dermot Murnaghan who is a very experienced live news reader and broke the news death of Diana on ITN all those years ago stumbled and was lost for words very briefly. Huw on the other hand was absolutely seamless and straight to the point. Calm and collected. Clive Myrie is very good live from a war zone as we saw in Ukraine but he’s not as good at the rolling news. Its all such a shame that his career has ended like this.
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I think he might? It would be a good way of getting back into the public eye and into people’s good books again while also reinventing/relaunching himself. He would probably have to make some sort of statement beforehand though to be “accepted” again (🙄), because most people are probably going to feel like they need an explanation of some sort.

I was watching Strictly last night and the Channel 4 newsreader taking part made me think of Huw.
the trouble is, this isn’t just a closeted gay man in the public eye who has been outted. It goes a lot deeper than that;

1. the accusation that the young person whose parents went to the sun was underage AND vulnerable . This is maybe wrong, maybe the police haven’t been able to establish any evidence of this. And the youth in question is unwilling to cooperate. But it’s definitely an uneasy set of circumstances that border on being very, very unsavoury.

2. the accusations that emerged of inappropriate behaviour at work. Not a small thing, given that Huw held a very high up and public position within the BBC.

3. The allegations that he broke lockdown. Again, no small thing given Huw’s role in reporting and encouraging compliance with lockdown rules. No small thing given the lack of integrity here.

all of those emerged before any internal BBC investigation which makes me concerned about what further digging would actually reveal. My guess is there are a lot more skeletons there.

none of the above are small, trivial things. As a society we should absolutely hold our press and our public figures up to a fair standard of integrity. It isn’t something we should gloss over because we are fond of a persona. A robust and free press is essential to a functioning democracy and when we have news anchors undermining public policies, they open themselves up to coercion and political bias. That’s the reality of it.

my feeling is that the moment Huw leaves his medical treatment facility, the floodgates open on a lot of other bad behaviour. If he knew there was nothing else, surely he’d have been able to issue some form of statement claiming his innocence? The silence is deafening IMO.

i don’t wish Huw badly, I think this could be a case of a decent person doing bad things. But as a consequence of doing bad things, he shouldn’t have a return to public life. He should accept the consequences of his actions and retire from public life.

the weasel that is Matt Hancock has some reality TV gigs, but he’s become a mockery. He is constantly derided on social media. People see through his rehearsed PR lines “I fell in love” and his pathetic attempts at redemption. No one sympathises with him. He’s become a mockery in his attempt at changing public perception of him and trying to stay in the public eye.

Huw was more respected that Matt Hancock and had a longer, more illustrious career. Surely he would owe it to his career to bow out as gracefully as he can at this point, instead of reducing himself to some tacky stint on strictly?
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Chatty Member
My boss just told me he had resigned - we both think something is about to come out! I mean, medical advice - don't believe a word of it!
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Chatty Member
I recently spoke to a couple of legal eagles who are in the arts and entertainments contracts industry. They said the way HE disappeared is exactly the best route and there could have been no other way suggested to him by the very best minds. They also said the best thing he can do is stay silent *forever* and that any potential police inquiries or criminal charges will absolutely have been held in abeyance until he's declared 'fit' and that this day may never come if he's got the best of a sympathetic private psychiatrist to do his bidding. I say sympathetic as it's not being implied that psychiatrists are criminal masterminds on behalf of their clients but heh they could go a long way to looking like that.

Also, they speculated should he become 'well' enough to negotiate his termination of contract with the BBC quietly, which is a private and confidential matter, and should the police not have anything to question him about and should he choose to not ever make any public statements or speak to the press... it's quite possible he may disappear, never be heard of again.

Made a lot of sense to me.
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Oof, the fact (if true) he broke lockdown to have sex with a stranger I find really unpalatable. Not the sex with a stranger part, but doing it during lockdown!! Just like I find Boris’ office parties absolutely unacceptable.

And yes, although he wasn’t in government and he didn’t make the rules, he did report on them almost every night so judging his general intelligence and his position as the “nation’s newsreader”, I can’t give him a pass for that.

Damn, I think Huw also had COVID in March 2020, right?
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