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Well-known member
he did go beyond that. I’m fairly certain multiple people have posted about him shagging men. I know of someone who has shagged him.
Ooh, I haven’t seen those posts about his sexual escapades 😳. Do you remember which thread they were in? I’m curious!

Or high as a kite, reckless and sexually dis-inhibited.
My point stands in that I meant that Huw needed an intervention badly because this was going to blow up in his face one way or another. And it has.

Any sources on drug use by HE that I have missed?
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VIP Member
Yes I have, to answer your question. And in the worst days not only could I not function, there is no way I could go to work. Yet my point is HE was quite defiant in that interview that he has never missed work because of He stated more or less that he was never incapacitated by it.
Oh, ok I didn't realise he said that.
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barabra cundy

Well-known member
You're walking a fine line. If I were to say to the police "I believe Barabra has committed a crime" and the police investigated and found there was no evidence of illegality, would it then be fair to say that you Barabra are not innocent, just not yet proven guilty?

The presumption of innocence is a human right but whatevs right?
By investigation - do you mean the police search for evidence and ask me questions ?

you do know the police have NOT spoken to Huw or conducted any search for illegal images ?
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Well-known member
Good for you and I’m glad you have someone very supportive and who respects you and vice versa ❤

It‘s actually a very misogynistic post (not what you said), the reason being of all the things to pull up that people have lied about, that person has chosen to pull up something about women, not men, even the mother over Huw. Not only that, women that lie about being sexually abused. I think is around 3 or 4% but I could be wrong, but it’s a very, very tiny amount of women that lie (which is not okay I’m not defending them) compared to those who have been sexually abused. What makes it even worse when women do report it very few of them are believed by the Police, so it goes no further. So I would say using that example of people not telling the truth/lying, is possibly one of the worst that could be used and very anti-women and damaging, whether they meant it or not.
Just wanted to explain x
I honestly get where you’re coming from. It definitely wasn’t very well put together.

honestly if I was trying to put my view across and was replied to with that I to would have felt the same ❤
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VIP Member
I do understand why you want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm cynical about him based on my own experiences of hospitalisation and that of my son who was sectioned ...It just seemed so easy for HE to avoid facing the music now. I feel he should face the music now as he had capacity up to the moment of discovery.
I absolutely understand why people are cynical.

It’s the nature of the beast that is mental illness though, isn’t it? It’s okay until it isn’t.

I’m not giving HE the benefit of the doubt, though. I’m taking the words of his wife as honest and true. That’s very different. Like most here, I don’t trust anything he says without knowing the whole picture.
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VIP Member
Hew is gae?
why are you gae?
A tongue-in-cheek interview 😆
[Apologies for any offence but glad we don’t have this type of bluntness in our reporting media]
I think Huw would be a very honourable man and he possibly was experimenting with his sexuality and wouldn’t have thought for one moment it would all blow up like this . However we are all adults and know the risks , like I said this young lad could have posted it on social media or contacted any media agency , an older man who has been in the public eye for many years should have been more savvy ffs


VIP Member
Absolutely, my comment was geared to the “George is good, Huw is bad” crowd, not your post, ItsDatCuw. 😓 this dude cannot get a break.
It would be great to hear HE’s side now in all this. What we’ve heard so far has all been so one-sided, and that’s not helping him in the least.
Couldn't agree more.
On an aside, we’ve all seen dodgy photos of Phil, Bear etc. why is this thumbnail allowed just now? Seems totally crass when the picture has been shared numerous times
Which thumbnail? Does someone here have an arse profile pic? 👀
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Chatty Member
Emma is going to be in a lot of trouble if she has a serious injury/ needs medical attention. I put someone in the recovery position after resuscitating them on the street - it would be hard to do it with someone her size/ height. Similarly when my mum was in hospital there was a larger lady - the nurses had such problems getting her in and out of bed/ turning her getting her to walk etc. She did however virtually sprint to reception when she ordered food in!