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Funny how you air out an opinion on another Instagrammer but it gets seen as “mean” yet it’s ok to be “mean” to helen & chet 🤣 Lol you do all make me laugh tbh

fuck me all I said was I think it’s a bit sad that they’re having another one so soon, that is a personal opinion. I haven’t said that they’re not good parents.

you wait in a few days BLEU will mention a baby No 2 and everyone will be preaching about why she can’t just ENJOY the one she’s got for now 🤷‍♀️
Hang on I’ve never once said your opinions wrong OR that you were being mean ! I was just giving my experience in the discussion ffs 🤣🤣
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They have clearly left the baby and swapped it for a dog. She knew she was better suited to having pet dogs 🤷🏼‍♀️ They don’t need toys you can lock them in the conservatory and they don’t keep you awake a night. That poor baby it’s actually heartbreaking how little she cares for her. The only love she has for that baby is the opportunity to make money of her selling cheap AliExpress shit that’s why she is mad she isn’t blonde haired 🤦🏻‍♀️
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This is what I mean about why I hate them. More terrible advice to give out to young people who will just aimlessly follow (I hope not) I really don’t think a baby needs juice. My daughters 15 months and still only drinks water. If they are giving juice because ocean won’t drinks etc then I feel they need to explain that so other people don’t just go copy. They also need to be very mindful of the water intoxication as before 1 she shouldn’t be haven’t much especially not entire bottle full. Idiots 🙄
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I think people are forgetting that she is a first time mum here! I am a first time mum to a now 10 month old boy and I can guarantee you I've probably made countless mistakes in my time, I'm just lucky enough that my life isn't scrutinised online! I've given my son copious amounts of jars and pouches.... dont get me wrong....I prepare plenty of fresh food but he also gets pre-made food every now and again when I'm rushing or haven't prepared anything. I also give Ella's kitchen snacks inbetween meals as he loves them and at the moment it seems to be the only finger foods he will eat aside from avo on toast lol! I agree that I wouldn't give my son any juice, regardless of whether they are marketed for 6 months plus etc. You have to realise that everyone is different and their approaches to weaning can be different! I can guarantee many mothers would have a lot to say about my method, but I do what works for me! Christ, I gave my son peanut butter on toast the other day for the first time and only just realised after he ate 3 toast fingers that I should have thinned the peanut butter with water prior to giving it.... shoot me now lol!! If you are that worried about her daughter and how they are weaning her then maybe you should send her a nicely worded dm on Instagram and offer helpful advice and not just bash her on here! I was eating an ice lolly the other day and my son seemed desperate for a lick....ofcourse I let him lick it and ofcourse I found it funny and sweet, but does that mean I will allow him to lick it more everytime I have one.... NO! And I've given my son a chip before now..... it was rather funny and me and my husband had a good laugh when it was hanging out of his mouth as he didnt have a clue what to do! And just to add.... I'm definitely for children having mcdonalds.... not too early on in their life, the healthiest option they can have and no salt.... nothing wrong with that! McDonalds have made huge efforts in making their happy meals healthier so it shouldn't be so frowned upon now.
See if she ever once accepted that she made a mistake or took advice nicely maybe people would think like that. I tried to tell her it was too early to feed her baby when she fed ocean at 12 weeks I got these responses, I also had said ocean shouldn’t be placed in between cushions all day watching tv and then got blocked. I fed both my babies from jars sometimes that isn’t actually what people dislike her for 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


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I am sure there are legal guidelines on raffles. I don’t think businesses are legally allowed to profit from them. A while ago people who raffled off houses got into some very expensive legal hot water as a result of not following the law. I thought it was a bit off when he raffled that Ocean sized bag of sweets for £2 a ticket-he must of made a lot of profit on that, much more than the bag would be able to sell for. But I am not sure on the ins and outs, I am not a legal professional so could have the complete wrong end of the stick!
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I worked it out, she was having a free consultation, she’s too cheap to pay for anything 😂
He’s just as fake as Helen, says on his website he’s a psychologist but he’s not even got the qualification 😂😂😂

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And if he’s got a keen interest in personality he’s got no chance with Helen 😂😂
He's got his master's degree in psychology, he's definitely qualified.
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