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Does anyone suffer from headaches and dizziness? I do have anxiety but I’m unsure if it’s something serious or if it’s an anxiety attack. I’ve been given tablets from the doctors but nothing is helping yet. I’ve also got an opticians appointment next week but I’m a bit worried :(
Yes, at school I was dizzy permanently for months because I was always thinking about it!
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Nothing. I'm just scared now that I have cancer and they are waiting 6-8 weeks.

View attachment 2597447
I had polyps too.. they were teeny but they removed them. i Think they Said like 1% of polyps under 1cm are cancerous. That yours was 5mm is a good sign! They only remove them because there are no scientific ways to tell which ones can develop into cancer and which ones cant.
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Hi, was looking for a bit of advice & hoping someone here could help or relate. For about 3 months now I’ve had a pain in my chest. I’m really not sure if it’s my heart or my boob, but it’s not a sharp pain, more like when I breathe in I feel it or when I cough.
I’ve checked my breasts for anything out of the ordinary & can’t feel anything.
I’ve been trying to get a GP appointment for weeks now but our medical centre is appalling & I just can’t get one. It’s making me feel quite anxious, which probably isn’t helping the matter, but I’m just scared I have something wrong with my heart.
Has anyone experienced anything like this before?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
It might be this

My friend had this and they recommended she get a proper fitted bra which helped.
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Wow I never knew this thread existed and today I needed to find it more than ever. Hope it’s OK for me to share a ramble to intro myself-

I’m 28 which even writing it makes me feel too young to be worrying about my health the way that I do. Until 2 years ago I never gave my health a second thought, then I had my first smear test and it came back abnormal (ended up being fine, had a procedure to remove some abnormal cells and now everything is back to normal) but I can quite literally chart my severe HA back to that day that I got those results in the post. I suppose it was the first time I ever had any kind of real health issue.

From then the HA was always there but manageable but this year it has totally spiralled. So far I have been convinced I have bowel cancer (checked and fine), skin cancer (5! Moles checked and all fine), breast or lymph node cancer (turns out I was wearing the wrong sized bra and it was causing my breast tissue to be too “squished” - symptoms conveniently stopped the moment I changed bra and left the GP) and now this weekend I have noticed a tiny patch inside my cheek that I’m now convinced is mouth cancer (even though it looks nothing like the hundreds of photos I’ve looked at on google)

I know I’m being ridiculous and my partner of 7 years is always incredibly supportive of my HA but I can tell he is getting a bit frustrated (and I can’t blame him, it must be draining for him)

I suppose I just wanted to share my situation and it’s so nice to know I’m not alone, sometimes I feel crippled by it and not to mention I’m constantly mentally exhausted from the stress
Wow I never knew this thread existed and today I needed to find it more than ever. Hope it’s OK for me to share a ramble to intro myself-

I’m 28 which even writing it makes me feel too young to be worrying about my health the way that I do. Until 2 years ago I never gave my health a second thought, then I had my first smear test and it came back abnormal (ended up being fine, had a procedure to remove some abnormal cells and now everything is back to normal) but I can quite literally chart my severe HA back to that day that I got those results in the post. I suppose it was the first time I ever had any kind of real health issue.

From then the HA was always there but manageable but this year it has totally spiralled. So far I have been convinced I have bowel cancer (checked and fine), skin cancer (5! Moles checked and all fine), breast or lymph node cancer (turns out I was wearing the wrong sized bra and it was causing my breast tissue to be too “squished” - symptoms conveniently stopped the moment I changed bra and left the GP) and now this weekend I have noticed a tiny patch inside my cheek that I’m now convinced is mouth cancer (even though it looks nothing like the hundreds of photos I’ve looked at on google)

I know I’m being ridiculous and my partner of 7 years is always incredibly supportive of my HA but I can tell he is getting a bit frustrated (and I can’t blame him, it must be draining for him)

I suppose I just wanted to share my situation and it’s so nice to know I’m not alone, sometimes I feel crippled by it and not to mention I’m constantly mentally exhausted from the stress
To add - do you find that you get every thing you notice checked? Or do you work to tell yourself you’re fine? I am often torn (and am now) between getting something checked and the fear that they do refer me and just trying to ignore it and hope it’s nothing. I conveniently have a dentist appointment this week anyway for a hygiene so will likely ask him to look at it, but then of course I worry he might go “yikes that’s bad”
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Has anyone had a positive fit test I’m freaking out
I haven't but my friends dad did recently. He also had quite a lot of other symptoms and it was really, really worrying. In the end it turned out he had ulcers caused by his meds and needed to add omeprazole and have a meds review etc etc. So nothing sinister at all and very treatable. Have you been given advice on what the follow up will look like? ❤
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Chatty Member
Thank you so much for your reply. Sometimes I worry people will think I am crazy when I explain my thought process when it comes to health!!

Yeah the mind is so powerful it is scary! I know if I sit down and say out loud to myself everything you just said, it will make sense. And I have said to myself if it was life threatening or something needing urgent medical attention I would get worse and be in severe pain as things progressed. But it just keeps going back round that cycle of 'But what if...'

And like you said, sometimes just thinking of something can make you feel the pain.

I've done CBT courses, and I'm currently having trauma therapy to deal with everything that's happened with my son (also my mums cancer diagnosis last year).

Yes it is about half a finger from my right hip bone inwards. I think I'm just so hyper aware of every little twinge right now, and focusing on it more than I would if I wasn't having such bad anxiety issues. Whenever I notice it normally I just shrug and it goes off after a day or two.

I'm also signed off work for one more week with PTSD, and I think too much time on my hands is not helping! I'm usually too busy to focus on any little twinges for more than a few seconds! Hopefully once I'm back at work and in to a routine again it will help.

Iv never had CBT or anything... Just my mum. I wrote a post about it a while ago as to how I learned to live with my HA. I can honestly say iv gone from being 100% riddled with it to it now being at the back of my mind. It rears its ugly head once in a while but I have managed to rewire my brain for the most part. But I remember those feelings which is why I can't not respond to a post like yours.

One things that did help...aside from not dying.. is that I read up on health anxiety. I know it inside route from where it started to how it rewires your brain. Understanding that my new symptom was my health anxiety playing up helped. I kept to fact sites like the NHS and medical journals. I also read the health anxiety forum where people wouldn't talk about symptoms but how they felt when they got a new symptom. I recognised it. The biggest thing is tracing it back to your first trigger. Understanding why your brain went down the health anxiety rabbit hole is a key part to understanding and then controlling it. I know my triggers xxx
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Every single time I am fixated and worried about a particular illness I get the "signs" too.

When I was waiting for my breast appointment and ordered a new bra. What was on it? Only the breast cancer awareness symbol. I could have cried haha. But I was fine!

It's called "Magic thinking" - you aren't going crazy lol.

But these aren't signs. It's your brain making connections about the thing you are worried about as your brain perceives it to be a threat. It's a survival mechanism in overdrive!

It's not the universe giving you a signs.

That sounds really tough!

There are all manner of benign things it could be rather than a tumour! Chronic headache can be linked to deficiencies, certain medications, dehydration, stress and anxiety!

I believe a brain tumour would absolutely have more symptoms than just a headache. Especially after 5 months.
You're right, it's just our brains fixate on the worst case scenario don't they. It's exhausting :(
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What did your GP say?
She said it doesn’t feel hard and it feels moveable so she suspects it isn’t anything to worry about but it’s best to get it checked.

Which is weird cos to me it does feel hard but then it’s the only one I’ve ever felt so what do I know ha

I also know you can’t really tell anything from just feeling it so I’m glad she referred me for a scan.
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I finally built up the courage to go to my GP today about a breast skin thickening issue I’ve had for 18 months. I confided in my mum a few weeks after noticing and showed her, she said it was nothing (I know stupid me she’s not a doctor). I suffer with agoraphobia and anxiety, I can’t make phone calls which my mum knows. Anyway I mentioned it to a guy I’ve been seeing and he said I had to get it checked he even wanted to make the phone call to my GP for me. I decided to do the online form on Monday got an appointment for today 2 GPs checked and I have a lump 😢 I’ve been referred for tests and I know this is standard procedure but I wasn’t expecting a lump at all. Has anyone had something similar I’m 37 btw just completely shocked me.
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Hi, new here.

Suffering really bad with my HA. Suffer with my MH anyways but since I bought a house a few months ago, I feel like every week I've a new illness. I refuse to go on meds as I've been on them before and I cannot function (I'm not on any meds, no contraception or anything).

I've lumpy boobs, have gone about it so many times, it's nothing. I'm fine, theres no new lumps or anything. I'm fine but why can't I stop breast checking myself to the point where I'm hurting myself. It could be multiple times a day. My boobs get sore when I ovulate and when I'm PMSING. Periods are on time, all the time. I'M FINE:censored:

This comes in waves, next week I'll be obsessing about my bowels and my tummy.

The following week, I'll have eye cancer or brain cancer because my lip twitched because I haven't slept due to HA.

My life is normal, I'm healthy. Everything is going good, why can I not relax? I've deleted insta and tiktok because I feel like they're adding to it.

I feel like I'm getting to the best part of my life, new house, wedding, travel yeno life after covid and I'm afraid I'll get sick, never recover and die before I'm 30? I'm hysterical and it's driving me insane!!!!
Just wanted to say hi and that you are not alone. I suffer terribly with HA especially regarding thoughts of cancer and dying. I think almost constantly about leaving my husband and two boys who are 12 and 10. I've been to the GP twice recently convinced I had breast cancer and they reassured me really well but deep down it made no difference as I'm still worrying. Probably not helped by the fact that one of my closest friends has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and has just had surgery. Thankfully it was caught early and she's doing well.
I have had a two rounds of CBT for HA and I'm not massively convinced it worked brilliantly for me. My husband and mum keep saying I need to refer myself again to the mental health service as I just can't relax or look forward to anything. We are currently on holiday and I'm trying to relax as much as possible but I just keep thinking something bad issues going to happen when we get home. I do think I could benefit from some more counselling but maybe more targeted to the fact that I can't allow myself to enjoy anything.
I'm always on here if you want to vent or share your worries.
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My health anxiety is through the roof. I’ve had a mole / freckle on my toe for years and years and I’ve noticed that it’s got darker and bigger. I got it checked 3 years ago and it was fine. My health anxiety has me convinced it’s something sinister and I’m struggling to function normally, the anxiety is crippling. Getting it checked on Friday but it still seems so long to wait.
Deep breaths, I can relate so much to these crippling feelings, you really cant function and think of anything else. TommyB has asked some good questions above. Getting darker and larger is not typically the signs that a mole may be malignant. Irregular shaping, bleeding or change in its consistency or normally more of a concern. You are doing the right thing getting it checked, and you may actually just want to remove it for future protection. I am absolutely sure it will be OK, try to relax, although honestly I know you won't...because I wouldn't either.
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I rang the Drs this evening to see if my blood results were back and got the dreaded "they're back but there's no note on them so the Dr hasn't looked at them yet" response...I say dreaded because my Mum is a Drs receptionist and she said they always say "the Dr is looking over them" when they can see there's an issue but obviously can't say (as it needs to come from the Dr). Hopefully it IS just that she hasn't looked at them yet, but I was told they're always looked at on the day they come back, so now of course I'm convinced something has been picked up and she'll be ringing me tomorrow to tell me and the receptionist just couldn't say. Surely if they picked up something she would have rung me today and not left it another day? Looking for reassurance here, can feel myself spiralling in the dreaded results wait
My mind would be going exactly where your
Mind is going but it is standard practise so try not to worry. In my experience when something is wrong, you are contacted very quickly.
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Not a post I was wanting to make but I found a lump in my breast last week and after a trip to the GP today I’ve been referred to the breast clinic. She was very confident that it’s a fibroadenoma and as such I’ve been referred as “non urgent” so likely to be a bit of a wait to get an ultrasound. Obviously I am panicking and thinking the worst. I know breast referrals are pretty common so was hoping there may be some of you who have some experience and positive stories to share. My lump is smooth and mobile which she said was a good sign but a lump is a lump in my anxious mind and I worry how she can be so confident just from examining it
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@ChampagneBox if you don't mind me asking, when you were reffered to the breast clinic and had firm lumps, could you slightly slide it from side to side with your fingers?
Yes! And if I pressed on it it kind of slid around away from my finger
BUT I’ve also had a lump that doesn’t move that was also fine ❤
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I too have a lump in my breast, it’s moveable but have been given the 2 week cancer suspicion referral. The Dr did warn me that the letter sounds quite scary, but that it’s generic. I still can’t help being terrified though when you see a box ticked under the ‘cancer suspicion’ column.
when you say movable can it slide slightly side to side? I wish I'd asked the nurse when I saw her. I'm going off smooth/smooth edges being a good sign
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Chatty Member
I went to my doctor yesterday with pain under my armpit that’s been there for months and she found a lump on my breast. I have been referred urgently for an ultrasound and potentially a biopsy. I am convinced I’m going to be told I’ve got breast cancer. Any advice?!
Sorry no advice but view it as a positive that it’s being dealt with so promptly. I think the majority of breast lumps are usually cysts or benign and especially with pain being a symptom it could more likely be a cyst. And even in the worse case scenario the doctors will act fast and breast cancer treatment has advanced massively over the years. All the best.
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I finally built up the courage to go to my GP today about a breast skin thickening issue I’ve had for 18 months. I confided in my mum a few weeks after noticing and showed her, she said it was nothing (I know stupid me she’s not a doctor). I suffer with agoraphobia and anxiety, I can’t make phone calls which my mum knows. Anyway I mentioned it to a guy I’ve been seeing and he said I had to get it checked he even wanted to make the phone call to my GP for me. I decided to do the online form on Monday got an appointment for today 2 GPs checked and I have a lump 😢 I’ve been referred for tests and I know this is standard procedure but I wasn’t expecting a lump at all. Has anyone had something similar I’m 37 btw just completely shocked me.
I’m in my 30s and I’ve had plenty of breast lumps and bumps as well as breast pain and so far they’ve always turned out to be nothing sinister. My experience at multiple breast clinics over the years has always been fantastic, you’re in very safe hands and you’ve done the right thing by going to the GP and getting the referral.
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Deep breaths, you are going to be OK. The Dr's dont say things like 'fairly confident' lightly. If they had major concerns you would be fast tracked I am sure. As someone else says, your Dr has probably seen thousands of lumps and would have good insight into which ones are good lumps and which ones are not so much (my cousin's was a bad lump and the Dr sent her for an urgent biopsy the same day!).
The other thing to try and remember is, if caught early, even the dreaded breast cancer, is VERY treatable. i seriously dont think you need to worry about that but I know you won't until your appointment, as I would be the same!
Thank you, you are right of course but it’s so hard to rationalise when it’s yourself! I actually have an appointment next week at the breast clinic, when she rang with the appointment she said they try to see even non urgent referrals within 2 weeks which I thought was excellent. I’ve been experiencing pain in that breast this week too so I’m glad I don’t have too long of a wait
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