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My blood test results are back, all good apart from slightly high MCHC? Anyone with medical knowledge know what this means? Max Ref range is 345 and mine is 350 does this matter? Google isn’t very clear as to why high levels can mean


VIP Member
My practice nurse referred me about suspected skin cancer as she said she doesn’t know anything about it but instead of calling a dr in to look at it she referred me to dermatology on the two week wait.

The dermatologist was really annoyed he said they spend all their time seeing urgent referrals from practice nurses which stops them seeing people who need treatment. He said the dr could have diagnosed me. I had solar keratosis.

Tinkerbell cat

VIP Member
Hi all.
I can be a bit of a nightmare when I feel something going on with my body and always think the worst. The past couple of weeks I've been waking up with a heavy head, like a dull headache and it takes a while to shift. It doesn't stop me going about my day but it is a bit of a weird feeling. I'm not sure if its down to my sleep what it could be. Anyone experienced anything similar?


VIP Member
When it comes to dermatology/skin, it seems to be that they like to refer you unless the GP is 100% sure on what it is. I had a mole checked by a GP and she basically told me that while she had just done a 6 month placement in dermatology, hence why I saw her for it, most GPs have no dermatology training at all and are totally stumped by anything skin related, hence the referrals. I've also been referred to dermatology before and the dermatologist told me it's one of their biggest problems that GP's are a bit trigger happy when it comes to referring people to them so they get clogged up seeing people who they don't need to.... hope this helps to calm your nerves @AladdinSane


VIP Member
Hope it’s okay to post, I started having breast pain when I was ovulating at the end of November. It was quite painful bit no lumps that I could feel or hard bits. Mentioned it to my doctor on the 8th December and went to see a female GP today, it’s not as painful at all now. It’s a tiny bit sore if I press certain ways on it but I can’t feel a lump but the GP could. I’ve been referred to the Breast clinic and I am so scared.

She did say she thinks as the pain isn’t as bad/almost gone that it’s a cyst or an abscess.


Chatty Member
If you dont mind me asking roughly how much was yours? Inital consultations I've seen are around the £200 mark which is fine, but then with everything else on top I'm worried about it pilling up.
No problem!. £200 each for initial consult and result then the CT scan was around £550.


VIP Member
Can anyone else feel painless hard what I assume is a lymph node in their groin? 😩 not really how I want to start off a new year but the what ifs are spiralling


VIP Member
Absolutely,if you're working out less that can definitely make a difference. Then if you're anxious about it it's also a vicious circle
Thanks Mamacita. I'd forgotten to post and update but yeah, basically I started working out regularly and at a medium-high intensity again and decreased my added sugars consumption (I'd been on daily litle treats since before Christmas) and it's gone down, not fully back to my old one but like 10 points down.

I kinda hate that working out and eating well work so well 😂

But another question, I have a Fitbit and I check my stats often and have the kind that tracks your heart rate during your sleep. In the past month I've had three times where it has randomly spiked up like super high, like doing HIIT high, for a minute or two and then back down.

I've booked an appointment with my doc since I read it could be sleep apnea or an arrythmia and my family has some heart stuff in our history, but has anyone had that happen?
I wanted to share with you lovely ladies that after my burning legs and arms and tingling all over I have had a thorough review by a neurologist that included an assessment and nerve and muscle testing. She could find absolutely nothing wrong with me at all.
This is of course a big relief but I know it won't be long until the next thing comes along! For now hopefully some of you other ladies can take comfort if you have similar symptoms there is a good chance it is nothing sinister.
I have this! Haven’t been to the doctors with it because I can’t get an appointment :/ glad they didn’t find anything wrong with you!

By any chance do you get b12 injections or take b12 supplements? Thank you


VIP Member
I haven't but my friends dad did recently. He also had quite a lot of other symptoms and it was really, really worrying. In the end it turned out he had ulcers caused by his meds and needed to add omeprazole and have a meds review etc etc. So nothing sinister at all and very treatable. Have you been given advice on what the follow up will look like? ❤
Thank you I’m trying to not worry


VIP Member
I banged my head last night against the fridge door, it’s in one of those units where it has like a composite door on the outside of the fridge. It was quite hard, but not like extremely hard, but now I’m worried I’ll get a subdural haematoma or brain bleed to concussion 😓 I’ve got a bit of a headache today but that might be because I was crying last night and I feel a bit sick but that might be because I’m worried 😪 I feel like I have banged my head harder in the past but I’m worrying about this time
or I might get dementia/Parkinson’s in the future because repeated head bangs can cause that 😪


Chatty Member
Hi. I’m so sorry for how you’re feeling. I have suffered with HA since I was 16 but now it feels like it’s come back with a vengeance (I’m now 33). Panic attacks have been the bane of my
Life. After being hospitalized several times my GP gave me beta blockers. I’ve not had one attack since. I know it’s only a short term fix, but not having the attacks helps me rationalize my thoughts.
My anxiety has been so bad recently, I've had a panic attack everyday this week. I've got my nieces birthday party on Saturday and I should be excited but I'm dreading it because my anxiety says so. I've got aches and pains everywhere and I'm worried I'm having a heart attack or getting serotonin syndrome. Just feeling shit.


VIP Member
I went to the doctor due to unexplained bleeding/very heavy periods/bleeding on and off etc, shes done an internal exam and mentioned fibroids? Shes referring me to gynocology and for an internal ultrasound. Has anyone had anything like this? I'm starting to worry, my last smear was 2 years ago and everything was normal


VIP Member
I have a lump right on the back of my neck, it has swollen overnight and is painful to touch. I'm panicking so much, I suffer with cystic acne so have always had weird lumps and bumps but this one feels so different (very hard)
I get hard boils and cysts often on my neck! Are you washing your hair regularly? Exercising/sweating a lot? If I don’t wash my hair regularly I get lots of boils all along my hairline around my head!


VIP Member
I'm so sorry about your son. That sounds traumatising.

Yes iv had the pinching feeling. Always my right too weirdly.. it always flares up when my anxiety is in overdrive. Always convince myself it's a cyst. Always nothing. Had a scan for something else and all healthy. It's sometimes right in my hip or right by my hip bone or the top of my pelvis.
Appendicitis .. you would know it's appendicitis. My ex had it and he went from a mild ache to being doubled over in an hour.
Any of the cancers usually come with more symptoms than pain. Also the fact it's on and off means it may be hormone related. But you know this already.

The mind is a powerful thing. Having just thought about the pinching I get ... Iv just had a twinge on my right side 😂

Its absolutely can be from stress and anxiety but if it is persistent and worrying you then reach out to your GP xx
Thank you so much for your reply. Sometimes I worry people will think I am crazy when I explain my thought process when it comes to health!!

Yeah the mind is so powerful it is scary! I know if I sit down and say out loud to myself everything you just said, it will make sense. And I have said to myself if it was life threatening or something needing urgent medical attention I would get worse and be in severe pain as things progressed. But it just keeps going back round that cycle of 'But what if...'

And like you said, sometimes just thinking of something can make you feel the pain.

I've done CBT courses, and I'm currently having trauma therapy to deal with everything that's happened with my son (also my mums cancer diagnosis last year).

Yes it is about half a finger from my right hip bone inwards. I think I'm just so hyper aware of every little twinge right now, and focusing on it more than I would if I wasn't having such bad anxiety issues. Whenever I notice it normally I just shrug and it goes off after a day or two.

I'm also signed off work for one more week with PTSD, and I think too much time on my hands is not helping! I'm usually too busy to focus on any little twinges for more than a few seconds! Hopefully once I'm back at work and in to a routine again it will help.


Active member
Had my mole appointment last week and the dr said probably fine nothing that suspicious but worth getting it checked by a dermatologist to be 100% sure, checked my medical records for a seperate reason today (I usually stay away for HA reasons ) and it says urgent referral for suspected skin cancer😭😭😭is this normal, especially when you weren’t told this by a dr?
I had exact same experience! My doctor said she couldn't be sure and since I had noticed changes she wanted to get it properly checked out. My dermatologist was so nice and said it was fine but still offered to remove it
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VIP Member
recently I’ve been feeling a small raised bump on my labia, like the size of a grain of sand, and I’ve looked at it with flash and it looks like a milia or fordyce spot and I can’t squeeze it, my mind is wandering 😫 anyone else had something like this come up? It’s round and yellow but tiny, but I can feel it like a grain of sand when I run my finger over it.


Thank you very much for your replies.

It's been happening since June-July the gastrointestinal problems so I just think it's not early bowel cancer. I think it's late advanced cancer that's untreatable.

The blood in the toilet isn't in my stool - like it isn't within my stool it's when I wipe and also in the toilet bowl and on top of my stool.

It's that along with the bowel frequency and also the fact I feel like I need the toilet immediately after eating when I eat as well as abdominal bloating, back pain, feeling like my bum is full of stool all the time and a feeling of fatigue that's making me think that I've got untreatable bowel cancer.

I'm 35 but I keep thinking to myself that Debra James was my age when she was diagnosed with bowel cancer and she has now died from it.

I don't have a date for my colonoscopy yet but I was told that it'll be within the next two weeks and I've had the Moviprep in the post.

I'm just so scared that I'm dying. I'm currently having therapy but really struggling with it as I feel with everything that I've got that I'm dying.

All of this along with the fact that our dog died last month after a horrible illness means that I'm not in a good place.

We are getting a puppy next month and I really am trying my best to look towards the future and invest in my future but everything I think about comes back to the fact I think I'm dying of untreatable bowel cancer and won't have a future to invest towards soon.

I feel like I'm going to go for my colonoscopy and will be told that I have bowel cancer and it's spread and there's nothing that can be done and basically tell me to get my affairs in order because I have terminal cancer.

It's been such a shite year. Worst year of my life.
Hi! I have all of these symptoms you mentioned + more. I do not have bowel cancer! I’ve been diagnosed with Bile Acid Malabsorption. If you have issues with your gallbladder/ have had your gallbladder removed then please look into this!! I had blood in the toilet so often & i had extreme internal piles which i had an operation to remove after a few rounds of injections which didn’t help! Try not to worry but i know myself it is easier said then done!


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As I’m knocking on the door of 30 I’ve decided to do one of those hertility tests, but im worried they’ll tell me I need a scan or I have cancer or something 😭 has anyone here done hertility? What is your experience?