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Well-known member
just to add I have no other symptoms whatsover
does anyone else have any experience of this please?
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VIP Member
I’m so overwhelmed right now. I’ve been having lots of bladder and lower abdomen pressure on and off for the last 12 months. Several dr visits and it’s been put down to muscular and menopause.
On Friday I saw the GYN who did an internal examine which she said was reassuring. My notes say no sign of masses on ovaries, uterus etc.
She’s sending me for a scan for extra reassurance but has also put it down to most likely menopause.

Stupid me then read an article about a woman with ovarian cancer. I’ve now convinced myself that’s what I have. I am a complete mess and my husband is away this weekend so he’s not here to talk me down.

Please please any words of advice? I’m so stressed and of course that’s making symptoms worse most likely


VIP Member
So last month my period cycle was only 22 days, which is the shortest ever for me, so now this month I’m paranoid it’ll do it again and I’ll have to go to the drs and it’ll turn out to be ovarian cancer or something 😪


VIP Member
Has anyone ever had their resting heart rate trend upwards despite no big changes to your lifestyle? Could it be that I'm working out less? It's still within normal parameters but it has been going up over the past couple of months and I don't know what it could be so my anxiety -powered by google- is telling me it could be lots of terrible things.
Currently back in my breast fixation, have had a red patch come up on Sunday that hydrocortisone isn’t budging and an itchy nip for the past month or so. Had it ultrasounded x2 last year as I was worried about discolouration (turned out fine just fibrocystic) but have always had issues with this breast now I’m scared I’ve manifested something. Scared to go back to my doctor because I was only there a month ago for a lump I have on my collarbone that’s being referred for ultrasound, I wouldn’t care if I didn’t have to speak to the judgy receptionists first but they genuinely must think I’m insane and want to waste their time. Is anyone else unable to function daily when they have a fixation or can’t think about anything else in life until it’s been checked. Currently feel like a shell of myself


Active member
I’ve discovered a lump on my neck under my ear it’s more swollen today and sore, can’t get a doctors appt till Valentine’s Day
I’ve discovered a lump on my neck under my ear it’s more swollen today and sore, can’t get a doctors appt till Valentine’s Day
sending well wishes your way, I’m also going to the doctor next week for a small, moveable lump on my neck, I’m terrified, the only hope I’m clinging on to is that I’ve had it for a while and it hasn’t grown at all, I started to get an itchy neck though recently and it made me want to get it checked out. After that though I’m going to seek help for HA because I have been in tears for days now over worrying about this
I've done psychotherapy and hypnosis for health anxiety and it has worked. I used to get panic attacks and I don't anymore. It's not a miracle and it's also not fixed it 100%, I still get episodes. Particularly if my overall mental health is bad due to stressors, I'm more susceptible to health anxiety. But it definitely helped and I feel much more in control and safe within my body.

Hope it helps you too ❤
Sending your son @Veilside and you lots of good thoughts and energy. Same for your friend and their dad @IllBredHen .
Thank you for the reply, did you get both of those on the NHS or go privately? I didn’t even think of hypnosis before, do you have one you preferred out of the two?


Active member
Does anyone know the protocol regarding MRI results? For context i had a MRi following an abnormal ultrasound as there was 13mm tumour in my liver. I’ve got doctors appointment Friday to discuss the findings (hopefully hemangioma.) just wondering if in the worse case scenario who would trigger further testing, would it be my GP or radiographer from the imaging department? My results are probably on the NHS app but I’m doing everything I can to not look at them.
The results will go back to the practitioner who requested them and they will take it from there. From experience I doubt there will be anything on the app until you've had your follow up. I hope all is ok


VIP Member
I have a lot of moles and would say I notice new ones every year, usually in the summer when I’ve been in the sun and I notice my skin more. They are usually just tiny little ones so don’t worry me but I hate it as I have so many already that I really don’t need anymore!
I read it’s normal to get new ones up until the age of 40, after that it can be a bit more suspicious (prob still fine though)
Oh that's good to hear! I'm hyper vigilant with moles and freckles and a new one sends me spiralling every.single.time 😭


Active member
I've had a lump on near my jaw just below my ear for 3 years I only just remembered it this week when it was sore I'm going to ring doctors tomorrow, surely it can't be anything serious if I went 3 years with no other symptoms? It's quite hard I don't think it moves so worried
I've had really bad health anxiety last week since I had acid reflux, I have diagnosed myself with everything and remembering the lump has topped me off I'm drained


Well-known member
No, she didn’t say. To me it feels big but I think that’s more the tissue around it as I have quite firm/dense breasts at the best of times. I feel like it has suddenly appeared as I’m sure I would have noticed it before now.
I'm still waiting for my referral date. praying for a good and quick outcome! I think we tend to feel it as bigger as we use fingertips too


VIP Member
I am really struggling now. I’m now on to week 5 of my headaches. Over the last 5 weeks I’ve had naproxen, zomitriptan, rizatriptan and propranolol all which have done nothing. I had another appointment with the emergency gp on Monday who prescribed me co-codomal. This takes the edge off the pain but it’s still there.

My symptoms have been getting worse as pain is now really bad when I lie down, it’s waking me up during the night and come the morning my head is absolutely agony. This morning I took a funny turn. I went to the bathroom and I was so off balance I thought I was going to collapse. The whole room was spinning and I also had two experiences where my eyes went black and I couldn’t see then the vision came back. I ended up phoning 111 and they didn’t think I needed to visit A&E and she said I just need to speak to my gp again.

I have a follow up appointment tomorrow but I just feel like I’m not getting anywhere and I’m not being taken seriously. I asked to be referred to a private hospital to be investigated further and the doctor on Monday said he doesn’t think I need to see a neurologist and they just need to manage my pain. I have a constant ringing in my ear and I also have a twitchy eye. Can anyone help or give some advice? I am reaching the end of my tether! I haven’t been able to leave my bed all week!
I was in a similar situation to you years ago, I had horrid headaches and woke up one night with a popping sound in my head and the pain was excruciating. I called 111 and told me to go to a&e (times must have changed) and I ended up getting a lumbar puncture. They told me i had my migraines and gave me meds to keep on top of it. Amitriptyline and sumatriptan kept mine managable.
I hope you get it sorted, its a horrible feeling!


VIP Member
This is why I can't ever properly quiet my health anxiety "somethings gonna go wrong" brain. It's the first official work day of my long trip. I fell and sprained my ankle. My brain's like: see? Told you something was gonna go wrong!


VIP Member
I am super nervous now. Went to the hospital last week to have this lump on my toe photographed. It has popped before and jelly like fluid has come out. I thought it would be a simple case of it's a cyst, we need to cut it out.
I've been referred for a biopsy appointment in 2 and a half weeks.
I'm so scared it could not be a cyst and be something else.
It feels like fluid moving and is shiny. I'm bricking it tbh
It sounds like a cyst but they probably want to biopsy it to rule out other things. However, most cysts are non cancerous but they might want to determine if it’s from other conditions like osteoarthritis.


VIP Member
Thank you! I might need to start buying meds up North, I bought a box of Nurofen today for €20. Daylight robbery prices.
I just checked my Tesco app and a box of nurofen are 4.50, I didn’t realise the price of meds down there were so different.


Chatty Member
That's what I think it is. If I put a warm wash cloth on it starts to go down. If I could see a head or any pus on it I wouldnt be worried! I use a spray. I do use different ones all the time lol. Maybe I should stop for a while.
Thanks give an update and calm myself down...

This basically went with a warm washcloth once a day however it started getting big again the other day and as I was pulling the skin slightly to look at it suddenly it burst everywhere!. There was some blood but alot of pus (sorry tmi!).

I thought that after that it would go but it's now just a big red lump. It does look better after a warm washcloth. It hasn't seemed to come to a head anymore and I think i can make out a hair in there. Has this happened to anyone else. I'm trying to tell myself that cancer/swollen lymph node wouldn't pop like that with pus coming up. Plus shrink to nothing then start coming up again then shrink again.

I'm going to call the GP on Monday and see what they say. Why do these things happen at weekends!

comment on life

Well-known member
Today I was in the gym and my right ear felt like it was on fire. I looked in the mirror and it was as red as red can be. Left ear looked completely normal. It stayed red the entire time I was in the gym. By the time I got home it looked totally normal.

Has anyone ever experienced this before? If it was both ears I could understand that they were flushed or something due to exercise but just one makes no sense to me. I do suffer from thermo-urticaria (hives caused by change in temperature) but I have never had this single ear redness and burning before.

So tired of paying the doctor to get these things checked. I just wish my body could give me a break for 5 mins. Literally symptom after symptom after symptom. It feels like it never ends 😭