Have you ever known someone who went missing or was murdered?

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Not mine, my mums. it was before I was born. my mum told me about it when I noticed she never used my dads name in front of an older friend of hers we visited regularly. Always said “my husband” or “other half”. It turned out this older friend was the mother of my mums best friend. Who was murdered by her ex and the guy who murdered her had the same name as my dad.

Her ex was a violent abuser. His last attack on her had put her in intensive care and he was due in court for it. He would show up at her house shouting threats about climbing up the drainpipe and shooting her.
The day it happened was her brothers birthday. She was understandably jumpy. Her brother left the house. She said to her mum “mum lock the door” just as they heard the handle. Her mum said “don’t worry your brother will have forgotten his keys you know what he’s like”. Her mum went into the hallway and he was stood there with a sawn off shotgun.

the last thing she saw of her daughter was being pushed upstairs with a gun in her back. By coincidence a policeman knocked on the door with an update about the impending court case. They surrounded the house, they had heat cameras.

He shot her at point blank range.

He shot himself, but he didn’t die instantly. The police didn’t rush to help him. They knew she was dead and weren’t too quick to enter with him still alive and armed. He bled to death. The police were of the opinion he never intended to kill himself because of the angle he did it. They think he wanted to make it look like he couldn’t live without her/with what he’d done
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My great great grandmother was allegedly murdered by her son - he pushed her down the stairs after an argument. He was a drunk and spent all the inheritance money, something like £200,000 in today’s money in a year and died a year after his mother in a pauper’s home. There was an inquest but it came back as an ‘accidental fall’ however there were whisperings about it in the family .
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I know of murders of a couple of people through friends of friends. Firstly an friend's girlfriend was murdered by her neighbour back in the late 90s. It was a huge case, national coverage. She was about 18, a couple of years younger than me and went missing on her way home from a nightclub that I used to go to. It transpired that her neighbour, who was on the police radar for things like stealing underwear off washing lines and nuisance calls had killed her about 50 yards from home. His mother tried to cover it up but his uncle was a police officer and recognised several things that identified him and gave her a "if you don't turn him in, I will" ultimatum. She's buried not far from where I live and I often think about her.

Then a couple of years ago my friends brother in law was murdered by his, at the time unknown, second wife. He'd led a completely secret life for 20 odd years, married to someone else with a son and his secret wife stabbed him on Boxing Day and then killed herself! Again it was all over the news. The marriage with the first wife wasn't a particularly happy one (clearly!) but she was almost more shocked about the other secret life than she was about the murder!
Trying to read about the second case online but nothing seems to fit, it’s all more recent stuff. Would you be happy to share a link? Understand if not
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Trying to read about the second case online but nothing seems to fit, it’s all more recent stuff. Would you be happy to share a link? Understand if not
Sorry no, I can’t. It is quite recent though.
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My husbands cousin murdered her Grandma years ago. She beat her to death with a piece of wood. His Mum had to identify her body, her sister and it affected her so badly she ended up an alcoholic. It was a massive news story in his home country.
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All these teachers taking advantage of students is and always will be totally unacceptable. But it's "funny" how society has double standards. Sam Taylor-Johnson is now married and has 2 children with Aaron Taylor-Johnson who she first knew when he was a child and who she started a relationship with when he was a 17 year old actor working on one of her films and she was a 42 year old producer. She's a very successful producer/artist and her contemporaries just seem to ignore the fact that she groomed an underage boy. Sorry bit of a tangent there but it always astounds me that more was not made of it at the time.
I think about this often and wonder why no one talks about it.
everyone talks about this. this is a a very popular topic online
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My mum has never mentioned this but my dad told me recently that in the late 70's my mum was taught by a teacher called Philip Lawrence who then went on to work at other schools eventually becoming a head master at a school where he was murdered (1995).
He was stabbed at the school gates when he tried to stop a pupil being attacked by a gang member.

He was posthumously awarded the Queen's Gallantry medal a few years later for literally stepping in front of the pupil the to take the full blow of the knife.
I remember this. Such a brave man
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I was dating a man years ago who I knew had kids but only seen then once a week. As we grew closer he confided in me that he had to see his kids at a contact centre under supervision. At first he was hesitant to tell me why but he eventually did... he had been convicted of the manslaughter of his newborn baby. He told me he'd dropped the baby as he fell asleep with her sat up on the sofa but apparently it was said that the baby was shaken and struck. So yeah... that was the end of that
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Strange. There was a very famous case exactly as you describe it in Germany. A respected newspaper published a long article, taking the father's side. Or at least claiming that there is not enough evidence to prove that he is guilty. I remember that I was split after reading it.

Was it in Germany?
Strange. There was a very famous case exactly as you describe it in Germany. A respected newspaper published a long article, taking the father's side. Or at least claiming that there is not enough evidence to prove that he is guilty. I remember that I was split after reading it.

Was it in Germany?
No, UK
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Interesting. I just found the article. Strikingly similar. Sitting on the sofa, watching tv, slept in and found the baby dead on the floor. Only difference is that the baby had no visible damage or broken skull/bone, just "point-bleedings" in the face which the prosecution said are typical for suffocated babies. The article was published before the trial and the father won it.
Interesting. I just found the article. Strikingly similar. Sitting on the sofa, watching tv, slept in and found the baby dead on the floor. Only difference is that the baby had no visible damage or broken skull/bone, just "point-bleedings" in the face which the prosecution said are typical for suffocated babies. The article was published before the trial and the father won it.
Oh wow. I'm trying to think of the timescale of this one but I just can't be sure as he told me around 12 years ago then obviously he'd done his time inside so it was a fair while ago.
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Not a murder but I went to school with a boy who not long after we left was caught with a 10 year old boy locked in his wardrobe!!! Police did a random check due to his past weird behaviour and he answered the door only in a towel so they went inside. I sat with this boy in classes!!! Dirty beast
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not to drag this on but i just searched it up and a lot of different articles came up. journalists have

Yes I know it's discussed online a lot but no journalist or any of her contemporaries have ever called her out on it.
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A guy I used to work with also got done for sleeping with an underage pupil - allegedly more than one, but he was only convicted once - and separately killing a stranger in a drunken fight in Bulgaria. Both incidents happened before I met him, and I didn’t know the pupil because she'd already left by the time I worked there, but none of it came out til much later. He would have got away with both except, bizarrely, he bragged to some pupils that he'd killed this guy and never been caught, they told their parents who went to the police, and in the course of the investigation all the stuff about his relationship with the girl somehow came out too.

I never especially liked him, he was honest to god the thickest twit I've ever met and some of my friends who he line managed said he could be a bit of a bully, but he didn't come off like a guy with creepy or violent tendencies or anything. Besides the fact he was boring AF he was quite personable and I never had any issue with him, was happy to chat a bit if we were on duty together or whatever. To be honest he seemed like the kind of guy who had nothing more going on in his life than going home to watch porn and footy of a weekend, like getting a pub dinner by himself once a week would've been about as wild as it got, so I was really surprised when I found out about all this.
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not to drag this on but i just searched it up and a lot of different articles came up. journalists have
That is good news! I don't ever seem to see any but I'm pleased it's being spoken about, even if it is 12 years too late.
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Not murder but did used to know someone who is now a convicted peadophile
Same, except kind of worse?

In 2011, I briefly dated a guy long-distance. He was on the East coast of the US, I was near Chicago, it didn't last super long but I did get pregnant. Baby was born super early and didn't make it, ExBF said "It was probably for the best" and we never spoke again because I was raging mad.

Almost a decade later, a friend of his that I had stayed Facebook friends with sent me a message asking to talk. Well, not so much talk as to send me a couple articles from a regional newspaper. He was one of a bunch of people arrested and charged with production, manufacture, and distribution of child sex abuse materials (kiddie c0rn), misuse of a position of authority (working in a Boy Scout camp/as a Scout leader to access victims), many counts of SA of minors under 16, under 13, under 12, and under 10 (the main age "limits" they put in statutes here, I think some states have under 6 or under 4 but usually it's under 16 and under 12/13 so this particular jurisdiction really got specific), transporting minors across state lines for nefarious purposes, providing illegal substances to minors.

Don't think I've ever thrown up as much as when I found this out, and I had HG while pregnant. Can't help but think that, as painful as it was, he was probably right about it being for the best.

I also have quite a lot of patients who are sex offenders because the hospital system I work for is contracted with the maximum security penitentiary in my state and they seem to have high rates of cancer and auto-immune illness. Makes me sick, sometimes, when they don't have to pay for their medicine when good, kind, free people have to struggle so often.
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I have a great one. My high school form teacher (who also taught physics) was sent to prison for murdering two people. Here’s the article about it. To be fair, I always thought he wasn’t too bad. He was really young when he taught me and we all thought he was “cool” as he was in the teachers band and all that (ah the innocent mind of an 11 year old eh?)

edited to add screenshot as didn’t realise the MEN is a banned link. My bad, sorry guys!


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