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Apparently, Nigel Farage got a milkshake thrown in his face. Anyone know what it was about?
(This wasn’t nice, but I’d just like to say In & Out Burger had their chance with a certain someone too, but they blew that opportunity. Just sayin’) 😉 (humor, people, just some smarmy humor!)View attachment 2974634
The previous MP was a Conservative who changed parties and stood as UKIP at the last election.
When the did a vox pop on tv they asked a local who he was going to vote for.
He said UKIP…I voted Conservative last time and the bugger was useless
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I have been off list for a few days grieving for the American Justice system. I am not a Trump fan, and I don't think American politics belong in these threads and yet they are gleefully present.. I am not the thought police nor do I have a right to tell people what they can write. I think what happened in the Trump trial is a travesty of justice, from the charges, to the judicial decisions this trial is an appalling example of using the judicial system for political leverage and the precedent it sets is frightening. I am a fan of Reason Magazine, the writers are legal experts, so I will share a couple of links which illustrate my viewpoint:

"Yesterday's result is not news. It was just the end result of a completely predictable injustice that was engineered from the very beginning by a politician who had campaigned on the promise to get Trump." — Alan Dershowitz
Sorry - I disagree. Strongly.

I think a lot of this is interconnected. Everything has become politicised and the corruption is widespread. There are a lot of things happening in the West which are very clearly wrong and corrupt but are getting a free pass. To use the umbrella term 'clown world' - this covers a lot of issues, including the very questionable timing of Trump's felony charges, to the Sussex 's ongoing shameless hustle.

We know these two aren't just celebrities acting obnoxiously. They have fanned the flames of highly divisive social issues that they have weaponised to divide and conquer. We are seeing this corrupt behaviour from them to suppress peoples opinions and passing it off as misinformation. They can pay to have things scrubbed from the internet and have people sacked from their job and struck off of Youtube.
This is the same corrupt tactics that are currently being used to stifle a presidential candidate, at whose request and why?

Not to mention that the idea has been floated before now that this woman could be an asset of the democrats / was possibly planted to destabilise the BRF, which would undermine the UK on a global stage / or could be being sponsored/puppetered by people who are finding the fall out of this situation very beneficial for their own agenda. Whatever the case - is gets discussed and dissected here.
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There are a lot of accents I love and some that seriously grate on my nerves! But the worst of all is when people try to 'talk posh'. HG Tudor's 'posh' is nerve shredding - quite possibly because he adds an extra dose of sinister into it. And God knows what Georgie is trying to achieve but it's in a class of its own! (Which is not anywhere near the 'posh' that one suspects she's aiming for!) I really like her Jamaican though. I really like Shauna's Aussie too (and Arthur Edwards' 'old London' acouple of days ago).

Meanwhile, I wonder if 'posh pretenders' realise how 'posh' is perceived by the majority of Brits?! It doesn't gain the kudos that pretenders apparently think it will. Often it has the opposite effect.
Their accents are Edwardian, rather than posh.
See the stage notes for Osbourne's The Entertainer for details.
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What could go wrong?

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DM - PR & 'journalist' lackey working overtime -
shame (not) it's being overshadowed by the protests/footy final today & buried somewhat in the 'Royal' section

Harald looks more like he's snarling in that first picture. 'What do you mean vanity project? 👹'
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more puff puff from the DM

More like 'puff puff pass' from the Gruesomes 😂

That was ...a day. Even though it's a weekday I broke my rule and made myself a drink. Only way to sleep tonight 😂 The prospect of Smegs-likes continuing to rule, and more joining in, is quite enough to turn one to alcohol long-term. We'll see 😂 If any of the Dems actually love their country and are seriously looking at giving Smegs any sort of a platform, they should look at certain people here and realise why that would be a terrible idea.

Still no rain nor cloud. I was lowkey hoping that the heavens would burst the second our candidate was declared. Probably need to stop watching films 😂
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Hello beautiful peeple....

Oh gawd! Paula is talking about suing HG Tudor...
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Cheere Denise is the utuber that Lady C threatened to sue (if you believe the gossips) because Cheere Denise believed the gossips, had an e-fit and deleted all her videos reviewing Lady C's Diana book - after calling Lady C a liar.
It was rather a shame, because her Diana impression was rather good.

I didn't realise she'd called Lady C a liar. I saw one video where she offered a contrary opinion and thought that was it.
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I'm seriously traumatised. Just saw something that I shouldn't have. Thought it was satire but no, it was very serious.

I've often shared that amongst our TPTB there is one who is Smegs-like. There is one more, but this guy is the main one. I hope that that's clue enough.

So lately he's been surpassing even Trump, Hitler and our lovely Gruesomes in his delusions of grandeur and disregard for how biology works. Today I accidentally read two lines of his rantings and feel like something in my brain has burst.

The same "I'm so spiritual the Universe told me X thing" type of stuff. Already assuming (likely correctly since 💵 works wonders) that he would be our supreme leader forever, and spewing word salad about making the country soooo much better than it is (sound familiar?).

We really need to get Smegs in a room with him. Perhaps between them, Diana will finally reveal the cure for cancer. Which they'll sell to the highest bidder,of course.

Sorry for being vague, I don't want this stuff to be searchable. I think you can understand my panic if I tell you to imagine Smegs as your head of state forevermore.

Anyway, counting in the morning so I don't know how much sleep we'll get tonight. Most likely mum will wake up at 3am and be in a bad mood - the whole thing is fuelling her narc like anything. Those 5am emails from Smegs? Her survivors are lucky they didn't live with her 🤦

The rain skipped my city, or at least my part of the city, again. If course.

This might sound insane, but I'd like a carparkle in the morning/afternoon my time, for the sake of my sanity 😂
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What could go wrong?

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Or did you assume that he'd actually read it? 😂
I think he read the Amazon summary and drew his own heavily tenacious conclusions.

Supposedly and presumably after mushrooms he was drawn to the parallels with the St Diana narrative.

I think I may have missed them 😔
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