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I don't like pop music. I don't like rap. I don't like P-doodoo. And as y'all know I really, really don't like haz. However, as we have seen in the past, people lie in civil lawsuits hoping to gain notoriety and mega bucks. Alleging don't make it so. Search warrants are indicative of crime, but people are innocent until proven guilty..

Everyone believed amber heard's lies about Depp for years. He lost jobs, he lost money and he lost the respect of his peers because misheard is a lying, narcissistic cunt. So I shall reserve judgement whilst this story plays out.

I'm quoting you all because I like what you're saying and agree with you.

Recent history has shown that the ginger traitor-twunt is not exactly Mensa material when it comes to intelligence - let's face it, he struggled with schoolwork and basically just passed high school exams and was ushered through Sandhurst because of his family connections. He attained the rank of Captain through merely turning up every morning (well, some mornings) and was never going to be promoted higher. That's why he stamped his little trotters and left the army.

So, our gormless Captain ginger-twunt, already bedazzled by his contacts with the great & good of the acting & music industry because of his dear dead mumsy - may she never rest in peace, because ginger-twunt and mega-witch are going to dragging out and keep trading on her bones for the rest of eternity - where was I? Ah yes, ginger-twunt and his beloved wife turn to their contacts via Soho brothels LTD® to cash in on their entertainment contacts - in her case quite literally, in his because he's bored and wants an in to all the exciting parties and some ready supply of free "stimulants" in whatever shape or form they take.

Ginger-twunt is that fricking gormless, they could have literally been auctioning off vulnerable sex victims in the same room and he would have been sat stoned in the corner chatting up the wastebasket next to the toilets! I have every doubt he was one of the masterminds or one of the "investors" of the schemes - he was the maggot on the end of the hook!

Yes, like his uncle, he is an appallingly boorish, self centred and small minded individual, but I don't think he's actually an instigator or knowingly active partaker in this shit show. Like the maggot, he's served his purpose for one side of the show and now he's being served up as a distraction from some of the real main players.

I still think he deserves it, mind - the ginger traitor-twunt and his wife mega-witch have knowingly caused so much pain to their own families and others that surely they must still have a big piece of karma rolling in their direction.
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your not allowed to say that without spilling the :coffee::coffee:
Without naming names...

He once got chased round the garden by a police dog when he slipped out for a post-coital leak.

I can't remember if the story was he was fully naked...
But I know he wasn't best pleased.
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What on earth is this utter bullfuckery?!
These drawings get right on my pip! What journey? 4am flight to Torremolinos??
I'm sorry but nobody is going to buy any of them products from American Riviera Orchard when you can get them from other companies. When you see the things that she plans to sell you wonder why is she even bothering I mean who is going to want to buy pillow cases, bed sheets, picnic blankets, bath mats, wallpaper, envelopes, wrapping paper, photo albums, collars for pets, beach umbrellas and picture frames. I mean she's just offering items for sale that are already readily available and it just makes the brand look even more laughable.
The ist of goods you mentioned had me reading them in an "Are You Being Served" fashion!😂😂😂
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Wonder if H will get the same outrage over his photo with Diddy as Andrew got over the Guiffre pic.

Also, bear in mind the mass media saturation coverage of Kate over the mother's day pic, why are no msm reporting on this at all
Isn't it funny that some media - mainly American - only get in overdrive when it's about the Royals in the UK. If it is something about the semi-duke and semi-duchess - like the P Diddy mention or the African Parks scandal, not a peep (or only a very small mention).

Also, isn't it funny as well that the semi duke and semi duchess are so fast setting facts straight whenever de online conversation is not going their way (like when there are rumours of divorce and they show up on a paped date) but are still to set the record straight that they are not behind the bot campaigns against the real royals.
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I buy local as much as I can - there are always egg and honey stands on the edge of peoples driveways here, and we have the most amazing flower nursery which I always buy their predone arrangements. The next village along has a windmill and this year for the first time in about 50 years they’ve milled their own flour again! We’ve been fundraising for forever to get the sails fixed!

so yes - buying local is good. Shipping jam and honey around the world is a shit eco-campaigner move smeg; does she not think things through properly?!
Another thing about honey? Some of it is adulterated with honey from numerous sources, so it's a hodge-podge. I only have honey from my brother's bees in Vermont, and it is, without a doubt, THE best honey I've ever had.
I wouldn't buy Jack SHYT from Smegsie site. It's all cheap shit made in China that you can find elsewhere for way cheaper.

(I'm in Cubicleville one of my 5-day hostage crisis, and I'm surrounded by knuckleheads) 🤦‍♀️
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Dobby Socks

Active member
There is a reason HMTLQ and William have had a group of old friends they rely to. It's very easy to be associated with murky figures - as King Charles know from his own experience - and taint not only their reputation but the institution's. HMTLQ has had a small group of confidants throughout her life and so do William and Catherine who rely on the same group of friends for decades - some of them since they were children.

Hazno has been separated from these old friends that could help him, steer him and warn him if he swims to murky waters. I think that even before the ILBW he felt, like both of his parents, attracted to celebrities and their glitzy superficial glamour. Of course that is one of the things that matched him with the ILBW, a woman that can barely keep a friend for more than a couple of years.

I am always, always, suspicious of people that don't have long time friendships. My oldest friends with whom I keep in contact daily are the same from when I was ten. I have long time friends from college and lots of friends from all the places I have worked. I am not with them daily, but I am with them regularly.

People without the ability of keeping these sorts of friendships seem to have some sort of sociopathy, but I think that these are the friends that will tell you the hard truths you need to hear, that will warn you when you are not going the right way, and support you when things go really bad.

This Diddy thing, the friendship with Kris Jenner boytoy (I mean... he is known to the world as a boytoy. Enough said), these are things that Hazno old time friends would warn him. But he is left to the ILBW and the opportunistic Hollywood crowd. You lay on the bed of your own making, but this is looking like a very sad story being written in front of us.
Have to disagree with you about the friendships. I went through a terrible depression in my early twenties & stopped seeing all my friends, I just couldn't face it. It took years for me to feel better but with anxiety & social anxiety I still wouldn't go out. I still have them all on Facebook but I wouldn't say we are friends because we don't meet up in person. But I do not think I am someone you would need to be suspicious of
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Found these little treats on St MM! I hope you guys can read this, but even if you can’t the headlines are still wunnerful 😂🤣😂

Last thing; an article about a cease and desist letter sent to Stephen (he’s not funny at all) Colbert! 😉
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Neil Sean

I listened to this and TBH I have no clue what he was telling us.
His pieces to camera are so full of 'as ever, shall we say" and waffling words, his message gets lost amongst them.
Get to the fecking point Neil.
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What I would have found satisfying, was William giving her a boot in the ass and yelling "timber!!!"when she was curtseying à la grande dame.
Look at his face, he really wanted to.
View attachment 2836977
I cannot see her curtsying without thinking of her ‘other curtsy.’ What a hypocrite! !

And that photo of her tragic grief…so inappropriate. So fake. The world knew she was play-acting. She should have kept a solemn and respective demeanor..not like she was starring in some remake of The Trojan Women.
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Updated Tattle Cunt List , as of 23:15 hrs, G.M.T.

Owen prat. CUNT
Omid cunt-features. UGLY SINGLE NO-HOPER CUNT
Miserable Harrison. STUPID-LOOKING CUNT
Shaun Robinson. A CUNT
Stephen Colbert. ANOTHER CUNT
Paul burrell. DIANAS CUNT
Blake lively. A CUNT
James Barr. CUNT
Shane reaction CUNT
House in habit. CUNT
Denise welch. DRUNKEN CUNT
Bill maher. CUNT
Tessa Dunlop. CUNT
Gary Janetti. CUNT
Sarah vine. ANOTHER CUNT
Carolyn McCall. ITV CUNT

Freda would be proud of you. Have some mushies :m :m :m :coronation: :m :coronation: :m :coronation: :m ♥ :m :m
No HL ! He has to be on the list! He turned and was baying for blood demanding Kate tell all, when she was clearly not well
Maybe he could be part-time cunt
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VIP Member
There is a reason HMTLQ and William have had a group of old friends they rely to. It's very easy to be associated with murky figures - as King Charles know from his own experience - and taint not only their reputation but the institution's. HMTLQ has had a small group of confidants throughout her life and so do William and Catherine who rely on the same group of friends for decades - some of them since they were children.

Hazno has been separated from these old friends that could help him, steer him and warn him if he swims to murky waters. I think that even before the ILBW he felt, like both of his parents, attracted to celebrities and their glitzy superficial glamour. Of course that is one of the things that matched him with the ILBW, a woman that can barely keep a friend for more than a couple of years.

I am always, always, suspicious of people that don't have long time friendships. My oldest friends with whom I keep in contact daily are the same from when I was ten. I have long time friends from college and lots of friends from all the places I have worked. I am not with them daily, but I am with them regularly.

People without the ability of keeping these sorts of friendships seem to have some sort of sociopathy, but I think that these are the friends that will tell you the hard truths you need to hear, that will warn you when you are not going the right way, and support you when things go really bad.

This Diddy thing, the friendship with Kris Jenner boytoy (I mean... he is known to the world as a boytoy. Enough said), these are things that Hazno old time friends would warn him. But he is left to the ILBW and the opportunistic Hollywood crowd. You lay on the bed of your own making, but this is looking like a very sad story being written in front of us.
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Had they not already been in Europe for Invictus I don’t think she would have been invited. I don’t like that she was at the funeral and is in photos from that historic event; however, seeing her having to face the family and country she’d trashed to the world in exchange for money was satisfying. That Windsor walkabout was karma in action. I actually half expected her to use the kids as an excuse and fly back to California after that, but then again she was never going to miss the opportunity to have the eyes of the world on her and bank some more time with the family that she could milk for content, and therefore money, later on.
What I would have found satisfying, was William giving her a boot in the ass and yelling "timber!!!"when she was curtseying à la grande dame.
Look at his face, he really wanted to.
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See, that is different! I love to buy from local artisans and support local agricultural products (I don't mind paying extra for this). This is $250 honey from celebrity estates. Sure, the money goes to charity, but I would rather go to the farmer's market and buy local honey from the hives and jam from the farm down the road. I will pay a premium for that (but no honey is worth $250)
I buy local as much as I can - there are always egg and honey stands on the edge of peoples driveways here, and we have the most amazing flower nursery which I always buy their predone arrangements. The next village along has a windmill and this year for the first time in about 50 years they’ve milled their own flour again! We’ve been fundraising for forever to get the sails fixed!

so yes - buying local is good. Shipping jam and honey around the world is a shit eco-campaigner move smeg; does she not think things through properly?!
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What a bunch of lies. "My mother was a free-spirited clinical therapist". Wasn't she a Social Worker? A Yoga teacher? This woman has had almost as many rebranding as her ILBW daughter.

"While most become star struck by A-list actors, you'll only see me in awe of leaders effecting change. Politician and diplomat Madeleine Albright, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. These are my heroes. These are my celebrities.", yet when deciding to invite strangers she never met to her wedding she decided to invite Oprah and George Clooney and not politicians actively trying to change the world.

She has been a liar from the get go. There are numerous proof available of it. But funny enough, we have seen a witch hunt over an innocent photo of the Princess of Wales with her children, but I never saw a Daily Mail/ The Sun/ Telegraph / The Times article about all the lies and versions of the truth that the ILBW herself has told, written and tried to make true.
Great points and yes she has always been a perpetual liar.
this was a particular stand out line. It‘s what I grew up seeing, so it's what I grew up being
so Meghan reading it now, how do you explain the Sussex squad, your mouth piece Omid Scobie , your horrible comments on Oprah, the treatment of staff who were trying to help you.
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