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I love how the ghostwriter paints Harry as just a guy trying to improve himself and people don’t like that .

He‘s spent THREE years moaning about his family …in 3 years he could have got himself a DEGREE in mental health , so then he could talk with some authority . He might even enjoy educating himself, get something out of it …

And I daresay , he’ll spend the next three years moaning ….or thirty !
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My co-worker has been going on and on about how it should have been Queen Diana and how she kept getting emotional thinking about Diana on the coronation day.
Says it's unfair that Harry and his kids were not given prominent roles but Camilla's grandkids were given a center stage. Then started on how Meghan Markle is like Diana, spoke her mind and wanted respect for herself so was thrown out of the Royal Family. They want subservient women like Kate who just smile and nod. What?🤣

I have already told her I am not interested in discussing coronation with her but she just doesn't get it.
thought I would come and vent it out here before I explode.
I've seen other thickos saying "Diana should have been crowned" Even if she had lived, she and Charles divorced in 1996 so she'd never been queen anyway. People are so dumb.
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Lengthy, and well written, article in the New Yorker from Harry’s ghostwriter. Obviously written with H’s permission.

Obviously the paperback must be out soon ! kerching!

Can I just say that my most favourite moment of Spare wasn’t in the book .

It was when ‘ us haters’ decided the leaked bits were so ludicrous and outrageous that we thought @Anna2020 might have been some sort of ‘mole’ planting fake info for nefarious purposes because that’s how bad it was !!! ….Just WHO ARE YOU @Anna2020 !!!! 🤣
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Tattlers I am a whole 3 threads behind 🤪 but just want to say it's made me so happy seeing how happy and emotional you all were at the coronation! What a moment in history we all witnessed ❤

I will be back once I have caught up. Much love to you all and enjoy the rest of the celebrations 🍾
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I actually felt a bit sorry for Camilla this weekend. She has barely been mentioned - it's all been God Save The King, and even William didn't mention her in his speech last night. At one point, I think she thought he was going to and she had to change her expression a bit quick. She's looked exhausted and in pain, sitting very stiffly too. She's never wanted any of this and must really love Charles to be enduring this in her later years.
I agree. I thought she should certainly have been welcomed to the concert by Hugh Bonneville. She wasn't. That actually seemed quite rude, to me.

And I loved William's speech which he delivered beautifully but again he made no reference at all to her.
I think she is happy working away out of the spotlight a lot of the time, but she was front and centre this weekend, and deserved to at least be mentioned there last night.
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Not the diana pose!!

Utter tramp!
What is that regtangular lump in her middle in the first photo? And quelle surprise that backgrid just happened to stop by.

Edit: BTW who hires a photographer for a hike-the ILBW that's who. She does look malnourished, weird vibes from those pictures, including the absence of haz no ball brains integrity hair
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Chatty Member
With the mixed weather over the weekend then maybe the thinking with the Pap call was to have her photographed in the California sunshine so as to contrast the sunshine with the famously drab UK weather. It fits with Myra on Twitter having a go because of the rain in a tweet. Hey everyone, look at me here cosplaying Diana in the sun living my best life!
As someone from the skin cancer capital of the world, and the driest continent on earth, I firmly believe sun is overrated. I love cloudy days and the rain.
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Someone's really mad. The stooge has been wheeled out to bash the Wales children. :mad:

What a tit. The live commentators said KC3 had arrived 6 minutes early. And George would surely have gone ahead to WA with the other pages, not with his family.

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Chatty Member
Yes was anyone else a little put out seeing Edo chatting to Harry?

Harry properly went after PA in his book so don’t know why either York girl talks to him.

An obscene amount of air miles and pollution for the sake of a couple of hours. His commitment to climate change is an absolute joke.

I was reading in SPARE (why the eff did I buy it and contribute to him) how when he left his old life, and lost financial support like anyone would when they quite the job without notice, he and Meghan didn’t want to pay for security and a house with the money his mum left him. Wtf. So they actually went on and moaned about finances during cost of living/Covidshutdown when they were sitting on tens of millions. The absolute smug twatter y of these hypocritical morons. Harry really is woe is me to the nines. What a self indulgent waste of oxygen. Both of these guys just incite divide and endorse extreme socioeconomic equality whilst pretending otherwise🙃
Most people if inheriting significant money from a relative would put it towards secure housing especially if you don't already own property. He's an entitled arsehole. Use Diana's money you idiot. It's a shame how he's turned out as he seems to have one side of his personality quite jovial and easy going like the Harold before MM came along, back when most people quite liked him. The men in suits did a sterling job of hiding the prick side and his wrong choice of wife has inflamed the other bitter and nasty side unfortunately.
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Right, I'm going to say it ... I'm worried now. Worried because I can't think of anything else they're going to do now, so we have nothing further to discuss. I'm worried because unless they reveal the flatties or start their divorce, or Haz comes back to the UK, well that's it. And if that's it, then I'm worried that I'm going to lose you all, and we won't be together any more. 😭

Unless we join the other thread 😔, or stay here and talk total nonsense 😎 but even that will have peeps peeling away. 🤷
Don't worry! Neither of them are ever going to go quietly. They're just absolutely incapable of it. Divorced, or still together, their respective resentments will just get bigger and the stunts more hilariously desperate as the Waleses gain in stature, and the kids come further into the limelight. It'll be such fun. :devilish:

If push comes to shove, we'll just have to make a separate RF 'Rave' thread, or something and decamp en masse.

But I suspect that we might just be here on this thread for years to come. 😁
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Probably because Orlando gets to do cool things all the time (and will probably get an OBE at some point) and this would be a huge treat for her mom! I know that I would bring my mom or daughter over my husband
I suspect Orlando’s OBE went out the window when he voiced Prince George in that horrible cartoon.
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apprently william said KC3 hurt His neck because of the weight of the Crown am guessing the same for Camilla
I had to stop playing VR video games the heavy headset wasn't worth the resulting pain for days afterward. I can't imagine being 70+ and how long that day was! It was exhausting watching; the lip reader report from Yahoo News:
Screenshot_20230508_100840_Samsung Internet.jpg

Adding to the conversation about what may happen if the King passes before the new Queen. I think the new guard will step up and sweep away the past while respecting tradition. QC never wanted to be in the spotlight, I imagine she'd happily retire into obscurity at Ray Mill Farm. It's where she goes now for peace & quiet. She might be allowed to use Birkhall since it's private property and owned outright by KCIII but would probably revert back to the estate upon her passing. As much I've always been Team Camilla without the King around she'll probably just keep her primary associations with Battersea, Osteoporosis & Domestic violence. After such devotion to the Firm she would enjoy being a gran, gardening, watching Strictly & reading Tattle. 😉
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You inspired me to go look, I see what you mean.
there's one particular one who has a real downer on W & K - to the point of being quite obsessive. No appreciation of the fact that they have a young family and during the time they are not actually 'on show', they are having to bone up on information re their charities & places they visit - attending fittings and schooling the children in protocol etc. Imo they earn their stripes and more.
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Those hiking photos with the entourage scream Hollywood weirdo. Looks like the new pr must have got her on a merger and think as much of her as we do. So sinewy
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