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Churchill's Ghost

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Sophie is far too good to be around HRC. She does ACTUAL work for women.

And doesn't malign rape victims and destroy the women her husband had affairs with to further her and her husband's political ambitions. If we can thank Trump for nothing else, it's that he kept her from the Presidency

The one newspaper headline was too good not to put forth as a thread title: Harry &Meghan #274 Sussex, Lies and Videotapes

Amazing how Backgrid is there to capture their arrival in NYC. Interesting that it was cold and rainy in NY yet the photos show them in light clothes, in sunshine. Oh wait, the sun shines out of Megz ass, so she brings and spreads the light everywhere...
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Happy New Thread! Great title by @Spring2020

The threads are whizzing past but one thing is for sure - we don't like Harry and Meghan. We just can't warm to them at all 🤷‍♀️
The trailers release, what joy we had 😂 It was all in the comments, dear friends.The flood of loathing for Wallis and Vomit warmed our hearts as we realised that hundreds of thousands of people all over the world agreed with us. And we were saying it first! ;):m:m:mPats on the back everyone and many many thanks to our wonderful mods for making it possible. To receive this oscar... 🤪
We had an intense discussion about the incident with Lady Susan Hussey. It was generally agreed that this was a set up by someone with a political agenda. In a disgusting display of ageism, the race baiter claimed that a conversation with an 83 year old woman was 'non physical violence'. This is patently nonsense.
People wondered if smeg was connected to this woman in some way. None of us would be surprised. 🙄
But oh! What joy the comments. Never ending list of delights. Whoever suggested they should be published is right. I hope someone's recording them all just in case they disappear. But darling @JAR21 don't think I'm suggesting you. I think it's far too big a job for Tattle to do.
Of course it wasn't just the comments. We've discovered that Harry has learnt there is a hierarchy in the monarchy. What did he think it was? I dread to think how he'll suffer if someone tells him that there's a hierarchy in the Army as well. He may never recover.
Then, delight of delights, Bouzy appears. Could they have chosen anyone better? 'It's hate and race' he proclaims. But he's clearly projecting because he's the one full of hate and race. Not the British people. We're more about character and conduct.
And NetFlix itself appear to be throwing the couple under the private jet bus. There was talk of the music to the first trailer being something by the Devine Comedy - not sure on this bit so correct me in the comments please. The lyrics to the song were not pro smegs. Did anyone check to see if this was true?
Then sloppy editing put in stock photos and footage. They had to use footage of Diana and Princess Catherine because smegs was never followed like that. There's no footage of her, no matter how hard she tried.
Most of us are hoping for a TigerKing effort but just showing them as they actually try to portray themselves will do. There will be more than enough for hysterical laughter in our homes. Remember! Laughter is healing, so everyone needs to laugh.
And now we have the KerriKKlown awards happening tonight. Get ready with the sick bags and lets see if Harry is seriously going to commit High Treason at the ceremony.
Oh, and the overwhelming choice on the (great) poll was that she'll leave him when she gets someone richer.
Spent way to long on this and need to publish the thread. Please add all the things I've forgotten.
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Just one thing I’d like to address…and it is the idea in some posts that there is this huge America…filled with Americans that ALL have the same values, politics, etc that will fall for this nonsense. Please do not believe our Woke media speaks for all of us…anymore than the BBC speaks for every single person in the UK.

My America is very different than NYC America or LA America. When I see posts or articles saying…”Oh Americans love them” or “They are winning the battle for America's heart“…it such a crock. First of all, there is no battle. And I will tell you why. There are so many real problems in this country, that two wealthy idiots crying in their mansion doesn’t make the cut. Second, we are very VERY divided politically. Thirdly, they have Karadashian-ed themselves.

This is what I mean by that. Yesterday I took a daytrip up to see a famous Gingerbread House contest. I was on a bus, owned by our Club, with 14 other neighbors. We all know each other very well. There was one Democrat among us…so nobody talked politics in the long drive. Our neighborhood overwhelmingly voted Republican and/or Trump. And outside our gates, with the locals…it is really red RED country. If anyone watches H&M, it will not ‘win any hearts’ around here…they are just another Woke babble team.

But there are other subtle things my neighbors don‘t talk about…like…Reality shows. They really aren’t something anyone I know wants to admit to watching…even if they do. H&M are now in a category with Jersey Shore, Ice-Road Truckers, Sister Wives etc. (I have watched some Sister Wives but that information is only for you Tattlers) I don’t think Markle has quite realized yet what damage that has done for their Brand.

The show is also airing at the Holiday season. There are a lot of parties, Christmas parades, church pageants, scattered in the next few weeks. Also wonderful Christmas programming…feel-good traditional stuff available only now. And FOOTBALL! Lots of important games!

Into this mix, come these two attention addicts…with their tragic tale of getting too much attention…crying into the Hermes blanket…when some single Mom is trying to find a way to make Santa come for her little one.

Nevertheless, the show will do well for Netflix. But it will not ”win hearts” here in America. Even Blue America is split. Hillary has already distanced herself. Biden made the side trip to meet PW. And did you see all the shots of the Clooneys at the REAL Kennedy spectacular? Funny who wasn’t invited…Second Row Kennedy event for them.

”Two poor players who strut and fret their hour upon the stage and are (hopefullly) heard of no more. T’is a tale told by (two) idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
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Thanks for the new thread and title. Will we make 300 by Christmas? :)

Sorry can’t quote from the other thread but there was an article saying they think the documentary is going to delve into the beginning of Wills and Catherine’s relationship. Surely seen as the show is called Harry & Meghan that’s what’s it should be about. What can either of the possibly comment on the start of someone else’s relationship. Harry I can see making a passing reference but what does she know about it?!
What's it got to do with the Gruesomes anyway? Catherine wasn't a divorcee in her 30s who'd ended her previous marriage by returning the rings by post. She was a young, single teenager at the same uni, and she had zero Royal privileges until she got engaged. The Queen didn't even meet her until 2008. And that was only at Peter and Autumn's wedding, when she represented William, who was working.

At the St Andrews graduation, according to Tina Brown, the Middletons were even told not to approach the Royals.

Kate had to pull out of her all-womens cross-Channel charity rowing event because she'd just got back with William and apparently TQ didn't like the publicity.

But a tacky Vanity Fair cover while only a girlfriend? No problem. Bring out the welcome mat.

If Smeg's going to compare herself to Catherine's situation and/or whine about "different" treatment, bring it on!

She'll look even more idiotic.
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Wow. Every inch a future queen!

Megs might as well go back home, there's just no point in going out tonight now, Catherine has utterly won already.

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Hello there, long time lurker here. Love this thread, you are all hilarious and very astute.

The last few days has had me thinking…. I’m sure given the trailer H & M are going to claim that “everything changed” after the Australian Tour. And I believe it did. But not because M is Diana mark 2.

I’m Australian. We loved Harry (please note past tense!) and we kind of saw him as “our prince” - he was cheeky, down to earth and loved a laugh - so a typical Aussie. We were SO excited that H & M came here as their first overseas tour. Now during that tour it was pretty much LIVE coverage of everything they did… so we pretty much saw in real time what they were up to during that tour. No chance for any negative media spin and it wouldn’t have happened anyway - all coverage was all glowing as we as a country were thrilled they were here.

During that live coverage a couple of things stood out to me and my friends/family.

For me, I got a twinge of suspicion that M wasn’t all sweetness and light by the way she treated Daphne Dunne (WW2 Widow, known as Harry’s greatest fan, she would always come out to see Harry whenever he’d tour. She adored Harry and he seemed to adore her.) I just felt that Meghan’s reaction to her was a bit strange… kind of fake? And just a bit off, like she was jealous or something. It was just a twinge but I remember feeling it.

My friend noticed that Meghan stood slightly apart during the photo call with he Governor General and his wife and said this was so she could be easily cropped from the group photo for press coverage. Another twinge of “hmmmm…”. It was just a bit odd. Also some of my friend’s questioned why she wore an Oscar de la Renta gown for their big formal event in Sydney instead of supporting an Australian designer like Royals have done in the past. Odd. Like she was trying too hard to be Hollywood glamour.

My mother thought M looking at H adoringly while holding an umbrella in the pouring rain in rural NSW “just a bit much”. Just another twinge of her being fake and “acting”.

After that tour too we all began to hear stories about how she didn’t actually know any of the Hollywood celebs who came to her wedding (fake) she then had that ridiculous baby shower in NYC (excessive) and all the unnecessary weirdness around Archies birth (odd)

Of course now we know about what really happened on the Aussie tour - M in a strop that the didn’t have the Governor General’s house all to themselves, M throwing that hot tea, M groaning she ‘can’t believe she’s not getting paid for this’, M actively bullying her own staff… etc etc

So yes the honeymoon was over post Aussie tour and it was her own behaviour that did it.
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So H is going to leak stories about Catherine and William and plant lies...After accusing the RF of leaking stories and planting lies!

You couldn't make up this shite!
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I've spotted another discrepancy in the Netflix trailer ...

They're in the back of a car, and turn round to see who is following them.
Their car is stationary, it is bright outside (a woman in a white top is walking past with her coat over her arm).

The viewpoint switches to one out of the back window of a car.
This car is moving, with another car following. It is raining, and so dull outside that the car behind has its headlights on.
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Telegraph with numerous scathing articles…here’s one:
We haven’t yet seen the animated series, the co-branded clothing line or indeed the theme park, restaurants or fitness clubs...
I'm waiting for Meghan the Musical. It's got to be known as My Spare Lady
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Oh honey, no-one wants to "hear your story from you". No-one is THAT interested in you. You know that phenomenon when people drive slowly past a car crash to rubberneck? Same thing. We are curious when it comes to the downfall and misfortune of others. It doesn't mean people like or respect you.

Also, there are millions of women who would happily endure the "pain and suffering" of marrying into the Royal Family during this cost of living crisis, when many are having to compromise between heating and eating. Read the room, shit-for-brains.
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The whole thing will be an exercise in deflection as to the actual reasons why they stepped down. Their egos got overinflated by a combination of commission based advisors telling them they were potentially worth a billion and their own personality flaws in deludedly believing their own hype. They thought they were bigger than the institution. Unlike the dowdy rest of them, they had star power in lieu of actual intellect and talent and in the vacuous world of celebrity it would be sufficient. They'd been bullying staff as it was and they thought they could bully their way into getting their cake and eating it via half-in half-out from the family. Free to go all in commercially and free to come and go as they pleased to replenish their brand with the optics of royalty. It was always going to be a non-runner and dead set against what British royalty was. In parallel, Meghan, who is a nobody beyond the royal connection, was laying the manipulative groundwork from the off in order to ensure Harry was onboard with their stateside gambit. She was unhappy, the press intrusion statement, suicide ideation etc. They were politely told to f*ck off in a manner of words about half in and half out and told it was either all in or all out. When no quarter was given about their demands then that's when everything changed. They left and Covid lockdowns coincided with their leaving and the world began getting sick and tired of the very famous for being famous celebrity lifestyle the Sussexes envisaged for themselves. The Oprah interview and now this series are done to manipulate us. We're supposed to think they were right to escape, right to protect themselves, right to fight back. They need to be right and are willing to do whatever it takes to be proven so. In doing this they have tripped themselves up and any sincerity from them is drowned out by their falsehoods. This won't be a story of a man and his wife who successfully extricated themselves from a toxic environment, one which affected their mental health and one which we the audience should applaud. It will be a series with the express goal of smearing, slandering and defining as racist villains those people who have the capacity to tell the world that it is actually Harry and Meghan who are the villains. Never underestimate the lengths narcissistic people will go to in order to conceal who they truly are.
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I hope this works as I don't do Twitter but saw this and it made me laugh, apologies if it's already posted,

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Another trip on a private jet for the ego-warriors. They should call it Spare Force One.
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