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The squaddies are giving me much-needed laughs. "You have to be about what you talk about", y'mean like Camilla, Anne, Catherine, Sophie (and the lads, but it talks about 'pretty dresses') doing important things with literacy, protecting women and children, early years, mental health...I suppose the squaddies won't accept Sophie's speech at the UN this March about the treatment of women and girls in Afghanistan as proof? 😇

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PODCAST No. 6 OF 325.
Her eyes are red with rage because she is a victim of RF cruelty and racism.
His eyes are red with rage because Willie's nasty, his dad took his bike away, and mummy's dead.
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The charity is allowed to decide where you are from of course -
" Sistah Space advocate for African heritage women and girls of African and Caribbean heritage affected by abuse. We offer one to one or group support We attend court, housing and other relevant agencies where support might be required. We host & attend events to deliver diversity training to individuals & organisations with a DV remit. Charity shop for DV survivors to access necessities"

"We host & attend events to deliver diversity training "

Who would have guessed...
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I have watched some of the housewives programs & I am not sure Smeg would survive?!
Whilst I am sure she would start off in the mean girl club, at some point they all turn on you & I don't think she would handle that 😂

Harry & Meghan #269 Will she go from tiaras & champagne to a Housewives PR campaign?
I guarantee they would lose viewers. my mom has watched the franchise for years also watched suits when it was first on she has never liked smog and would quit watching real housewives if they had her on it unless they were ripping her apart
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I seriously wouldn’t if you liked Rhinna - she is a shit stirring, two faced cow, her and bloody Erica feed off each other and just spoil everything for everyone else - they are bullies as well. I understand there is info on TMZ.

Back o/t

Have just read some of the podcrap transcript and Andy Cohen just sounding like a massive arse licker and obviously hoping he can get her on his show somehow. She was a nobody when she met him, twice, why would he consider her for any of his shows? She wasn’t a Housewife in BH she lived in Canada with Trevor didn’t she? And after the dumping would still not have been a ‘housewife’. I cannot abide all the Hollyweird fakery. Let’s see what he has her playing a part in in the future. Could possibly be talk of a Meghan does royal reality show and yes I am still of the opinion she wants back into the Hollyweird scene no matter what - she wants as many awards as she can con her way into and longs to be back on the TV / Films arena - me thinks she protests too much about ‘never and wouldn’t’ go back to any kind of media.
Gawd she gives me the ick - she is beyond transparent - it is all reverse psychology.
Can't you just see it - Smegs is probably suggesting a new show to Cohen - royalty in California or something like that. They can cast Martha Louise of Norway, Theodora of Greece, Fred Windsor's wife, with you know who as the STAR! I'm sure they can find more former/wannabe royals hanging around and then off she goes! 🤣

What a disaster a show like that would be!
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There is some debate that they will stay together for a bit longer because H can’t admit he was wrong

My ex recently divorced the woman he left me for and she took him to the cleaners…to the point where he had to move back with his parents at age 53 and has to pay her 2/3 of his salary for the rest of his life (and keep a huge life insurance policy—yeah, he had a crap lawyer) He admitted to me and kids that he knew that it was mistake within the first year, but he stayed with her a further 12 years—miserable and almost completely destroying his relationship with our kids—because he didn’t want to give me the satisfaction of being right because I warned him not to rush into marriage just days after the divorce. Well, he certainly showed me! :LOL:
How on earth does he have to pay her that much? Did he have children with her? Does he still have to pay anything to you?
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I’m hoping if they split and she tries to get maintenance for the kids that he will finally spill the beans and admit they don’t, and never have existed.
The details of the financial settlement will be shrouded in secrecy (perhaps for this reason - if things aren't 'as described', we'll most likely never know)
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That's a nice title! 😂 Poor Smegs will be so confused - on one hand it fits in with her sour grapes narrative, but on the other, to admit a 'flaw' ..... Or maybe she'll say it's because of her big Minge brain 😉

Thank you @Cassandra333 for the new thread ♥ I'm still a bit worried that I might have a telepathic connection with TW, considering the timing of the game and her perfume launch 😱😱😱 Now if I do have that particular superpower, should I use it for good (talk sense into her), or utter chaos ...? 😉 @ game ....I'm so in!
BIB - for chaos, obviously. How is this even a question? 😂
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can anyone do my horoscope please @Cassandra333 is this your speciality??

Don't tell me I am going to croak next week have got a lovely new leather handbag to use first😆😆😆
can anyone do my horoscope please @Cassandra333 is this your speciality??

Don't tell me I am going to croak next week have got a lovely new leather handbag to use first😆😆😆
Here you go Nana!
I'm a Scorpio I thought you were one but you're a Sagittarius! 🥰
Birth Date Astrology for people born on November 30:
Ruled by number 3 and the planet Jupiter. You are a practical, energetic, business minded, brilliant and an optimistic person. This year will be highly significant for working and professional women, as they will prosper in their respective fields. Speculation in property and stocks will bring in handsome results. New romance will be exciting but short-lived. Chances of overseas education for few students who are looking for a better career. Journey or pilgrimage will provide comfort and peace. The months of April, July, September and November will be important.
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Thanks Lady Muck, here is our blogger.

Lady C said it first, they are separated and this seems to be confirmed by their own Farsewholes website.
The Stoat took a trip to Hawaii alone, he is done and the Ho is done. There's trouble between them over the docuseries, which The Ho wants to go ahead even if the memoir is dropped.
They managed to maintain the facade of their deep love for each other at HM's funeral, but it's a sham and they have violent arguments with The Ho screaming and vicious.
At the Thanksgiving charity event, no H, and old photos are being released.
In the Elton John video they were distant, not touching and it was forced. H looked unlike himself and stoned. Great unease and discomfort between them.
This blogger trusts and supports Lady C.
It looks as though Ashley Cole gave her a swerve when she tried to snag him in her
Penis-Fly-Trap. I doubt she was interested in him for himself, but if she'd snared him he would have been an entree to a WAG wealthy footballer world. She'd soon have found some other footballer and dumped him like she did Cory. She's such a racist she doesn't date black men.
She's Caucasian apart from her role in accusing the RF of racism, where she has no choice but to be a POC as even she couldn't accuse them of racism against a Caucasian Ho.
Since Porker she's moved on, and has found it lucrative to smear tanning stuff on bits of her body - depending on the audience and who she wants to bully into submission.
Penis fly trap🙈🙈🤣🤣🤣
Nearly pissed meself🤣🤣

Pleade can that be worked into a thread title?
Not sure if the profanity filter will substitute penis with a random word though.
Hopefully not.
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Okay, once more with feeling. Sigh. I think you're missing the point I was making. You can sneer at the harkles all you want, that's what we're all here to do. But you don't sneer at every day people (conspiracy theorists etc) because it's wrong. You don't know them, you don't know what they're actually saying and if you do, this is the wrong thread to discuss it in. My point is that you shouldn't be looking down on and questioning the intelligence of other groups of people. It makes you look stupid.
And that's all I'm going to say because we're way off topic and I need to bitch more about smeg.
No worries. Conspiracy theories are a personal bug bear.
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Sooo Cat lady has just left She Loves Me ( can't blame Her ) And she says I perfect to rehome one of thier cats I have asked Her to enquire about the lovely Ginger Tom I have set my heart on , I am over the flipping Moon :m:m:m:m😁
cfingers crossed @Zippy2000 do hope he won't try to oust Tom never mind, he can be his understudy🐱🐱🐱

I would have asked for a refund and a valium to get me over the shock of seeing her mug as soon as I walked in - pathetic stunt 🤣. As someone else said they are just cut and paste from magazines not even original photos - I would have preferred piccies of the dogs tbh 🙂
Pathetic stunt I say Cupid Stunt!!
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If I ever meet the royals, I am going in with duct tape over my mouth and plugs in my ears. It's the only way to be safe!
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VIP Member
Thanks Lady Muck, here is our blogger.

Lady C said it first, they are separated and this seems to be confirmed by their own Farsewholes website.
The Stoat took a trip to Hawaii alone, he is done and the Ho is done. There's trouble between them over the docuseries, which The Ho wants to go ahead even if the memoir is dropped.
They managed to maintain the facade of their deep love for each other at HM's funeral, but it's a sham and they have violent arguments with The Ho screaming and vicious.
At the Thanksgiving charity event, no H, and old photos are being released.
In the Elton John video they were distant, not touching and it was forced. H looked unlike himself and stoned. Great unease and discomfort between them.
This blogger trusts and supports Lady C.
It looks as though Ashley Cole gave her a swerve when she tried to snag him in her
Penis-Fly-Trap. I doubt she was interested in him for himself, but if she'd snared him he would have been an entree to a WAG wealthy footballer world. She'd soon have found some other footballer and dumped him like she did Cory. She's such a racist she doesn't date black men.
She's Caucasian apart from her role in accusing the RF of racism, where she has no choice but to be a POC as even she couldn't accuse them of racism against a Caucasian Ho.
Since Porker she's moved on, and has found it lucrative to smear tanning stuff on bits of her body - depending on the audience and who she wants to bully into submission.
I learn so many new things here. 💗
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Tangent Tiger

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Happy birthday Nutty! 🎂 💫

Time to use the new handbag to thwack miscreants out of your path! (you can blame it on senility ;) 💕)
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